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14063621 No.14063621 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got the shit beat out of me again

>> No.14063623

Probable larp but what happened

>> No.14063643

Was it a cute girl? I hope it was a cute girl

>> No.14063653

learn how to wrestle and box

>> No.14063678


>portfolio bleeding again
>decide to go for a walk too blow off some steam, take a break
>nice out so kinda busy
>some roastie accidentally bumps into me
>look back at her and mumble to "watch where your walking"
>didn't realize her bf was with her
>give him the finger
>Ignore him
>he keeps running his mouth
>try to lightly shove him out of the way
>he proceeds to kick my ass until I'm on the ground in the fetal position and some dude nearby pulls him off


>> No.14063692


Should have sucked his dick to assert your dominance.

>> No.14063727

>some roastie accidentally bumps into me
>look back at her and mumble to “watch where you’re walking
Have sex.

>> No.14063730

it was a nigger wasnt it

>> No.14063739

don't start shit unless you can defend yourself, retard
congrats on initiating contact, now you can't even go to the police you stupid fuck

>> No.14063751

>watch where you're walking

Maybe next time shut the fuck up incel

>> No.14063769

Never half-heartedly start a fight. Either back-down or go for a brutal knockdown,
t. streetfighter

>> No.14063785


he looked Hispanic


I didn't start anything. She was glued to her phone and bumped into me. And I tried to ignore the guy. He kept getting in my face as I was walking away until he got in front of me and tried to use my arm to get around him. I never said anything to him

>> No.14063809

Lol fag.

>> No.14063826

carry a gun so you can at least shoot these retards in self-defense next time. By the word "again" in the OP, it sounds like this might keep happening.

>> No.14063832


Not as bad as me.

>was at wedding few weeks back
>get blackout drunk
>end up in a fight
>break some dudes nose
>fall over and split my head open so leaking everywhere
>have to bail with my gf covered in blood while other dude's roastie tries to fight my roastie while he stands there leaking blood from his fucked up nose

Topkek, feel bad for the bride and groom + family

>> No.14063862

You deserved it because you were weak. Make yourself stronger or kys, bitch-cuck.

>> No.14063889

You did well. I see no problem.

>> No.14063896
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would you say you are in the lower socioeconomic circles?

>> No.14063912

Im sorry to hear that anon please carry a gun or less than lethal weapon in the future if legal in your area. Humans arent meant to fight with hands. Actually desu as a human the only thing that matters in a fight is initiative.

The us army follows the doctrine of silence, violence, silence.

>> No.14063917

>going out in normie world on a saturday

shoula known better anon

>> No.14063922
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>Have sex.

>> No.14063930

you kinda deserved it don't touch people unless you're ready to get hit back

in a lot of states any unwanted touch is assault and he would get away with it even if cops showed up

>> No.14063945

>fetal position

Fuck off back to le rebbit with this dumb talk.

>> No.14063955

you can't shoot people for beating you up fag

maybe if they have a pipe or knife, if not enjoy pleading out to manslaughter

>> No.14063966


no, not when people are rude like that. If you need to use your phone step aside.

fuck off


Can't. Live in a liberal state. You can't even shoot someone on your property here, unless you have reason to believe your life was in serious danger AND you werent able to flee



>> No.14063974

good advice here, OP

>> No.14064236

kys incel

>> No.14064437
File: 94 KB, 497x1178, 8BC56928-8A99-4678-8954-5D07B0A164CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started fighting the whole bar yesterday. One guy even bit me. One broken rib and sone scratches but it was worth it.

>> No.14064459

wrong, more wrong than I care to point out.

>> No.14064485


greentext pls

>> No.14064513
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Don't be an asshole to strangers unless you are prepared to physically defend yourself, and even then, just don't do it if you want to /makeit/. Fuck pride or whatever irrational bullshit made you act in any way that directly counters your clear interests.

>> No.14064533
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>No real damage to speak of
Must've been a gay bar

>> No.14064543

>you can't shoot people for beating you up fag
You literally can and should.

>> No.14064555



>> No.14064598
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>be drunk and out with some friends
>met some other dudes who wanted to show us this cool bar
>go in, bartender refuse to serve me
>give me water, go to the toilet try to order 20mins later
>kinda sobered up, but he still gives me a glass of water.
>stand in the bar and look around, only men there
>realize its some kind of blue oyster gay bar
>bartender is rude
>snap and punch him
>the whole bar surrounds me, i start jabbing at them in full rage
>got a few of them before one jabs me
>a fag fucking bites me
>fight my way out of there

>> No.14064606

Funny you say that.

>> No.14064649
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kek, the horrible bigots win again. Fags can't fight for shit.

>> No.14064736

We're reaching low IQ levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.14064763

Then learn how to fight. Start lifting and hit up a fighting gym like MMA if you have one near you (that isn't for soccer moms)

Also did anyone call the cops? Did you have witnesses? Cops will by default side with who's the more fucked up, especially if the guy didn't have a scratch on him and is a spic/nigger