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14062798 No.14062798 [Reply] [Original]

Do all men become bagholders when they are in a relationship or get married ?

>> No.14062803


Not if they reproduce their genes.

>> No.14062865

>muh genes

If there's one turbo brainlet meme that separates thinkers from genecel troglodytes it's "muh genes".

We are in the advent of human genetic engineering. Your offspring within 3 generations will be completely distinct from your gene line. You are already genetically extinct but because you cannot see beyond your tiny reptile brain ego complex these simple facts just wash right over you under condition of fevered denial and genecel meme conditioning.

Have kids or don't have kids, either way your genes mean fuck all.

>> No.14062910

marriage is a phenomenal investment if you choose an even remotely decent wife. go add up the costs of a full time housekeeper, babysitter, and personal assistant. sex and companionship not withstanding. if you look at the costs vs what you are getting.

from a financial standpoint, the institution of marriage is such that you agree to focus on acquiring wealth and building the family empire whilst she hangs out at home taking care of the day to day operations of the estate. oh, and you get to have sex with her.

disclaimer: if you don't want kids, don't get married. there is literally no point unless you are trying to build some multigenerational legacy.

>> No.14062926

i got a fetish for women getting pregnant and getting big flappers and brappers tho

>> No.14062927


This guy gets it. Fucking sick of these incels.


>> No.14062931

Want kids? Get married to a good woman
Don't want kids? Don't get married
Incels, just have sex you low lifes

>> No.14063006


then you become Bagholder, the Holder of Daughters

>> No.14063016
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>cuck: the post

>> No.14063076
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people think financial security is making it, this is a lie taught by the jews.
making it for real is filling a vagina with your seed, watching her tummy grow for 9 months and holding the life you both created in your arms for the first time.

>> No.14063087

Marriage is 100% buying the top and bagholding. If you want to have kids just do it you don't need to sign a contract with the government. And if you don't, good, there's too many people already. Either way, marriage is for cucks.

>> No.14063102
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>> No.14063118

Why can't you fucking faggots stay on /pol/? You have a whole board to chimp out with each other why do you have to come to my board

>> No.14063142
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furthermore, if you go looking for a mate and prioritize financial responsibility, loyalty, and motherlyness, you will probably do okay. the problem is that you all let your dick do the choosing and will put a ring on the first bitch who sucks your dick from behind or has a nice set of tits.

>> No.14063152

get married free man

>> No.14063172

jew detected

>> No.14063173

Not if she has a feminine penis

>> No.14063210

Marriage will certainly become a burden when people can live forever through anti aging therapies.
If you plan to live for more than 200 years don't get married

>> No.14063282

can't post on 4chan, jewgle captcha won't complete
>getting this triggered

>> No.14063489

Imagine calling other people that when you literally save other people's posts to your hard drive, people who don't even care who you are.

You are voluntarily acting in a subservient way, what an absolute pleb you are