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14064483 No.14064483 [Reply] [Original]

I have been with my high school sweetheart for 10 years now. I have never been with any other woman but her sexually. Is marriage a good investment? She wants to be married and start a family really badly but I just can't get it out of the back of my mind that I will go my whole life without tasting another womans succulent asshole. What do, anons?

>> No.14064499

>10 years

you waited too long.

>> No.14064500

what the fuck else are you going to do with your life other than raising a family? youre a fucking homo for the asshole thing anon i dont even know why i try to help you degenerates

>> No.14064504

Dunno, will she get fat the second she puts on the ring?

>> No.14064507

How old are you?

Does she have even a sliver of feminist in her?

If you're going to get married, then that's about the best you could ask for.

>> No.14064514

What you have now is more valuable than that.

>> No.14064519

I was in this same boat, got away and fucked some other broads. Couldn’t live life knowing I had one pussy. I didn’t eat their asses or their pussies being that they were ransoms that I had no history with. My friend hasn’t only had one pussy and one massage whore. I feel bad for him desu. Never got to fuck more than one “normal” girls. Rip him

>> No.14064520

>Hey man, nice Ferrari you got there. Hey how about this? You give me your Ferrari and I'll let you drive every Toyota, Honda, Chevy, and Buick that comes out from this day forward whenever you want. I'll keep the Ferrari though, thanks senpai.

>> No.14064553

Pretty much this.

>> No.14064569

>>Hey man, nice Ferrari you got there. Hey how about this? You give me your Ferrari and I'll let you drive every Toyota, Honda, Chevy, and Buick that comes out from this day forward whenever you want. I'll keep the Ferrari though, thanks senpai.
possible based and definitely redpilled. OP is probably homo though I can tell based on his syntax.

>> No.14064574

yeah op you're retarded. That empty feeling you get after fucking some hole is not a good one.

find out if shes a slut and ask her if shes down for a threesome.

>> No.14064575

if you're both white you need to get married and have a lot of kids
don't let jewish degeneracy ruin this

>> No.14064582

This. What are you doing, nigger? Sex is boring.

>> No.14064589

Don’t be a promiscuous nigger, you are not missing out on anything except sexual diseases. What you got is your high school sweet heart is very special. Put babies in her now and raise a nice wholesome family you will not regret it. Hurry up before your girl passes her prime fertility years.

>> No.14064625

All pussy is the same. If you're happy with her, do it. If youre not, don't.

>> No.14064638

checked and correct

>> No.14064662

I feel so bad for idiots that marry the first woman they meet. There is no greater joy on earth than fucking a hot woman for the first time. Variety is the spice of life. Plus as a man your value rises as you get older so you can get better women. Sounds like you're already regretting it, as you should, but just imagine how bad the regret and bitterness will be in another 10 years when it's too late for you to get out and still be able to pull young hot girls. I shudder just thinking about it.

>> No.14064665


>> No.14064666
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Same boat except 4 years
I usually get over it by just fapping but there have been a few times where I honestly wonder if it would be worth it to fug other poontang. We both lost our virginities to eachother so I feel like we're probably not having the best sex...

>> No.14064696

>be OP
>super curious what it might be like fucking another vagina
>throw away 10 year relationship with best candidate for building an actual family
>bang some random slut with tats and nose piercing who has already been blacked countless times and will never be able to form a bond with a man again
>realize it's just the exact same wet hole feeling that he's been used, except now he has some nigger's AIDS
>just took himself out of the gene pool unless it is to make mutts because no quality white woman is going to give him a chance at this point
I say go for it

>> No.14064700

Oh yeah

>> No.14064705

I'm the first person to say fuck marriage. But if it's been 10 years and she's still dying to have a family with you, you might just make it. Don't give it up because you want to fuck sluts, it's really not worth.
>t. bodycount over 25

>> No.14064710

Almost certainly
Really gay metaphor. You're assuming that the first woman he met in his life is the best he could ever do when in reality there are probably millions of other women out there that are hotter, smarter, more compatible but he will never know. Basically like if the first meal you ever had was Mac n cheese and because it tasted good you decided that's all you're eating for the rest of your life and now you missed out on filet mignon, pizza, lobster, etc.

>> No.14064724

explain in plain english
t. brainlet

>> No.14064727

>fug other poontang
>not having the best sex
You're not going to make it.

>> No.14064732

>All pussy is the same.
t. virgin

>> No.14064743

same boat anon, 10 years I'm 26 now. probably gonna throw it all away.

>> No.14064746

>thinks choosing a life partner to start a family with is like ordering from a dollar menu
Not going to make it.

>> No.14064748

Just do it faggot. As a man you're supposed to reproduce and lead a family. You have it lucky you cunt,high school sweetheart fuck you not everyone had that. dont fuck it up and be a loser. good luck.

>> No.14064760

Stay and raise op. I'm a good looking 35yrold boomer with 100+ body count. You think you're missing out.. but you're not.
T. Also now in a happy relationship with quality woman and child incoming.

>> No.14064762

Probably. She was thin when we started dating. Thick now, but still looks good. Borderline overweight.
Not a feminist, thank god. I'm 28 she is 27.
Pretty much this is what I am afraid of.

>> No.14064781

No FAGGOT. YOUR metaphor is shit. A relationship is not something you consume and repalce. It's something that either enables or disables you and integrates into every facet of your everyday life over a very long period of time. It will leave an impression in your psyche that will last forever.

If you are in one that has the positive version of the effects described above, you are an ungrateful ignorant retard who is blind to risk. You probably swingtrade LINK too, don't you? Fucking mong.

>> No.14064791

*and you choose to discard it, then*

Fuck you.

>> No.14064802

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you try to fix it anyway, you'll just break it.

>> No.14064817

why would you even stay with her for so long if you want to or even could fuck sloots? you're literally not missing anything. if anything she should've left you years ago. shit or get off the pot. you're both fucked up and should probably see the couch jew.

>> No.14064822

Can't lie. I probably wouldn't be the misogynistic womanizer that I am if I had a high school sweetheart, but I also can't blame you for wanting to fuck other thots. Monogamy is unnatural.

>> No.14064831

Nice reading comprehension you fucking simpleton. I'm saying that most people who marry their HS sweetheart do so because it's comfortable and they don't know anything else, not because it's their "soulmate" or whatever you godfag incels think. I'm 33 and now dating a hot doctor that I just met a year ago. When I think back on some of the other women I dated especially when I was younger I cringe so hard. Your brain isn't even fully developed until you're 25 you shouldn't be making lifelong commitments before then.

>> No.14064853


Dude you are literally living the dream and have no idea how miserable and unfulfilling chasing these disloyal bitches is, hoping to find love

You are thinking about the equivalent of spending 2000 bitcoin on shitty pizza, and you will regret listening to the jewish programming.

>> No.14064884

Have secks

>> No.14064890

Settle down there Cletus. My point is that in 99% of cases the first woman you met is probably not the best match for you and there is no reason to lock yourself into lifelong commitment if you're not sure since there are literally billions of other women out there. If you're some small town poorfag with nothing going for you then sure you might as well get married since you don't have any options but if not then you should get out and see what else is out there. Also I hold 70k LINK and I'm better than you in every single aspect of life.

>> No.14064917

i'm 33 too and i know cope when i see it
friends gone one by one because they're taking care of the kids, and gravitate more and more towards family friendly activities
>haha i don't care, my life is awesome, look at this HOT doctor i'm banging. did i mention I'm having SEX? with a HOT girl? men age like wine women like milk haha
yes you're fooling the zoomers alright. and there's a bunch of other guys around our age around here, in the exact same situation, who want the validation... in much the same manner trannies have forums where they highfive each other about their dilatation and pills, but does that make transgenderism any less of a mental illness?
all this is, is arrested development. the mind of a twentysomething in the body of a 30 years old boomer, with extra bitterness. it's not pretty. and cope isn't worth leading younger anons astray

>> No.14064940

reminder this entire way of thinking is unnatural and the result of a lifetime of programing.

>> No.14064977

>Is marriage a good investment?
this is biz not plebbit. fuck outta here.

>> No.14065023

What exactly am I coping about? I never once mentioned sex. I just said that I met a great woman in my 30s and honestly each woman I've dated since HS has been progressively better than the last. How is that bitter? Again, if you're not successful and you live in a flyover state you should probably get married younger or you'll be out of options but if not there is nothing wrong with seeing what is out there. OP is obviously feeling some regret already you think that will magically go away if he gets married? No. It will turn into resentment.
Monogamy is unnatural, friend

>> No.14065037

>godfag incels
>thinks you have to be Christian to have a good relationship and raise a family
Have fun "dating" your hot dentist who is probably always going to compare you to her high school Chad.

>> No.14065047

monogomy built civilization, faggit.

>> No.14065062

>each woman I've dated since HS has been progressively better
Why stop here then? You act like a modern female, using them as stepping stones to get to someone "better". It's pathetic.

>> No.14065157

I've dated enough to know what I want and I'm very happy with what we have together. If that changes I will move on. Sorry you have such a problem with that you seething insecure little cuck. >>14065047
Rich/powerful men cheat and always have throughout history (or had multiple wives). Spreading the seed is embedded deep in your DNA.

>> No.14065408


It's too late for that senpai just get married and have a family, period.

>> No.14065483
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same 27 have a feeling she will leave me at 38 disappointed and full of regret. I am still keeping up with other girls I meet and from my younger days, on the off chance one that one of them will still see me as the Demi-God I project.

>> No.14065509

33 y/o happily married anon with 2 kids and 3rd en route

body count of ~70 prior to marriage for me

marry her and have a great life

not marrying a virgin is the riskiest move you can ever make

>> No.14065512

OP is probably 26 how is that too late? as a man you should be increasing in value to women until your early/mid 30s unless you have shit genetics and a dead end job. oh right... we're on 4channel

>> No.14066184
File: 78 KB, 800x450, death is prefered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Borderline overweight.

>> No.14066358


Don't do it anon. If you break up with her to get laid, two things will almost certainly happen:

1. Getting laid will be harder than you think. You won't get any prime pussy and will regret your choice to dump your reliable source of pussy.

2. You will deeply regret losing your best friend and life partner.

If you absolutely must have other pussy, try for a threesome.

>> No.14066386

marry her anon. i've been with 50ish women. i've felt nothing but emptiness. a vagina is just a hole. they're all pretty much the same. and speaking from experience sex with someone you love is 1000 times better than some bitch you met at a club no matter how good she is

>> No.14066390

cheat on trips but never tell her, dont exchange real info with hookups

>> No.14066397

Look anon. You need to fuck a lot of women when you're young, enough that you realise fucking another pussy is the same as the last one and what you really want is a woman behind that pussy.

A woman who will stand by you, believe in you, make you a better man. A woman who raise strong children and be loyal to you no matter what.

I found myself a woman like that and I've had better sex with her than any crazy slut ever. Godspeed brother

>> No.14066973

I hope one day you hear me
Always gon' be a bigger house somewhere, but nigga feel me
'Long as the people in that motherfucker love you dearly
Always gon' be a whip that's better than the the one you got
Always gon' be some clothes that's fresher than the one's you rock
Always gon' be a bitch that's badder out there on the tours
But you ain't never gon' be happy till you love yours

>> No.14067077

Seriously why are you asking a bunch of virgins about relationship advice. Follow your heart brother. Stop trying to fit in talking about tasting assholes knowing damn well these incels haven’t even seen an asshole other than their own while holding up a mirror

>> No.14067096

Kek. Wish you were lying but this is pretty accurate

>> No.14067117

>Comparing food to your significant other

>> No.14067140

You know what else isn’t natural? Talking on this computer while sitting in an air conditioned house after eating the meal I made in the oven after pulling it out of the freezer while drinking my iced water you fucking retard

>> No.14067962

Marry her already

>> No.14068835

stayin alive

>> No.14068842

this is pretty based

>> No.14068862

I've fucked well over 100 girls in my life and looking back on it I could care less that I fucked 95% of them. Pussy is overrated

>> No.14068868

If she's good to you and will be a mother with her priorities straight (kids, husband, family and then friends and work) go for it.

>> No.14068895

face the real world and become a degenerate like all of us you snowflake

>> No.14068969

you dont need to get married to start a family. if she wants to get married to start a family ask why. commitment? then shes planning on getting fat and staying fat. or not working again. if u wana get married you need a backup plan if you get divorced and 50% of your stuff taken and alimony. btw if you make 100k at a job and get fired to make 20k after alimony you can get thrown into prison because you need to make the same 40k alimony payments. many men are in prison because they burned out or got fired after divorce and couldnt keep up with their prime earnings. theres also the possibility of your wife filing a false rape charge against you