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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 334 KB, 885x328, Screenshot 2019-06-09 at 23.43.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14071116 No.14071116 [Reply] [Original]


Ok there is some mention of a few ok projects but 80% are shit that will never see their ATH's how ever long you hold them. Almost no gems, just big cap shit that has already had its day and will bleed out.

Almost no mention of Fantom.....kek

>> No.14071135

Retards still shilling NEO lmfao

>> No.14071139


Its like a time capsule from 2017..

>> No.14071143

holy shit that's worse than even biz and the nanny plebbitor meme is fucking real

>> No.14071199

jesus christ thre stereotype is real

>> No.14071212


What the fuck is crypto newfags obsession with Cardano? Literal launch followed by absolutely dead GitHub and vaporware but because it is in the top 20 clueless fucks still hold it. Absolute state.

>> No.14071225
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>This will be the new top 5 by 2020

>> No.14071232


I didn’t hate Reddit until I saw how fucking stupid r/cryptocurrency is. It’s like they all have sub-90 IQs and can’t cope with 2017 being over. I can’t believe the stupid advice I see posted there unironically.>>14071143

>> No.14071243

go back

>> No.14071248
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>> No.14071249
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This is the average /r/cryptocurrency "Investor"

>> No.14071291

reminder to downvote every one of these faggots that mentions LINK

do not comment
do not reply
downvote and move along

>> No.14071307

>Nano, VeChain, Req, Icon, Stellar, Iota and XRP make up about 10% of my portfolio. I picked them up throughout 2017.

Imagine how heavy his bags are

>> No.14071324
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>I picked them up throughout 2017

>> No.14071350
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oh god, you 4ching types are just as bad. none of you have any understanding of how markets work. you're the 90% of all investors.

>> No.14071378

please explain to us how markets work wise one

>> No.14071404
File: 7 KB, 187x269, Unknown-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure enough not by keeping demand low when you want the price to advance

>> No.14071406

We're actually just extremely profitable day/swing/algo traders larping as retarded HODLets.

>> No.14071411

This pic is quite useful, thanks

>> No.14071419
File: 309 KB, 680x1671, 1mX1Jdk2cZDhtD85x8UKOV1KC5QShpcZKL__bBer_Ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you are.

>> No.14071439

Quarter of them are invested in link. And you brainlets think normies aren't aware of this project kek

>> No.14071450

We are, things like link and BSV are just memes, nobody actually holds them.

>> No.14071473

/biz/ is heads and shoulders above /r/cc because it allows both sides of the story to be heard. Sometimes it works well, and sometimes it doesn't, but the voting censorship system on leddit immediately kills any negative insights on their shitcoins so the information content is usually close to 0.

>> No.14071475

Was unironically a decent sub before 2017. Has been overrun with bag holders and all the old crew got rich and left.

>> No.14071485

yeah if only chainlink had some utility to anyone besides speculators on reddit you fucking idiot

this isn't nano dipshit

>> No.14071521

Eternal bagholders, feels good to sell them my shitcoins at ATH.
Can’t wait to dump a new wave of shitcoins on them

>> No.14071522

>yeah if only chainlink had some utility to anyone

yeah, if only.

>> No.14071589

>we need reddit FOMO to get rich with LINK

thank you for the very sage advice boomer

>> No.14071632

4/200ish posts aint a quarter

>> No.14071638
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1544028664297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people telling you not to buy bsv
fucking look at how many of them hold a total scam like vechain lmao

>> No.14071648
File: 23 KB, 621x414, extraordinarypopulardelusion--621x414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so, how long have you faggots been holding bags? 2 years? when was it link reached one dollar for the first time? what? january 2018? Yeah, I can see you getting rich. Read a book.

>> No.14071666

i upvoted them all to cancel your downvote out
get stuffed linkie

>> No.14071678

this guy
>Cardano - Interesting project, see where this goes

>Vechain - Could really end up being ‘the enterprise blockchain’

>Chainlink - Smart oracles dude...

>LTO Network - bought a bag during pre-sale, sold half with insane gains and keeping the other half till CMC top100 (basically my hopium moonbag)

>OceanEx - Same as above.

With idiots like this who don't even know what LINK is, I'm convinced that we've quite some tome before singularity.

>> No.14071710

You guys are idiots if you actually think the posts on r/cc aren't paid spammers like the Link and Quant posts here on /biz/.

>> No.14071719
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, 1920-warren-buffett-quotes-wallpaper-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take some advice from grandaddy boomer himself

>> No.14071738

>I have never heard of opportunity cost

>> No.14071739

I remember some failed daytrader posting an article called "Getting rich investing in crypto Warren Buffet style" at the peak of the bubble.

Wonder how his boomer style investing is going.

>> No.14071762

yes, the opportunity cost of buying at .32 and tripling my money is horrible

>> No.14071788

while other shitcoins like ethereum manages to 120x. congrats.

>> No.14071796

so your philosophy is "always chase a pump" very sage

fucking autistic retard...

>> No.14071806

Scared of openning the link.
Can you tell me if holding ZIL is plebbit tier?

>> No.14071818
File: 16 KB, 500x322, 1558640150317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has 0 LINK

>> No.14071820

you are literally replying to "I have never heard of opportunity cost". Don't you have any self awareness or are you just so butthurt that your get-rich-quick-scheme, chainlonk, is a bummer?

>> No.14071860

Eth 120x in the past 6 months at the end of the bear market?

>> No.14071877

>you are literally replying to "I have never heard of opportunity cost".

no im not? you crosseyed and stupid? >>14071788 does not link to that post. dumbshit.

>> No.14071900
File: 98 KB, 777x476, Screenshot 2019-06-09 at 18.12.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one post by this ID

>> No.14071941

yeah, im on Brave. please explain your autism here >>14071820 because the post you quote there is quite clearly responding to the correct one, but you had a brain aneurysm and thought otherwise.

>> No.14071954

It’s retard tier

>> No.14071967

fuck off you know very well that you initiated the conversation with me by responding to my opportunity-cost commentl. stop nit picking, it won't make you any richer, nor will it lessen the time you have wasted on chainlonk.

>> No.14071977

what isn't desu?

>> No.14071981

Please /biz/ teach me how to not be reddit. I just wanna make money without bagholding like a retard.

>> No.14072001
File: 68 KB, 526x400, Ey7MzaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy some LINK already desu.

>> No.14072128
File: 31 KB, 838x241, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14072141

Holding is pretty much retarded by definition, especially for shitcoins from the previous runs.
Fresh normie hype is needed for unexplored new shitcoins.
I would bet on “le new gen” meme coins like Hashgraph, Polkadot, Dfinity, Algorand and ICOs on them or whatever the fuck it is called right now

>> No.14072170
File: 73 KB, 500x336, 32C027A7-4626-46C3-A29E-07AF85A244DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*le next gen

>> No.14072193
File: 25 KB, 1079x262, Screenshot_20190609-124001_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Heres the "worst" post in the thread

>> No.14072364

Oh, please. This sub is way more retarded than reddit. The only decent thing you guys shill is LINK, which i'm sure i saw on reddit first anyway. I grabbed my stack of 63k LINK last summer and come to this racist cesspit as little a possible now. Reddit has the way better community.

>> No.14072601


>> No.14072878

Nano has a real world use case, the jealousy is obvious. I love how jews invade my board and profess that it is their land. 4chan came from SA, and many of the original users come from YTMND. While anonymity is the benefit here, allowing discussion of taboo subjects, we are certainly not limited to what we expose ourselves to, kek. That signifies ignorance, and is antithetical to the very reason we are here in the first place.

Unless of course, you are just a shill who likes using buzzwords to manipulate people anonymously when money is on the table.