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File: 221 KB, 568x479, greenwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14056730 No.14056730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw didn't fall for the get married and have kids meme

>> No.14056744


who even does

you literally set yourself to poverty after the first son

>> No.14056749

Imagine being 50 yr old loner with nobody else to talk to bcs mommie and daddy are in the grave.

>> No.14056750
File: 204 KB, 720x960, thisIsChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither but I am lonely desu

>> No.14056767

That's still what usually happens even if you have kids.

>> No.14056775


Not even old. If you're in good shape and healthy you can still fuck 25-35 year olds at that age and well into your 70s. If you're a broke married cuck who has to work overtime to support his wife and kids, however...

>> No.14056776


Don't fall for transhumanism you DERP.


>> No.14056778

Idk where you are from mby its some amerifag egocentrical society but where im from i visit my parents once a week.

>> No.14056787

keep telling yourself that thats a good thing.
the only reason you are on this world is to spread your genes. especially if you are white.
btw have fun dieing alone lmao

>> No.14056789

Imagine having kids and a wife just to not feel lonely, damn that's selfish
>implying family doesn't already think I don't speak to them enough.
>implying your children won't put you in a
retirement home

>> No.14056800

i'm committing suicide when i'm 45 unless my portfolio 1000x's in the next 2 years

>> No.14056804

if your children put you in a retirement home then you failed as a father

>> No.14056811

>Having sex as nature intended
>Having an abondance of women in your sentimental/sexual life
>Enjoying life whilst young as long as you're not doing arm people and/or doing hard drugs
>Spreading your genes to different women
>Somehow degenerate to some people around here
Why does this board and /pol/ smell so much like sour grapes?

>> No.14056815

Wtf if you live with such negativity then nothing is possible. Also who the fuck asked you to marry a cuck wife. Dump her ass if she is a dumb hoe and take the kids. Jesus christ biz you werent here if you didnt have your mommy and daddy have secks. Dumbass.

>> No.14056816

well, if they can afford it you obviously must've done something right

>> No.14056821

What's the point then? You have to put in work in an attempt to not end up somewhere you would not end up if you didn't have them.

>> No.14056824

Aryan chads have kids with your wife

Mischling jew virgins only play video games and waste cash on frivolous consumerist garbagr

>> No.14056828
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>you can still fuck 25-35 year olds at that age and well into your 70s


I cannot recall a single fucking time seeing a woman in their twenties in the company of a guy in their fifties, let alone older than that, outside of blatant gold digger/sugar daddy bullshit, but paying for sex doesn't count

Some of the most retarded boomer cope I've ever seen on here, congrats

>> No.14056829

Its only young kids that fall for the wife & kids meme.
Look what having a wife & kids does, it created the Zoomers!

>> No.14056831

If you dont stick around to raise your children theyre gonna become drug addicts, transgenders, or end up getting raped in prison and enjoying it.

>> No.14056833

Imagine being so undesirable that no one wants to talks to you in your 50s, that you must have kids and force them to talk to you.

If that's your plan you already failed at life mate.

>> No.14056839

what are you on about? in the UK you get £500 for having your first child, and you get child tax credits, working tax credits, child benefit and housing benefit.

put all those benefits in crypto for 2 years and ur rich because of ur child.

>> No.14056840

Imagine being such a failure as a man that you fail to sow your seed

>> No.14056849

Raising a family is the most important thing someone can do in life. I'd do anything for my step kids and knowing they'll pass on everything ive taught to future generations brings a happiness to my heart you can never understand.

>> No.14056854

Imagine being a chad at your 50s but eventually you understand that actually its just an abstract illusion you created thanks to some buz bullshittery. Enjoy being a loner fuck you prolly will go to a school and murder all the young kids at your 50s when you realize it.

>> No.14056855

>Image wanting to come back to this shithole of a planet

>> No.14056866

You would be surprised how many men are blissfully victims of paternity fraud, rising Chad's offspring.
The kids are doing fine.

>> No.14056871

> Not being independently wealthy by 50
> Not being a prestigious member of a board of directors by 50
I'd fucking kill myself right now if I thought either or won't happen by 50. I've got about 10 years experience with my employer, and was just promoted to a very visible project for corporate. It's a massive failure, and always has been, but the guy who used to be in my direct supervisors position is now the COO. I'm on good track.

>> No.14056876


thank god i'm not in cuck UK

i rather not live with handouts, not everyone is a faggot poor like you

>> No.14056879

i feel pretty comfy, nice wife and the first son was born recently. hopefully the next one will be a daughter.
yes my wife is not a 10 / 10 but i honestly don't care, she's a good mother, loyal and not as dumb as most women.

>> No.14056884

imagine being this bluepilled.
cucks itt.

>> No.14056885

>hopefully the next one will be a daughter

>> No.14056891

sure she is, enjoy kissing the mouth that sucks tyrone's cock while you break your back at work

>> No.14056892

>Imagine being such a failure as a man that you fail to sow your seed
Well now, imagine being so arrogant and selfish that you think the world needs, or even desires another copy of you.
You have most likely done nothing worthy of passing down your genes into a new person, you're just another regular Joe that life won't care if your girl shits out another clone of yours.

But go ahead matey, keep having tax slav... I mean beautiful babies!

>> No.14056895

>Imagine being so ignorant what goes on this this planet
Hi Zoomer

>> No.14056896
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>> No.14056926

Have sex

>> No.14056930

>Enjoy being a loner fuck
Why would you be a loner? Do you have no friends?

I really don't get all the people in this thread saying this. Are you all really that pathetic that you must force life into this new world just so that you can have someone to talk to? Thats pathetic.

>> No.14056931
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, populations 2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye white people

>> No.14056938

> line of ancestors reaching back throughout the centuries down to the time, there the first slurp left the ocean; overcoming wars, epidemies, catastrophes, all kind of nasty shit > no matter how big the trouble, no matter how bad the odds; all of them did procreate
> being OP, messing it up literally living in the best of scenarios (21st century)
> totaly not an ulra fail

Jup, guess, you're right ...

>> No.14056941

I'd take a robot hand, and legs any day of the week.

>> No.14056952

>People have always done x
>Therefore x must be desirable

Low IQ post

>> No.14056957

Why is that an ultra fail?

>> No.14056958

i know she doesnt, the family net is too close
also i am a eurofag, so it would be muhamed's cock

i really dont get it why a daughter is considered to be a bad thing by 4chan

>> No.14056966

literally no white counties on that pic! Wow

>> No.14056970

If you raise her right she'll end up being enjoyed by another man. Which is ok I guess, if you are not mad about it.

>> No.14056971

I have a wife and three kids and am eternally grateful for them. I love them with all my heart. I hope my frens here can have the same. I want all of us to make it.

>> No.14056978

But dude... We're all just like, stardust man...

>> No.14056979
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Ironically, I am 45 yrs old with a 25 yr old 9/10 qt. I am not rich, paid off townhouse from crypto, $400K in 401K/IRA and ~$30K in crypto and putting everything in there every month. She wants kids badly but is your typical souther girl who is eating junk food and about to whale up. Looking at her mama cringe at the thought of what having kids would do to her. I could imagine having kids if I had a few million, never had to worry about money (it's cheap in the south) but I looking at her family and pretty much everyone I know it seems like they're a bad investment because will end up only being a pain in the ass, suck up money and end up hating you unless you are really lucky.

>> No.14056983

Thats because you will look late 30 if you take care of your body/ low stress
Maybe some trt

>> No.14056989

>i really dont get it why a daughter is considered to be a bad thing by 4chan
Your just raising something for someone else to fuck. The only thing she will ever be useful for is having offspring. Maybe you might come back as her grandchild, sounds shit!

>> No.14057000
File: 340 KB, 1748x2310, muttmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no white counties on that pic
too true

>> No.14057008

So, would you do it again?

>> No.14057019

it's not about people doing stuff; it's about the very basic: it's about the definition and goal of being a life form...

you're not failing as a son, an american, a white guy, human or whatever your messed up prespective might be atm: youre failing at the very CORE CONCEPT: you're failing as a life form. Dude let that sink in. How could it be any worse?

>> No.14057045

All of you apefucks seem to forget ONE real important factor here. Without this buttsecks YOU wouldnt be here writing some hyper intelligent shit. So be fucking thankful some cuck decided to bring you in this world. This is just some low-iq nigger tier discussion.

>> No.14057067

you will also get a son in law
women aren't completely useless, who takes care of you once you become old? your son or your daughter? i answer that for you, its always the daughter (exceptions exist)

>> No.14057079

This argument makes no sense. If I weren't born why would I care about existing at all? I can only care about living because I am already living.

>> No.14057106

>you're failing as a life form
Who cares? Real question, why do you care?
You are just a slave to your biology if you think like that.

>Birth, Growth, Reproduction, Death

Why do you keep perpetuating a cycle with no reason, just because it's in your genes programming? I really don't like the term, but that's the definition of an NPC.

>> No.14057107
File: 40 KB, 640x802, young2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Biggest mistake I made probably was when I turned 30, I had a 6/10 girl who loved me more than life. She was not an idiot, had a decent career, would cook and look after our place and me and I knew she'd be a great mother, caretaker, etc. But after a couple of years she wouldn't really get my dick hard and I moved on chasing young pussy which always was the greatest high for me in life. In 20 years it's probably going to be my biggest regret in life but if I was given the opportunity to travel back in time, I would probably choose young pussy again. Don't know if that answers your question

>> No.14057110

>who takes care of you once you become old?
A cocktail of drugs (Crystal, crack, heroin), Some rope, exit bag, a gun. Do you want me to list them all?

>> No.14057116

Typical zoomer argument.

>> No.14057128

sounds reasonable, enjoy life

>> No.14057129
File: 144 KB, 682x1023, 36717E72-5300-4CF9-978A-17185CD8ADEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so happy I didn’t fall for the marriage meme

>> No.14057135

Muh genetic line, gotta pass on my genes because reasons.

Consider how many species have come come and gone and that there will be an earth without human beings someday.

You’re not special, your parents and children, extended family and friends aren't special. This is a rigged game and resources are finite; we’ll die off eventually and the world will be better for it.

>> No.14057153

25 is pushing it but 50 year old dudes in good shape with money pull 30 year old women all the time,

>> No.14057211

Damn you really triggered the ugly, hopeless ducks who will never get a woman kek nice one

>> No.14057225

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.14057238

What?! No pussy for me!? ME?!! But, anon, why did it have to be like this? I was supposed to have certain things.

>> No.14057264

it's about accepting the challenge, dropping the 'muh snowflake' mentality and have fun rolling to it ...

bro, you're ALWAYS a slave to your brain/biology, that's how life works. Sex feels good because your brain want's to have it that way. success (any kind .. you name it), recognition, feeling smart while contemplating ... same deal! you want a life that feels meaningful? play to the rules. The brain is designed to reward being fit and procreating. It starts with sex and ends with the feeling you have being a parent. People don't make these up; it's the way humans are. And no matter how hard you try to escape through mental gymnastics: it's all that you can get out of life in the end ...

>> No.14057321
File: 99 KB, 600x900, e2b471148cdf970a261bccbe2b16a55b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically want to "make it", marry an educated european girl, have children together and enjoy a peaceful life together in a comfy house surrounded by green landscapes.

>> No.14057332

based and dadpilled

>> No.14057350

It's good to be a rare specimen in a sea of chinks and pajeets.

>> No.14057352

Arts, technology, science, religion, spirituality < fucking and reproduction?

How about having the sack to walk your own path in life and doing things that make sense to you, developing character in deriving meaning from your own way of life? That path doesn’t include children or a significant other or any partner for me and I’m happy/content with the way things are? Can you say the same? Or do you look outside yourself for meaning?

>> No.14057355

>not giving your progeny a chance at transhuman/life extension/spiritual ascension immortality
cucked and blackpilled

>> No.14057362

Did you guys know that 100% of married and non-married, child-free people die?

>> No.14057390

>> line of ancestors reaching back throughout the centuries down to the time, there the first slurp left the ocean; overcoming wars, epidemies, catastrophes, all kind of nasty shit > no matter how big the trouble, no matter how bad the odds; all of them did procreate
>> being OP, messing it up literally living in the best of scenarios (21st century)
>> totaly not an ulra fail

Such a low IQ way to see it.

Even if you don't reproduce, your noble ancestors (who were probably just actually semi-retarded farmers) genes are still everywhere since every countries population has done at least a 50x in the last 1000 years.

>> No.14057428

We’re floating around in a giant wet, rock in space, anon. If spreading your genes gives you peace of mind on this temporary, blip in the grand scheme of things, then, as fat, nigger, women say; “you do you, boo.” Yet, you’re no worse or better off than those of us that go our own way. I don’t mean mgtow shit either, I mean incorporating ideas and lifestyle choices into your day to day experience that make sense and avoiding the things that do not. Guess what? I’d be a shitty parent and enjoy living a quiet, introverted life outside of work where things like spiritual ascension and immortality don’t come into play.

>> No.14057435

meaning is nothing objective; it's an illusion. In fact, it's all in you mind. Dude, all you can do, is stimulate your brain to make you feel comfy. And as a fact, your brain rewards certain things in an AMAZING! kind of way; falling in love, having sex, seing your kids (especially the baby onces). Sure, you can go through live and cut out all of these but while doing so, you're at the same time cutting yourself off from the most elaborate reward your bilogical desing has to offer to you.

>> No.14057482

All women are whores.

>> No.14057486

Humanity is in the sorry state it’s in because most operate with that mind set if doing what feels good and what nature intended. I derive gratification from recognizing instinctual behaviors and rejecting them to focus on other pursuits that help me to grow as a person and keep life interesting. Will I miss out on a lot of basic, human experiences with my type of thinking? Certainly. But I’m also capable of doing things you cannot and will not be able to achieve if you follow your programming like the rest of the heard. The goofy thing about all this is neither of us is any better or worse off in the end. Part of the reason I don’t put any stock into marriage or a family rests on that idea.

>> No.14057496

Having a loving white wife and happy healthy white children is making it.

>> No.14057512

>it's about accepting the challenge
I have challenges in other aspects of my life, bringing a new life into this world is not particularly difficult, neither parenting if you have a firm attitude. People in the middle of nowhere in mudhuts are having kids as well as white trash and basketball-americans. Again, there is no challenge in bringing new life to this world.

A challenge is something adversary, why would you do something considered a challenge because your biology dictates you to? Do you see your kids as a challenge? Do you only want to have kids so you can fulfill your "life purpose" with no consideration if said children really will want to be here when they're born? Remember that you're bringing another man/woman into this world, not another baby.

>bro, you're ALWAYS a slave to your brain/biology, that's how life works.
Doesn't mean you have to act on your biology impulses. Do you rape every girl that you find attractive on the street, or eat junk food at every opportunity because your biology tells you it's packed with calories needed to survive? We can override these impulses because we're thinking beings, not animals that must fuck when in heat in order to procreate.

>Sex feels good because your brain want's to have it that way. success (any kind .. you name it), recognition, feeling smart while contemplating ... same deal! you want a life that feels meaningful? play to the rules.
Only you can validate yourself, if you selfishly have kids just to feel fulfilled, or seek the validation of others through public recognition, that's a losing game.

>And no matter how hard you try to escape through mental gymnastics: it's all that you can get out of life in the end ...
If you think that way, you probably have a set of values/ideals much different than mine. If you think having sex and procreation are the end all be all of your life like most people in this world, and that makes you happy, I guess that's fine.

>> No.14057547

Dang those, these childless fucks escaped taxes for good.

Don't worry though, we still have a lot of people pumping out tax slaves, so it's all good.

>> No.14057588
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Eunuch. This thread is filled with s o y b o y s who will never become grown up adults.

Me, I have 5 biological children with 3 women, and I'm only in my 30s. I provide to all of them them, and yes, I have plenty of money left for myself. I don't care if they drain my resources, I've got enough for everyone.

>> No.14057594

>Having a loving white wife and happy healthy white children is making it.

and when she gets bored she unmakes it.

>> No.14057596

>Chad is a goblinigger.

Is there a more Jewish place than New York?

>> No.14057610

>Me, I have 5 biological children with 3 women, and I'm only in my 30s.

Did it quell your existential angst or have you started wondering what the purpose of your kids lives is now?

>> No.14057617
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>> No.14057630

Well, the marriage thing does cost a tremendous amount of money and resources that folks simply don’t have or care to have. The guy down the street with a wife and two kids doing road construction, eating dollar menu burgers at lunch and getting drunk a few nights a week might very well be happier and more fulfilled than I could ever be. What he doesn’t have is the security of a large bank roll, eating filet for every meal if he wanted to, having zero debt and knowing if shit hit the fan, or if he had to have surgery or fix his car, there was a stack great enough to handle it. There isn’t a bill I can’t pay right now and that in itself is pretty comfy.

All this promotion of promiscuity and proficiency with women, spreading muh genes and then using public assistance or getting into crippling debt to support your little, shithead kids is a net drain on all of us.

>> No.14057640
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It's not up to me to decide what their lives purpose is. Couldn't care less. My role is to provide resources and care for them in order to let them thrive like I did.

>> No.14057644

If everyone could be giga chad and take care of their own without section 8 housing or vouchers for juice and peanut butter, we’d all be better off.

>> No.14057680

I'm sorry you feel so disempowered. Nihilism is a terrible affliction.

>> No.14057780

That’s the problem with this medium for a discourse, things get missed over text. You should mistake my post my nihilism, I have my spirituality and focus of my career, physical training, nutrition, hobbies, the outdoors, philosophy and whatever else. Just, marriage and kids don’t have a place in that journey. You should always have a code to live by though, I only disagree with doing basic things that “feel good” for feeling good by itself is a vain pursuit. You have to call in higher faculties than your lizard brain to appreciate the difference.

>> No.14057785

If you get children in the western world without being a millionaire just abort them you poor latino nigger

Like buying a car without having money for gas lol

>> No.14057788

Shouldn’t mistake**

>> No.14057796

>literal cuck

>> No.14057862

Yes goys, women are evil do not procreate

>> No.14057866

I'm investing in my own kids bro. it's my genes

>> No.14057907

Top fucking kek

>> No.14057927

unless your the woman then it's basically like wining the lottery every time you have a kid.

>> No.14057947

Willfully binding yourself sexually and emotionally to a single person is the most cucked thing any man could ever do. Don't trust no hoes, the only person who can truly love you and make you happy is yourself.

>> No.14057956

Have a 10/10 wife
She white educated, polish
Has a career yet she
Stays at home takes care of 2 kids, will continue career when kids go to school

I regret it. She used to have sex with me, bj anytime, when we were dating.
Now we are in Croatia for vacation
6 days its been already, no sex.
She isnt even tired, just reads her phone
Meanwhile the eldest kid is having tantrums too often probably is Asperger or worse a mental fuckup

Should never have gotten married and had kids
These kids will anyway move to diffrent city when Im old
Wife will prolly divorce
6 days vacation on beach, hot weather, no sex. Its already over

>> No.14057981

>having kids
Not a meme, incredible experience. Getting married on the other hand...

If you can find a way to have kids and get to raise them while giving them a non fucked up motherless life let me know. Wives literally exist to raise children. Steep price but worth it.

>> No.14057990
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35 year old boomer checking in

I think I'd like kids, but I wouldn't have them outside of marriage. And I'd like to get married, but only to a trad wife who can't just get bored one day and financially ruin me. The system right now is designed to allow women to behave terribly and receive no punishment for it. I wish we could securitize women and society so I could short them.

>> No.14058002

Imagine not committing children to society. The world (likely) exists long after you die, nigger. If you're intelligent, you should be helping society by bringing more high IQ individuals into it.

>> No.14058018
File: 486 KB, 1350x837, 2F199A9F-576B-4D9A-88C0-B9C59F370335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

state run nursing homes are the way to deal with boomer parents pic related

>> No.14058031

you’re an anti white loser

>> No.14058039

You are an underage retard. I doubt anyone likes you now but assuming they do that does not last. People grow up and have adult lives. You’re the male equivalent of a mid 30s single roastie that nobody wants to talk to

>> No.14058048
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>tfw didn't fall for the breeder meme
>be engineer with doctor bf

>> No.14058051

there used to be dowries for women and there still are dowries in every civilized country (USA and Europe are backwater states that are run by feminist Jews)

>> No.14058062
File: 994 KB, 1600x1333, 9b69d617-6ee7-4912-ac52-6e1ceb88d221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14058068

you are an anti-white brainwashed retard KYS

>> No.14058074


Take note here dreamers. This is what will happen to everyone of you.

Had the same situation going; couldnt deal with the cold as post children version of the wife. Divorced and ofcourse got the turbo demon (lawyer battles and demanding way too much money for the sperge kid, even keeping the sperge kid away as punishment).

5 years of short lived flings further im living together with a 23 year old 10/10. Sex went from twice a day to twice a week if im lucky.

She DEMANDS kids in the future..............


>> No.14058079

anti-white retard detected

>> No.14058090

you’re either underage or you should remove yourself from the gene pool thank you

>> No.14058095

WFT (((He))) has a Dr. BF. He's a faggot!
Based NON breeder

>> No.14058107

I know a married couple where the dude is 64 and the girl is 35 or so. It happens.

>> No.14058110

roasties are breeders too pajeet
did you figure it out yet?
thank you fren

>> No.14058121

Dude you just solved the problem. All we need is a market where people gamble on the future of the genders, where the more women lose power irl the more money people make. Market makers (all male) will come in and also influence society so they get paid. At the same time it’ll mostly be women betting in their own favor so we’ll siphon all the money back from the gold diggers. Brilliant.

>> No.14058125
File: 211 KB, 581x664, 341F783A-0C5B-44AC-9F38-751659CEBBC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be having the state provide welfare to all your kids. White people rejecting welfare is cringe
your wife wants to be raped. Stop being submissive and fuck her

>> No.14058175

Not really, white people have historically come up with some of the most useful inventions of humanity.

You, on the other hand, got triggered by this, so you're probably defined by your skin color even though you have probably accomplished nothing in your life.
>my ancestors meme

Totally buddy

Heh, cry me a river big boy

>> No.14058681

>spread your genes

Spotted the person who thinks they are a special snowflake

>> No.14058706

>white people not wanting to be a parasite is cringe

>> No.14058707

>living in Pakistan

>> No.14058720

if you believe yourself to be a man of science then yes, reproducing is the only reason to live. also you must be retarded if you think fulfilling a biological drive makes someone special.

do you think you're special or intelligent because you don't? sound like a faggot who thinks he's special cause he sucks cock.

>> No.14058746

There is a reason all of the best looking, most intelligent, most successful, happiest people eventually get married and have kids

But you're right, you're smarter than all of them- cheers to you

>> No.14058763

kek its true especially in the digital age. everyones family is so disconnected with only a few exemptions. very few families have ties like they used to

>> No.14058765

and yet any genuinely intelligent person will tell you that it considers itself retarded. as opposed to people like you. who consider themselves intelligent.

>> No.14058767

only real Redpill

>> No.14058774
File: 109 KB, 761x701, Stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being white and having kids and paying taxes just so your kids can be economically discriminated against and blacked on a daily basis because the world will always be jealous just because they are white and better looking.

>> No.14058810

Again, all of the people who have the most success in the most aspects of life do the opposite of what you've said

The data supports the opposite if what you've said

But you're totally right for sure

>> No.14058832

>I’m le strong red pilled hunter man!

>> No.14058842
File: 143 KB, 742x1024, 8DC58229-714C-4B96-8F5D-F6EF1C1E8EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rejecting welfare is anti-white. As it currently stands whites and asians are the only racial group that are net taxpayers. White people need to start using government programs
Imagine being a blackpilled faggot and not fighting the demographic war by having 6+ kids
so are you a self-hating white person or a jew?

>> No.14058863

I don't have to imagine it, I can go downtown or anywhere on the internet for objective evidence of this. Just like my kike governor malloy who raised taxes only for our county in the state (White and wealth) to pay for more shitskin gibs in the shithole cities they import them to.

>> No.14058874

yeah you can say the opposite of reality all you want but encouraging people to be dependent on the government is peak niggerdom.

>> No.14058889

Yeah and then you spend $1000 a month in food, shelter, healthcare and education for the kid you retard. Not even in the gommiest country people have ever said "oh wow my wallet is so much heavier now that i have children" you tard

>> No.14058916


>it’s good to be a rare specimen

Tell that to the yazidis

>> No.14058920

How is that different from right now?

>> No.14058923

No that is retarded. That is some boomer/jewish mental illness piped into your brain. Whites do not exist to pay for transfer payments for non-white citizens. Whites need to start taking their fair share of govt transfer payments. The alleged white boomer thrift (in reality they are debtors) is the same as cucking yourself. The government prints money to pay its bills, not getting your slice of that is brainlet tier.

>> No.14058936

I don't care about establishing a meaningful relationship with a woman, but it would be nice to pass on my genes eventually.

>> No.14058964
File: 65 KB, 430x510, gaslight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a parasite like the niggers, goy
thanks for the advice kike, keep gaslighting

>> No.14058990

>reproducing is the only reason to live
According to whom? What will happen if I don't? Will I get punished with death if I don't?

>> No.14059021

are you a jew or a self-hating white? There is nothing parasitic about taking free money from the government in a fiat regime... it’s called loving your family and trying to accumulate capital. The same boomers who reject welfare will reverse mortgage their house and leave their kids nothing. Anti-welfare is anti-white

>> No.14059051
File: 9 KB, 232x217, 1555540966621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14059072

from an evolutionary standpoint yes
stop pretending

>> No.14059077

Knowing what you know now. Would you be okay with cheating on her but keeping her?

>> No.14059113

>Having kids will make you evolve.
True. I have six kids and with each kid, I've evolved. I now have functional gills like Kevin Costner in Waterworld. It's pretty dope. Fuck water pollution, though. For real.

>> No.14059156


Awe......how cute. The special snowflake got his feelings hurt. It's ok special snowflake, it's not your fault. When you were a little kid and your parents told you that you were special and unique, you actually believed them, so you grew up not knowing any better.

You better retreat back into you're bubble, because in there you can keep up the delusion that you are special and everything you do is magical.

>> No.14059164

>been swiping for 9 months on bumble/tinder on just average QTs
>not been on a single date yet
>fit, worked out 10 years straight
>100k yr/job

I hate life

>> No.14059181

Imagine being so poor you can't afford to have a family and have money.

Sorry your only prospects in life are minimum wage workers.

>> No.14059216

Why do pro family, pro marriage folks care so much about the rest of us opting out? Does me not fucking, setting down and raising a family really bother you? What if you have chronic depression and severe ADHD, and although you’re good looking, have an 8 pack and a decent job/education, you know you feel deep down you’d be a shit parent or spouse? What then? I can’t reasonably subject an innocent life to the neglect and disdain I would have for it. I wish more men had the sack to admit as much and just focus on finding a box to nut inside.

>> No.14059272

It is for a large swath of Americans where the pay scale tops out at 45-50K. They end up putting groceries on credit cards until their maxed out and working 6 months just to break even when the car needs a new transmission or little jimmy needs his tonsils removed. That be one route I’d rather die than take part in, that’s for shit sure.

>> No.14059296

Instead of focusing on a box to nut inside.

Sorry, frens, phone posting.

>> No.14059347

> he fell for the "getting married and having kids is a meme" meme

>> No.14059378

Stop being anti-white go die alone as you wish

>> No.14059394
File: 402 KB, 868x932, sadkatz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not attractive or wealthy enough to fall for the get married and have kids meme

>> No.14059417

Just get a mail order bride. They aren't all idiots. Lots of them are college educated and want to start families. Tell them you wont marry them until the first child is born though. As for me, I'm not having kids unless i make it because if I'm a miserable wagecuck and i had kids, then i would probably take my frustration with life out on them.

>> No.14059436

Swing a bit more in your league and you'll get laid. You just have to be realistic.

>But wwwaaahhhhh hambeast fatty wwwaaahhhhh

You need to actually be realistic.

>> No.14059478

I feel pressed for time. Im 34 and I wish I had 2 kids by now. Part of my problem is my location where there isnt a lot of people and the other is just the absolute state of wh*te women here. I am working an angle to move over to Europe because USA is a complete joke / will collapse soon with the millions flooding the country every year.

>> No.14059532

Finally someone in 4chan who fucking gets it. Who fucking cares you bring another lifeform into this world. You have no idea why the fuck you do it. Why you keep the wheel turning. If you want to do it fantastic but a lot of people doesnt want to anymore deal with it.

>> No.14059612

>tfw fell for the be ugly and poor but still try to attain a high quality of life meme

>> No.14059829

The pro-Caucasian folks among us will cite tradition and race preservation, but they generally do a poor job of elaborating beyond a that point. There like an approximation of the pro-life crowd on the USA Bible Belt that can be bothered to speak up after a 9 month old gets his head caved in by an angry, drug addicted father that had no business being a parent in the first place. If less people thought that whole process through, we’d have less people on earth to take care of and reduce the rate of dwindling, natural resources.

>> No.14059837

They’re like*

If more people thought that whole process theough**