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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14058956 No.14058956 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a /biz/-grillfriend?

>> No.14058962

you don;'t

>> No.14058975

You're more likely to become a millionaire than getting a biz grill

>> No.14059038

what do u fcking mean? ill be a millionaire just holding these shit coins?!!!!

>> No.14059055

Be Jewish

>> No.14059056

Don't. They are evil cunts. A relationship with them means you would both work as a team, but that won't happen at all.

>> No.14059137

Yes fren. Depends on the size of your bags. You're unironically an early adopter.

>> No.14059278
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ironically im a link marine

>> No.14059414

be born into wealth and then go to a prestigious school in some finance and leadership study program

>> No.14059473

Please tell me this thot really lives in newcastle upon tyne

>> No.14059479


I'm so, so sorry for your losses

>> No.14059498

The same way you get any other kind of girlfriend, but seek in places where women with those interests are likely to congregate.

>> No.14059681

dafuq u recommend? some tron scam?
some SV pajeet scam?
tell me what do u hold

>> No.14059702

Shower. Shave. Lose weight if you're fat.

After you do all that learn to socialize like a human being and not put women on some kind of pedestal like the rest of the neets and neckbeards on 4chan.

>> No.14059742
File: 4 KB, 84x82, DGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time proven bags which will make you rich for sure.
has its own UTXO blockchain
here since 2014
no ico or security
pre-hype coin that is still alive
active development with tech that gots adopted by lots of other coins
new fork on 19th june which is an algo swap which favours FPGAs and kills ASIC minig, nice
a true ASIC resistant algorithm, Odocrypt is it called

>> No.14059861

ok i have nothing bad to say against digibyte
at least it isnt SV ,TRON or omisegook

>> No.14060398

>be me
>be in nyc
>be drunk
>see bizzish girl alone inside bar
>sit next to her
>introduce myself
>she is kind of a bitch naturally
>start telling her about chainlink
>she looks at me the way a scientist looks at a magician who just proved that magic is real
>tells me to gtfo
>another night
>both been drinking
>same exact sequence of events
>she says that she thinks this has happened before
>deja vu
>order her a d myself a couple of beers
>coincidentally it is her favorite beer
>chat more
>third night
>exactly the same pattern
>she reveals that she works in finance globally and in manhattan
>she is a blockchain specialist
>she has met blythe masters
>we both drink quite a bit
>we keep running into each other
>one late night she randomly enters another bar myself and some friends are at
>abandon friends to hang with her
>eventually walk her home
>too much of a gentleman to ignore her firm request not to try to enter her house
>walk home
>be getting super baked vaping weapons grade cannabis distillate at home
>she calls me
>she is afraid that she is suffering alcohol poisoning/withdrawal
>she begs me to come over
>oblige super high
>hunger strikes one there
>buy souvlaki on a stick from greek truck to share
>get to her place
>she answers door wearing bathrobe looking like a truck hit her
>she tells me we are not hooking up
>she leads me upstairs to her room with coy glances over her shoulder
>we enter her room
>she disrobes
>she's wearing a sexy black lingerie onesie or something
>hunger strikes
>open souvlaki to eat
>she loves souvlaki but feels so sick she vomits out the window and threatens to kick me out
>acquiesce and rewrap sorry souvlaki
>lay in bed with her
>rub her back
>rub her brapper
>she tells me we are not hooking up
>too stoned to run any game
>just keep soothing her with gentle touches
>start to take off my shoes
>she tells me to go home cuz she's tired and okay now
>another day she hits me up to get dinner..

>> No.14060572



>> No.14060611
File: 2.71 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181203_203136731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show her pic related
>she is flabbergasted by my connections
>get vip treatment cuz friends with owners
>owners talk me up super positive
>not for the first time she asks me:
"Who *are* you?!"
>vaguely dismiss question yet again
>she pushes
"Well, they call me LINKJesus or Jesusanon."
>she demands that all of our text messages and photos connecting us be deleted for security reasons
>we enjoy dinner and conversation
>walk with her downtown a bit
>walk her to her door
>she ghosts me for weeks while traveling outside the country again
>eventually run into her again
>accidentally mention other girls who have recently had muh dick inside of them
>she tells me that we are officially only friends
>be now having to move across country for project before able to return to pursuing her romantically or sexually
>fuck a couple of other chicks
>randomly run into her again a few more times
>fly across country
>we still stay in touch via text occasionally because we recognize each other's intelligence and talents and connections and other attributes and intend to work together in future
This is almost how you get a bizgf, but they are just as salty an misanthropic as any bizraeli.

>> No.14060681
File: 937 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20181203_173905497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adelyn is very nice in person irl, btw, speaking of biz-related ladies.
>inb4 tiger mommy waifu
She is legitimately super cool and an excellent team leader (she had those blueshirts hopping & popping at high tempo doing her bidding pro-style).

>> No.14060724

Uf you’re actually that larper you unironically have schizophrenia

>> No.14060743

You don’t want one

>> No.14060798
File: 75 KB, 819x686, 1531865024415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool blog post

>> No.14060804

just find rkg and have sex with her

>> No.14060822

>gotta be nice to the weird looking hobo or he'll probably stab me

>> No.14060848


>> No.14060874
File: 26 KB, 443x332, 1545106919116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ women only date high IQ corporate executive finance chads who come from old money families, 500k annual income MINIMUM

It's over

>> No.14060936
File: 372 KB, 1080x1308, Screenshot_2019-06-08-19-32-46-014_com.instagram.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14060975

Based and LINKpilled

>> No.14061061
File: 79 KB, 1080x1090, walking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta be like this dude

>> No.14061085
File: 222 KB, 398x360, Screenshot_2019-06-08 Meet Daniel Masters Ex-Husband of Blythe Masters Who Also Joined the Bitcoin Industry Coinspeaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyperchad Daniel Masters (mommy ex-husband) for reference

>> No.14061822

no one uses currency coins you brainlet, the only use case for those is store of value and that's where bitcoin takes all, even if some meme hipster merchant accepts your shitcoin it won't be even nearly enough to pump your bags by 0.00000001%

>> No.14062771

fuck off delphi

>> No.14063756

Why would you want one?

>> No.14064068

quitting /biz would be a good start.

>> No.14064985

why do girls that dye their hair blonde not also dye the eyebrows


>> No.14065031

How do you know if she didn't dye her eyebrows black?

>> No.14065090

You mean a sugar mama?

>> No.14065114

been blonde my entire life and have always had black eyebrows.

>> No.14065462

my hair turned darker it's almost brown or very dark blonde but my eyebrows are blonde.

>> No.14065960
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 6AD9037D-3700-4062-B4AF-EBB3DFA4DC3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All in one NUKE $10,000
>cash out at 50x
> live below your means less than $3000 per month
>get roids
>get confidence
>sex girl

>> No.14066054

Looks like this shitcoin has been around for a long time now, and suffered a hell of a dump. Why should we buy this?

>> No.14066072

If you can have consensual sex with a girl without resorting to prostitution