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File: 82 KB, 660x428, 150715_donald_trump_660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1406515 No.1406515 [Reply] [Original]

>make 700 million
>39% to income tax
>20% to agent
>walk away with 287 mil

the american dream

>> No.1406518

>walk away with 287 mil

Its just money.

>> No.1406538

no one should really be making more than a couple hundred thousand a year. You have way more than enough.

That's why we have taxes folks, they help and save people every day.

>> No.1406552

Why is your agent taking 20% of your income? That's just fucking retarded

>> No.1406553

i have an agent and manager

>> No.1406559

>20% the agent
Literally nobody to blame but yourself with that one.

>> No.1406574

Nah bro we've got taxes so the government can borrow against their future income to bribe people for votes.

>> No.1406583

libertarian autists will never get this.

>> No.1406587

fuck off

taxation is literally theft

if you need the government to give you free money just to survive you should've died off a long time ago

>> No.1406653

You should be taxed more faggot there are kids with no game consoles

>> No.1406655

It's like whenever there is a class action lawsuit and they encourage everyone to join and support them, Lawyer gets like $150,000 and then $10,000 gets split up between 1000 people.

>> No.1406664
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>> No.1406700

>no one should really be making more than a couple hundred thousand a year
Who died and made you King?
Your pronouncements are worth nothing.

>> No.1406742


>no one should really be making more than a couple hundred thousand a year. You have way more than enough.

Are you 14? People will make however much they can make and want to make you retarded aspie.

>> No.1406756

Buy a fucking yacht and live in international waters. No one will tax you there mr. "I don't need gubermint"

>> No.1406770

Actually kill yourself underachiever

>> No.1406789

Remember me, which money is used to build your highways and you big ass army?

>> No.1406805

In my country it'd be 52% tax rate.

>> No.1406863

This.Tax cucks on suicide watch

>> No.1408008

agent takes home 85.4mil

Not too bad for someone who might have done (more than)half your "work", just without risk of capital.

>> No.1408011

Taxation is theft.

>> No.1408073
File: 60 KB, 595x335, 20151031_OBP001_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxation is literally theft
this this this

>> No.1408113

>I am so smart I know how much money people NEED. Naturally, that amount is more than I personally have so someone else will need to pay for the things I want.
Millions of people in the world live on just a few dollars a year. I'll believe you maximum wage fucks when you start living like Congolese peasants because you make far more than you need to survive and donate the rest to starving African children.

>> No.1408200

t. Mr. Po'

>> No.1408219

Why? You haven't said anything to support your claim.

>> No.1408467

Yeah, this tbqh.

Not much you can't do with 287 million.
Hell, put 100 mill of that into a high interest account and your income from that alone would be insane.

>> No.1408471

>Tax money only goes to welfare

You surely arent this retarded?

How would a country function if no one paid taxes?

>B-but m-muh moneyyy!

Go live on an isolated island then.

>> No.1408482
File: 64 KB, 579x506, 1468586753316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that taxation is theft and quite literally a slippery slope. My country Belgium went from one of the most classical liberal economies to the average person paying 55% tax on all his property throughout his life. We have seven full fletched governments with parliaments for ruling 12M people (as much a NYC).

The government will never downsize, sanitize and reform. They will just print money, inflate, tax and go into debt.

There percentage of population living of the taxation of he few people who do bring economic market value and create wealth has become staggering. 42% of the active population is working for the government and entirely dependent on taxation. This is not counting the people on pensions, benefits, and who indirectly get contracted with tax money. Numbers on these are naturally unavailable. Let's make a conservative estimate and say that 65% is of the Belgian active population is getting tax money. That is entirely unjust and creates a vicious circle in democracy where the many vote to tax the few who are willing to work.

Remember if you make good money here you will be taxed up to 70%. Reminding you you are a slave.

It is your ethical and personal duty to pay as little tax as humanly possible and oppose the social democratic welfare state.

>> No.1408484

The State, the government, the supreme, the eternal
The aggressor against the persons and property of the mass of the public
For centuries, the State has robbed people at bayonet point and called it "taxation"
For centuries, the State has enslaved people into its armed battalions and called it "conscription"
Coercion and violence by the direct threat of confiscation or imprisonment

>> No.1408490

Implying rich people actually pay their taxes. They (mostly) aren't that stupid.

>> No.1408499
File: 145 KB, 960x1233, 454183-kjshdfshfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's only getting worse.

France here. Belgium is, literally, a tax haven compared to us (our millionaires love relocating to Belgium).

We've reached the level 99 of taxation, where it's not impossible to pay 100% of your income in various taxes... but it's still not enough. The rich are still considered public enemies, and the yearly deficits are still huge, meaning even more taxes in the future.

Pic related: one of our top newspapers insulting France's biggest fortune (GET THE FUCK OUT, RICH CUNT!) because he wanted to acquire Belgian citizenship.

>> No.1408501
File: 18 KB, 807x537, hCzo91E[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The useful functions of government could be funded with <10% of current tax revenue. The overwhelmingly majority of taxes goes towards the welfare state, waste, and the bloated military.

All taxation is theft. But it'd be excusable if everyone paid the same % and the government used those taxes to provide (with minimal waste) services we ALL enjoy (roads, police, national defense).

Instead the government targets the rich (productive people) with progressive tax brackets and funds economic failures with their ill-gotten gains.

Federal income tax wasn't even a thing until 1913.

Again, fuck off.

>> No.1408512

>if everyone paid the same %

Note that everyone is actually paying the same rate on VAT, which represents the most profitable tax by far in most countries (VAT = 50% of all taxes collected in my country).

>> No.1408520

Exactly. Heavily taxed social democratic states create an environment where entrepreneurship and self-reliance become despicable since the majority are entirely dependent on leeching off a wealth-creating majority. Underlying this attitude is a constant fear that the rich will stop providing and that the majority's livelihood is entirely dependent on an immoral system.

The EU won't survive the next crisis.

>> No.1408522

s/wealth-creating majority/wealth-creating minority/

>> No.1408529
File: 97 KB, 843x323, Fucking Obama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% of our nation's tax dollars go to welfare you fucking idiot.
>Implying I would just king nigger obongo to do anything with my tax dollars other than pour money on laquisha and her 11 bastard children down on Martin Luther King avenue rather than fix the fucking potholes on my highway interchange.

>> No.1408532


>> No.1408535

70% of our tax dollars to welfare? LMAO so fucking false

>> No.1408540

I don't really care if it's 70%, 50%, 30%, or 1%, I will not let my fucking tax dollars go to the scum of the earth, the people who use the big government with guns to force others to hand over money to them.

>> No.1408550
File: 227 KB, 731x600, 1468453241966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me paint you a picture, let's say you could automagically remove all welfare, with 350 million easy to aquire guns, and stores full of food, what do you believe is the most likely outcome? Poor people getting jobs, or civil war?

see > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danegeld

>> No.1408565
File: 24 KB, 250x278, 1469644846418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay us or we'll kill you and ourselves
Taxation in a nutshell.

>> No.1408569
File: 28 KB, 500x375, thats_just_the_way_it_is_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to how the world has worked since the dawn of time, poor people will always exist, people who don't work will always exist, you don't give them the basics, they'll take it by force and do a lot of damage along the way.
That's the entire point of civilization and the cost of it, we group together, pool resources for basic structures, and try to not kill each other too much. If you don't like it, go beg Musk for a ticket to Mars(you'll have to pay taxes to his corp though for use of oxygen and rent of facilities), or get a boat to nowhere. Those are your options, deal with it

>> No.1408578

>ITT. 30 people that do not understand how to use corporate structures to reduce tax paid.

>> No.1408583

I'm sorry do you think everyone else is just going to stand by a let them? Do you think the police will suddenly cease to exist? Do you think guns will suddenly disapear from the hands of anyone who isn't a robber?

>> No.1408589

you better have not gone to school, use public roads, or vote you hypocrite

>> No.1408593

there are far more people on welfare than you assume, they are an army in comparison. You have to understand, you're not taking away toys and luxuries here guy, you're literally taking away their food, rent, healthcare. Tell me how long you will be able to stare your starving children and family in the face before you grab a gun and rob a store for food, now multiply that by 47 million people, and that's just foodstamps, there are 110 million people total on welfare of some kind. You think you can fight off all of them? They have access to statistically 1 gun for each person.

>> No.1408596

better when private
better when private
One of the cornerstones of a classical liberal (libertarian by todays terms) society.

The state has 3 legitimate institutions: Law enforcement, courts and military.

>> No.1408608

I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.1408614

And your entire theory relies on no one else being armed.

I feel like I'm talking to a retard. Yes, our country would be able to fight them off. Secondly not anywhere close to all 110million of then people are in physical condition to fight, you're including elderly people on medcaid. Secondly not everyone any kind of welfare will be starving after that. Everyone on welfare is not on food stamps, anyone that has recieved federal aid for college is part of that statistic and so is anyone on so much as medicaid.

On top of that those people are not all going to be all in one place up against a single person you fucking moron, they would be spread across the country uncoordinated against a coordinated police force, military, and civilians that aren't going to just lay down and let you kill them because this is America and law abiding people have guns too.

>> No.1408646


Libtards, please go, and stay gone.

>> No.1408651

Just write in Bernie and everything will be fine.

>> No.1408657 [DELETED] 

>better when private
They've been failures everywhere they've been tried.

Most people that are armed live in comparatively rural areas with few poor people. The places where most poor people live, also happen to be places with nogunz and are also the most productive parts of the country (California, New York), so even though they're not goig to your town to create anarchy you're still coming down with us since all the states that pay for you suddenly don't work anymore.

Yep, that's how its worked for over a thousand years..

>> No.1408661 [DELETED] 

I should correct myself, poor people whose lives will be altered significantly without government benefits.

>> No.1408664

>better when private
They've been failures everywhere they've been tried.

Most people that are armed live in comparatively rural areas with few poor people. The places where a lot of poor people live, also happen to be places with nogunz and are also the most productive parts of the country (California, New York), so even though they're not going to your town to create anarchy you're still coming down with us since all the states that pay for you suddenly don't work anymore.

Yep, that's how its worked for over a thousand years..

>> No.1408665

If people hated taxes, we'd vote for shitty libertarian parties that get 4% of the vote maximum.

>> No.1408668

>Most people that are armed live in comparatively rural areas

> also happen to be places with nogunz and are also the most productive parts of the country (California, New York),
Again you think that these people are going to be just allowed to take over the place. Also, silicon valley has the highest rates of gun ownership in the state. Again you are basing your theory on a complete retarded idea that there is going to be no one around that can put up resistance. On top of that the states your dumb ass cites have heavily militarized police and large police forces on top of local military and national guard bases.

Your fantasy of welfare niggers being able to shut down the country is delusional.

>all the states that pay for you suddenly don't work anymore.
None of those states "pay for me." Nice try though.

>> No.1408678

>bunch of nerds defending their property from hordes of starving angry people

how many people do you think are even half as trained with their weapon as they should be? How many people with guns do you think can keep calm during a firefight? How many of these people do you believe have enough ammo to withstand a siege? Are they going to never sleep? Are they prepared with weeks of food and supplies? Have they ever seen combat at all? Do they know defensive and offensive tactics? I don't know myself, but I do know this, there is no motivator more than hunger, you're the only one here with the fantasy my friend, the fantasy that you and others will somehow withstand millions of people that are hungry and armed.

>> No.1408684

Do you think the police and military are going to suddenly cease to exist because we stopped giving welfare to niggers a spics you fucking half-wit?

>how many people do you think are even half as trained with their weapon as they should be?
They will be more trained with their weapons that the welfare people rioting.

>> No.1408686

And that's even ignoring the fact that dumbass is so stupid as to think that the richest tech companies are going to have the best security and private military forces that money can buy.

Honestly you're a delusional retard.

>> No.1408687

do you really think everyone in this country is a sociopath? Is everyone on welfare blacks and mexicans? Pretty sure most aren't, the facts say most are working families, and in fact, many are military themselves. And if you really think cops have a snowball's chance in hell against a true armed uprising, you really don't know anything about history.

like I said, you're delusional, ask anyone in the military what the logistics of the military and cops against, lets say 10% of people on food stamps, that's 5 million people give or take, and that also is out of current military personnel, do you honestly believe there would be a chance? Remember there is precedence for this, Iraq and Afghanistan.

>> No.1408696

>do you really think everyone in this country is a sociopath?
Really defending your self and your family makes you a sociopath? God damn I didn't realize you were this much of a fucking moron.

>is everyone on welfare blacks and mexicans?
Not wait I said autist.

>most are working families and many are military
Yes, and they aren't dependent enough to be rioting. They aren't going to starve without welfare.

>true armed uprising
This isn't a "true armed uprising" we are talking about. We are a small sub-section of a small sub-section of welfare recipients that are dependent enough on welfare to starve to death without it.

>5 million people
If you think 5 million welfare recipients can take over the nation that you are flat out delusional.

>like I said you're delusional
No actual I called you delusional not that other way around. Though you trying to claim this does wonders for my chase for you being delusional.

>Iraq and Afghanistan
You mean the place we send our military to casually slaughter arabs because we are such an overwhelming force against them?

>do you honestly believe there would be a chance
Yes, I do think that this country could resist a hostile take over from a poorly armed group of only 5 million that have absolutely no coordination. You have to be absolutely delusion to think that 5 million welfare recipients could rise up and conquer our nation.

I am arguing with a legitimate retard.