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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 653 KB, 1433x1598, Screenshot_20190609-075821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14062084 No.14062084 [Reply] [Original]

Go on Twitter and you'll find a gorillion fags who unironically shilled TRX and XRP in 2017 now shilling LINK.

>> No.14062099

good. we'll all be rich and fuck u nolinkers, literally kys

>> No.14062124

>not exclusively mating with Linkies
Dirty crypto mixer

>> No.14062137

I'm not a NoLinker dumbfuck. I'm just lamenting on these fucking retarded LINK Twitter shills are bringing people onboard who have no fucking right to be on board. A retard like in pic related only deserves to get in at $5+

>> No.14062143

Uh oh. This is interdasting

>> No.14062191

It will be $5 soon anon, they don’t have much time

>> No.14062221
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>> No.14062356

>be Thomas J Christensen
>ask "how many link would be considered a sound investment"
>say "accumulate as much as possible at any price"

Agree with OP. The retards are coming.
Wat do?
Nothing. You got here early. Sit tight mofos.
Fudding is retarded -- institutional adoption is what matters and that has nothing to do with your retardo turbo fud on reddit and twitter
Shilling is retarded -- see above.

Just fucking sit tight. Count your lucky stars that you wound up in this timeline. If your life has been shit up to now, this might be your big break.

>> No.14062438

Eric Holder lied and Paul Walker died.

>> No.14062558

You just exposed yourself as a greedy scumbag and for that reason alone I will make it my personal mission to shill Chainlink to every Redditor so they get in as cheap as possible. Nothing would please me more than seeing Redditors become rich because they're at least decent human beings.

>> No.14062587

I have to wait 3 years to be a multi millionaire???

>> No.14062599

Shut the fuck up, bitchboi. I buy and sell guys like you for laughs.

>> No.14062603

These normies are unironically still early adopters.
Let that sink in....

>> No.14062608
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>> No.14062924


This is typical normie.
“Hey just wondering what you all think...”

Faggot normies cannot think for themselves. Hes given his “opinion” which is just regurgitating some Youtuber somewhere and still wants lots of others to tell him he is right.

These fags will never make it. He will sell early. Really early. There is no conviction. Normies simply do not understand and lack the ability to get it for themselves. As soon as the group think seems negative on link he will capitulate out.

We dont fucking need normies. Stop shilling to them. Link will pump without a single norman ever needing to buy. I hate all you faggot nulink reddit fags always shilling and trying to get normies to “pump our bags, we accumulated long enough”. You bitches are normies yourselves who still dont understand link

>> No.14063253
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>T O N I G H T
>O N I G H T
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>O N I G H T
>T O N I G H T
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>O N I G H T
>T O N I G H T

>> No.14063290
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>A retard like in pic related only deserves to get in at $5+
get a load of this guy, fighting for crumbs

>> No.14063304

Don't worry, he will sell at $10

>> No.14063310
File: 54 KB, 794x1095, TONIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 10 EOY

>> No.14063726

>decent human beings
Anon, I...

>> No.14064247

not true. LINK still has 1/5th the social media mentions of coins like tron and ripple

>> No.14064275

Good, I hope they all start buying the crap out of Link. Almost rather see them buying stacks than a bunch of swingalings.

>> No.14064308

you actually just outed your self as a redditor faggot

>> No.14064386

The fact that it even has a fifth of the Twitter audience of those two is disturbing. I really hope we don't see the LINK equivalent of #xrpthestandard retards

>> No.14064432

>Nothing. You got here early. Sit tight mofos.
>Fudding is retarded -- institutional adoption is what matters and that has nothing to do with your retardo turbo fud on reddit and twitter
>Shilling is retarded -- see above.
>Just fucking sit tight. Count your lucky stars that you wound up in this timeline. If your life has been shit up to now, this might be your big break.

This anon (i.e. me) has it right.

All this talk of fudding vs shilling normies is peak moron. None of it matters. None of you have any control one way or the other of the price, and next to no control over where a few normies here or there buy it or not.

Point yourselves at finding new breadcrumbs, that is actually helpful or at least interesting.

Stop talking about topics that I don’t like and instead do the things that I want you to do.

Stop liking things I don’t like.

Also, especially, retard who keeps posting that Eric Holder/Paul Walker shit, you are peak retard. Go post on /pol or some other board. If I see you on here again you will be reported to cyber police. You dun goofed.

>> No.14064451
File: 40 KB, 960x540, EricHolderKilledMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14064676


>> No.14065691
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>> No.14065694 [DELETED] 


>> No.14065697
File: 177 KB, 275x413, 03F1AA1A-58E1-47D5-A0E9-747ECC6F2D5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10K LINK stack puts you close to top 10% of wallets.

Even the slightest bit of iron hands could EASILY put you into single digit percentile after the first sell offs.


>> No.14065719
File: 683 KB, 420x420, 039EE511-FF5B-4611-AFF5-8CB5D44C05D7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nodes running currently used about 1500 LINK in a week. So a node runs approx off of 500 LINK as best we can tell from current data.

A 10k stack would let you finance 20 nodes.

Again, perspective. Iron hands frens.

>> No.14066230

Link will never moon as long as normie fags own some. You simpletons don’t get it, the rules are no normies or the 100x doesn’t happen. See antshares, bnb, eth

>> No.14066307

redditors invite destruction on a world their forbears struggled to build, this is the opposite of decent human being; or if your definition of being a decent human being is to be suicidal, then you're majorly fucked in the head bud

>> No.14066314


>> No.14066345

TRX and XRP are very similar to LINK in terms of over-assurance and hype, and they attract the same crowd.

>> No.14066376

>One like on a 5 day old tweet
I think we're good

>> No.14067378

clasic sell signal,time to sell fags

>> No.14067415


I mean, that tweet is literally like reading biz desu. Seen similar messages here multiple times.

>> No.14067683
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>even right now, normies would have to pay TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PLUS to get my simple 10k LINK stack

Fuck its a good feeling. Not many people have the balls to drop 10k on an obscure shitcoin, only the most madlad gamblers have the gonads to match my stack this late in the game. People on here with 30k+ must feel like such chads

>> No.14067697


nice bait

>> No.14068699
File: 28 KB, 370x370, IMG_20190608_211917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

270k here, and yeah, I feel like a Chad

>> No.14069027

I hate niggers

>> No.14069433

Nice one bro I'm holding 310k myself, so comfy

>> No.14069870
File: 83 KB, 780x520, 1555959252941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based desu.

>> No.14069889

Nice dubs madlads

>> No.14069976

I have those balls and I'm still buying more. It's very easy invest the money when you understand the purpose.

>> No.14069994
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>> No.14070045

It's over, stinky linkies.

>> No.14070334

Quit pretending like LINK is some secret club that only 4chan knows about. There are Reddit threads about LINK from early 2018. Several prominent YouTubers in crypto have made videos about it that have been around for a while as well. Shit gets plastered all over the replies of every twitter post that has anything to do with oracles. LINK is a solid investment if you believe smart contracts will take off(if you have done your research its a no brainer that they will), but its far from some super secret investment opportunity. Everyone who knows anything about crypto has heard of it. Most people just cant be assed to do their research. You arent some genius investor, you are just slightly less lazy than your average NPC. Get over yourself.
>also, pro-tip: fudding/shilling LINK on this board has zero, ZERO(one more time for the mentally ill trannies), Z E R O effect on the price of LINK. Its daily trading volume is more than /biz/‘s entire combined net worth, and nobody here that holds a significant stack is going to buy or sell based on what you post. Ever.

>> No.14070484


Why so mad?

>> No.14070554

Because trannies should be euthanized.

>> No.14070593
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>> No.14070619

Got myself a 30k stack at a $1.20 dca.
I want to get to at least 50k but I'm not sure if I'm mad enough to buy at over $1.50 or so.