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File: 347 KB, 1331x1283, SmartSelect_20190612-090517_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14111300 No.14111300 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the smartphone market collapsing? Is it because $1500 meme phones are as useful as $200 ones?

>> No.14111344

>why is a thing happening?
>is it because of this obvious reason?

Great post just bought 100k

>> No.14111378

No need to upgrade due to increasingly fewer impactful improvements. I used to buy a new smartphone every 2 years, but now I'll buy a 2 year old used phone instead. Currently running a Pixel XL2 that I got from Craigslist for <25% MSRP.

>> No.14111393

Over priced to begin with, it's all about tricking the normans into longer contracts for their "free" phone .

>> No.14111408

can anyone give examples of $200 phones that are just as useful as meme phones, I'm on a budget but I don't want to get a shitty phone either

>> No.14111421

I need to go back to a flip phone (((they))) wont ve able to track everything I do as much

>> No.14111426

Moto g

>> No.14111439

yeah motorola are pretty good for budget

>> No.14111452

Just buy a used one.
I've had the same phone for over five years, works fine.

>> No.14111453

The upgrades are incremental and its getting hard to tell the difference from one smartphone generation to the next methinks

>> No.14111459

Think again friendo. You better buy old ass technology like a nokia 3310 and even then I don't know if the current infrastructure supports it anymore.

>> No.14111593

I had a S7, bought the 90 dollar knockoff Galaxy from WalMart with nearly identical technical specs and I love it more than the S7 because I was able to put a high cap battery in it. If my battery ever dies I can replace it in 10 seconds. I will never buy another phone without a removable battery until they are no longer manufactured or available used.

>> No.14111615

my Pixel 1 still works great. I brought in to get the screen and chassis replaced once and it only cost me like $99

>> No.14111652

You can replace your own screens for like 30 dollarw fren I've done it twice

>> No.14111657


Moto G6 Plus. Just make sure the wirless channels are available in your area. It's a phone meant for the pajeet market but better than phones twice the price.

>> No.14111658

What model is it?

>> No.14111664

I have a Huawei Mate SE I got for 200 off amazon really good phone

>> No.14111678

The Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989

>> No.14111689
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Sorry bro I'm still here and posting from my China phone

>> No.14111692

Buy a refurbished or used 2018 flagship off of ebay. Last week i got a v30 for $189 and it kicks ass. You could probably get an s9+ or for around the same price.

>> No.14111709

You can pick up a LG V20 for about 140$, and just replace the battery. That's the phone I chose because replacing the battery is so easy, so I'll never have to get a new phone due to the battery, I'll be using this for the next 5 years at least

>> No.14111721

I have a Oneplus 3 I got for 200 used. Its sort of shitty though. The camera sucks and sometimes it freezes for like 2 minutes straight. Like pushing the lock button does nothing.

On the bright side the screen looks nice and the wifi range is real great.

>> No.14111724

'Massacre' has such a negative connotation

>> No.14111766

Perhaps not $200 (more like $400) but yes.

>> No.14111781

I paid 180$ for a xiaomi a2 and I can literally do everything I do with great comfort. Smartphones were for a while a way to show your acquisitve power, exactly like cars. The bubble popped with apple selling a 6kdollar computer.

>> No.14111813

I will never buy another refurbished phone. The previous owner turned it in because it's trash.

I bought a $400 pixel 3a that kicks ass even though it's jewgle.

>> No.14111815

I have a p20 lite I use for when I’m going camping. It’s almost as good as flagships desu.

>> No.14111857

after looking for months i bought a used LG G7 off ebay for like 350, it was basically brand new and i've had no issues for a good 6 months

>> No.14111881


Xiaomi redmi note 7

>> No.14111886

Unironically this

>> No.14111912

this. I got a used one and that nigger broke the camera. I had to fix it myself.

>> No.14111925

Agreed,Thank you for the input. >>14111678, could you please remove your post and do not post it again.

>> No.14112017

Imagine using a browser on mobile

>> No.14112021

Here you are friend:
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.14112049

Tibet is not China
Taiwan is not China
Hong Kong is not China
Falun Gong organ harvesting
Xinjang slave labor camps

>> No.14112059 [DELETED] 

>buys a huawei
>uses a mobile browser
>yotsuba B

>> No.14112069

Hong Kong and Tibet are definitely China, Taiwan not so much. Possession is 9/10 of the law.

>> No.14112099

Galaxy A7 2018.
Bought it a few month ago and works perfectly. Maybe fast charging would be cool but im not missing it.

>> No.14112103

They fucked up making their galaxy 7 phone too powerful. I have no need to upgrade because everything opens in an instant and same for everyone else probably

>> No.14112148

Unironically this.

>> No.14112154

Technical specs on phones are getting to the point where there's no need to upgrade, why would a mobile device need more ram than my desktop?

The only reason I would upgrade at this point would be for a better camera and maybe better audio.

>> No.14112167
File: 1.99 MB, 480x292, 1558769010809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a samsung user, 3 phones in the last decade or so... just changed to xiaomi (pocophone) and it's unbelievably amazing. Similar specs as latest iphone/galaxy for half the price and the battery still last me 1.5 days after decent usage .... Highly recommended

>> No.14112435

Any refurbished flagship from 2017
If you want new just get any $200 samsung and it'll be fine as long as you don't play graphics intense games on your phone

>> No.14112509

yep same for me with my 4 year old s6 edge, bought a grade A refurb which means it was opened and put straight back in the box and was half the price of a brand new one

>> No.14112536

Just rumors of Samsung partnering with ChainLink sends its value down the toilet.

>> No.14112554

>buying chinese backdoors


>> No.14112645

A Nokia 8 can probably still be fast 5 years from now.
A V20 can last an eternity with removable batteries.
But I'd go for a OP7 pro cause I stare at the screen a bit too much not to enjoy a fine OLED. Its battery is easy to remove, too.
Also a galaxy s8 plus looks like a brand new phone and it's around 75% off compared to launch price.

>> No.14112673

buy the pocophone

>> No.14112677

Also instead of buying used, just use a 33% off Amazon via Purse.io. You also get $10 in bitcoin if you follow a referral link like mine - https://purse.io/?_r=diKnMV

>> No.14112690

Not worth, srs.
Its priced the same as a real flagship from last year and it has an ugly screen.
If you use your phone a lot go for an OLED.

>> No.14112697

Iphone SE gang report in

>> No.14112702


>> No.14113026


Don't see many post like this anymore. Have a (you) on the house kid.

>> No.14113097

Brought a lg v30+ for under $200 used running a custom ROM to replace a chink phone with a shattered screen. Remember normies are the biggest consumers

>> No.14113108

When you work in design, the better cameras and oled screens make a huge difference.

>> No.14113130

The Real answer is, Samsung is selling the experience of a $200 phone for $1000.

Thats why iPhones still sell, despite being in the same price range. It's because with an iphone you get an awesomely optimized OS, stainless steel, saphire glass etc.
Samsung tries to sell you a plastic phone with a buggy OS and Bixby for $1000. Yes, it might have a faster processor and a newer gen OLED, but no one gives a fuck about that. It still feels exactly like a xiaomi.

>> No.14113140

i got a refurbished iphone 5 for 50 eurobucks
it doesn't get 4G with all carriers in my country, that's about the only complaint i have

>> No.14113155

had one for years. got it for $1.99 from verizon because both my mom and I refused to upgrade phones for years. before that I had a 4 (maybe S, idk) that was literally $0.99. both were 8g so that was a huge pain in the ass but I didn't really care, I had flip phones (that I loved) up to that point.
t. now have 64g galaxy S9 and unironically love it. better for business, camera quality is awesome, large storage, pdf/excel/etc. all work flawlessly. though, i am paying the phone jew i guess.

>> No.14113177

i feel like the biggest sucker for getting a galaxy S4 a few years back, it was €300 at the time but that's still €200 too much for what it is
fuck every mouthbreather who keeps praising these phones and fuck the tech sites
knockoff local brands are unironically better

>> No.14113199


>> No.14113210

yup, for new and cheap, Moto G(x) Plus, use one daily over some Chink SuperSpec POS, cant even remember model of. Apple are trash but used, iPhone 6+ also still good value, last model with headphone jack, great camera etc.

>> No.14113349

I got a Huawei P30 Pro a few days ago

Absolute piece of shit for a phone
Has plastic for screen instead of glass, literally got a scratch from a Samsung Note 5 phone being in the same pocket.
Camera is shit, takes photoshop pictures even in daylight, potato quality. Good zoom though, and good at night/inside
Screen keps turning off while I am reading it, no eye-detection to keep on
Rounded corners/curved screen just means the usable screen size is narrower

Will sell this for $100 and get a real phone, a samsung s10+

>> No.14113447

samsung j5 2017 or samsung galaxy a3 2017

>> No.14113451

While that was clearly awful it was a long time ago. If you're gonna do that then talk about MK Ultra too and hold that against the US cause it was far wider spanning, longer duration, and had a higher body count

>> No.14113460
File: 56 KB, 611x660, zuk-z2-pro-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the equavilant of the z2 pro today but still cheaper?

>> No.14113481


Smasung Galaxy On5. Free phone from 2 yrs ago. Get at me.

>> No.14113511

Xiamo phones are pretty good, got a M1 A1 last year for 200 bucks and it's the best phone I've ever had (I used to have Iphone and Galaxy S).

>> No.14113524

>Free phone
there is no such thing as a free phone

>> No.14113568

Iphone are garbage, mine always had an issue after 1 or 2 years (being sound or screen) despite taking care of it and the fact the ecosystem is so closed (it doesn't let you install what you want) made it a deal breaker.

They had an edge maybe up to the 4th generation but now there is not a single reason to have an Iphone unless you are trapped in it or think phones are a way to exhibit status.

>> No.14113590


> bring 4yr old Nexus 6 to cricket
> get free On5 as a new customer
> get $55 unlimited everything
> have rooted Nexus 6 to tether internet to comp, PS4 n tv
> legit don't pay for internet service cause phone
> Nexus 6 breaks cause drop
> root On5 to use SD card cause 8gb storage
> now use On5 for it all

Was surprised it actually works well. Saving up for a device when 5g becomes a thing.

But sorry you're stupid and can't overcome the kikes.

>> No.14113592

Well, you are not supposed to hold onto your iphone for longer than 2 years grandpa. And they opened the ecosystem now.

>> No.14113644

>82 tabs
Now I'm curious

>> No.14113649

>"Well, you are not supposed to hold onto your iphone for longer than 2 years grandpa"
>I need the lastest toy to brag among other normies

Pure normie mindset.

>> No.14113669

Yeah except you can talk openly about MK Ultra in the US without fear of disappearing

>> No.14113784

Not really. You can talk about it, but you will be viewed as a tinfoil retard, because the whole thing has been subverted by shills, exactly like with 9/11. If you start talking about 9/11 or MK Ultra at all everyone instantly assumes you are chemtrail watches and ancient aliens believer.

>> No.14113839

>everyone instantly assumes you are chemtrail watches and ancient aliens believer
Except the people in real life that I hear talking about MK Ultra are exactly that.

>> No.14114137

Lg g6 reporting in. This anon gets it.

>> No.14114835

Anyone with impressions from Razer Phone 2? I'm thinkgen of buying when my Moto G5 plus starts dying.

>> No.14114892

iphone or android one family. uninstallable shitty apps and monitoring from samsung and huawei fuck up your performance and privacy

>> No.14114997

Redpill me on Google pixer 3a. Is it a good buy for $379?

>> No.14115191


S5 and older models were shit. I'm still using an s6 I bought end 2015 for 260 brand new. Getting a samsung phone on release is retarded because prices always crash significantly in a month or two.

S6 was the game changer for Samsung, the first phone remotely comparable to the iPhone and break the 1 year lagdroid meme.

>> No.14115849

This. I plan to keep using the Nexus 6 I've owned since 2015 for a couple more years and then buying a Pixel 3a when they're 1/10 of the current price.

>> No.14115885

dude. people bought that at launch for like $200.

>> No.14115949

That's bs

>> No.14115995

>Paying to have your data mined
plebbit. a 15 year old Alcatel still does the job

>> No.14116211

Is it possible to unpozz a smartphone from any manufacturer? It's been sort of nice having one for a while but now that it's near death I don't think I'll get another one if I can't avoid reporting every aspect of my life to google.

>> No.14116252

Nope. Get an old nokia brick

>> No.14116785

they got greedy and went full retard

>> No.14116806

Got a Galaxy s7 edge for about $150 last year

>> No.14116840

I can charge my phone in 20 minutes at around 65% to 100%

>> No.14116897

>Is it because $1500 meme phones are as useful as $200 ones?

New generation phones are barely noticeably better than the previous generation. Why bother upgrading?

>> No.14116905

im considering buying a nokia phone that supports the new android os with the stady security updates
i fucking hate smartphones though, using them always feels like im in the special olympics, so im putting it off as long as possible

>> No.14116943

If smartphones can pack so much in such a small size, where can I buy a high power gaymen PC the size of a Harry Potter book? Or are PCs only still big because people tend to build them themselves?

>> No.14116963

My nuclear arsenal begs to differ.

>> No.14117049
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I've been rocking a quad core 4gb Motorola universal unlocked phone for some 3 years. Cost was $280. I still get all the Android updates.
Never ever buy replacement insurance, just add it to your home or renters insurance. The yearly premium will be less than the monthly rip off phone replacement plans.

>> No.14117090
File: 137 KB, 774x743, 1552849626261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14117110

I downgraded from an S7 to an S4 and hardly noticed a difference. I just go to the local arab nerd guy and ask what he has for less than $200 every year or so.

>> No.14117123

>will never even consider joining the army, nor will be ever able to due to practical disability

>> No.14117193

i am using my Nexus 6 right now, but only to browse the chans in bed. i can't wrap my mind around the fact that some people still use it on a daily basis. it is sluggish as hell

>> No.14117203

I still rock a flip phone.
Dana White still uses one and he has a networth of 500MM
Just sayin'

>> No.14117207

I bought a LG G3 many years ago for $200. I installed lineage OS on it. It was made in 2014 but still runs better than most new phones. I also don't run google apps on it. No google ad ware draining my battery. It has a removable SD card and replaceable battery so its great for traveling since I just take 2 replacement batteries and can go a week without charging. I don't use any case or screen protector and dropped it many times. Its busted up and scratched on the sides but works perfectly fine. Hopefully I can use this phone for the rest of my life and never have to "upgrade" to the absolute shit they peddle today.

>> No.14117557

Buy only refurbished by the manufacturer.

>> No.14117733

Except everyone who has seen a Samsung OLED next to a shitty Xiaomi LCD prefers the OLED. That''s why Xiaomi are only selling their crap online - so you'd compare specs and not how the phone looks irl.
A Poco costs as much as a previous gen Samsung flagship, it would take an absolute retard to go for the Chinese crap phone. If you want to save some bucks just go for a cheaper phone with Samsung OLED aka a OnePlus 5

>> No.14117773

Who the fuck cares? I've noticed only the very poor care about phones, rich people just get an iPhone (slightly easier to use) or wherever shitphone is on hand.

>> No.14117822


I would agree but the fucking software updates and app updates are designed for the latest model. So even my Galaxy S8 runs slow sometimes.


>> No.14117836


He probably has an Assistant following him around doing all his smartphoning for him though

>> No.14118036


>he still doesn't know that Samsung purposely program their OS like dogshit to create a simulated speed increase when upgrading their phone

that's just Samsung software running as intended anon. my pixel 1 gets regular updates and runs as fast as it did 3 years ago.