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File: 1.44 MB, 956x954, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14091044 No.14091044 [Reply] [Original]

heard of NUKE dawg?? NUKEs are bigger and better BOMBs.

Crypto me riches with that free airdrop,,
daily prizes,,

moon like hiroshima

discord = invite/6yWt6Xv

>> No.14091060


>> No.14091062

eat my ass

>> No.14091066

Delete this. Waiting for the free airdrop and don’t want more competition to get it desu. Biz isn’t worthy of this.

>> No.14091068

what? last thing i need is some inflated shit coin

>> No.14091071

NUKE me daddy

>> No.14091075

As a rocket scientist, I confirm nukes are bigger and better bombs!

>> No.14091081

>inflated shitcoin

hyper deflationary currency

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14091082

comfy waitin for my 100 nukes. also waiting for the devs to announce the games that they are working on. imagine not getting in on this free airdrop. literally bomb 2.0

there’s plenty to go around dude don’t be like that

>> No.14091083

What is this ? I used to play half life

Cmon fwen plz tell us

>> No.14091084

what the fuck is a deflationary currency? are you retarded? no ones done that before.

>> No.14091086

The Developer HODLs 90% of Nike tokens LMAO. SCAM

>> No.14091098
File: 267 KB, 738x456, sbahj god damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this coin, dare i say it, truly based and redpilled?

>> No.14091099

>tfw your coin's identity is entirely derived from copying another more successful coin

>> No.14091101
File: 151 KB, 1280x1259, photo_2019-06-10_17-30-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RachelSatoshi mod in telegram is a scam artist, watch out. thispersondoesnotexist.com profile pic. already scammed me out of eth for some of these worthless nuke tokens

>> No.14091102
File: 221 KB, 1924x947, No nuke for u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free airdrops he says
>but why is the airdrop closed
>OP is a fag

>> No.14091115
File: 46 KB, 354x609, EF7C4A8D-0FA6-4121-855A-C4460193989E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free airdrop token like bomb but with decimals and 2% burn + games being built on it as we speak.

it’s literally the opposite of that. 100 nuke worth about an eth right now at current market price.

also look at all these gets and green id’s. this is unironically our token now. Btfo stinky linkies

>> No.14091120

Whats this Nike coin you are talking about fren?

>> No.14091128


Where can I get ? Mew? Or wait for IDEX ty

>> No.14091140
File: 1.07 MB, 1242x1242, iwant that nuke pleas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14091143

confirmed scam top 20 addresses belong to developer no intention of fully fulfilling the airdrops and already shilling for sales hard https://etherscan.io/token/0xc58c0fca06908e66540102356f2e91edcaeb8d81#balances

>> No.14091153
File: 56 KB, 500x522, 42617DE6-6A65-4E52-889B-91D1ECC6D190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be btfo’d by etherscan if you’d just open your eyes and check. It’s literally being given away for free. You sound like a retarded bomb holder. Be very afraid.

Bombs design is fatally flawed. Buy 2 bomb tokens and one gets burned. Devs didn’t realize this when they made it. Nuke is superior and also free....

>thinking this person exists
How new are you?
>worthless tokens
Current market price is around .01 eth. So you’re larping there as well.

>fudding a free airdrop
They closed it for now so they could get a hold on the 600+ people that have signed up for it. Discord has over 1000 members. If you’re not getting in on the free airdrop when it opens then you’re braindead.

>> No.14091156

Who decided a nuke was worth $2.46 already? Where is the volume? No way 100 nuke is worth an ETH already

>> No.14091171

then why are people trading it

>> No.14091172

>being airdropped
of course devs are holding more tokens. theyre giving them away for free you fucknut. if this is the best fud you have then you’re in for it

>> No.14091179

The anonymous dev(s)? are going to dump all of their coins on you all as soon as they can. Even the rest of the half life team hasn't figured this out yet. It's all a scam.
Don't even need a dev for a smart contract token. Issued, no need for a dev anymore except to dump coins.

>> No.14091187

This is a scam. Same as bomb

>> No.14091204

How else they going to do an airdrop you absolute brainlet

>> No.14091216

you realize him selling would sky rocket the price right, bc of the auto burn? lol bomb tards on suicide watch.

>> No.14091225

>devs are going to dump their coins
meanwhile they’re giving them away for free. you aren’t this retarded are you? you sound like a salty bomb holder though

>bombs a scam
check the price of it. it’s just flawed, that’s all. come up with better fud next time

>> No.14091227

Impossible to accumulate this shit, there is fuck all liquidity

>> No.14091244

Lol this is a special kind of retarded right here. Hurrrrre devs going to dump but are giving coins for free. In what world does this make sense? Kys bomb fag

>> No.14091270
File: 78 KB, 656x500, CE72EFA0-04E4-45D3-852D-C7A2BFA97BFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta start somewhere anon, if you look at it from a stand point of a inflationary coin like btc then yeah it's hard to accumulate, but if you realize nuke will autoburn down to the 16th decimal before it stabilizes then you know that it's easy to grab a whole nuke.

You only need one to make it.

>> No.14091271

>not for sale yet
>only airdrop

BuT I CaNt GeT AnY So It SuCkS!!111

>> No.14091275

i licked my screen and tasted the salt
poorfags cant handle freebie explosives

>> No.14091278


> Bombs design is fatally flawed. Buy 2 bomb tokens and one gets burned. Devs didn’t realize this when they made it

This is the whole point to the coin, it's a "flaw" if it was trying to do something but it's there by design. BOMB is an experiment with the idea of hyperdeflation, and it doesn't claim to try to solve any problems or have any use cases.

I can respect that NUKE is different with 2% burn per transfer and actual divisibility, but I think saying that it's a "fatal flaw" is inaccurate when it's intended to be experimental with this feature.

>Nuke is superior and also free....

Having divisibility essentially multiplies the total amount of coins. If you have 1 million coins with 3 decimals of divisibility, it becomes 1 billion coins, with only human mentality of wanting to own certain integer amounts stopping that idea. I'm interested in seeing which project will gain greater value, given these differences, but arguing superiority so soon is just blatant tribalism. Basing your coin's identity off of mocking a nearly identical coin is just dumb and makes it seem more like a ripoff or scam. Respect both sides and do your own thing.

>> No.14091283

The tokens will be timelocked by Sunday, what fud will you make up then?

>> No.14091288

If it deflates too fast no one is going to buy in after a year fuckhead. The only novel idea it has is being openly a pump and dump scheme.

>> No.14091290
File: 18 KB, 384x384, FFC734AA-8D2E-4B2A-9D61-8B38FA74F88F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 nuke has been traded for 1 eth multiple times. Check the nuke etherscan page.

You will say the same thing when it's $10, $20, $30.

Thats because you missed out and you afraid to get in now and whenever someone misses out on a easy win they call it a scam.

Thus is life.

>> No.14091298
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 15F42767-F5E4-4FB4-BD8C-22F680628072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14091308
File: 4 KB, 229x128, 440ABB51-172A-454F-91AB-7F1A0FFD657B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having divisibility essentially multiplies the total amount of coins. If you have 1 million coins with 3 decimals of divisibility, it becomes 1 billion coins

See this is why I hate you bomb fags. You make up retarded shit that doesn't make sense and try to pass it off as fact. Everyone knows that having 0.02 btc is not having a whole coin, but here you are spouting fucking nonsense.

>> No.14091317
File: 281 KB, 1280x1280, B802F79A-B8B0-4276-BD49-C12BDFFFB160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Exactly this. Nuke will be around in ten years. Bomb won't.

>> No.14091318

It literally does one thing and doesn’t do that one thing all that great. Coin burning is cool but if that’s all that it does then it is useless out side of that. Nuke has use cases which you will see laid out in the up and coming weeks. Bomb transfers are too expensive for the average person. Buy 2 bomb and 1 gets burned. This is a huge hinderance and will deter many from participating if the price gets high enough. Bomb devs are too short sighted. Nuke does it and does it better. Simple as that. Bombs code is flawed and not feasible going into the future. Don’t be so short sighted anon. Deflation is only one aspect of nuke. It’s the only aspect bomb has so yeah. Can’t compare the two besides the deflation part.

>> No.14091327

Actually I'm just waiting for the next airdrop to scoop up my 50.

I'm not trying to FUD, but this seems like the idea behind me selling my brother my socks for $2,000 each. Sure, those socks were valued for $1,000 apiece by *someone*, but not *everyone* when they eventually open to a real market.

So that's why I doubt. If it hits some exchange and stays at $2.46, then great, I will be happy to hold my 50 when I get it. I'm not gonna be salty or deny free money. I just want to know if it's real.

>> No.14091351

unironically this. im pretty sure he holds bomb and is somewhat worried at what nuke is doing. make gains on both if you wish but there’s a new sheriff in town. i dumped bomb yesterday near ath. it may go up again, sure, but it is nothing special in comparison to nuke. not to mention that bomb is $8 for a deflationary coin and nuke is free but levels ahead tech-wise. also it doesn’t look good fudding a coin that is being given away for free.

>> No.14091354

I already signed up for the airdrop but I want at least 1000

>> No.14091356

Sure, these are valid arguments and not based on tribalism. This early in the project these arguments can't be proven, but if it's the idea behind the project, then I can respect it. Thank you for being level-headed.

Then we have this guy, who picks one sentence out of a message full of fairness and justification of the argument, just to yell and be immature about how loyal he is to his coin. Great job buddy.

>> No.14091367
File: 3.02 MB, 1125x2436, C3BC6D7F-A499-498A-AC92-53CB54D21D37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NUKE is Bomb V2.0

>> No.14091368

I got 200 from the bomb airdrop. I plan to hold it until around $20.

I try not to be blindly tribalistic and childishly loyal to any given coin. I respect both projects and I'd rather see reasonable discourse than desperate elitism from either side.

>> No.14091372

The shilling for shitcoins is really subpar recently. Is this is D list discord shilling team?

>> No.14091391

They closed airdrop wtf devs

>> No.14091400

Fuckheads like u are the reason they closed airdrop fucking pajeet tier by using more than one address.

>> No.14091404
File: 643 KB, 934x738, 1560135296931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their discord channel has Rick and Morty emojis....

It's like a bunch of reddit bugpeople

>> No.14091406
File: 30 KB, 779x394, 1170E0B6-0DA9-4A04-9FF5-94F9BBB64574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just telling you the problem I have with bomb fags. If you want to evade and change the subject about your weird ass behavior of making up nonsense then you do you boo boo.

>> No.14091412

He's right. I'm embarrassed that is true. This is a legitimate criticism of nuke.

>> No.14091416

only temporarily locked for the dev team to filter out fake addresses (bots, etc).
i heard over 500 addresses applied for the airdrop, so it will be reopened as soon as they have finished that.

>> No.14091431

Yeah this thread was linked in Discord, and predictably we had a bunch of hotheads screech about how much better their coin is instead of honestly debate which is better.

People are so desperate for free money from a new unknown coin that they'll relentlessly mock a similar project just doing their own thing.

Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum vs. ICX (I think), Vechain vs. Waltonchain, the crypto community is full of autists who think the only way to get up is to put others down. And maybe that's true, but it's still immature, and doesn't help to bring validity to the crypto space as a whole.

Grow up please

>> No.14091440

I guess I just don’t like huge risks either. Missed the bomb ride and don’t want to spend $8 for one, once I heard about nuke and that it was free then I had to get in. Then after spending some time within the community it seems pretty solid. They said they’re also working on a Mercatox listing too so we’ll see how that pans out. If nothing happens from this then I didn’t lose anything but maybe some time. It will be interesting to see how it plays out, you’re right

>> No.14091450

its a free token, if you don’t have the effort to get you some especially seeing what bomb accomplished then you cant be helped but just remember this in a month.

>> No.14091461

cant let zealots form your whole opinion of things too. True, there are some dyed in the wool here but they dont speak for the whole project. Keep it on your radar, its going to be around for awhile. Feel free to ask anything and ignore them. Lots of smart folks in there that have the answers, even if all of them dont make it to 4chins

>> No.14091470

Yeah I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy BOMB. It's stupid to buy now, the only people benefiting are those with infinite gains from their free airdrops, like me.

I'd like for people to understand a project. I'm not trying to defend BOMB because I want people to buy it, I just want them to be reasonable about why and where it's better or worse than NUKE.

>> No.14091473
File: 230 KB, 500x500, vaporwhare_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there no risk involved with something given for free, they don't even want a kyc. just post an ETH addy and wait for the magic to happen cuz

>> No.14091493


>> No.14091508

right there with you on this. i invited a few of my friends irl. these are the same guys that I told to buy crypto in november and they made out pretty well. they keep asking when the airdrop is opening again.

>> No.14091573
File: 51 KB, 576x433, 153DADD1-181E-448B-ABBC-0FB87009F229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guys in it for the technology. Fucking kek.

>> No.14092331

im in it for the airdrop and to play games. this is going to be good. 0 risk count me the fuck in

>> No.14092581

The absolute state of crypto but fuck count with my nuke