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1406755 No.1406755 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Questions for the Trump AMA tonight and we'll critique and improve them.

"What's your opinion on crypto-currency? do you believe that it'll eventually become the norm and do you believe the federal government should legitimize it as an official form of payment?

btw, if you have a Trumpcoin wallet would you post your receiving address? I want to send you some."

>> No.1406757

Maybe ask him if he would consider taking donations in cryptocurrency

>> No.1406825

you're right, maybe I should say "If you're willing to accept donations in crypto-currency I'm more than willing to send you some Trumpcoin"

he's more likely to look into it if we say it that way.

>> No.1406830

I'm considering just sending him an email about this shit so he shuts you faggots down in the next few days or so

>> No.1406836


>> No.1406837

Shut up faggot

>> No.1406838


Just buy some already

>> No.1406872

The coin is legally covered, there's no way he can shut it down. If you email him all the more likely he'll feel like it's becoming a big deal and say something about it. Even if he condemns it on Twitter or files a lawsuit, all the libshits will buy and drive the price up.

It's a win win faggot. Hop on board already.

>> No.1406900

Lmao this is so much bullshit.

You're a legit fucking imbecile. If any of that was true, you would've had a response from him by now.

>> No.1406905


Are you for real or just trolling?

>> No.1406946

Are you for real or just shilling?

>> No.1406982


Troll confirmed. Nothing to see here. Lmao

>> No.1406989

Shill confirmed. Nothing to see here. Lmao

>> No.1407012


How original, I'm flattered that you would copy me like a child. Thanks for making yourself look like a moron! :D

>> No.1407034

Doesn't trumphave personality rights?

>> No.1407040

4channers don't type like that.

>> No.1407047

Considering 'trump' is a word used in common parlance it's not looking especially risky to use it, especially considering the official .com doesn't use Trump's likeness or claim to be endorsed by him.

But life is easier when you can lump all coins into 'not worth looking into its all a scam', like I'm sure you did with Bitcoin as well.

I'll bring a telescope and peep your suicide from the moon. Or maybe you'll charge for the live stream, considering your level of financial understanding

>> No.1407180

And looked at what happened to Coinye. Yes, Trump is a common word, but Trump is the mascot of the project and is on the coins.

>libshits will buy something idolizing trump because he doesn't like it
See >>1406900

>> No.1407190


Because the developers didnt think it was worth it to defend the coin, Coinye was clearly a joke coin. It was protected under Parody Law, go look it up.

Same thing with Trumpcoin, except its a serious coin with a very big disclaimer on the main website:

"TrumpCoin and TrumpCoin, LLC is not owned, operated, endorsed by, or otherwise affiliated with Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, Donald J. Trump for President Inc, or any other organization owned and/or operated by Donald J. Trump or any of his affiliates.

Use of the name and likeness of any candidate or officeholder is for the purpose of this group's political communication only and IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind. Contributions to Political Action Committees from foreign nationals or entities are prohibited."

So there you go. I doubt Trump would sue his supporters anyway, let alone some small operation created by amateurs.

Seriously this whole "Trump is gonna sue" shtick is getting so old. Get over it, it's not gonna happen.

>> No.1407257

Crickets now...

>> No.1407379

>what's trumpcoin and why are they using my brand name without a license?

>> No.1407403

>doesn't use Trumps likeness

This is a joke right? You realise that every venture of the Trump Organisation is prefixed with "Trump"?

>> No.1407490


Doesnt matter, Trump is a political figure now. If that's the case then every merchant that sold items with affiliation to political figures would be sued.

In fact political figures have the least protection in court with these kinds of matters. It's protected under freedom of speech, basically.

>> No.1407531

How likely is it their moderators will delete the comments?

>> No.1407643

You people are going to look so fucking stupid when this shitcoin fails.

Lmao the delusion in the these posts is something to behold, especially on a site as cynical as this

>> No.1407671

I really hope it's just the devs desperately shilling to get people to buy. If it was someone who genuinely thinks this is going to work out then that's actually sad.

>> No.1407672

Do not cry when you get left behind. Cynicism is often the right play, especially here. In this case, your cynicism is going to be very, very painful.

Don't ever say we didn't warn you.

>> No.1407681

Coinye also very clearly said they weren't associated with Kanye.

>So there you go. I doubt Trump would sue his supporters anyway, let alone some small operation created by amateurs.

I thought TrupCoin is a serious coin like you said in this exact post? Which is it?

>doesn't reply in 30 minutes so he clearly lost
This may come as a surprise to you, but some people have you know, things to do, outside of 4chan.

>If that's the case then every merchant that sold items with affiliation to political figures would be sued.
They can be though, If you and someone else are going 70MPH in a 60MPH zone, and the cop pulls you over, you can't just say "Oh, well the other guy was speeding too, so I don't have to pay or get points on my lisence."

>In fact political figures have the least protection in court with these kinds of matters. It's protected under freedom of speech, basically.
It's not. Freedom of speech allows for use of names and copyrighted material only in limited circumstances. Creating a for-profit product that is related to the person in question only by their name, is not covered under fair use.

>> No.1407690
File: 957 KB, 968x745, e07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't ever say we didn't warn you.

I'm sorry but this is making the cap

Holy shit

If you ARE just a shill - and I sincerely hope you are - you need to up your game considerably.

Otherwise, off yourself. You're too dumb to live.

>> No.1407697

neets gonna neet, & also stay poor

>> No.1407715

Search for user erikfinman. Reply to his question that includes bitcoin. He agrees its time to buy trumpcoin!

>> No.1407725

insta ban kek

>> No.1407732

This tbqh.

I can't wait to see all the tears when this coin inevitably fails

>> No.1407739

You sound like youre one of those types who regularly bash business ventures and never attempts to succeed on your own. You're probably a guv'ment worker or feeling the Bern.

>> No.1407754


>Coinye also very clearly said they weren't associated with Kanye.

Only after his lawyers threatened to sue, and it was not posted on their website ASAIK.

>I thought TrupCoin is a serious coin like you said in this exact post? Which is it?

This may come as a surprise to you, but there are many serious projects and startups that are also small operations.

>They can be though, If you and someone else are going 70MPH in a 60MPH zone, and the cop pulls you over, you can't just say "Oh, well the other guy was speeding too, so I don't have to pay or get points on my lisence."

False. They aren't sued because they can't be, especially for political figures. It's covered under freedom of speech (or political speech). See Right to Publicity, below.

There is a reason why you can purchase Hillary Clinton toilet paper. Because she would lose in court.

>It's not. Freedom of speech allows for use of names and copyrighted material only in limited circumstances. Creating a for-profit product that is related to the person in question only by their name, is not covered under fair use.

Wrong again. Every bobblehead, piece of Hillary Clinton toilet paper and such is covered under fair use; Trumpcoin is no different. Trump gave up nearly all of his privacy rights when he chose to run for President.

It's called the Right to Publicity. A "regular" person could sue, but when you are a prominent public figure, ESPECIALLY political, you have little to no case. The exception is advertisement. Also, the Right to Publicity varies widely between states; Trump's home sate of New York to notorious for ruling for Freedom of Speech.

Products that "make a statement" or are "creative" are fair game. That would be the contest in court. Since Trumpcoin could be argued as a statement - as currency, and not a product - it would be protected quite well in court. A lawsuit against Trumpcoin would most likely fail.

TL DR: You're mostly wrong.

>> No.1407764


Also, it just doesn't seem likely now that Trump would sue in any way. This is clearly a small operation run by Trump supporters. Trump sueing his own support base doesnt make sense, monetarily as well - its not like hes going to get anything out of it, its not a product they are selling, they are developing a currency.

That LLC is for when the devs sell their coins on the market for profit. That's all its for.

A more likely scenario would be Donald Trump taking direct control of the project.

>> No.1407776

Oh yeah and if the Donald takes control I doubt we won't see anything less than an avalanche to the top 5. Trumpcoin would probably end up right below ETH on the Number 3 spot, MINIMUM.

Anyone who does not buy at this point is a fucking moron.

>> No.1407778


Loling at all the haters trying brush off Trump Coin. It's almost like you're trying to convince yourselves. If Ron Paul coin hit $10. Trump Coin could reasonably get to $1-$5. Maybe leave the Milky Way at $50

>> No.1407836

>Only after his lawyers threatened to sue, and it was not posted on their website ASAIK.
They did that to appease the lawyers and it failed.

>This may come as a surprise to you, but there are many serious projects and startups that are also small operations.
You're right. The point I was trying to make though is that if this a serious project with lots of potential, it's subject to the same scrutiny and lawsuit risks as a large operation.

As for the rest of your post...
If I made a video game called "Mickey Mouse Blows up Little Children", I could get sued. This is the kind of thing where it's different for politicans. If I made a game called "Hillary Clinton Blows up Little Children", it would be fair use because I can say it's my interpretation of her policies. However, fair use is 'fair'ly strict. TrumpCoin isn't related to Trump or his policies, except by name and by using him as a mascot, which is essentialy advertising, as if it wasn't for his name and/or face they'd be doing worse than dogecoin. And you know what, let's assume for a second that the case isn't justified. Are the devs really willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and spend months or years trying to fight it? You don't think the value will go down in the meanwhile?

The reason why it makes sense is because in a campaign where your opponets are calling you a dictator, and hitler, the last thing you want is undecided voters thinking you're creating a new currency named after yourself.

>A more likely scenario would be Donald Trump taking direct control of the project.
All of the golden lels on my computer wouldn't be enough for this statement.

Of course it would, but Trump taking control won't happen.

>> No.1407854

Whoever runs the trumpcoin twitter should DM @erikfinman. He made a yuuge amount of money from bitcoin and posted in the AMA as well. Someone posted the trumpcoin site in response to him and replied "Time to buy!" Before the mods deleted the post. Search erikfinman on reddit to find his post

>> No.1407865

>TrumpCoin isn't related to Trump or his policies,
TrumpCoin set aside the fund for the express purpose of supporting the Trump presidential bid. It's essentially a PAC. Have you even been to the website?


>> No.1407894

A vessel for donating money to someone != being related to the person himself or their political policies

>> No.1407905


>They did that to appease the lawyers and it failed.

Whatever, it doesnt matter - Kanye West is not a politician last time I checked.

>You're right. The point I was trying to make though is that if this a serious project with lots of potential, it's subject to the same scrutiny and lawsuit risks as a large operation.

Just, no. It really isn't. You can say that once Trumpcoin blows up to 50 million marketcap. Until then, its a blip on the radar to him. It's some altcoin in the relatively obscure cryptocurrency market.

>TrumpCoin isn't related to Trump or his policies, except by name and by using him as a mascot, which is essentialy advertising, as if it wasn't for his name and/or face they'd be doing worse than dogecoin.

And yet an argument could be presented that Trumpcoin is an interpretation of Trump's principles. Not only that, its a PAC with the express purpose of supporting the Trump campaign.

It's essentially a fundraising campaign.

See the issue here is that you are referring to products. Trumpcoin is not a product. It's a currency. There *is* a difference. Trumpcoin LLC is not selling Trumpcoins. They are managing a decentralized operation, with no direct sales, essentially fundraising for Donald's Campaign.

>Are the devs really willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and spend months or years trying to fight it?

No, they arent. They have stated several times they will step down if Trump decides to sue. But the chances of that happening are minimal. It's just not gonna happen. The WORSE thing that could happen to this coin is that Trump completely ignores it, and even then the coin will still moon.

>The reason why it makes sense is because in a campaign where your opponets are calling you a dictator, and hitler, the last thing you want is undecided voters thinking you're creating a new currency named after yourself.

This is rich, considering that Trump has an entire brand named after himself. Gimmie a break.

>> No.1407906

But the first sentence of that post literally explained to you that it explicitly IS related to both the person's campaign for president AND his political policies.

And no, the LLC is not 'donating' anything to Trump or the Trump campaign, which just confirms for me that you are ignoring any and all new information that has come out about TrumpCoin in the last several days. The fund is being spent by the LLC on the same types of things a PAC would, like bumper stickers, t-shirts, and advertising.

Pull your head out of your ass and realize that this project has gone through a lot of changes, and this iteration is finally getting things right in ways that refute basically all of your arguments. This has been thought through, at length.

>> No.1407908

Sorry not related

>> No.1407911


^ This, too

>> No.1407912

Care to make an argument, or just say "nuh-uh!" some more?

>> No.1407914

My argument still stands
Refer to this post >>1407894

>> No.1407919

Ok folks, nothing to see here; this neet clearly has no interest in responding to or making rational arguments.

Prove me wrong, what is the standard for 'being related' to 'a person themselves or their policies?'

Any comment either on the fact that this will not be a donation? Your equation is literally wrong on both sides.

>> No.1407925

neet? I did prove you wrong though. What equation are you talking about?

>> No.1407926


You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.1407929

I won

>> No.1407930


This one.


You know those symbols you used represent an equation, right?

>> No.1407934

Oh I see. No that would be if I made a mathematical equation. I simply made a correlation.

>> No.1407941

I'm loving these bumps - great exposure. But do you have anything at all to say regarding any of those other points, or are you going to continue to cite your factually incorrect equation?

And just to rustle your jimmes a bit more:

The process of equating one thing with another


>> No.1407947

if you're a nerd online make sure you paid attention in high school, ok?

>> No.1407949

Oxford dictionary is euro trash I only abide by the great American WEBSTER! This is an American website so please use American sources. I haven't cited anything what are you getting at?

>> No.1407955

You've twice now refered me back to the equation you created in this post as proof of... something.


You having won the argument despite having been proven wrong in essentially every way? I'm not sure anymore. Care to explain what your position even is anymore at this point?

>> No.1407962

Proof? Are you reading what I posted? If I'm wrong why did you just say I won the argument? And again I already explained re-read.

>> No.1407965

what argument, exactly, do you think you've won?

>> No.1407967
File: 2 KB, 190x73, checkmate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one against yours

>> No.1407968

Which was what, exactly?

>> No.1407978

Master ruseman. Well done.

>> No.1407995

Doesn't trump have personality rights?
Personality rights are generally considered to consist of two types of rights: the right of publicity, or to keep one's image and likeness from being commercially exploited without permission or contractual compensation

>> No.1408009

Is yobit down?

>> No.1408013

looks like it

>> No.1408017


>> No.1408031


>> No.1408055


Basically no since hes in politics now

>> No.1408062

he relinquished it by running for president and anything else is considered satire

Google Carson sues
trump sues

>> No.1408084

I hope yobit won't run away with my TrumpCoins

>> No.1408253

keep them in your wallet maybe?

>> No.1408281



