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File: 56 KB, 384x272, 6A85BDB8-D6BE-4099-BEA2-0D74DF95EE61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14047600 No.14047600 [Reply] [Original]

David star is my favorite star. You know why?

>> No.14047611

Why anon?

>> No.14047643

probably shilling a jew project

>> No.14047698


>> No.14047705

COTI moonbag ready! Let the jews pump it to pluto

>> No.14047706

Because the Jews are watching and will reward support?
David's star is also my favorite. Palestinians are dogs

>> No.14047731

Let the party begin, acummmm coti, its kosher.

>> No.14047766

what is palestine? they are non excistant, lower than dogs. jew are the best. they have monnie they have coti. they will pump it.

>> No.14047837
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Please proceed anon

>> No.14047884

question is heavy retorical.

>> No.14048095

Shilling coti?? Shill my bag I like it , within 1 year lamboooooo

>> No.14048110


>> No.14048118 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1024x523, 600E1437-6982-4132-B700-E3150548B1F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jews are Satan and they want to genocide white people via ethnic replacement and mongrelize all the races except for their own kind in their efforts to create an easy to control, individualistic goyim in a cultural Marxist society. Jews want a world of their own and that world is a world in which they control everything and keep us inline with smart contacts and Ai system to forever be their slaves.

Wake up to reality, all jews are enemies of the people, they know what their tribes evil plans are. They are all redpilled on it at a very young age and they are all complacent in achieving it. Everything they do is to advance their plans. They are the most tribalistic people on Earth. They shame whites for being racists and being nazi’s if they become tribalistic because they are scared of us. They live in fear that their goyim golem will wake up and turn against them. The white golem has been the only golem that ever turned against their masters and this is why they want whites extinct.

Reject the crypto currency Jews, reject the media, government, education. healthcare and food jews. Everything is corrupted and made dysgenic in an effort to destroy us. Jews are pathetic vampires that never were able to have a civilization of their own, they only can thrive when they hijack our society it’s and subvert us to their will. They are literally cancer and will destroy everything good if we continue to let them continue to grow in power.

>> No.14048535

euuhh ok, nobody read that

>> No.14049071

The social construct "the white race" needs to be destroyed. What do you think this means? Most jews are white passing, do you think he is arguing for his own murder? Obviusly not. He is simply saying how "the white race" is a concept used to destroy and oppress people.

If suddenly everyone forgot the word "white" could be applied to people, the world would be a better place for everyone.

>> No.14049775
File: 192 KB, 658x825, 1E867637-AA3B-4876-A0B6-7C65D427B814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most jews are white passing, do you think he is arguing for his own murder?

No Jews will be excempted. They control the media and everything. Jews will rewrite history in their favour and be known as the liberators of humanity from the evil white menace. They will also most likely take on the new appearance of their host nation either through gene editing or propagation with darker semites.

>"the white race" is a concept used to destroy and oppress people. If suddenly everyone forgot the word "white" could be applied to people, the world would be a better place for everyone.

Fuck off with that white guilting Jew bullshit propaganda. Whites deserve their own nations why is it if we want to be tribalistic and do things in our own best interests that we all the sudden become “oppressors” and “Nazi’s”. It’s not fair that we have to feel obligated in allowing our nations to become overran with foreigner, that everybody else has a right to be proud of their heritage “black”, “Jew”, “Mexican”, Etc and be tribalistic but whites have to remain as individuals that have to share their country and provide welfare and become ethnically replaced because of so called evil past deeds.

Fuck off I don’t give a flying fuck if we did any so called past evil deeds. Jews always project everything they do onto the white race and make whites pay for their crimes. It’s no fair. I want my own countries with whites that are tribalistic and work togeather in their own best interests. Why the fuck is this illegal, why is it that isreal is allowed to this and not have to take in any refugees? Why only white countries, why do Jews control everything and do everything in their power to eliminate white people and promote non stop degeneracy and poison our foods and enslave us with usury and control all banks and education and the entire god dam world. It’s because they are an insane tribalistic people that are hellbent on killing their enemies. Fuck you.

>> No.14049840
File: 281 KB, 974x928, jews_mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14050019
File: 1.24 MB, 1536x2048, 55A0B8BA-E8C0-4BA0-8024-448BAD04AE40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you do not have a problem with the quote I edited it. This shouldn’t be problematic at all unless there is some sort of double standard for “god’s chosen”.

>> No.14050032
File: 91 KB, 700x537, crematorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill all jews

>> No.14050361
File: 54 KB, 960x572, 1556852842936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice b8

>> No.14050381
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>> No.14050443
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>> No.14050690

kys you disgusting norman