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File: 262 KB, 1234x1173, A0A6A082-F029-4A16-810C-1DC100282376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14061130 No.14061130 [Reply] [Original]

>give wife card
>immediately spends 1000$

Being a woman is a mental disease

>> No.14061144

It’s her turn, anon
Only fair

>> No.14061155

>give wife card
She's not the one with the mental illness, I'm afraid.

>> No.14061156

Make sure to force anal sex next time you fuck anon.

>> No.14061165

She doesn’t like the idea

Her pussy is too small to even take all of my aryan uncut mass

>> No.14061259
File: 1.28 MB, 1125x1359, 1559424193401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to invest into a new wife anon

>> No.14061269

Go shopping with her retard.

>> No.14061303

> he fell for the gf , wife or kids meme
> he doesn't know prostitutes are way cheaper and comfier in every aspect

>> No.14061309

classic slav terpila

>> No.14061320

> Prostitutes
> Comfy

Pick only one.

>> No.14061335

>he fell for the prostitute meme
>he's never heard of onaholes

>> No.14061347

Stop fucking street whores for $40 dude

>> No.14061349

Imagine getting married in 21 century

>> No.14061375

Have caring sex with your loved one

>> No.14061383



>> No.14061387


>> No.14061402

Not worth all the drama and headaches that comes with it

>> No.14061403
File: 433 KB, 1280x1815, o486g3jSb01s3f5u5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls can take bigger dicks in their ass than they can in their pussys you linklet virgin

Have sex

>> No.14061407

Sell her holes to recoup your losses.

>> No.14061418

It's a wonder women even have the presence of mind to covet and buy shit, given how vacant they are in any other respect.

>> No.14061439

Use only prepaid cc and only put on it as much as she is allowed to spend.

>> No.14061829

Kek you poor lonely soul

>> No.14061863

my girlfriend is ukranian as well (im indian) it is true what they say about eastern european girls, they love love love to spend other peoples money xD

>> No.14061909
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>> No.14061954

op is a cvck

>> No.14061971


you can do that without signing a contract with the government.

>> No.14061973

zara & mango... what a cheap slut

>> No.14061975


I knew a milf who fucked retards. It was her hobby and she was open about it. She told me that it felt wonderful being able to provide romantic love and intimacy for people who struggled so hard to understand the world. The way she described it was like being fucked by an animal, since they operate on instinct when it comes to sex. Most are chronic masturbators and desensitized to sustained contact, so retards fuck hard, long, and are very selfish. She enjoyed seducing them, and the way they reacted when she let on that she was serious and wanted them to mount her. She told me that she never used condoms when she was fucking retards, not because she liked them, but because it was degrading and thrilling for such terribly misshapen people to cum inside of her and get her pregnant. According to her, she had aborted 15 retard babies over the years. Think about that. Think about how much sex with retards she had to have been having to get knocked up with downie spawn 15 times. She was hot as fuck even at 40 but after knowing that possibly a hundred or more 'tards had their way with her over the years, I couldn't bring myself to try and seduce her. She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why.

>> No.14061982
File: 56 KB, 443x455, 1539748917602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARPing as a brown guy
>LARPing that you're dating a white woman
You're not either of those things.

>> No.14061995

I’m so glad I’m socially awkward all my money goes to mooncoins and not wasted on groceries and stupid shit for some bullshit whore who is gonna leave me when she’s bored

>> No.14062063

>She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why.
Good LARP but the bait at the end for someone to say "it's because you're retarded" is too perfect. No one is that selfless in this world to setup such a perfect spike.

>> No.14062106
File: 2 KB, 124x97, 1558080608594s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You played yourself OP.

>> No.14062127


>giving a gift to a woman and not expecting to go instantly to waste

giving gifts should feel like burning money, don't burn money you can't see it go away into nothing

>> No.14062329

Wow man, you deserve a gold medal for being able to expose the imposter. Here: have a cookie

>> No.14062400
File: 348 KB, 829x633, 1550871346484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sugar jew
no thanks

>> No.14062464

>he fell for the onahole meme
>doesnt fill a ziplock bag with curry and fuck it

>> No.14062488

>the incels ITT will never be rich enough to let their wife or girlfriend go on a shopping spree

My girlfriend texted me from her work on Friday saying she is having a bad day and wanted to get away for a while. I literally booked an entire vacation to Greece and sent her a screenshot within 20 mins of flight confirmations. That feel of dopamine you get when you have the ability to do that for someone you love is amazing, and I will be getting my nuts drained for 2 weeks next month while chilling on my beachview terrace.

Have sex

>> No.14062506

Sometimes I'm glad to be a NEET shutin. Having a wife unironically sounds like hell.

>> No.14062509

>Her pussy is too worn out by other men to be bothered by my tiny uncut subhuman slav dick

fix'd it for you

>> No.14062510
File: 83 KB, 423x600, 6AB25040-D9A9-4A11-BAB4-AFCF3B2EA694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bratan you got to let bitch go, she’s no longer seeing you a man - you’re sugar deep pockets now. Next thing she’ll do is cheat on you with some random guy at the gym you paid for her. You’ll need some none-spoiled qtee church girl from Kievan oblast

>> No.14062518
File: 28 KB, 540x347, 346275735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My girlfriend texted me from her work on Friday saying she is having a bad day and wanted to get away for a while. I literally booked an entire vacation to Greece and sent her a screenshot within 20 mins of flight confirmations. That feel of dopamine you get when you have the ability to do that for someone you love is amazing, and I will be getting my nuts drained for 2 weeks next month while chilling on my beachview terrace.

>> No.14062524


having a gf or wife is unironically an asset as long as you're a real man in control instead of being a cuck

>> No.14062531

Clearly a LARP, a real woman would complain about you scheduling it without telling her and how a different weekend would've worked better.

>> No.14062541

You're literally never in control so long as the courts have her backing.

>> No.14062545

>proud of the fact that he's accelerating cellular decay in his body

>> No.14062567


>> No.14062569

>being this much of a cuck to marry a ukrainian tho
you deserve it

>> No.14062574

Very Dubai sir

>> No.14062579

>not wanting to get nice things for your wife
What are you, some kind of monster, OP?

>> No.14062613

>uwu id

>> No.14062676
File: 40 KB, 465x584, incelsmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they think everyone on here is an incel

>> No.14062689


>> No.14062692

Now I know this is a larp because people with big dicks don’t actually need to go around talking about how big their dick is.

>> No.14062694

>gave wife the man card
later, faggot.

>> No.14062699

>bragging about the fact that he's a cuck being manipulated by a woman

i bet you're in one of those online "findom" relationships. Probably never even met her in real life and her and her chad bf are laughing at you while getting you to buy shit for them

>> No.14062711


Capped. Will post in a few weeks time photo of me checking LINK charts on beachview terrace with gf in bikini. Cheer up faggot.

>> No.14062712

holy cuck

>> No.14062715

You better have 21 BTC to be spending money on a whim like that.

>> No.14062717

Im confused by this, do you guys not live in the same city?

>> No.14062727


As I said, not everyone here is poor. I am in top few hundred stink wallets and like my girlfriend so dont give a fuck. We've literally lived together for 3 years already and probably will put a baby in it soon so at this point fuck it.

>> No.14062729

I find it hard to believe. People think jobs is white yet hes a filthy arab. Only proven europeans can be aryan mate.

>> No.14062740

>do you guys not live in the same city?

no because she's his online gf that gets him to buy shit for her. she's probably a cam whore and he's being financially dominated like the cuck he is

>> No.14062741

how do you know, dicklet?

>> No.14062844

Incels seething but its not like you don't get to enjoy the trip too. How do I go from average salary wagie to this?

>> No.14062886

>Come back

>> No.14062903


top kek, you guys are pathetic even in relationships

>> No.14062904


you know someone is in a findom relationship when the girl communicates through text that "hint hint i want this", and the cuck's immediate reaction is "just bought it for you"

>> No.14062917


Not findom when we live together and she pays half our household bills. Fuck sake am I gonna have to screenshot her monthly transfers to my account now?

>> No.14062950


I'm afraid it is time to choose only one, sir. Slavs are pale niggers.

>> No.14062983


dude you're literally bragging about buying shit for a girl. You and OP are the literal definition of cucks

>> No.14063057

9/10 but then you spoiled it
>She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why.
5/10 overall

>> No.14063086
File: 164 KB, 1000x741, 1559435509142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard to prove to strangers on the internet you're a big boy

>> No.14063113

whole thing seems really sad.

>> No.14063114

>not giving your wife an allowance

Never give them a card with limits above what you'd give them yourself.

>> No.14063124

Enjoy your AIDs and eventual dying alone.

>> No.14063136

You never give em a credit card, make it a debit card
Give em allowance and make sure they know it comes once a month, and that it is a certain figure. Dont spoil em.

>> No.14063261

How can someone be so based and furthermore getting digits.

>> No.14063299

Checked, spbp, OP eternally BTFO, and /thread

>> No.14063302
File: 180 KB, 1331x606, ended may 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife has had full access to my bank and cards for the entirety of our relationship and we always save 80% of our income and currently have almost $120k cash.

Just find a good woman. They're not all materialistic.

>> No.14063312

that was your mistake normalfag, not giving it a card.

>> No.14063350

Insecure dicklet detected

>> No.14063352


>> No.14063454

No, having a bad wife was the mistake. Having a good wife is a tax credit.