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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14074737 No.14074737 [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing that Facebook and Microsoft are going to announce a collaboration with Chainlink tomorrow. Is this true, or is it bullshit?

>> No.14074758

Where are you hearing this?

>> No.14074760

I don't know shit about LINK, but I know this website. Yes, bullshit

>> No.14074767

complete larp.

Was supposed to be last week. was supposed to be this weekend. now was supposed to be tomorrow.

Guaranteed larpers say that it will come end of week.

>> No.14074768

Biz, Twitter, Discord and Telegram

>> No.14074771

Your coin is worthless and your attempt to incite excitement about it using "muh I keep hearing" isn't going to help your dying, worthless and stupid coin.

Save money and become a landlord, dumbass McWagie.

>> No.14074772
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>> No.14074776





>> No.14074780

This is my fear

Nolinker scum are not allowed here

>> No.14074789

The_Crypto_Oracle told me the rumor was legit and I believe him. I dunno about these other Twitter sodomites but this one is solid.

>> No.14074795

Larp as usual

>> No.14074806

Did he mention which company it is? Is it both? Based on Godfather’s tweets it can pretty much only be those two.

>> No.14074819

>Nolinker scum are not allowed here
Santa Clause isn't real. Your coin solves no real problem and hence won't have any value beyond that which you gambling degenerates put into it.

Learn some discipline, get a job, save 80% of your income and put it into smart investments.

>> No.14074820

He told me it was Microsoft Azure.

>> No.14074823

If it didn't come directly from the team then don't believe it. Alot of those twitter dudes are just waiting to dump on you.

>> No.14074849

Thank you for confirming anon, I believe you.

Normally I wouldn’t, but Godfather called Harmony and has his reputation on the line. Lying would make him lose a lot of credibility very quickly.

>> No.14074863

>Learn some discipline, get a job, save 80% of your income and put it into smart investments.
Spoken like a true NPC normie. The only way to generate real wealth is to start a business or invest. I can’t wait for the day you start working for me and fire your poor worthless ass.

>> No.14074887

>The only way to generate real wealth is to start a business or invest
I literally said to invest. Learn how to read and then write another reply.

>> No.14074903
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>> No.14074909

Wtf is this

>> No.14074913
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>> No.14074926
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>> No.14074937


>> No.14074988


>> No.14074990

Random Twitter faggot is gonna know more than the anons on this board that have dug up breadcrumbs for nearly 2 years? Uh huh

>> No.14075009

all of the twitter fags are og linkies that all stem from /biz/.

>> No.14075016

do the charts look like theres going to be an announcement tomorrow? com on man use youre fuckign brain, anytime theres gunna be a huge announcement there will be insiders buying fucking retard

>> No.14075024

yeah? when was the mainnet announced? What was the price then?

>> No.14075032

thanks anon

>> No.14075038

>smart investments.
Such as?

>> No.14075061


>> No.14075076

Discord trannies switching from fud to shill again? Neat.

>> No.14075079

>t-t-this time it will come true guys, r-right?

>> No.14075080


>> No.14075082

Apple and Tesla obviously

>> No.14075091
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>> No.14075106
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>> No.14075130

Lol 80%? Are you fucking homeless?

>> No.14075159

I don't believe that he told you that

>> No.14075181

Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.

>> No.14075198

It's literally Microsoft Azure. The market hasn't noticed it yet apparently, but it's real.

>> No.14075202

His name is Seth Rich

>> No.14075210

you are a MANIAC

>> No.14075215
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No it's not a LARP, it's going to happen and Sergey is going to prove he is Satoshi and BSV will collapse over night.

>> No.14075220
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Italo (XTA) updates coming soon

>> No.14075221

100% larp. Look at the price. If there were any chance that were true insiders would be buying but instead it's dumping like crazy. See you at $.60.

>> No.14075264

yes,to morrow0.5$

>> No.14075321
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it is a larp ORACLE by end of month tho

>> No.14075333

I heard Amazon, Alibaba, Google, and INTEL partnership coming soon

Link is partnered with everything so you can buy their scam coin

>> No.14075353
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>> No.14075366

How many times will this need to happen for you to believe it’s a larp. Also they said it would be this weekend and not monday

>> No.14075372
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>> No.14075384
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>> No.14075386

So a literal who

>> No.14075407

And tomorrow when it doesn’t happen they’ll say end of the week, and they’ll be dumping their bags on you the entire time.

>> No.14075585

Most likely a larp

Not one of mine though ... I cook up random dates literally every week

>> No.14075876

we've seen this pattern before around nov'18 -jan'19

inverted heads and shoulders incoming

>> No.14076331


>> No.14076384

I'm pretty sure it's already been announced indirectly through the truffle partnership

>> No.14076397

The only way to not get disappointed is to expect nothing.
True for the whole crypto space.

>> No.14076410

Chainlink will probably render your job obsolete. :)

>> No.14076446

Tardbaby, LINK hit a 6-month ATL in sats right before mainnet was announced.

>> No.14076457

No but they like to think they are. They're so new it's scary.

>> No.14076458

You certainly won't be able to explain why when challenged.

>> No.14076471

Can't wait for no news tomorrow so this thing will dump

>> No.14076488

Anyone who is holding link because they need or want a partnership announcement needs to market sell immediately. I can't stress that enough.
Not only are there NOT going to be the announcements you want, but anyone who is still operating on a 2017 "I need partnerships to pump my bags" mentality is a VEN/TRON brainlet who needs to fuckoff out of LINK.

>> No.14076498

I live on a $1.2m property. Generally saving 80% of income on a regular basis isn't a sign of homelessness. But if you were good with pattern telling, you wouldn't be defending a shitcoin.

>> No.14076503

You don’t get to tell us what to do faggot

>> No.14076526

No one will announce anything. It's strange that docusign and clause did and truffle but link is the standard with a token. The token makes the team weary and they are trying to protect their nascent project. You might see unidentified nodes spinning up soon for new smart contracts and the network expanding.

>> No.14076573

>I live on a $1.2m property.
>(with my parents)

>> No.14076597

Hm? No. I'll stop posting if you can prove your claim.

>> No.14076680

Doofus Alert. Admit it you are a justed swingaling.

>> No.14076718

>Point to me on the chart where the jew raped you.

>> No.14076852

Never sold a Link and avg buy in of my stack is .35. comfy as can be and you are high if you think you will get another shot at .60.

>> No.14076886

Where is all this coming from? Are you sure you wanted to reply to me?

>> No.14076893

i think this is correct
the big announcement is when the rest of the initial nodes join the network and when they start offering more data

we all knew mainnet would be limited, but it's REALLY limited.... 3 nodes doing nothing but providing the price of ETH. If you think they're gonna come out and announce MS or Swift out of the blue you're fucking high. It's gonna be at least another year until mainnet is truly operational

>> No.14076921

>if an anonymous poster can prove another anonymous poster is lying the second anonymous poster will stop posting
read that a couple times

>> No.14076929

You only had to read his first response to me - why make stupid claims you can't prove if you want to have a meaningful discussion? The only point of my question was to prove he doesn't want a discussion - it's a shitpost which is what people with shitcoins are capable of.

>> No.14076937

The good news is the mainnet is much more active that most other mainnets and most importantly we know that aggregation is working. I also love Sergey's plan of going with 21 nodes initially...it shows he is building up the network slowly instead of putting his cowboy hat on and going all out.

>> No.14076997

What people have largely failed to understand is that Chainlink is not a "decentralisation" company. It is a secure data transfer company. It's basically offering armored cars, but for data instead of valuable goods.

The only reason decentralisation even comes into it is because it offers security benefits. Many aggregated responses from incentivised sources is better than one response when it comes to the reliability of that response.

So all the hysteria about KYC nodes and the strict vetting processes come from a basic misunderstanding, that Chainlink has absolutely no interest in allowing "node with a click" nodes that would allow anyone to sybil up 1000 nodes overnight, and instead simply needs enough nodes for responses to be secure, and the best possible assurances that every single node in the system is bona fide.

>> No.14077048

I'd rather stake my Link with an authorized, professional node just like I'd rather keep money in an official bank.

>> No.14077057

Don't give discord trannies attention, that's what they crave. Just look at what they post, there is literally a guy who calls himself "poopscoop" who goes around posting any document with the words "smart contract" in it claiming that it's related to Link, and has openly admitted that he flys around the world to suck cock for cash. These are the people that want you to fawn over them.

>> No.14077073

hes another faggot who dumps on his followers

>> No.14077078


>> No.14077083 [DELETED] 

kek another paid Link shill. Fb and MS will never use Link. They can rewrite the Link codebase in half a day and make their own token that isn't owned 65% by Sergey. Also a single announcement from Fb or MS for their own product would bring in more nodes and more decentralization than Chainlink could ever bring in years of trying.

KYS linkies, the correction is soon.

>> No.14077095
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yeah lol no. They are trying to be famous and peddle their t shirts. Anyone with a brain knows not to call attention to them selves

>> No.14077115

Kys tr*noid

>> No.14077160

Sergeys probably going to be the new Zuckerberg, its been quite awhile since a new kid has appeared on the block and is well overdue.

>> No.14077187

>The token makes the team weary

Can you explain what you meant by this

>> No.14077212

Holy fuck why aren't we talking about this? Fucking yuge

>> No.14077227 [DELETED] 

kek how low is your IQ? Zuckerberg had 50mil users 2 years in. How many does Sergey have? 10?

>> No.14077240

Its always bullshit

>> No.14077245

Oracle is presenting their blockchain and Chainlink together. Every company that consumes data will also be setting up nodes to profit from the extraction. Some of these companies are turning the highest cost of operating into a new stream of revenue.

>> No.14077248 [DELETED] 

kek no

>> No.14077264

It's just a guy saying he likes what they do idiot. It's not an official partnership.

>> No.14077271

and not a single partnership will ever be announced, thats the chainlink way! remember, no hype!

>> No.14077288

people know you can get rich of these tokens, thats not what the team wants to do with link, they dont want this token to become some sort of hyped up cryptocurrency. if anything they completely ignore that they have a token, theres like one paragraph on it in the whitepaper. Why do you think they made it so the link token can break down to 18 decimal places?

>> No.14077302


That makes sense, I've wondered how the team felt about the tokens being sold on Binance for anyone to grab. Was that a mistake or just something that couldn't be stopped? I've always wanted to ask in the telegram but they refuse to discuss probably for legal reasons.

>> No.14077303

New environment and business structure calls for caution anon. Organic growth over pump and dumps to affirm legitimacy.
Checked. And absolutely this.

>> No.14077332
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>> No.14077367


there is no place for people like you in the new world

die nigger

>> No.14077376

kek yes, actually. whoever adopts first will crush the competition

No, its going to be an example use case of Oracle using Chainlink. They will also announce their own nodes for their blockchain in the presentation, utilizing Chainlink. Oracle probably has a metric fuck ton of data they are salivating at monetizing.

As you suggest, its not partnership, but Oracle using the Chainlink network as intended. ETH mainnet will take sometime to grow, meanwhile tons of companies are about to start rolling out their projects in blockchain and its all tied to LINK.

>> No.14077385

They made it breakdown to 18 decimal places because if they actually succeed 1 billion total tokens is retardedly small for the transactions they’ll do daily.

>> No.14077398 [DELETED] 

kek Oracle has 10000+ devs, they will never use some bs built by 2 guys, they'll build their own. You are fucking retarded, They could rebuild chainlink in 2 weeks and use their own token, not one owned 65% by Sergey. And Link has 0 users, Oracle could get way more users and way more decentralization just by making something themselves.

>> No.14077541

You had so long to accumulate, why continue the FUD time is running out.


Copy pasta from link above faggot

Every Startup in the Blockchain: API Monetization with Smart Contracts

A smart contract can give you a benefit when you pick your company's preferred airline, but only if it learns that you took a flight, and that your manager paid for it, for example, from untrusted off-chain parties through new cutting edge decentralized middleware technology.

In this talk, Fernando Ribeiro, from the Oracle Global Startup Ecosystem, and Pablo Freitas, from the Oracle Customer Innovation Labs – São Paulo, are going to discuss how startups can sell their services to smart contracts, and walk through the design and implementation of a sample solution using Oracle's blockchain-as-a-service and Chainlink.

>> No.14077546

>As you suggest, its not partnership, but Oracle using the Chainlink network as intended. ETH mainnet will take sometime to grow, meanwhile tons of companies are about to start rolling out their projects in blockchain and its all tied to LINK.

Interesting. I had assumed this but im curious. Where in the timeline are we at as far as business rolling out "projects in blockchain" and when will they announce LINK utility with it? Any ideas?

>> No.14077588

don't all erc20's do this by default?

>> No.14077633

Oh yeah? Well The Nigger Store called, and they're all out of you.

>> No.14077648

Shut the fuck up, Richard

>> No.14077654

Exactly, it's amazing to me how some anons expected thousands of nodes as soon as mainnet was released...as the network grows in volume in terms of workload, node count will gradually go above 21. I love how the Chainlink team is right on the money when it comes to building up a successful project.

>> No.14077672 [DELETED] 

kek Oracle will not use Chainlink. You are too low IQ to understand that. Some employee making some talk and mentioning Chainlink is completely irrelevent. Again, Oracle has 10000+ devs. If you gather all big tech companies, that's hundred of thousands of devs, yes one of these devs will randomly try Chainlink and make a talk about it. In no way does this mean that a big company will ever use Chainlink. They would never, it would be completely stupid of them. Is facebook using Tether? No, they're making their own. Is telegram using some other shitcoin? No, they're making their own. These companies have 10000+ devs on standby, they can literally rewrite Link in 2 weeks, change it to avoid patent issues, and release it and get 100x more adoption than Chainlink.

>> No.14077709

How much is Craig paying you ranjeet?

>> No.14077714

I'm in Atlanta at the Microsoft Business Apps conference and there is only one item on the agenda dealing with blockchain so I'd say you're delusional

>> No.14077719

I can feel the tiredness and despair behind the fudders posts and it makes me sad. I'm sorry you sold, anon, I hope you get a chance to buy in again. I'm sorry. It's not your fault.

>> No.14077728 [DELETED] 

kek once the retarded linkies get BTFO and run out of arguments they always go to "durr you must have sold!!! HAHA GOTCHU".

have sex incel

>> No.14077744

Oracle is 100% going to use chainlink. Keep it up James and I drop the proof.

>> No.14077757 [DELETED] 

nah, I already proved they won't.

>> No.14077762

kek glad to see this is still going on.
t. out of town for two weeks.

>> No.14077794

>kek no
>kek low IQ
>kek low IQ
This is the drooling drivel your microscopic brain calls proof? Stop trying so hard to fit in James.

>> No.14077807 [DELETED] 

where's your counter argument? oh wait you have none cause your IQ is too low. You're too dumb to sell, but anyone smart and with money reading this thread has sold because they can see you got BTFO and Link will never get used by a big company. I just made your poorer, and I'm content with that.

>> No.14077828
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god i love screenshotting retards like you
the compilation will be glorious after we're vindicated and link moons

>> No.14077852 [DELETED] 

nice counter argument, I'm sure anyone with money reading this thread just rushed to buy Link. Again, I just made your poorer by proving you have no counter argument and that Link will never be used by a big company. Every post you make not countering the argument just digs you deeper and makes Link look bad to anyone with money reading this thread. You're making yourself poorer with every post.

>> No.14077865
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>thinks that /biz/tards buying impacts the price

i FUD my own coin for a reason. only pajeets shilling shitcoins have to provide "arguments" for their p&d's.

>> No.14077875

How can I have a counter argument when all you’ve said is oracle has a lot of devs? That’s not wrong. But it has fuck all to do with anything.

>> No.14077887 [DELETED] 

cope and lies, Link shills spam /biz/ with fake news of fake partnerships every day to try to pump Link, then abandon the thread as soon as someone posts unrefutable fud like I did, then they try to make it seem like fudding is actually good or that the fudder is an undercover linky himself. It's not fooling anyone. Again, I just made your poorer.

>> No.14077895 [DELETED] 

you're too stupid to understand the argument, but don't worry, the people with money browsing Link have understood, and are selling. Glad I could make your poorer retard.

>> No.14077911
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lmao the state of nolinker cope

>> No.14077945

high to moderate IQ posts.

>> No.14077948

>they won’t use it
>they have a lot of devs
>stay poor
In 12 posts you said that when you could have done it in one
>im a brainlet weak handed faggot and im sh-sh-sh-shaking since it hasn’t dropped to $0.60 yet

>> No.14077959


The similarity of the FUD really makes you think
(I am never going to stop buying ChainLink Tokens you faggot every fucking dip I will be buying and I might even buy some above $1 just because I can(average buy in $.25(shoutout to a better time when you could get 4 link for a dollar) and there nothing you can type to convince me otherwise(you are wasting the keystrokes)))

>> No.14078137
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>> No.14078258

>11 replies
fuck imagine going on a shitcoin thread i don't hold like Cardano or XLM or some shit and making 11 posts raging about how they are shitcoins lmao

>> No.14078282

Those are actual real coins with real usage. Meanwhile shitlink can't even hit 1.50 after over 2 years despite the constant shilling on biz.

>> No.14078285


Correct. Chainlink is a B2B product. Normies will have no need to do staking or even mess with the token at all, aside from investment purposes if they choose to do so. This is for large businesses, not consumers.

>> No.14078297

binance listed it without asking link team, we arent suppose to know about this and the chainlink would love if everyone forgot they have a token to make their network work

>> No.14078308

would attaching my neet CL node to my eth full node be of any benefit to the network? And in turn be of any benefit to me for LINK earning?

>> No.14078465

>11 posts by this ID
Have sex

>> No.14078503

Based as fuck. Moonbois hoping for 1000000000s of random unverified NEET nodes offering random grab bags of unverified data scraped out of some random dildofuck API in the far-off asscrack of the internet, all on day 1 were retarded as shit.

>> No.14078815

>so new it’s scary

>> No.14078873

>Godfather called Harmony
everyone called harmony dumbass, this board wouldnt shut up about it for weeks

>> No.14078968

My dad works for Facebook and my mom works for Microsoft. I also have an uncle that works with the dev team. I myself am heavily invested in LINK.

The rumors known are true.

>> No.14079107

look, everyone can't start a business, or else who the fuck would you hire
how would businesses even work with nothing but entrepreneurs

>> No.14079143
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who even gives a shite

>> No.14079390

It was supposed to be this weekend with his "source" being very legit but here we are. Nothing. Don't fall for larps. He doesn't know shit. Most of these twitter faggots came here and use the hardwork some anons produced. They don't know anything we don't.

>> No.14079418
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>> No.14079465

Remember the fag last summer who said mainnet was gonna be in september 2018 because he was family of some dev? Everyone was scooping up his shit like a retard. Fun times.

>> No.14079566

The sad shills continue this desperation. Didn't I just tell you yesterday that whales have made biz posts their sell point, and the expose post the buy point? It's a cycle you tards

>> No.14079832
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Twitter faggot detected

>> No.14079925

It happening!

>> No.14079983

You fucking faggot I asked when was it ANNOUNCED and what was the price just before that.
We were at 8k sats and we pumped from there on out

>> No.14079997

Pretty obvious on the 3m chart on Delta, should be reversing now to complete the right shoulder

>> No.14080040

Sorry thought I was in a HOLO thread. The inv head and shoulders are forming with HOT

>> No.14080083

You're shitting in the wrong neighborhood, pajeet.

>> No.14080125

Excuse me, let me just gather my wiping leaves and leave.

>> No.14080210

Actually he >>14077757 is right. There is no proof that Oracle is in any way going to use Link. If you go through the guys' twitter he makes it clear he is just a fan of the technology so he is going to showcase it. This could be good for Link if things go well.

>> No.14080259

Unless you hear it through official channels, it's almost certainly a larp.

>> No.14080292
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man this is pure cringe, it reminds me of the arguments we would have in middle school on AOL. Why are you even in this thread posting, isn't there a thread that's relevant to your interests?

>> No.14080307

>t. poopscoop

>> No.14080321

lol yeah exactly. Also the trend has been looking really good for a while now, I mean it did a 4x last month, dipped hard, back up. Lots of gains to be made in here and all these fudders everywhere. I actually suspect most of these ragelets are holders themselves trying to make it look like we are all divided on this issue, when really we are making money and having fun.

>> No.14081454

uniroinically insider here. it's true. we (azure) will announce. but not tomorrow. next week tuesday.

>> No.14081491

Lol no

>> No.14081501

Its true but not next week
Next month the 13th

>> No.14081531

Ah you must have misread the sticky note on the billboad. Josh's handwriting is so sloppy jeez.
I told him to write: Tell them to look to our coming on the first light of the fifth day, and at dawn they should look to the east. Where they will see nothing because there will be no announcement you moonboii faggots.

>> No.14081581

Thanks anon, we all trust you.

>> No.14082069

You mean THAT sticky note ? It was mine. It has "10 June - CL" on it. It is my daily menu and CL is "Capri Lasagne, not Chain Link... idiots...

>> No.14082094
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>> No.14082163

what is that?

>> No.14082178

What that is?

>> No.14082185

what is that?

>> No.14082243

WHAT is that?

>> No.14082250

>what is that?

>> No.14082270

RSR's cofounder niglets

>> No.14082276

yes, but... WHAT IS THAT?

>> No.14082280

>>14082270 >>14082094
What the fuck is he doing in this thread

>> No.14082288
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>> No.14082384
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>> No.14083397

this >>14082384 >>14082094
faggot is alluding to RSR switching over to chainlink as they've said in their whitepaper
I don't know why since what the fuck do we care that another LITERALLY WHO is going to use chainlink.

>> No.14083774

34 min

>> No.14083776

I've got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good good night

>> No.14083794

Is that what?

>> No.14083795

Me too

>> No.14084013
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Fuckin hope so. It's been so damn long in the making, I'm getting tired, and definitely not getting any younger, something needs to give. I've even started to seriously look into if craig is satoahi or not, so far found nothing really convincing, except tweets from zuccerbergs sister about stuff craig said.

>> No.14084250

this is not literally who though

>> No.14084316
File: 146 KB, 1300x1076, 1559219947832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done Rajeet, you tell them

>> No.14084372
File: 303 KB, 1235x1601, 1518478608034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14084390
File: 151 KB, 946x532, EricHolderKilledMe86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14084621

>not literally who

>> No.14084731

LINK' got quite a few Partnerships, maybe explore the world above your rock

>> No.14084828


>> No.14084830

all heresay and promises, I don't see any of them using chainlink, do you?
Mainnet is up, there's fucking 3 nodes operational. No major players are visible on the network, nor any that have said that they would use it. It's fucking nothing.
Chainlink will be ready to use a year from now AT THE SOONEST.

>> No.14084858

By all means, please elaborate brother marine.

>> No.14084915

and this is from 6 months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/9wnt57/chainlinks_confirmed_partnerships/

>> No.14084961

>Partnerships are steps towards building a wider oracle network, and the main-net was just recently launched, the teams need time integrating, #goodtechtakestime

>> No.14084970

Lol fuck off.