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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14105049 No.14105049 [Reply] [Original]

seems theres a few of us on the board tonight.
whats the escape plan?
>lmao get a job you fgt
i have one but its shit, working more would interrupt my 18 hours per day of sleep anyway

>> No.14105082
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>18 hours per day of sleep
>has depression

Oh I wonder why

>> No.14105096
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go long on exercise, vitamins, good diet, the right medication and therapy, and force yourself to stop sleeping so much. Also if you have some sort of unresolved problem with someone, just fucking talk to them about it, it's the only way it gets better
t. had depression since I was a child and it's getting better
>inb4 (((medication)))
I know at least half of you faggots use drugs of some kind

>> No.14105168

i dont watch porn, eat junk food, take meds, smoke weed or drink alcohol.
i do exercise and im pretty social when im in work, ive no problem speaking to people but its mostly on autopilot, it usually leaves me exhausted.
spending a lot of time on the internet consuming endless streams of shit and sleeping like a retard i am guilty of though, havent had friends in years and speak to my family maybe twice a year.

the habits are a symptom of another problem, the sleep for me is a painkiller in the same way weed is for others.
im not looking for excuses, i know im a fuck up but money would solve a few problems for me, i just have no idea how to get some

>> No.14105240
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a few bad years when i was teenager caused this but theres no 1 person i can speak to about what went on, was a whole load of things that came together.
basically was left alone for 3 years from 13-16 (father was awol with his new wife, older siblings left home, whore mother moved in with her new boyfriend) that set of a chain of events such as leaving school early, having no friends because i was too poor to do things like buy shoes that fit, leaving home early, working all sorts of shit jobs, having to move cities and start fresh a couple of times etc etc and ive never recovred.

thats all in the past though and dredging it up over and over is something i do naturally, its impossible to change everything that happened.