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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 416 KB, 1660x1234, Screenshot 2019-06-09 at 18.52.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14072320 No.14072320 [Reply] [Original]

I'm aware that this is considered dead FUD at this point, but it bothers me that the whitepaper literally does mention the price hitting a ceiling at about where we're at right now. Has Sergey announced something to explain why this wouldn't be the case since?

>> No.14072357

>Be gone with your fun op

5.5 LINK token usage
The ChainLink network utilizes the LINK token** to pay ChainLink Node operators for the retrieval of data from off-chain data feeds, formatting of data into blockchain readable formats, off-chain computation, and uptime guarantees they provide as op- erators. In order for a smart contract on networks like Ethereum to use a ChainLink node, they will need to pay their chosen ChainLink Node Operator using LINK tokens, with prices being set by the node operator based on demand for the off-chain resource their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources. The LINK to- ken is an ERC20 token, with the additional ERC223 “transfer and call” functionality of transfer(address,uint256,bytes), allowing tokens to be received and processed by contracts within a single transaction.

>> No.14072369

That doesn't dispute anything in the image I posted. It says prices will be set by the node operator, with fluctuations sitting within the "cup of coffee" price range.

>> No.14072382


>> No.14072420


Yeah you fucking edited the line in, how smart of you. Faggot.

>> No.14072429
File: 90 KB, 750x287, 637DDC66-E966-4231-A1C7-51F2469AF4BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice lies discord tranny. Why dont you try something a little harder to verify as complete bullshit?

>> No.14072448

The copy of the whitepaper I have doesn't mention that. Did you just copy and paste >>14072357's post into a pdf?

And why are you linking to something called "smartcontract" instead of the actual ChainLink site?

>> No.14072453

A cup of coffee with 18 decimal places.

>> No.14072476

You're right, it's not fud.

The last month's price action has shown that link is finally nearing its intended purpose in maintaining parity to the global coffee cup average (GCCA).

The beauty of Coffee Cup Parity (CCP) can be seen in how quickly link bounces back when btc dumps or when btc pumps. Look at all the charts, Link hit 1.2 the other day even though btc was lower than it was the previous week. We are very close to CCP, I'm thinking 4-6 years max.
I've written about CCP before and why I think it makes the project so visionary, but the short answer is that coffee will always have value as long is there are humans conducting business. It is the /biz/ coin because we are about business, and business needs coffee.
The USD could go down and the CCP of link would make the usd apocalypse not even cause a ripple in the data markets because everyone will be paying for data in a token that has successfully achieved coffee cup parity.

>> No.14072487

Because thats where Sergey put the whitepaper. Why dont you provide ANY link to your “cup of coffee” whitepaper? Would the fact that it doesnt exist be a reasonable assumption?

>> No.14072549

Why are you asking for a link to the ChainLink whitepaper? It's on the ChainLink site:
I have no idea what smartcontract.com is but it doesn't even have the same mailing address as ChainLink (SF vs the Cayman Islands). The whitepaper you linked to says it was last updated almost 2 years ago, are they hosting an older revision or something?

>> No.14072570


This is the worst larp I've seen in my life. Chainlink is a product of SmartContract.com.

Did you think anyone would believe your shit larp?

>> No.14072586

Why dont you link to the whitepaper, instead of the ChainLink homepage, tranny?

>> No.14072588

LOL!!! How will stinkies EVER recover from this?
Pro tip: They can't

>> No.14072596

>Chainlink is a product of SmartContract.com
They're owned by two completely different companies.

>> No.14072604


>> No.14072610

They are both owned by Sergey Nazarov. Nice try. Still waiting on a link to the “cup of coffee” whitepaper. That’s literally all you need to post to win this “argument”, yet you still havent done it. A little odd if you ask me.

>> No.14072626

Because the whitepaper is on the ChainLink homepage. How much handholding do you actually require? Why are you admitting the whitepaper you linked to is NOT on the ChainLink homepage, but some completely unrelated site called "smartcontract.com"?
You realize smart contracts are a think outside LINK right? They actually predate Bitcoin:
If there's a newer version of the whitepaper on chain.link then okay, I posted an excerpt from the one I downloaded which was supposedly updated a month ago.

>> No.14072645

>jack dorsey owns twitter
>jack dorsey owns square
>ergo, square.com is the official twitter homepage
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.14072647

Well, then look at the current version on chain.link

>> No.14072677
File: 873 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2019-06-09-14-23-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just downloaded the whitepaper from the chain.link site, and oh my god op is right!!! look!!!! sergey, why would you explicitly state the intended price of link in the whitepaper?????it's no whonder STINK is crashing. waht a way to run a companey, i'm ruined.

>> No.14072682

Do you not understand how websites work? The homepage contains links to other webpages under the same domain, or external domains. He wants a link to your whitepaper. It should look something like “https://chain.link/whitepaper” Its a very simple task... I know you wont do it because the one he linked is the only whitepaper you will find, but I like to watch you grasp at straws.

>> No.14072702


>I'll just blatantly lie

I really hope you swing and miss the singularity.

>> No.14072717

Asking other people to DYOR is "grasping at straws" now?
This board really is dead now.

>> No.14072731

Checked dubs

>> No.14072751

Nobody had ever disputed the fact that a fluctuating price means collateral is pointless...

How can people trust Link when their collateral can go up or down wildly

>> No.14072766

>insure my data feed with $1mil of Link
>price tanks and now I'm only insured for a fraction of that

Sounds great guys

>> No.14072783

I think the idea is that the price fluctuates to account for differences in demand for LINK node access, but within a predictable and affordable range so you don't end up with valuation changes driven by external events (market speculation, etc). This sounds pretty awesome tech-wise, but not so great if you're trading unless you time swings right...

>> No.14072790

18 decimal places

>> No.14072799

>open whitepaper.pdf
>0 results

>> No.14072803

Well the price shouldn't ever "tank" since LINK's price stabilizes within the cup of coffee range. Basically the same thing Reserve are trying to do with RSR.

>> No.14072804

Except the previous line talks about tokens providing adequate collateral. Even if that line about the price stabilizing to a cup of coffee wasn't low effort FUD, it's irrelevant once larger contracts are using the network as at a certain point "a cup of coffee" isn't going to provide sufficient collateral.

>> No.14072811

Did you open the ChainLink whitepaper or the one hosted on smartcontract?

>> No.14072825

Keep in mind Chainlink is based in SF.

Round here a coffee will cost you $3-4, easy

>> No.14072838

lets hope trump his closed borders plan gets through so inflation will fuck the usa up the arse and the coffee costs like 25 usd a cup.

>> No.14072852

This is the one on chain.link, idiot.

>> No.14072855
File: 62 KB, 645x773, 1549470638821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate you animals, I don't even know what is real FUD anymore. My brain is completely fucked and I'm paranoid/anxious all the time now.

ps. I'm never selling

>> No.14072869

That screenshot is consistent with the whitepaper posted on smartcontract but not chain.link. I can't find that exact phrasing in the more recent CL one.

>> No.14072966
File: 31 KB, 1280x380, 1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14072992

Where is this screenshot from?

>> No.14072996

A large starbucks coffee in my region costs approximately $3. A 3x from here would make me a millionaire several times over, allowing me to establish generational wealth and father a dynasty the likes of this world has never seen. I, for one, embrace the coffee standard and eagerly await my promised gains.

>> No.14073016

Dude it's a telegram screenshot from like late 2017. Ror-dog, as community manager, was excited about working towards his goal of 1k members in the channel.

>> No.14073017
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equal to the cost of a cup of coffee

based and BATpilled

>> No.14073022
File: 38 KB, 1003x828, iktf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fud has been BTFOd. This isn't even a fud thread, this is literally a parody fud thread and it's hilarious. Thx anons

>> No.14073027

It's literally the one on chain.link. You said
>If there's a newer version of the whitepaper on chain.link then okay
So okay, admit you were wrong.
And that is how "cup of coffee" wouldn't be the case since.

>> No.14073036

>what is inspect element

>> No.14073065

Its fud, fake edited shit which is nit there in the actual whitepaper

>> No.14073074

>The copy of the whitepaper I have doesn't mention that.

The copy he posted is legit. It’s a newer version that edited out the “coffee part” from the first and original white paper that you must of downloaded a couple years ago.

>> No.14073158


This, i should take a break from /biz/

>> No.14073195

You overestimate the number of coders on /biz/, it's no simple task to overwrite robust and functional HTML code. People in SF make 6 figure salaries doing that shit, meanwhile we're stuck here gambling on shitcoins like digital gladiators.

>> No.14073199

The copy he linked has an older publication date than the one on chain.link, but ok... why would they edit that out? Has Sergey formally announced that the price is NOT pegged to the cost of a cup of coffee at any point?

>> No.14073536

Sry for bad english I’m a little drunk

You want the real answer nulinker???
We’ve discussed this shit to death for 1.5 years ffs

18 decimals behind zero, why?

Lets say you own 10.000 links and the value goes to $10/link. Congratulations, you now own 100.000 links valued $1.

>> No.14073614
File: 180 KB, 600x423, 10923480-B773-4553-ABEA-A5785D2EAC24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw canadian
>tfw a grande cup of coffee at starbucks is 10$

>> No.14073704

kek how bored are you retards? this isn't even FUD and anybody unironically responding to
>15 posts by this ID
is just as gay as they are

>> No.14073739

What's wrong with me replying to my own thread?

>> No.14073803

They edited it out because it was a stupid thing to add because it scares investors away. Serges never formally announced anything about he price being similar to coffee, again that would be a very bad move that’d scare away investors. Sergers plan is to get as much investor money as possible and exit scam. The coffe thing was just a fail on the part of the people making the white paper. They thought it made chainlink sound more legit and non scammy without realizing it’d scare away investors.

>> No.14073867


>> No.14073935

Stop bumping this turd. Marines, we're Oscar Mike. Let's go.

>> No.14074517
File: 120 KB, 717x717, 1520424766018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE! witnessing the absolute shit show that is chainlink shill-fud wars. oh the comfort knowing you've already won.