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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 189 KB, 500x718, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1408275 No.1408275 [Reply] [Original]


Based Dev Team Secures TrumpCoin.com Address W/ Their Own Money

www.trumpcoin.com <--- Brand New & Improved

https://twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets <--- Official Twitter
www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

Now an officially registered LLC!
>Link to the SCC filling

When TrumpCoin was established, a substantial fund was set aside to support the election of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. By using TrumpCoin, you're helping support the value of the Trump Fund so we can make a Trump sized impact this November and beyond.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and
demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a TrumpCoin
becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes.


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

http://www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
http://www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin

>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin


They're actually doing it, the absolute mad men!

Even bigger things to come...

>> No.1408286
File: 247 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD to Trump when? I'm ready to put in a few grand

>> No.1408304

Yobit, wtf...

>> No.1408306

My speculation is within one week. It seems like it is/should be a very high priority and I'm sure the Devs realize this too.
This would get rid of the biggest barrier to entry into TrumpCoin.

>> No.1408309

people always claim,"I wish I knew about bitcoin in 2011"
No you don't. Chances are you really don't.
If you look at all the forum posts from 2010,2011 on the bitcoin forums and see all these early adapters singing it's praise, referencing hundreds, thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of bitcoins they have and they're discussing economic theory and having thought discussions about what if the coin hits $x? Then you look at some of their more recent posts and they are still coping around some NEET sub-board with obvious indications they are not wealthy or even rich for that matter, it's clear.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who were there early who have killed themselves and a lot larger group who have never recovered emotionally.

I'm glad I wasn't involved in bitcoin early - because as a rational agent, I know I would have sold well before $1.
I'm also glad I can learn from my hypothetical experience of "going through this" before with bitcoin. All the lessons learned without wanting to jump off the Rockefeller building.

I've been searching for a long time for the next crypto that will present this scenario again, and I'm the surest iv ever been about it with TrumpCoin.

I have to operate on the information I have, and I know chicken was probably a pump and dumper and I also know that the new dev team saw this coins potential and saw chickens action and made a move.

In order for new entries to enter the market we must redistribute, so I'm not saying don't sell any coins, I'm just saying think long and hard about total liquidation when we hit these large milestones( which I'm telling you, we will).
The people outside this community can sell at any time for all I care, but I want all my /b/ros in on this and I want to be there when people start using their trumpcoin profits to create startups, and their own cryptocoins etc.

There's something big brewing here guys and I'm just thankful I read /biz/ a month or so ago and didn't just keep scrolling

>> No.1408312

why do you keep reposting this?

>> No.1408313

What about Yobit?

Currently sitting on 1500 TRUMP with about 2000 Trump in buying potential remaining. Should I go all in?

>> No.1408316

It's offline.

>> No.1408329


>> No.1408346


>> No.1408347


>> No.1408353
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>> No.1408356

inb4 yobit never comes back online

>> No.1408366

they're not gonna exit scam until some random coin moons

>> No.1408370

Do not say that, please.

>> No.1408379

I'm saying the downtime now is nothing huge, they'll return. not saying thy won't exit scam in the future, but you're good today

>> No.1408380

do you guys think trump will go up or down short term now that yobit is gone? on the one hand they might dump it on c-cex, on the other they might not bother with trumpcoin so the supply will be reduced..

>> No.1408383

>tfw 500 TRUMP on Yobit
>1000 on C-cex

I'd should go ahead and put it in the actual Trumpcoin wallet.

>> No.1408388

>mfw all my trumps are in local wallet
>but a bunch of shitcoins are on Yobit
>plus like 0.04 BTC... meh

Could be worse, I guess.

>> No.1408399

Is this Trumpwallet really safe?

>> No.1408400

No idea, and I don't know if I can access the wallet from multiple computers, as I don't know how long any of my shitty devices will last.

>> No.1408406

Fucking yobit, held a bit of trumpcoin there just in case, now it is most likely gone

>> No.1408420

dude what the fuck, don't say that, i held ALL my trumpcoins there

>> No.1408426

Well on the bright side: less trumpcoins in circulation pushes the price up.

>> No.1408443

fuck you buddy

>> No.1408446


>> No.1408451

Im not your buddy , pal

>> No.1408454
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>> No.1408456


>> No.1408457

hmm... maybe I shouldn't have trusted yobit.

I guess if they're not back on by tomorrow night they were probably "hacked" and are never coming back.

>> No.1408464

They're already back.

But Trumpcoin DOES have its own wallet, so feel free to put them there if you're holding long.

>> No.1408479

Is that really safe?

>> No.1408491

You think chickens technical abilities extend beyond putting trumpcoin logo on the wallet?

>> No.1408558

Damn almost started to panic over the yobit thing

>> No.1408574

Rich Piana followed my trump coin promoting Twitter CMON BABE

>> No.1408625

great news!

>> No.1408633


Safer than an exchange if you backup your wallet

>> No.1408635

Weak ass pump ain't going NOWHERE. Trumpcoiners, you truly will never learn.

>> No.1408639


It's not a weak pump, it's consistent steady growth, really unusual when it comes to crypto - this coin is awesome

>> No.1408642

Can't trust the devs.. can't trust the exchange.. can't trust anything about this shittiest coin, which is why NO ONE DOES except you idiots.

It's never going to catch on, hahahaha.. deep down inside you know I'm right. this shit was over a month ago, you just have a hard time accepting it.

>> No.1408644

We know you bought at 20k and sold at 5k, it's tough but if you buy now you could cover your losses in about a week.

>> No.1408647
File: 51 KB, 736x460, bada35e4defa99f63c33356c51637715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you please turn towards our receiver dish? We have some trouble with transmission here


>> No.1408649

[coping intensifies]

>> No.1408656


Found the guy that bought the top lel
Stay salty friend

>> No.1408671

biz queen is back

you can always tell by the inflated self importance

>> No.1408674

Don't forget to take profits, this will die after Trump wins and everyone cashes out

>> No.1408688

you can buy usd to trump on C-CEX

>> No.1408728

Damn nocoiners coping hard

>> No.1408745


>> No.1408756
File: 2.36 MB, 2343x3056, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1408775

5 scoops of trumpcoin
>leave humanity behind with trumpcoin meme when?

>> No.1408778

How can every one sell at once? My orders never fucking get filled when I want them too, so I don't get how a massive dump without buyers is even possible.

Pretty late to be figuring this out considering I've been playing with this coin for over a month.

>> No.1408780

One more reminder lads: keep that pimp hand strong when this starts to moon, or you will cry like btc cucks who sold at $50 thinking they were the smartest guys in the room

>> No.1408783

10 cents to 50 bucks is still a lot though.

>> No.1408792

3cents to 650$ would be even bettet

>> No.1408795


>> No.1408797

its my first time dealing with crypto im okay with even making double

>> No.1408807

Seriously though, someone explain this shit to me please. I use ccex if that makes a difference.

>> No.1408817

i mean he's not wrong... just sell comfortably before election day if youre worried

>> No.1408823
File: 285 KB, 1027x843, rZFKlfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that trumpcoin in your wallet babe?

>> No.1408836

I mean I don't understand the mechanics of it. How can you sell off that much volume if no one is buying? How'd the pajeet crush even happen a couple weeks ago?

>> No.1408871

why the fuck are the buy orders and the sell orders always different on ccex

>> No.1408901

Typically because these dumps happen right up against the pump when the price has been rising fast. Frantic investors trying to get in on the gainz will buy the coins being dumped before they realize what's going on

>> No.1408904

He just wasn't fit for a leader role, and fucked it up with his incompetence

>> No.1408905

Because there's a disparity between what buyers are willing to pay to get the coin and what sellers are willing to take to sell it. When the price moves, someone has decided to match the other parties offer, even if it isn't their ideal price

>> No.1408913
File: 53 KB, 550x365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most effective way to put Trumpcoin in cold storage?

I'm thinking I'm gonna buy another 1,000 and just keep them away in a vault that would be extremely hard for me to access.

>> No.1408960

I just looked at it. 22 cents a coin? Yeah it may be worth that down the road but I sure as fuck ain't paying that now.

>> No.1408996

I dont think theres a cold storage possibility right now

>> No.1409006


Get the official wallet, backup and encrypt it

>> No.1409008

create a separate wallet, send coins to it. Take new wallet.dat and put on a usb, maybe two for safety. Put them somewhere safe, a cheap fire proof lock box or something.

>> No.1409013

Well that works, thx

>> No.1409016

he "sold down".
You see all those buy orders on yobit, if you click them and execute you sell at that price, rinse and repeat for every buy order down the line. You dollar cost average down as you sell, but you liquidate all your coins and drive the price down in the process.
If you try and executed a fixed price sell and you wait it's up to someone else to click your sell order and complete the transaction, which could hypothetically never happen

>> No.1409087
File: 254 KB, 510x680, Financial Intelligence-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bought $30 of trump with usd on c cex, welcome brother, I knowbitbwasnt cheap, but it'll pay off 10 fold

>> No.1409093

I just got ready to buy some more trumps and damn, went up right then.

>> No.1409105

Wonder who that could have been :^)

>> No.1409152

I'd put a hip-looking infograph about Trumpcoin as a pinned tweet in the official TC twitter account for the curious people clicking it so people can easily see what it's about T B H

>> No.1409229

agree fa,m.

>looks at price/volume
Have we started the fire, brother?

>> No.1409249
File: 65 KB, 500x356, 1465484178970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump go down so i can buy pleas

its just a pump rgiht guys (: no new floor or anything overnight when its down on yobit haha

>> No.1409256

You best buy now m8, we're launching soon

>> No.1409259
File: 613 KB, 926x956, mystery_skulls___speed_paint___by_azuuhime-d84n8tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TqfBEX6QtE [Embed]

What can I trade for some quick money to buy more Trumps? Yes at the moment I'm a little poor, so I can't buy a lot. When is it going to hit the lowest? I'm sorry for being a poorfag, trumpbros.
I know you can't mine Trumpcoins, but they build up in time the more you have of them. How does that work?

>> No.1409264

liquidate any altcoin/ shitcoins /messcoins (eth) and convert to trumpcoin

eBay Craigslist some shit, take cash, buy on localbitcoin, xfer for trumps

sell giftcards for cash buy btc on localbitcoin, xfer for trumps.

it's kind if a race for time desu, it's going up daily

>> No.1409272

>they don't know that we're about to get a major re-tweet from someone


love that there's no insider trading in crypto, BRB buying more before the tweet

>> No.1409276

post screenshot when it happens

>> No.1409277

How soon anon? Massive pump and dump on the way?

>> No.1409280

I want to believe

>> No.1409289

pump and pump you mean

>> No.1409291

wow we at 12k now

>> No.1409300

Goddamnit. My btc is stuck in "reserved" when I tried to change to trump. How do I get it out??

>> No.1409308

Wait for two confirmations, you can see confirmation status below yobit wallet

>> No.1409311

I can see it under ORDERS. Can't I complete it somehow?

>> No.1409315
File: 202 KB, 1024x756, Yobit guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is bitcoin showing in your balances? When it's there you can spend it.

>> No.1409316

we are approaching are first real milestone (10cents) since our growth became organic - don't talk to me about that fabricated pump before.

We could hit it as early as this weekend, prepare those strong hadst, your wives' and their kids are gonna be begging you to take profits, but you know better don't you anon...
eventually you'll be upgrading to a stacy anyway

>> No.1409319

Btc balance, yes. It's all shown as btc on the top left.
But when I try to buy trump again, I can't, because balance is zero btc in the buy box.
It's like all of it is stuck somewhere.
I'm new to this.

>> No.1409325

hell yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! High Energy!

>> No.1409327

Go to the trump/btc page, is there anything shown in trade history? Perhaps your buy order is already there.

Here's a guide to Yobit

>> No.1409329


Agreed, keep strong hands /biz/ bros, if you dump you'll be regretting it a few week later when we hit another ATH.

Some coins you can that, but Trump has a very slim margin, I do not recommend playing the trading game. Just buy and hold

>> No.1409332

you probably have a pending buy order somewhere, someone screenshot where that would be

>> No.1409334

Is it normal for it to stay on ORDERS?
Will it get completed by itself?
Last time I did it, it was so quick.

This time I think I left the page before it was completed. Is it that, or is it normal for it to stay under ORDERS and get completed later?

>> No.1409336

There is. Under ORDERS.
But how do I make it happen?

>> No.1409338

Cancel the order on the trump/btc page and buy at the sell order price if you want trumps fast.

>> No.1409344

But then what's the meaning of Order? It stays there forever?

>> No.1409348

cancel the buy order by clicking the little X
then your btc is free now, on the left side of the page there are sell orders, click one then execute buy.
if you still have btc left, click another one of those sell orders then execute buy, etc

>> No.1409352

Strong hands will become chads after riding wave after wave weeding out all the weak hands only taking in a thousand in profit only to use it for pleasure. Chads will take one hundred thousand.

>> No.1409361
File: 2 KB, 592x43, tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take to sync wallet? My wallet's connection keeps losing the connection, is it normal?
I don't want to keep my coins in Yobit anymore after I was scared by the site going offline today...

>> No.1409365

I had the worst day ever.
First of all I was checking the trade page and clicking around with the few trumps I've, since I'm new and wanted to familiarise. I had bought them at 8k and by mistake clicked SELL and sold it.
Fucking hell then I tried to buy it back immediately, and it ended up in Orders.
Now I cancelled it and I'm buying again, losing like 4k each coin.
Now I only have about 200 trumps.

If anyone wanna help me out with some trumps,


I run the @TrumpcoinG account and many strangers are favouriting my tweets. The rise in price has been correlated to my frequency of tweets. (Though need not be a causation. But been tweeting under news agencies a lot.)

And I'll continue to do it. So your help won't be for nothing.
Today just broke my motivation a little.

If you're kinda rich. Just about 50 coins maybe.

>> No.1409367

>My wallet's connection keeps losing the connection
fucked up my sentence there but you get what I meant

>> No.1409368

Once the dev team secures a way to easily buy with fiat and simple instructions on how to do it, then it should be an easy ride to the moon with promotions which will eventually lead to a mention by the MSM. Strap in lads.

>> No.1409377

Should I put another $200 in? Trumpcoin is my first crypto so I'm pretty novice on what to do. I'm currently making steady gains in value. What do you guys think it'll peak at?

>> No.1409384

Or less than 50. Anything will do desu.
50 is just around the amount I lost.

I promise to go more aggressive and diverse and creative with the tweets.

Much appreciated.

>> No.1409385

It would net you right now about 2.5k trumps. It would be a nice start. Or you can always risk missing out and wait for a dip to get more.

>> No.1409387

It's not losing connecting. Each time you close the wallet transactions are still being made. So it's just synchronizing up to the latest block.

>> No.1409388


>> No.1409389

can take up to a day in rare cases.
the losing connection piece seems odd, if you haven't used that wallet yet, you may want to delete it and reinstall it.

sucks man, your twitter is outstanding too.Next time you buy, take those trumps off the exchange asap

>> No.1409393

Holy shit guys, WHAT DO I DO.
Buy hundreds of trumps right now or risk to next dump and buy then?

>> No.1409394

Thank you.

Just too broke right now. Like, unbelievably. Hence the begging for even a 'small' amount.
Been enjoying this coin from pretty early. I think I'll get over it though. Tweeting won't stop either way.

>> No.1409396
File: 258 KB, 1699x1080, HappyTrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent you 50 coins famalam.
Keep up the good work

>> No.1409400

buy in at the next dump

trumpcoin is a pump and dump coin despite what all the other people here are saying. Most people here are only investing for a quick profit, and if they tell you they're not, they are lying to you or are delusional.

>> No.1409401

Don't delete, it's unnecessary The wallet needs to synchronize with the network after being offline.

>> No.1409404
File: 18 KB, 310x240, trump-kelly-twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Thank you so much.
This might sound like an exaggeration, but it means a fucking lot. Feels like a community.

>> No.1409409
File: 8 KB, 585x100, tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems weird that it doesn't show any progress being made after syncing for few hours, maybe it will suddenly just be ready from 0 to 100? Dunno.
Anyhow, I guess I'll try reinstalling tomorrow if nothing happens until then.

>> No.1409413

Fair enough, thats different. It's not being blocked by a firewall?

>> No.1409421
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>> No.1409422


also we just cracked top 100 marketcap list!!!!!

>> No.1409424
File: 209 KB, 1086x811, 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is, and were all on the rocketship together.

Dont listen to people like >>1409400 , while some people obviously are in for a quick profit, not all of us are.


>> No.1409427

sent you 100 coins bro, we won't leave you on earth when we take off

>> No.1409431
File: 54 KB, 800x519, h9rpbrlwwdyxdj7xwvn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like... Do you smell rocketfuel in the air?

>> No.1409433


If you could: TG2fFu3YxPnRNm6txLsB9PqThEjuMjif5B

>> No.1409434

That's just so fucking great of you guys. Guess I'll be spending a lot more time on twitter.

>> No.1409439

Someone should send this thread to Trump to show how much positivity (rocket fuel) is in the air.
Provided he doesn't try to shut us down of course.

>> No.1409444

Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1409447

Noice. Look at the 24 hour volume of coins near trumpcoin, they are only higher by marketcap because their supply is more.

>> No.1409458

Nope, I restarted the client with my firewall turned off but nothing has changed.
I'll try to delete files from appdata and download the wallet again, I'll have to figure this out tomorrow if it still doesn't work.
At least the value is climbing!

>> No.1409467

Bought at near peak during 4th of July weekend, I refused to take a loss and held, looks like my patience is about to pay off. Meme magic is real.

>> No.1409469

move your coins to c-cex in the mean time to be safe (they are the lesser of 2 evils)
if deleting the app data doesn't work, open a help ticket at help@trumpcoin.com

>> No.1409470

Oh shit, and I got trips on it? Time to double down on Trumpcoin.

>> No.1409472

I'll do that, thanks

>> No.1409473

Look at 6 month graph on yobit this look like a new ath might be reached TODAY

>> No.1409482

we're all gonna make it bro

>> No.1409485

This truly seems like a monster.
But this period is very critical.
The devs should go faster with the projects. It's time to push harder. Shouldn't lose the momentum.

>> No.1409488

dat volume!
Polo is gonna come crawling

>> No.1409489

/biz/ will be on-board by tonight.
It's time to move on to the normies.

>> No.1409509

Plenty is being done, and very little time is needed to go nuclear. Do not rush devs just because you want to cash out your weak hand too soon

>> No.1409512

>playboy mag in the back


>> No.1409518

The Lord Kek himself has blessed this coin. If you dare to think once we hit .50c to sell, you will be smitten. This coin is destined to go beyond $1 a coin.

Don't you forget that.

>> No.1409519


>> No.1409531

BoostCoin getting cheeky on the top 100 list lads.
We need to blow that shitcoin out with a bit more market cap.

>> No.1409534

The devs work so far has been solid and timely. Read signals latest announcement. New business partners coming.

>> No.1409537

I'm not cashing out anytime soon buddy.
Just worried if others will if normies aren't brought in.
I'm in for the long run. Might invest more if I get some money. I see great potential after the elections if treated properly.

I don't wanna rush the devs though. My apologies.

>> No.1409603

boostcoin 'avin a giggle?
trumpcoin will Fite them m9 I swear on me mum

>> No.1409617

Anybody try buying usd on ccex?

>> No.1409680

I got banned for "advertising" on /pol/ because I made a thread about trumpcoin. Isn't it considered advertising when they post links to wikileaks and other sites?

>> No.1409691

We have to think of a way to sneak it in. /pol/ related. "How do you beat the Fed? Are btc and altcoins a viable option?" "Is there a everyman superpac for Trump?"

>> No.1409697

Fuck Chicken. He obviously has some control over .rocks and should just step aside. Can his page be outranked quickly?

>> No.1409708

We must think like the merchant

>> No.1409722
File: 36 KB, 250x250, 1447644156788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just explained the coin to a couple of friends and they gave me $900 to buy trump for them with. Would've told them sooner but didn't think they'd be interested!

Wtf have I done

>> No.1409723

funny to see him pass judgement on the people who are trying to clean up his mess.

>> No.1409740

You're not alone. I wish I hadn't shown my mate coinmarketcap after he gave me £100 to buy trumps a month ago.

>> No.1409744

are you gonna try and play the dips or just buy at market

>> No.1409753
File: 182 KB, 816x816, 1462569320217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I just woke up from my nap. When I fell asleep this morning I had bought at 10 cents...

>> No.1409754


Never recommend investing someone else's money. Let them do their own DD and learn how to invest themself, otherwise you are going to make them hate you if you lose them money.

>> No.1409758

Been playing dips, working on transferring their bitcoin. Should I wait till all the bitcoin is cleared in a couple days and buy all at once, or buy in as it clears in case the price climbs ? What would you guys do?

Wasn't even my idea, told them the risk, but they wanted to go for it. They know jack shit so their money is better off with me anyway. The risk vs reward is worth it.

>> No.1409759

Make crypto great again!

>> No.1409762

I'd stress myself trying to extract value out of the dips, but that's just me. lol

>> No.1409766
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sending you some bro. We're all getting rich together damn it!

>> No.1409769

It was easier at first, but it was a pain just flipping for a few hundred yesterday

>> No.1409778


>> No.1409782
File: 119 KB, 320x256, TO THE MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learned what a bitcoin is 2 days ago, bought 15 thousand trump coins today.


>> No.1409784

Looking at the top 100 coins on the market cap top 100, realistically where could you see us ending up?

Looking for realistic discussion here please, I'm thinking we could replace fedora coin, not sure tb,h after that

>> No.1409790

Top 50. Anywhere close to the 30 to 10 areas. I don't think it will reach top 10 unless some things are done.

>> No.1409792


Hard to tell really. Something like this has never been done.

Top 50 is totally doable. Top 20 is doable. Top 10 is possible. Anything is possible, really

>> No.1409795

Conservatively speaking, I think we can ultimately get into the top 30. To the moon speaking, I think we can get within the top 10.

>> No.1409802


Could you tell in USD terms?
How much you guys think we can reach, $1, $10?

>> No.1409803

At least top 25. Look at the daily volume of most of the coins up to there. It is minimal.

TrumpCoin recent rise comes from confidence placed in the new development team and the purpose they have given it, which is supporting donald trump with their crypto pac. This coin is different because it is one of the few that will be successful that isn't pushing technological 'features' in the hopes of getting seed money.


>> No.1409805
File: 5 KB, 140x140, 91Ip5K0ubAPY8DfS2x5NRjfW-8ykGMLmhy0AM1vO7B4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold 1500 Trumps last week to buy dudeweedlmao


>> No.1409806

Emercoin is a
>literally who
I think we can cozy up to its spot at #15, with out coins outstanding that would put us at $3 ish, right around that bernie sanders """math"" prediction someone did. I'd say $3-4 is out realistic STABLE price.. we may spike higher temporarily of course.

But YOU JUST KNOW at a minimum, bare minimum, we will BTFO that shitcoin "fedoracoin" which will put us at .70.... a 700% gain from right now!!!!!


>> No.1409807


The price is usually around the total marketcap. There are a total of ~ 6.5M coins. So, once we hit $6.5M marketcap, it will be a dollar a coin. That is spot 27.

Conservatively speaking if the devs do nothing as is, I think we'll reach top top 40 as is, fifty cents to one dollar is probably it.

If the devs open up a direct Fiat/BTC to Trump mini exchange on the website like they have hinted, then all bets are off and its heading to top 10. Easily.

>> No.1409809

that would require us to be in the top 8
ethereum classic(lol)

>> No.1409819

Some did a conservative estimate based on expected market cap and the popularity of Ron Paul coin. That estimate was around $4 a coin, which I think is a fair estimate. Of course, since Ron Paul coin got to $40 a coin, and since we have a committed dev team, we could get close to that if not higher.

>> No.1409822

*Someone did a conservative estimate....

Wish I could find those calculations.

>> No.1409824


Ron Paul Coin hit $10 four years ago. I see Trump coin plowing through that gate easily. $15-20 is my conservative estimate. If Trump officially acknowledges it and the devs come up with an easy way to buy Trumpcoin with USD. $50-$100 a coin???? who knows the sky is the limit if that scenario plays out.

>> No.1409825

yea, this kind if aligns with us taking emercoins spot at 3-4$ a coin, making quite a few people chads

HODL til $4 at a minimum lads

>> No.1409830

Personally I think we will go past $40.
Reasons: Cryptocurrencies are more popular now than back then. Committed dev team implementing features like being able to buy trumpcoin with fiat. Possibility of big names backing us due to social media like twitter. The trump name is widely known. Trumpcoin is not a shit coin and is actually breaking ground by being a causecoin. And finally, meme magic.

>> No.1409834


I am not sure if Trump will ever acknowledge it, that's a tall tall order.

But I dont even think thats needed. If Trump stays silent, that's good enough IMO. Of course a media mention will also affect the price, rocket fuel....

Trumpcoin is really like it has been described as - a powder keg. It's just ready to blow with the right push. This is election season for god sakes.

Again this has NEVER been done before. Ever. Ron Paul coin was cool and all, but RP was never a serious candidate that would be president, and never had a serious Dev team. Trumpcoin is a totally different animal.

>> No.1409835

Personally, I think meme magic alone will shoot us past the moon. Everything else be damned.

>> No.1409837

so you reckon we'll crack the top 5?

>> No.1409839

Thank you so so much bro.
Made me kinda emotional. Lol.
Haven't had friends in a while. Great to have /biz/friends.

(id change)

>> No.1409848

send you a few when I'm off work.
get us that epic re-tweet we need twitter bro!!

>> No.1409856

FIGHT crooked hillary with TRUMPCOIN CRYPTOPAC

@raexno92 trumpcoin tweets all day

>> No.1409878
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who here has the most trumpcoins?
i got 2000

>> No.1409885

I have 2900 but I know there are people frequenting these threads with way, way more than that.

>> No.1409889

Yeah there was a guy last thread with 15,000 Pajeet probably has around 500k

I'm a minwage/NEET so I don't have a lot to throw down on Trumpcoin.

>> No.1409891

I have 159000. I want to break at least 20k before da moon

>> No.1409892

I got just 750 but wanna buy so much more, is this the time or i missed?

Still on the time to buy a huge pack of coins?

>> No.1409897
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Please tell me you're not holding on an exchange...

>> No.1409901

No buy now why it's low. I don't care what other people are saying telling people to wait until the next dip. It's currently well under peak so there's no reason not to. Especially if everyone thinks it's only going to rise

>> No.1409903


Why? Wallet makes me nervous, in case I need to flip them. And I can't stake. I'll be storing most if them though if I reach 20k.

I'm still on the fence too. It's hard to tell. Might see another decent dip, but I dunno if it will go down past 9500k. Post your wallet address and maybe we can throw you some coins my nig, get you closer to 1k

>> No.1409908



I wish

>> No.1409911

Doing my best man.
We will get them retweets.
Much appreciated. Have fun at work.

>> No.1409915

More like 11000 at the VERY least. This isn't your average P&D, this is all P and no D.

>> No.1409918


Thanks /biz/ bros. Lets get rich guys.

>> No.1409919

No I was pointing out my retardation


>> No.1409929

All aboard the TrumpCoin pump and pump

>> No.1409935

Sent some your way friendo

>> No.1409941

Make crypto great again!

>> No.1409943

the way I see it all trump coin needs to take off is some easy way to trade cash for coins and some media attention. all kinds of people would love to support their candidate while also making an investment but if they have to go through exchanges and shit normies will never touch it.

putting like 20 bucks down on them couldn't hurt. even if they don't go anywhere you're only out 20 bucks.

>> No.1409947

Thank you some much, i really appreciate that bro.

>> No.1410012

already a Chad here. Worth it for me to get involved at these prices ?

>> No.1410017

Hi Chad, yes you should.

>> No.1410022


>> No.1410033

I get paid tomorrow, we'll tonight at 3am, and it's fuckin game time...only question is how much do I throw down..I'm no bitch either

>> No.1410046

The majority of us are predicting at least $10+ a coin.

I'm throwing down $1000 to turn it into 100k

>> No.1410051

That's what I did, put 15 bucks in and got around 200 coins.
If it goes up then I'm happy, if it goes down I'm out fifteen bucks which is nothing in the long scheme of things.
Plus it's fun to watch it grow right now.

>> No.1410059

$1000 will get you alot more than 100k at $10 per coin. Unless you meant 1000 trump

>> No.1410060

I'll go 800 bucks, 2 days work fuck it. yolo.
fug circle is 300 limit, yolo fail

>> No.1410061

You make 400 bucks per day? What?

>> No.1410073

I think he meant $1000 to $100k

>> No.1410079

Yes, I plan to sell if I can make at least 100k.

I live very frugal. I've got my living expenses down to 5k a year. If I could make 100k, it would last me for a looooong time.

>> No.1410081

yup, San Francisco so I'm basically in poverty

>> No.1410083
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>5k per year

What? Where do you live

>> No.1410093

how bad of a sell off will we see at 10 cents?

>> No.1410094

not him but i lived off 5k last year living with my parents

>> No.1410101

Probably a sell much like the one happening now. People will sell, then quickly buy back in and the price will recover.

>> No.1410105

There will be a sell off, no doubt. Just hold on though. Think of the salty bitcoiners who sold at 20 bucks when it rose to 1000 bucks no long after.

>> No.1410107

oh I'm not gonna sell, don't wanna hang myself when it moons.

>> No.1410113

these motherfuckers better hit 10$

>> No.1410115

I miss the beginning of the month with the high energy volume. I played the peaks and valleys and turned 200 coins into about 1000. Would love another slice of that action before we strap in.

>> No.1410116

Holy shit, donate some coins for your /biz/ bro.

>> No.1410120
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the middle of nowhere tennessee. My house is really cheap, my car is paid for (I got a craigslist special 90s Nissan XE). Groceries and utilities are super cheap.

My only real expense is technology and guns.

>> No.1410123

If TrumpCoin went past $100 dollars I would consider killing myself no doubt.

>> No.1410129

At least you have guns.

>> No.1410140


>> No.1410142

im dead either way if it hits $100.

If i sell early I'll hang myself out of regret
if i hold til 100 ill be dead in a few months from cocaine and base jumping and shit

>> No.1410145


>> No.1410156

$100 or bust senpai; better to die on a coke binge with 3 top dollar strippers than to die a wageslave

>> No.1410185

and worth it.

>> No.1410208

I live in Dyersburg, where you at senpai?

>> No.1410217

This coin is remarkable. There was a large sell off today, which dropped the price to $0.066, but it has already recovered and is back to $0.08.

I've never seen an altcoin this stable and it's growing daily.

>> No.1410290
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currently sitting at $.195 a coin
holy shitnickels i feel tingly

>> No.1410298

How much do you have?

>> No.1410305
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>> No.1410310

2000 bought at $.11

>> No.1410313


what did he mean by this?

>> No.1410315
File: 107 KB, 600x350, 1468670363212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i cant beleve that nocoiners were trying to convince us this coin was a scam and that it wont ever go anywhere a week ago... now trumpcoiners everywhere are all up roughly 100% and still climbing :')

well done guys. youre not only supporting your wallets but also trumps campaign. cause coin to the moon

>> No.1410316

do you not know what money is?

>> No.1410317

thats just what it says on ccex. iz actually .07c usd

>> No.1410318

Dude. You need to take a closer look at the numbers.

>> No.1410323

hes reading it from ccex

dude you need to get used to using the bitcoin qoute. ccex is retarded when converting to $

>> No.1410328
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>not getting in on PUTINs
I'll be xaxaxaxaxaing @ u foolz

>> No.1410335

Any reason it will go up? Seems ded.

>> No.1410339

nobody's buying

>> No.1410342

Any reason it will go up? Seems ded..

>> No.1410343

stop shiling your PUTINs
its been going down for the past month slowly, theres no future for the coin

>> No.1410345

let the man cope

>> No.1410360

pick 0

>> No.1410374

I'm talking about putin. Lol.
I didn't check his image.

>> No.1410376

oh well I just bought 1700 at .00011 BTC
I'm too much of a poorfag

>> No.1410396

Does sending btc from localbitcoin to yobit cost money? Charges?

>> No.1410400


>> No.1410422
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>> No.1410448


>> No.1410449


>> No.1410455
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>> No.1410459

also saved

>> No.1410464

Whats the best way for a Canadian to buy some Bitcoin so I exchange it for Trumpcoin? Does Coinbase or Circle work with Canadian bank accounts? I've never bought any crypto before.

>> No.1410465

Not sure, but make an account and try it out.


>> No.1410467


Do places like Circle sell bitcoins at the market value that you see when you look up the current value on google? Or do the charge extra fees?

>> No.1410476

Will me buying $1000 worth of trumpcoin at once cause a pump in yobit

>> No.1410479

Yes but do it, cause its fun

>> No.1410480

12286 satoshis now

we're gonna make it

>> No.1410489
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>> No.1410494
File: 1.01 MB, 940x688, trumptrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently sitting at 280 trumpcoins boys. Any chance we can round me up to 300? (I know im peasant but I'm poor fag and this is all I can afford ;-;)

>> No.1410496

forgot my wallet TY5SvcN1874toMD4qpkfmw5Ctoc5yC1pUZ

>> No.1410520

Your hands will be tested this weekend lads. Hold strong, this is just one rise of many to come. Maybe take small profits but keep the majority of your coins.
Remember $14. The $100 million dollar market cap.

>> No.1410537


Are you expecting any dips coming up in the next few days?

>> No.1410567

I think you should be expecting dips to higher lows. People will attempt to dump, because they are short sighted and treating it like any other coin. This is good though, because supporters of the coins purpose can buy cheap trumps.

>> No.1410568

Nah we expect rises and nocoiner tears

>> No.1410579

What the fuck is wrong with the desktop wallet? Anyone else get it stuck synchronizing to network? I sent coins from the exchange already but I have no way to see them. what do?

>> No.1410586

so, when are the chinese getting onboard?

>> No.1410611

You wait for it to fully sync? Can take a day or so. Go to Trumpcoin.com and open a support ticket

>> No.1410632

It took me something like 6 hours to even move anywhere from 0% and then another 6 to complete, be patient anon.
Probably shouldn't have sent the coins before synching is complete but I don't think you'll lose coins or anything

>> No.1410636


Dips are normal for cryptocoins. Usually crypto coins are notoriously volatile, going up and down.

Go to coinmarketcap and compare Trumpcoin's chart to other Cryptos. There are very few dips, and the entire graph is one big uptrend.

This is extremely rare in cryptocurrency (and investing in general). This is every investors wet dream, just a consistent uptrend. Trumpcoin when compared to other cryptos is one of the best long term holds out there. Its just consistent gain, and now with the right dev team this coin is gonna explode on the scene.

>> No.1410639

yup, it really is remarkably stable for a crypto coin

>> No.1410642

When is there going to be a usd direct way to buy TC on the website that'll sell TC at around market value? I live in georgia and I'd love to throw up some flyers advertising it to conserva-cucks.

>> No.1410643
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Why don't we have a wiki page for Trumpcoin?

>> No.1410651
File: 1.94 MB, 310x325, 1469649423423-biz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you aren't holding AT LEAST 1000 Trumps... preferably 10,000... you are doing it WRONG.

The recent posts in the bitcointalk thread with a book being developed and real life trading w/Trumps are YUGE!

Plus, all of the future plans Signal and his team have for this coin is GODDAMN AMAZING!

So, fellow /biz/bros, you better get to stocking up on AS MANY Trumps as you possibly can while the price is below 20k sat.

This coin is going to launch hard, and when it does, you'll look back at this moment and THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS!

>> No.1410656

I'm about to drop $500-$1000 on trumpcoin in yobit within 24 hrs (depending on when kraken processes my deposit).
Prepare for a mini pump

>> No.1410659

Dat price stability during off peak trading hours, comfy times are ahead lads

>> No.1410666

Idk, is that necessarily a good thing.

We've been at 8 cents for a WHILE now.

>> No.1410671

Calm yourself, it's been a few days following the website revamp and announcement. Start thinking months ahead because that is when all the hard work of the developers will come to fruition. This coins purpose goes beyond a weekly pump. It's for both our profit and for to be the first cryptoPAC in support of Donald Trump. This is not a normal coin, you need a different mindset in your expectations.

>> No.1410673

Keep a cool head this weekend lads, hold your coins and you will be greatly rewarded.

>> No.1410825

gonna take a lot more btc to move the price now. It's kind of the caveat of hitting new highs

>> No.1410845

The bigger exchanges they are working on getting added to should bring that

>> No.1410862

5 more """""""""altcoins"""""""" BTFO, we 93rd now


>> No.1410895


Trumpcoin on coinmarketcap right now is reported to have a $10k trade volume. Tha'ts higher than half of the top marketcap coins.

Just think about that for a moment. This is for a coin thats not listed on a major exchange (meaning Polo, Bittrex or Bitfinex)

>> No.1410899


And Kraken

>> No.1410909
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>> No.1410930
File: 240 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2016-07-29 11-23-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I've been following TrumpCoin for a little bit now and figured some of you might be interested in having it available on GNU/Linux.

I've begun on working to make this a reality, and I'm happy to announce that I've got a working Gentoo/Funtoo ebuild for the TrumpCoin-Qt client available on my personal overlay. Just add my personal overlay using layman or as a Portage repository, then:

emerge trumpcoin-qt-2.0

It might be a good idea to enable the ipv6, qrcode, and upnp USE flags before emerging the client.

I'll be working on an ebuild for trumpcoind as well as apt packages for those on Debian/Ubuntu systems later on. If you want to support my work, these are my wallet addresses:

BTC: 12MSYCrexdbFnkV4mb58oxCutC6SQBmNpC
TRUMP: TKsrihToGtJCr9E5BQ31nNEnzBm5ynnQyY

Overlay: https://gitgud.io/gitgud-software/gitgud-overlay
Overlay Usage: https://gitgud.io/gitgud-software/gitgud-overlay/blob/master/README.md

>> No.1410950

Just a note, if you're going to send a significant donation send it to the BTC address. The TRUMP address is actually the compiled Qt client, I just want to make sure it handles transactions properly.

I'll set up a more dedicated TRUMP machine in a little bit, probably on my Raspberry Pi.

>> No.1411028

Sweet bro, you should post this also on the bitcointalk forum thread. And maybe PM the devs.


>> No.1411063

Okay thanks. I didn't know how fast to expect it to move but I was afraid of losing my precious Trumps. It's at 11% and moving slowly but I think it's fine

>> No.1411065

Should I buy £100 worth of Trumps just for the banter? I've never done cryptos before and don't know that much.

How much is a normal amount to invest in this, what seems like a highly unstable marker.

>> No.1411086

Does yobit exchange faster than ccex? I'm thinking I should switch over to get the benefit of more buyers/sellers. Or does it get reflected on both sites whenever someone makes a transaction?

>> No.1411088
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>Should I buy £100 worth of Trumps
Ofcourse, if you do, welcome on the rocketship brother.

>How much is a normal amount to invest in this
normal amount to invest is ALWAYS the amount you could afford to lose. Not in trumpcoin, but in anything.

Hop onboard and make sure that you have a spacesuit ready, you wouldnt want to find yourself in outer space without one.

>> No.1411090

If you feel like it. Check out trumpcoin.com, the bitcointalk page and bitcoin.info for a buying guide. As you're in the UK I would recommend bittylicious for fast bitcoins. No id required, but there are limits without.

>> No.1411094

Yobit has slightly higher volume than c-cex

>> No.1411144

Man guys I'm so hyped.
First time with crypto and already making a potential profit if I sold.
But according to you guys this is only going to get bigger can't wait, ima hold until we reach the MOON!

>> No.1411161
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>> No.1411173

>at least 1000

Wish i could, i have 850 right now. Could you make me closer to my first 1k? Thanks /biz/ bros.


>> No.1411184

Can trumps be mined?

>> No.1411187

no it's proof of stake

>> No.1411191

it actually cares about the environment, so no it cannot

>> No.1411244

Damn we need a new /TCG/ already

>> No.1411257

I wasn't around for the past couple of hours, where did the 13k sell wall disappear?

>> No.1411263

So can someone explain to me what "proof of stake" is? Also, is there a way to turn it off so it doesn't use up my CPU power (assuming it's intensive, otherwise idgaf)?

>> No.1411272


Help me petition for a higher bump limit on Trump Coin Generals!
Let's keep moving this quickly boys.




>> No.1411279

you can turn off staking Inn the settings.
There's a proof of stake run down trumpcoin.info under either FAQS or glossary of terms

>> No.1411315

Yobit is the primary trading site for TC

>> No.1411437

Some guys bought at least 10k trumpies in about 1 hour.

>> No.1411642

guys, how many trump coins do I need to have to be a millionaire? I already have 15 thousand coins.

>> No.1411831

my conservative estimate is that if TRUMPcoin "gets to the moon" it'll be about $4 a coin. so in that sense you would have to own 250k of TRUMPcoins

>> No.1412095

5555 trumpcoins