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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14062260 No.14062260 [Reply] [Original]

By the end of this year this will be worth at least 5 dollars.

You have zero reason to not at least own a suicide stack. I really don’t want anyone here missing out get in while the getting is good I don’t foresee another dump.

>> No.14062288

Fantomchad here
if it's $5 eoy then what's the market cap at that point?

>> No.14062300
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comfiest hold

>> No.14062369

FTM is about to DUMP.
this is an obvious shill while it at Monthly highs to fuck over newfag investors.

>> No.14062375
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>> No.14062407

it would need to do a 50x to reach a dollar, which would put that mcap at almost $2b, almost $500m more than xmr currently is

hint: that will never happen

>> No.14062429

That is definitely possible have you seen the tech? Look at the partnerships.

Your post isn’t going to age well

>> No.14062443

yeah faggots still think it's 2017. if you haven't made it by now or own at least 21 BTC you will not make it. sething newfag cope in here.

>> No.14062448

if I were to buy it where can I get it without giving my personal details?

>> No.14062459

Yeah 2017 was the last ever bubble.for an emerging tech that hasn't yet achieved mainstream adoption.

>> No.14062460


>> No.14062539

ok, it's going to dump, isn't it?

>> No.14062588

Did you kek... Few nodes testnet and empty words as every gook shit out there

I spent 3 days on tele asking tech questions and got shilled bullshit by 23y old marketing menager

Yea no tnx

>> No.14062642

Test net with over 80 nodes performing as expected. Mainnet release imminent. Cap this and stay poor

Also, what were your question Rajesh, ill answer them right now.

>> No.14062810
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>> No.14063074

Idex is gonna be the way with the most privacy

>> No.14063465

Never used it. Are there any downsides? Is it like etherdelta back in the day? If that's the case I think I will go with that.

>> No.14063475

I first tried IDEX with metamask and it was annoyingly slow and nearly unusable due to shitty metamask delays. Then I just created a throwaway account in IDEX and transferred some funds in. Now it's very usable. I prefer to use IDEX and ForkDelta (EtherDelta's successor).

>> No.14063975

have YOU seen the tech?

>> No.14064032

This is a newfag coin. Every few months there's another 'ETH killer' and everyone deludes themselves into thinking they found the next big thing. They don't even pump anymore because there's been so many of them and the result is always the same. Failure. Enjoy poverty losers.

>> No.14064046

>muh tech
>muh partnerships
Exactly the same shilling as the past 50 platform coins to come out. But this time it's different right? Pathetic

>> No.14064067


>> No.14064079

Eventually it will be this is technology so of course technology will be shilled and tech is useless without adoption so of course partnerships are>>14064046

>> No.14064579


>> No.14064775

hey faggots i just found out i still have 1 million of those FANTOM tokens. bought them in March and totally forgot about them because I went to Detox kek.

Is this a good amount??

>> No.14064812

FANTOMINAS I need an answer

>> No.14064871

very good amount; congrats on unironically being a future millionaire

>> No.14064888

hope you are seriously bro, how high can the price go? any estimates?

>> No.14064916

it will reach $1 easily by Q4; i've seen some say it could potentially reach $5

>> No.14064936

If it can achieve what a piece of shit project like ADA did then 10$ a token and that's without adoption. If FTM get deals and industry adoption maybe XRP level mcap at peak of 2017 (100bn) ~30$/ftm.

FTM notnonly aims to be the fastest consensus solution around, but it aims to allow all blockchain to interoperate.

Watch this to get a better idea. Potential is absolutely enormous.


>> No.14065360

is $3+ likely??

>> No.14065783

Go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.14066565

You remind of the guy who predicted 92000$ gvt
Get fucked

>> No.14066628
