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14064581 No.14064581 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of wagecucking. I want to travel the world

>> No.14064595


>he went all in on a literal shitcoin

>> No.14064599

all in on them shicones gj

>> No.14064600

My avg buy is 0.014 anon

>> No.14064617


>> No.14064657

Super high risk, I wouldn’t go all in on a single shit coin. I personally would only get a suicide stack at most and put most of my funds into coins like ETH, LINK and BTC.

Hope it works out for you though. FTM is a micro cap smart contract coin and if there is a smart contract bubble it could 1,000 times. I’ve been meaning to get a small stack of this but keep putting it off.

>> No.14064792

>not all in on Link

>> No.14064843

oh boy, I hope you know when to sell

>> No.14065052
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holy shit you're just like me
>screenshot was yesterday so it doesnt show gains today

>> No.14065065

>17 Link

Breathes in


>> No.14065081

i hold the link just for shits and giggles. its my meme stack

>> No.14065186

I gave some anon 250 link back in 2017 as a good gesture.

17 link, is this serious?

>> No.14065193
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I also have a small 100usd stack of bomb just to watch how it goes.

>> No.14065207

keep wage cuking for life. kek.

>> No.14065208

Dont mind the a hole. He's just made he's never had sex. I have a stack of bomb like that.

>> No.14065224

Ive been in the space since may 2017. I’ve spent hours everyday since learning about the space. I also have a few blockchain clients at work. Ftm is guaranteed moon anons

>> No.14065231

the only thing more cucked than waging is wanting to travel but thinking you can't because you have a job.

>> No.14065334

get some BOMB

>> No.14065349

You'd better pray this gook shitcoin pulls an ICX.

>> No.14065460
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I unironically have consistent fantasies of finding someone else heavily invested into BTC and ETH and forging a strong and heady relationship with them over the Internet before the golden bull run. I imagine us being online during the moon mission to communicate our celebrations in real time. With our newfound gains we then meet in real life and travel the world together fulfilling our dreams before buying a modest mansion in the US wilderness and raising a family. I study hydrology, like lakes and rivers and the ocean and shit, someday I would love to visit all of the major water features in the world, the Amazon, the Nile, the Dead Sea, Lake Baikal, the pink lake in Australia, things I would never and will never get to see in person if I don't make it. Oh and in about 5-10 years when society falls apart we'll relocate to a nuclear bunker in Nevada. Dunno if anyone believes in prayer but I just pray. It's not working though.

Spoiler tags don't work on this board but I'm a femanon. I guess everyone will think this is a troll post but that's ok, I just had to get my feelings out there.

>> No.14065473

>no link
>no xcm
>btc dust
not gonna make it

>> No.14065474

that's the most autistic thing i've ever heard

>> No.14065497

that's fair, but you might be projecting a little bit

>> No.14066715

do you have a nice brapper? only thing that matters.

>> No.14067046

>imagine being in crypto pre ico and never investing in Link
you’re never going to make it

>> No.14067073
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sory fair maiden, i will defen my btc stack as wel as my virginity

>> No.14067093

Not too shabby honestly. You just have to think to the future when 1 link = 1 mansion

>> No.14067242

no $HOT? not going to make it

>> No.14067645

Just a shill who thinks Linkmarines are the same like him and his merry band of discord chinks. Common tactic, trying to get on good terms with the dominant marketeers on a platform by showing they are also "invested". If they would know

>> No.14067685
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finally got a "wagecuck" job and will stop being a directionless NEET doomer

Thank you bros, I'm beginning to see the light now.

>we're gonna make it

>> No.14067692

stake and trade instantly.
PoS fans still buying , take advantage of it now.

>> No.14067696

Literally the worst portfolio I’ve ever seen.

>> No.14067711

Bomb is outdated. Get nuke which is bomb 2.0 with games and decimals. Join for the free airdrop /NDZWzc