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14047999 No.14047999 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/, I want to find good crypto in which I can invest today and get passive income in future from staking while keeping my stack. The goal is to have at least $8k per month. Hope u guys will give me some suggestions.
I've already considered the following options :

- Ethereum:
-low risk, there is a little probability that in the future price of Ethereum will be lower than it is today;
-we don't know exactly when PoS will be launched
-low early ROI - around 5%. If I run my own node of 32 ETH, and if price of ETH hits 10k in the next bull run(which is optimistic), I will only have around $1300 per month. That's not bad but far from my goal. To have $8k per month, I'll need 6 nodes of Ethereum, but I don't have that much money atm to buy almost 200 ETH.

-risk is still low
-project is developing so there's a high chance that the price will grow in the future not only in dollars, but in satoshis too.
Cons :
-reward is still low - around 7% per year. Even if my stack once becomes worth $1M, I'll only have around 5800 per month.
-coins can be slashed if delegated to wrong validator.

Dash :
I don't have $150k to create my own Masternode.
So there is no need to count pros.

-High Roi - around 38% yearly
- it's low cap and cheap, $0.14 per coin while total supply will only be 32M of coins.
- there is no minimum amount of coins to start staking
- totally unique codebase
- inflation will drop soon by 1/3 so price should increase
Cons :
- It's almost unknown and developers dont do any marketing, so once it can become abandoned
- Price has dropped significantly last month
- inflation will drop by 1/3 soon, so ROI gonna be lower.

Linda aka Metrix
Pros :
- High ROI - around 44%
- low cap - so there's where to grow
- Big community
- no minimum amount of coins required to start staking
Cons :
- U have to pay them $10 per month via fucking PayPal to stake
- staking is done on their servers,so I dont keep my private keys.

>> No.14048032



>> No.14048098

I was staking PIVX and their wallet just straight up forked on its own. I checked their reddit and twitter and a ton of people had the same issues. Took a couple days to fix it and they say it shouldnt happen with their latest version of the wallet but it was annoying.

>> No.14048122

>No mention of xsn despise the fact they are actually giving tech knowledge welfare to dash and its the only staking platform with unique characteristics on top of being an insanely low cap

Seriously dude, do your homework

>> No.14048146
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>ill ONLY have 1000s of dollars a month for doing effectively nothing

even before taking anything else into account the degree to which this seems detached from reality is enough to convince me staking will always be a complete meme and no one will be making this kind of free money

someone explain to me why I'm wrong

>> No.14048149

I haven't done any research about it, but I heard it's kind of dead coin because it's devs don't know in what direction to move in future. How will it reach 30 bucks?
Also roi is quite low atm, better than ATOM's or ETH's, but I need a ton of these coins to have $8k/month even if it hits $30.

>> No.14048163

bitcoin interest (bci)
pros: free if you had btc at the time of the fork
cons: low volume, low cap, only trade at bitfinex, shit price.

>> No.14048211

Never heard about it, redpill me.
C'mon dude, I'm accumulating 32 ETH anyway but I only mentioned that their node gives less than $8k.
Principle of low risk - low reward works in crypto too.

>> No.14048217

Crypto is too volatile for passive income. Take your crypto gains and put it in something like p2p lending where you get 11% interest backed by real estate as security.


>> No.14048319

Pls tell me more, I'll write down ur ref code and use it if I decide to invest there in return.
Btw I guess now it's not the best time to put money into real estate, because a big recession is coming, much bigger than in 2008 or even 1929.
This is one of the reasons why I'm so confident about crypto.

>> No.14048342
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the fact that you're considering crypto low risk is also a massive red flag to me that you're being insanely optimistic here

realistically i'd think eth is the best bet but you're grossly overestimating the reward

i thought atom was inflationary but don't actually know ; i'm sort of hoping the price will dump over the next few months before buying in and playing with it myself

dash and everything below it sounds ultra scammy. xsn sounds ultra scammy and i wouldn't let their wallet touch the network even any of my shitcoin wallets reside on

not trying to completely shit on your thread btw I'm also curious about staking coins, I just don't think its going to work. how is the sell pressure from people dumping their staked coins not going to tank the price permanently?

>> No.14048463
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There isn't really much to it. It's basically micro-lending. Instead of putting hundreds of thousands of bucks into a single loan or giving it to your bank you take many different loan parts to the tune of 100-500 so if one of them defaults your risk is limited.
You're also not investing in real estate. The loans are just backed by real estate so if the borrower defaults it gets auctioned off and you get (some or all of) your money back.
I started investing little more than a year ago and made 1.4k from an initial investment of 10k with 2 loans in default (but not yet lost as a write-off). There's also an auto-invest feature so you don't have to do shit, it'll just reinvest what you earned for that sweet compound interest at 11%

>> No.14048475

I'm only considering Ethereum low risk, it won't die and it's already very cheap. Next year it will cost more because of POS and BTC halvening, so it's really low risk investment.
> xsn sounds ultra scammy and i wouldn't let their wallet touch the network even any of my shitcoin wallets reside on
Do they steal private keys or what?
> how is the sell pressure from people dumping their staked coins not going to tank the price permanently?
In the same way sell pressure from miners dumping their mined coins isn't tanking the price permanently.
U should consider PoS as different kind of mining, more comfortable because u don't need any equipment for it.

>> No.14048536

>Do they steal private keys or what?
No idea and I don't intend to find out. I think you should be extremely paranoid about everything crypto is my only point there.

>haha dude just stake our coin its free money lmao
tell me how this doesn't sound too good to be true

>> No.14048660

Hm, don't know about XSN, but Linda is really shady for me. Maybe I should remove their app from my phone.
> tell me how this doesn't sound too good to be true
The whole crypto industry sounds too good to be true, there are tons of projects where u can put around $1000 and become millionaire. But still it exists.

>> No.14049004

CRED, nice roi, low risk, can stake stablecoins

>> No.14049093

NEO is cheap and worth the risk:reward for its all time high. I just finished a stack of 1000 neo for this exact reason, if it hits $200 again (less optimistic than $8000/eth) the income will be $4500-$8000 a year depending on block size. I'm working towards finishing off 32 ETH now since you want to stake something established. We'll see anon but thats my $0.02.

>> No.14049128
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XSN offers the following:
>Trustless Proof of Stake (TPoS)
With TPoS, you can stake 24/7 from a locked wallet while your computer is off.
>Cold staking
With TPoS, you can stake XSN from cold storage.
>Masternode hosting services (MNaaS)
Trustlessly host a MN 24/7. No need to set up a VPN. Hosting fees payable in XSN. Like TPoS, you can have your wallet closed for weeks and secure the network 24/7.

In the works...
>One-click TPoS
>Immutable DEX run the MN network.
In addition to the MN network running the DEX atop the XSN blockchain as its first dApp, it will also host the blockchains of every participating coin on the exchange. The end-user doesn't have to worry about syncing.
>Multi-currency light wallet (MCLW) with one-click lightning swaps.
Instantly convert BTC into LTC into XSN into Tether. Trade BTC for LTC and vice-versa with the push of a button. Whatever is priced in Bitcoin can be bought with Litecoin, XSN, and potentially many other LN coins
This is currently in beta-testing
>One-click privacy swaps
Connect the LN to TOR, capable of mixing BTC, provides stronger anonymity for both the LN and the coin participating.
>DEX Aggregator
Pools together numerous DEXs that suffer from low volume or difficulty of use
Stake XSN, receive staking rewards in BTC. Stake PIVX, receive staking rewards in ETH.

There's a lot more to it. They're building a platform that, by design, obsoletes the infrastructure used by the biggest of CEXs. The long-term is to be able to trade, swap, and stake from one secured wallet where the end user is directly in control of their funds at all times. No need to transfer funds back and forth. No need to compromise your funds by sending them to a CEX that restricts your direct control over the funds.

>> No.14049313
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>can stake stablecoins


>> No.14049676

This was my first scam coin back when it was called posw

>> No.14049692

Well sounds good but 8k/year isn't much. To accumulate 1k NEO I need to dump around half of my crypto stack for it. Maybe I'll consider collecting it when I finish accumulating 32 ETH.
I'm sure it's gonna pump soon, however TRX looks more promising for me amongst chinese crypto.
Thx for the information. Looks pretty much like Linda but better because they are developing DEX, and DEX is the future of crypto. However, is there any way to stake it while holding private keys?
Think I'm gonna buy low amount if this coin from my next paycheck.

Also guys any ideas about Livepeer? Just found them out, ROI is extremely high (161% yearly) but they are even more unknown than Linda or Semux, rank 2k+ on cmc.

>> No.14049706

> scam coin
Is this a scam? Why?

>> No.14049715
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PoSW wasn't a scam but it did have poor organization
The X9 Developers took over from the old team over a year ago and they've been delivering great things ever since.
Exactly what makes Stakenet a scam to you? Be as detailed and specific as you can be.

>> No.14049849
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>> No.14049874

No XEM in this thread. OP will never make it

>> No.14049988

wasnt their wallet just hacked? or am I thinking of komodo?

>> No.14050018

FTM in a month or so

>> No.14050122

> yearly reward : 4.21%
C'mon it's even lower than ETH.

>> No.14050234

Staking isn't as passive as you think. In many cases if your node goes down your stake gets slashed.

>> No.14050245
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>he didnt mention Decred

>> No.14050325

Well I mentioned slashing risks while talking about ATOM.
Ethereum won't slash coins as I know.

>> No.14050380

>Decred is the original Fork of Bitcoin, only it introduced Staking as a feature
>staking allowed for novel governance mechanisms to be integrated on top of Decred, like politeia.
>users can vote for protocol upgrades and on treasury spending
>PoS stakers earn 10% interest on average
>price has been supper stable
>hybrid PoW&PoS makes Decred 23X times more resistant to a double spend (51%) attack than bitcoin, compared on a level playing field.
>Half the coin supply is currently being staked, so its locked up for a minimum of 30 days
>this makes Decred supper scarce
>the order books reflect this, with only 0.5% of supply available for purchase on the market
>21 million Decred will only ever exist, smooth mining/emission curve, no halvenings.

>> No.14050390

> max supply 21M
> yearly staking reward 10%
Hmmm looks good. But this is BTC fork right? So reward will drop soon.
However, it looks undervalued atm. Has potential to $100 min.

>> No.14050400

How much can I get approx for staking 32 eth? I only have 32 eth

>> No.14050422
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It's more like a BTC fork + upgrade for governance features and staking.

you need around 120 Decred currently to start staking (about 3000USD worth). but there are also staking services that allow you to stake with less.

also, you can delegate your stake/ticket to a pool operater for a 1% fee of the reward. so your computer doesn't have to be turned on all the time.

>> No.14050427

>if price of ETH hits 10k in the next bull run(which is optimistic), I will only have around $1300 per month
do the math

>> No.14050444

more stats here:

but fyi, there is some regulatory risk to this coin that has not been made public yet (I am the source on this). ill be releasing an article on this regulatory risk within the next couple of weeks when I have sold my Decred bags. once the price reacts to my legitimate fud, ill buy back in. you should too.

>> No.14050456
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trips confirm

>> No.14050511

but the price won't stay at 10k for long
Like 1300 didn't last long

so 130 dollars at 1k?

>> No.14050549

Well with current price it's around $33 per month (lol).
But in the next bull run I expect ETH to hit 10 or even 20 grand, so somewhere between $1333 - $2666 monthly.
Maybe in 10 years or so Ethereum price will even hit $100k, in this case we will have around $160k yearly/ 13333 monthly. So 32 ETH can give u upper-middle class income of developed countries easily.

>> No.14050604

32.5 at current price

>> No.14050734


>> No.14050796

Quant (QNT).

>> No.14051356

You people dont fucking deserve investing in xsn.

>They will steal my coins hurrdurr
Do you realize the meaning of the world trustless right?
You are not sharing your private keys with anyone. The tech is so good even dash are asking xsn for advice despise the fact that posw started as a fork of dash.

Regarding posw, yes it was a shitcoin. But xsn? Is one of the few coins with actual developments thats pushing the technology further, not just playing catching up with other coins. The lightning router hardware and the private one click dex seem great. You might think they are spreading too thin by trying to do everything but the rare thing is that they are actually delivering on every fucking project

>> No.14051816

>- Ethereum:
>-low risk, there is a little probability that in the future price of Ethereum will be lower than it is today
>-we don't know exactly when PoS will be launched
sometime in the next 3-5 years... MAYBE... if they can figure it out
>-low early ROI - around 5%. If I run my own node of 32 ETH, and if price of ETH hits 10k in the next bull run

>> No.14051951
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Why do u hate Ether so much anon?

>> No.14052775

How much do we need to stake?

>> No.14053420

>Get 5% return (subject to price fluctuation risks) on investment of $320k worth of assets
>doing effectively nothing ... detached from reality
Anon are you familiar with the concept of investing

>> No.14053518

> Linda

Is that piece of shit still around? Linda was meant as a scam initially. The creator was so surprised he made a shitcoin spinoff called Linda's Little Sister. If you're interested in a masternode there are far better options. Divi, Smart, Graft, are some cheap ones. The masternode space is filled with scams.
If you're into staking, Decred is the OG with staying power.
SpankChain has a sick staking contract that pays you BOOTY that you can use to open bobs and vagene on their platform.

>> No.14053523

you're better off lending PETH on MakerDAO for higher returns.

>> No.14053536

isn't this the stuttering pothead coin?

>> No.14053552

They have a clear direction and achieved a milestone recently. Dyor

>> No.14053595
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A soulmaster is currently $3k

Staking starting next week

"2 scenarios Soulmaster reward will be worth with certain mcs.

$100m MC
$Soul token worth $1.71
Monthly reward $615
Soulmaster value $85500

$500m MC
$Soul $8.57
monthly reward $3077.16
Soulmaster value $428500

>> No.14053637

ya, op is overestimating rewards and underestimating risks is my point

>> No.14053925

Sounds good, but it's ATH is $0.76 , why do u think it will hit 1.71?
Is there any way to stake it without masternode?

>> No.14054194

They've made a lot of progress over the last few months. Huge partnership with a gaming company as well. The company there partnered with is also working with them to develop the project and marketing.

You can stake 1 SOUL minimum but you'll make much for staking 50k SOUL.

Once mainnet starts there will be a lot of the circulating supply locked up in master nodes. It'll decrease the circulating supply by at least half. Let circulating supply, higher prices.

Is honestly be surprised if SOUL didn't see at least $10 within a year.

Just DYOR, I think you'll be blown away. Most people like myself just pass the project off without looking into it. But honestly once I actually dove into the details I got an instant hard on. I only looked into it due to a friend. Otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered.

>> No.14054201


>> No.14054267

This too

>> No.14054378

Fuck u and fuck this total shitcoin
Top kek

>> No.14054613

Let's see your best fud anon. Take a shot.

>> No.14055433

kek obvious paid post to shill scam coins trying to compare them to ETH

>> No.14055510

Check QLC Chain ANON