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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14087734 No.14087734 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see, Binance tommorrow. Then first Dubai hot sauce(which should be soon now Ramadan is over), then mainnet, then stealing Eth dapps through FTM's partnership with the Ethereum alliance membership. Not to mention everything else Michael and Andre have up their sleeves. Do the math.

>> No.14087762

I only have 15k but have never been this comfy, eoy returns on this will keep me a neet for a long time

>> No.14087823

Binance countdown https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190611T04&p0=1440&msg=Fantom+Binance+listing+-+https%3A%2F%2Fbinance.zendesk.com%2Fhc%2Fen-us%2Farticles%2F360029028772&font=sanserif&csz=1

>> No.14087836

Good lad, I hope this is the new IOTA next bull season

>> No.14087903
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I dumped my bags sry anon...

Mainet: delayed as every fucking dag out there (if you dont get why you are low IQ) =dump

so dump+dump

Why would anyone hold after 300% in 30 days kek

>> No.14087939

Yeah I was actually gonna buy some FTM last week, but it had just pumped 200% in 14 days or something so I was waiting for correction.

Still a lot of upside but it's waaaay to risky at these levels for me.

If it dumps 20% tonight I'll buy some maybe. I think it's going to keep going up though, but if I buy it'll dump 1000%

>> No.14087987

I can see the sweat dropping down your cheek. Mainnet is not delayed, it is being added to Binance tommorrow and the Dubai hot sauce is imminent. Fewls like you get chopped up once new price discovery occurs. Weak hands not welcome.

>> No.14088070
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Lol i learned my lession holding on shit thet allready went parabolic during 2017 its your turn now i guess.

I did 450% in 60 days and allready in new lowcap gems.. I really wish you luck and ftm to go up foreva but I kinda doubt it.

>> No.14088090

Try using that technique with Iota, Antshares, hell even Matic and Raven. Your thinking is too rigid.

>> No.14088105

>I really wish you luck

You shook now that you have sold.

>> No.14088108
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And before "sold eth for 30$ memes" I was there literally everyone in space buzzed about eth, real statement droping partnerships left and right, this is NOTHING like it its literally another binance pump thats all..

>> No.14088239

Antshares IOTA, ETH. It's all the same. Have you even listened to the Cronje interviews? This coin is superior to IOTA and ETH, it can onboard Ethereum DAPPS in 5 minutes, and it is faster and cheaper than Ethereum. If you haven't done the research that is your own problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZou3DrhXnw



>> No.14088314
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You retards post as reaerch 3 payed yt shill videos where Andre talks about anything but tech kek

>> No.14089165

LINK $1000 end of year

>> No.14089298

this, plus whenever /biz/ seems to agree on something, it doesn't happen.
This will continue pumping until 100 million mc, or will pull a harmony at worse and never be under the current price.

>> No.14089475

Discord tranny detected
>keep buying the top anon, there's an obscure "partnership" that might happen