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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14064491 No.14064491 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a worse feeling than getting scammed?

>> No.14064496

This entire board is a scam

>> No.14064498

is there a better feeling than scamming a bunch of fucking idiots?

>> No.14064517

What happened anon?

>> No.14064830

Scammers are removing market inefficiencies. They're a force for good

>> No.14064845

Yeah, browsing /biz/ is basically getting scammed and raped both in the same time.

>> No.14064866

Watching coins go 10x that you saw get shilled /biz/ months ago but you didn't buy because you thought it was a scam.

>> No.14064876
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losing LINK on a failed swing feels worse

with a scam, at least you can acknowledge that you were taking a risk and you got pwned

when you swing LINK, you're taking a sure thing and swapping it out with degenerate gambling. And nobody convinced you to do it but yourself. Way worse feeling.

t. lost 18k LINK trying to swing this past two weeks. Wish I was joking.

>> No.14064886

Getting liquidated

>> No.14064899

If you're getting liquidated you're doing it wrong

>> No.14064900

worse feeling? maybe having missed the ETH or HOLOCHAIN ICO otherwise can't think of anything desu

>> No.14064915
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Being OP

>> No.14064930

Finding a gem that moons hard and not putting enough money on it or worse, having your funds tied up in some bullshit and then watching something moon without you.

You missed out on XCM didn't you?
Well it can still go 10x and beyond, you're not too late to make it but you probably won't be able to buy several lambos.

>> No.14064933

I had some FUN I wanted to sell the other day on binance but there were no buyers. I came here and shilled it and it got sold

>> No.14065092

failed swings are the worst especially if its after you try and make up from a bad hold.

>> No.14065119
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missing out on a coin you already hodl

>> No.14065187

Life itself is a scam, fren.

>> No.14065285

getting scammed by lower lifeforms, i.e., pajeet

>> No.14065320
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I got scammed out of literally all my money yesterday and it was so easily preventable i fucking hate myself

>> No.14065327


>> No.14065371

yeah watching someone you hate making it

>> No.14065380


>> No.14065455

I had like 2000$ worth of FET and I was checking its price on coinmarketcap and saw there was an exchange called bitebtc where it was trading for 25% higher than binance so i sent it all there, sold it, tried to withdraw my btc back to binance, then they disabled my account for 'suspicious activity' and arent ever letting the withdrawal go through. i googled bitebtc and found out they do this to literally everyone, its impossible to withdraw from them. this couldve been avoided if i just spent 10 seconds googling bitebtc before sending them my fet im such a fucking retard

>> No.14065463

You might still get it

>> No.14065526
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>t. lost 18k LINK trying to swing this past two weeks
a true /biz/raeli

>> No.14066528

Being murdered, probably