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14072555 No.14072555 [Reply] [Original]

>entire market dumps
>LINK FUD threads pop up left and right
Like clockwork. Daily reminder that being transgender is a mental illness no matter what your mom, or your discord friends tell you.

>> No.14072618


>> No.14072625

Checked, KEKed, and rekt.

>> No.14072635


>> No.14072640

Cope harder faggot. See you at $.60


>> No.14072649
File: 27 KB, 444x718, xoxo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled

>> No.14072667

becausze link is scama

>> No.14072877

Bump for tranny euthanasia

>> No.14072906

KEK really does not like trannies...

>> No.14072941

>>entire market dumps
nigger. when enrite market did 3x...including btc. u linky shitcoin also did 3x wit mainnet hype.

> he can post shill thrds when entire market up but cant handle fud thrds.

>> No.14072972
File: 192 KB, 409x409, 1558918880614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


swinglinkers will hang themselves after september. screencap this.

>> No.14073001

Nobody posts shill, or fud threads except for discord trannies. Its the same group posting both. We have a common enemy, anon.

>> No.14073013

Based. Fuck trannies, not literally

>> No.14073075

>also based

>> No.14073089


Ok so what's the actual backstory behind Discord trannies? Most crypto groups are on Telegram not Discord, and trannies aren't even human so who would listen to their opinion anyway

>> No.14073257

There is no story. There is a group of trannies who congregate in a discord server, and are responsible for nearly every LINK fud/shill thread you see here. Every time LINK goes up you see them singing its praises, every time it goes down they use garbage TA to show its going to zero. They have deluded themselves into thinking this is profitable in some way. You cant tell they are subhumans because everyone here is anonymous. If you think they are retarded, you should bump this thread or any other thread that mentions their existence. The more people are aware of them the less they will post.

>> No.14073377


Ah, of course. Thanks.

>> No.14074095

Is this just a coping mechanism for you because you need to blame someone? Now you could be right for all I know, but unless you have concrete proof to back your assertions, I'm gonna call bullshit. Again, talk is cheap, provide some evidence and I'll eat crow. Doubt you can though. How does it feel to be called out?

>> No.14074157

Look! A tranny! Notice the catty woman-like tone of this post with distinct use of manly vocabulary.

>> No.14074183

its a fucking long way to september

>> No.14074230

Checked. I was hoping the MODS would have banned the tr*noids by now.

>> No.14074301
File: 3 KB, 125x122, me14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopping your dick off doesn't make you a lady, faggot.

>> No.14074302

Bans are pretty easy to evade, i doubt the mods bothered banning them in the first place though.

>> No.14074318

$1000 eoy checkem. Also you are wrong OP.

>> No.14074366

Go dilate. Your wound is closing.

>> No.14074382

Checked. Based blessed digits tranny haters.

>> No.14074446
File: 27 KB, 223x225, 1558924940217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing for those of us who have been here for 2 years. I'm prepared to wait 2 more if need be.

>> No.14074488

there is nothing wrong with changing your gender

>> No.14074663

Well, nothing morally wrong with trying to. But no matter how hard you try you will never be female.

>> No.14075045

Bump for newfag justice.

>> No.14075053

Its largely overblown. People on the discord don't really sit here and FUD.

>> No.14075206

>implying there isnt more than one discord
Its really not that overblown.

>> No.14075225

Why is this board incredibly racist and homophobic yet 3/4 of everybody here masturbate to tranny porn? I don't get it

>> No.14075253

Or you know, people do it because it's fun to get you stinkies riled up.
Everything isn't a big conspiracy.

>> No.14075553


>> No.14075618

pls dont post the literal faggot anymore.

>> No.14075959

Hi brap

>> No.14075999

If you’re 19 n below is cute,after that just kys