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14108129 No.14108129 [Reply] [Original]

what r ur thoughts on this guy?

im actually reading his book bout those 12 rules.. seems interesting, i see patterns that i've used to find in other publication from wide spectrum of science like biology, phycics, psycho stuff etc.

i have mixed fellingz about various 'holy books' agonizing but i understand their meanings and fact we kind of judge 'them', and 'people' (the humanity) who lived before and wrote them from our position. the, so called cognitive paradox. i guess im non-believer yet im able to agree religion was/is important..

ive turned 30 lately and i have existential problems ;d

>> No.14108214

A very onions, cucked, and bluepilled man. He is controlled opposition put in place to prevent the fringe from becoming conservative. I want to hate him, but I hate the retards who fall for his shit even more.

>> No.14108220


>> No.14108263

oh god, cant u have a fuckin discussion? r u busy masturbating to japanesse bukkake porn?

>> No.14108276

This is bait.

>> No.14108282

>Gives his opinion.
I know this is bait but fuck you you got me bro.

>> No.14108283

Faux-avuncular faggot for weak people with daddy issues.

>> No.14108301

not baiting any1..
from dozen of books, essays, scientific papers ive read i can see that there is a pattern which go across left and right. yet if the only conlusion u can come up with is onion, bait, nazi, bluepill.. w/e

>> No.14108315

that actually might be right, but if u r missing something (i am for example to feminized cos of my authoritarian mother) why cant u go and look for the answers?

>> No.14108335


>> No.14108340

pseudo-intellectual fraud whose main purpose is to keep whites away from nationalism so that white genocide can proceed as planned. the self-help shit is pretty standard for any cult scam to lure you in and grab your shekels.

>> No.14108348

actually any of u morons have read that book, or any book at all in the entire life? im not taking the higher moral ground but cant decide im being baited lol.

>> No.14108461

He makes a lot of sense on human psychology.
I'm also yet to hear him say anything not objectively sound.

>> No.14108485

You ha.......you have the fucking ENTIRE hisssssssssstory of books at your fingertips from straight from t he wisest men to have ver fcuking lived on this planet, ever, in history, thousands of years INSTANTLY downloadable..................................... and you're reading some fucking Canadian YouTube hack rug salesman over them
Start with the pre-socratics you fucking spastic and dont ever make this thread again

reported for off topic ad spam
kys for making me type this out i hope you get hit by a bus

>> No.14108507

scientology 2020

>> No.14108520
File: 336 KB, 1536x2048, 62268872_390938124855760_77107135548227584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read fuckin socrates u dumb fuck.
a piece of literature i had by my hand

>> No.14108522
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>he's still on the pre-socratics

>> No.14108523

genuinely interested if you said this because it was the most ridiculous thing you could think of or if you actually believe it

>> No.14108546
File: 160 KB, 880x647, Aristoteles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr start with the Greeks
It's all downhill from Aristotle onwards if you want to go down that route.

>> No.14108578
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>I'm also yet to hear him say anything not objectively sound.
actually i fell the same. he mentioned about achieving goals - there is entire chapter about it - which r sometimes in opposition to each other and ive heared the same from leftits bloggers and writters like on the pic below.

>> No.14108598

>im actually reading

stop reading the guardian. they're left-wing radicals and they lie a lot.

> Isn’t it more likely that the orcs, who live in dire poverty, actually support Sauron because he represents the liberal forces of science and industrialisation, in the face of a brutally oppressive conservative social order?


>> No.14108624

i dont read them, ive just looked for wide opinion on his ideas. was wondering what mass media force u to think about him.

>> No.14108644

why do you care for the opinions of manipulators and liars? don't you have any confidence in your own conclusions?

>> No.14108684
File: 335 KB, 1242x2208, 954FEF28-C0BD-4999-8343-DF6B71A05038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate. Also Peterson helped in court to defend rich pedophiles.

>> No.14108685

u see, im 30yo, and ive been medium alco addict - sober for 6 years, i've had neurosis crysis with depression episode - clean for 8 years, and i managed to do it thanks to litsening other people opnions and ideas. i guess there are some people able to do it on their own. im not that kind of person. ive travelled the world around for two years, basicly i've seen a lot in my life and im genuily interested in debate. different points of view.

>> No.14108707

Books is good when it's not banging on about god.

>> No.14108718

but afair there is no god issue discuseed in this book ?

>> No.14108808

That's based and wise you lil fucking bitch

>> No.14108899


>> No.14108974

>Jordan Peterson

That's one way to spot an uninformed author. He's a moderate liberal.

>> No.14109003

all bait, based CRT posters

>> No.14109078

Of course it's based and wise, nice reading comprehension.
I said it's downhill from Aristotle onwards, implying Aristotle was the peak of human philosophical achievement.

>> No.14109119

Alienated cunt. All his thinking is based on homo sapiens living in civilization. Not in the primitive tribe. Of course current society turn people crazy. An other follower of political economy as a solution to our problems. He thinks you can turn shit into silver. You can't.

>> No.14109144

He's a good teacher, clinician and scientist. He has some interesting ideas pertaining to mostly Jungian stuff too.

>> No.14109294
File: 52 KB, 546x550, 18EDB0A1-3430-4DBC-AC2F-49EA4B522C76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this dude is pathetic. Literal 30 year old boomer....kys pls.

>> No.14109316

Watch his debate with Zizek. An old homeless deluded man showed an intellectual capability 1000x higher than Peterson's

>> No.14109328
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>this person was born before me, therefore his opinions are invalid

>> No.14109340

Zizek is an idiot.

In the first part of that debate he claims people who are concerned about mass immigration are pathological because they are concerned.
By that logic, being concerned about your own child walking towards traffic is "wrong".

>> No.14109348

>In the first part of that debate he claims people who are concerned about mass immigration are pathological because they are concerned.

Can you give me the exact quote, I think you might have misrepresented his position a little bit here

>> No.14109555

"despite the great problems with refugees, the populist story about them is a lie"

The context is a basic assertion by Lacan that "even if a jealous husband is correct about his cheating wife, his jealousy is nonetheless pathological"

>> No.14109591

So basically he's saying "even if the populists are in many ways correct about mass immigration (and he admits they are), their concern is nonetheless pathological".

>> No.14109755

any catholic who isn't anti-semite to the core of his bones is not really catholic

>> No.14109824
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>> No.14109826
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>how dangerous is jordan b peterson, the rightwing professor who hit a hornets nest
i.e.: how dangerous is this college professor and researcher who has never in his life been known to act violently or incite violence, but with whom i personally disagree with politically
MSM is unironically retarded and any "journalists" should be ashamed of his or her profession

>> No.14109838

See >>14109078

>> No.14109861

makes more sense, he foresaw multiple modern arguments for retarded "philosophies" and rebutted them shortly

>> No.14110163

wow such an original take. doesn't sound like the pol mantra at all.

>> No.14110190

>I don't like it so it's /pol/
Pigeonholing may make you feel better but it doesn't change the objective truth.

>> No.14110267
File: 28 KB, 280x373, 64411216_1272895799545537_2843266314137501696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for good talk, been busy cleaning and re-aranging one of my rigs..

as i said, I like the evolutionary approach to psychology which also takes into account the impact of the development of the broadly understood global human civilization, from monkeys, by monkeys gathering to the agrarian revolution, and after flights to space..yes the god thing annoys me a bit, yet the his aproach to stories gathered by our ancestors..before ive read his books, ive called bible and others.. the big data of human civ..
i really found some of the statements in the book at least interesting..

>> No.14110338

They were talking about different things. They should have decided on a specific point or a text to debate beforehand.

>> No.14110411

Not even right wing. Moderately conservative normie-tier self help scammer who is worshipped by redditors.