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14057471 No.14057471 [Reply] [Original]

>money doesn't buy you happiness

>> No.14057489

I have an even better one
>Money doesn't mean anything! I'm loaded and still unhappy
>Meanwhile he was never forced to work at a dead-end job just to survive

>> No.14057515

Fucking retards. Being depressed with money. Try being poor. They should kill themselves asap.

>> No.14057532

>happiness doesn't buy you food.

>> No.14057537

Money doesn't buy you happiness but being forced to wagecuck brings you a life of shame and humiliation.

>> No.14057546


>> No.14057577

money only buys happiness if you are a retard npc normie that makes it because then you want to make yourself superior to other normie wagecucks and get validation from them by showing it off with expensive (((merchant))) stuff such as iphone, rolex watch, expensive car which you cant use even to 1% of its potential, $500 shoes made by kids in somalia for 1$ a month, etc..

>> No.14057601

>Muh material possessions.

I'd be a lot happier if i didn't have to worry about the high price of rent etc.

>> No.14057603

>imagine not having any passions and interests

>> No.14057654

are u defending your tiny ego that needs normie validation by buying expensive watches as "interests and passions"? or are u projecting i have none? or both?

the only thing money enables you is a degree of freedom, it brings more misery and depression than happiness, take this from someone that made it and is top 30 LINK wallets, all of my friends are getting out of college, getting wagecuck jobs in 3rd world shithole for $350-$500 a month, the part of their lives where you actually get to live are close to being gone ( 24 years spent in school, next 5 years wagecucking for $350-700 with raise), i cant even be among those people anymore because of how much sadness and depression it brings me, knowing how ruined, unfair this world really is.

>> No.14057656
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>> No.14057659

>mommy doesn't buy you happiness
but she does, it's called chicken tendies

>> No.14057667

shit wrong timestamp

>> No.14057668

>money only buys happiness if you are a retard npc normie

its actually the complete opposite

money only DOESNT buy happiness if you are a retard npc normie that values feel feels over tangible things

>> No.14057694

why not accept the truth instead of clinging onto this ideal of money having any sort of value/status in the > real < world instead of this matrix you are trapped inside of? name 5 things you can buy with money that will bring you happiness

>> No.14057730

The question here is what you do for a living. What do you like? What do you want to do?

>> No.14057738

the amount of reddit virtue signaling in this post gave me physical damage how hard i cringed

>> No.14057740

>name 5 things you can buy with money that will bring you happiness

1. High quality food other than rice and chicken every night
2. The ability to not wagecuck my 2 jobs for ~60 hours a week
3. A house so i dont have to live in this 550 sqft apartment anymore
4. The ability to travel and leave the United States for the first time in my life (23 y/o)
5. The ability to pay off my parents debts so that they too can stop wagecucking

>> No.14057743

I think you mean comfortable

>> No.14057752

upper middle class shitstain detected

>> No.14057759
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If we had a real nation and a real society I might agree. Money however, frees you up from having to work useless makework jobs just to survive and enables you to pursue more important things and therefore self actualization. This is very basic psychology.

>> No.14057760

Nice damage control. You are depressed because you are boring and don't have any drive, interests or passions. Wouldn't surprise me if you're lonely too. Kys.

>> No.14057784

1. high quality food is a scam, you can find cheap food with same quality as "premium" wholefoods scam, dont fall for the (((McJew)))
2. lurking biz instead of learning something as SEO online then crying you need happiness to get u from wagecucking 2 jobs, top kek retard
3. housing market is a scam where banks control 90% of it and inflate prices so that people take loans/increase debt
4. traveling is a meme for instagram attention seeker normies, muh soul muh deep insightful calmness
5. your parents are retards if they went into debt and had children without thinking about their position

i live in a 100m2 apartment with no tv anon i dont think im upper middle class

post your reddit username please

>> No.14057791


>> No.14057790

>name 5 things you can buy with money that will bring you happiness

1. Pay some master hacker to dox the brainlet asking me this question
2. Pay a hitman to kill the brainlet after I find out his name and address
3. Buy a mansion
4. Uh... nice food or something
5. Throw a party at the mansion to celebrate one less retard in the world

>> No.14057802

yes anon you really need a mansion with 3 bedrooms and 3 toilets and 3 showers, buy buy buy goy

>> No.14057828

low iq post

>> No.14057835

>i live in a 100m2 apartment
upper middle class shitstain confirmed
>high quality food is a scam
Also larping as poor, as upper-middle class shitstains usually do for good boy points

>> No.14057840

What a shit mansion, for a 3 bed, I want 6 toilets & 4 showers, 6 if i have a pool!

>> No.14057852

while your entire post is retarded, im going to point one thing out specifically

>housing market is a scam where banks control 90% of it and inflate prices so that people take loans/increase debt

So we both agree on this, the only way to beat the system is to have the capital to just outright purchase a house, ergo being rich

>> No.14057915
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try harder
i dont larp as poor, i said its a scam, read the labels and ingredients + country of origin, most of it is a scam just like Apple is for tech

this site is 18+, try /r/CryptoCurrency

we agree on system being a scam, u beat it by not playing their game with their coins that have no actual value, you cant skew the truth just because you got rich and can afford that penthouse, or latest iPhone, or latest TV, its still heavily overpriced manipulated piece that only gives dopamine rush of happiness due to status/validation they get from it to npcs too afraid to look inside for the actual truth because the actual truth makes those items worthless

>> No.14057930


>> No.14057931

lot of assumptions here, i could care less about the latest iphone or a smart TV

i genuinely just want a house so that me, my girlfriend, and my cat dont have to share 550 square feet with eachother, and it smells like shit if the cat just took a shit or either one of us did

i just want space, and for that i need a house, and for that i need money

>> No.14057932

Time buys me happiness
but you need money for time
and time for money

life is suffering

>> No.14057941

Traveling is a meme though t b h

>> No.14057944

high quality food doesn't have labels

>> No.14058019

He's retarded, and most likely just a larper. With money I would have lots of free time and cash to spend on instruments for playing music or funding my own record studio and professionally do my shit, maybe help small rising bands.

>> No.14058321
File: 174 KB, 616x434, BFC81A37-E80C-450A-9274-F58EFE908339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "money isn't important" meme is just cope for the people who don't have money. Then there are ofc brainlets who will say "money cant buy happiness directly!!!1!"

>> No.14058342

This, it’s all about perspective. Too many rich people don’t have it. You know how many rich pieces of shit I need to spend time with who don’t even say please and thank you? Like they just deserve everything because mommy and daddy spoiled them with golden fucking diapers.

>> No.14058361

Everyone here has Asperger's and we don't care about that stupid shit

>> No.14058387

>Money doesn't buy you happiness

Is there even a statement more full of New Age hippy crapola? Money being good for your wellbeing is such a basic tenet of existence that even communists managed to get it right.

>> No.14058408

>The "money isn't important" meme is just cope for the people who don't have money
usually it's a cope for rich people who want to believe that their "achievements" are the sole results of their "hard work". Same with IQ.

>> No.14058418

If you're rich and you're still too pathetic to have sex then just go right ahead and kys

>> No.14058419


>> No.14058435

I used to be a poorfag then I made it, I can say I'm much happier now. Mostly due to the endless supply of weed and constant sex with hookers.

>> No.14058441

>name 5 things you can buy with money that will bring you happiness

1. Not being a wagecuck.
2. NOT being a wagecuck.
3. Not BEING a wagecuck.
4. Not being a WAGEKEK.
5. Hookers.

>> No.14058469

I'm also happier being able to shitpost without having to do a stupid captcha everytime.

>> No.14058684

There is intense research on this topic and the current consens is that money DOES increase happiness, but it doesnt do so unlimited. There is a hard cap once you have all basic needs covered you wont get any happier

>> No.14058822

You’re fucking retarded then. Get a career going and cut off your friends who didn’t make it. If they remind you of how depressing the world is then you shouldn’t be around them.

>beauty (art, nice things, nature)
>staying away from substances
Literally all you need to curb suffering. You’re never gonna be happy but you can be content and relatively shielded from the suffering caused through nature and other men who (like you) want to hurt you in some way.

>> No.14059058
File: 334 KB, 1109x1705, dee2af9xpy911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the truth is the only reality that matters and im not a faggot to shield myself from it. imagine telling a multi-millionaire to get a carrer going to virtue signal your "enjoy life". pathethic.

lol, look how deep i am XD space!
roasties cant know true love, altho i have a pet
>staying away from substances
never consumed any and have no plans in being a dude weed lmao bro

remember kids /pol/ is always right and you having money, then using it to shield yourself from actual cruel reality makes you nothing but a human worm justifying its innevitable death with "love" =)

>> No.14059095 [DELETED] 


>> No.14059232

>name 5 things you can buy with money that will bring you happiness

1. A quiet gated community with great upkeep of property
2. Good insurance coverage for just about any emergency or illness
3. A home with well-maintained air conditioning and plumbing
4. Avoid working low wage jobs that deal with the ungrateful customers or dangerous equipment
5. Being able to gloat on the internet

You're a retard.

>> No.14059246

Yeah ironically this is a rich people catchphrase. If you have ever been poor you would never say this shit

>> No.14059269

Just stop posting faggot, you are a retard

>> No.14059327

This. Money does increase happiness, to a point, although it's modulated by perception, eg people who place more value on non-material pursuits are happier than people who are more materialistic.
