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File: 201 KB, 500x927, being-male-is-easier-08-05-18-sun-14-44-57-no-47303538-_male-_can-gain-attractiveness-35208843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14041524 No.14041524 [Reply] [Original]

And being a female outside of the first world is ultra nightmare hell suicide mode?

>> No.14041545

Don't be fat
Care about having a family

BOOM, you are secured and set for life.

>> No.14041556


>can gain attractivenes through education

stopped reading there

>> No.14041561

>female, hard mode
When easy mode feels hard either you are stupid or the game is rigged

>> No.14041573

all men are retards

>> No.14041574

And since not a single cunt is able to have these 2 traits, well... get fucked.

>> No.14041577
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Retarded thread

>> No.14041608
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>> No.14041626


>> No.14041644

Yeah sitting at home today with no career or starts sounds great

>> No.14041647

Anon in OPs picture doesn't understand what easy mode is.

Women have life on easy mode because they can just open their legs to make it. They don't even need to do it, they can use it like a carrot on a stick. And if they're ugly, women can do magic with makeup to cover it up. Fat women only have themselves to blame for their calorie intake.

What the pic is talking about is how men have a higher tech upgrade tree. That's hard mode.

On easy mode, you get boosted stats and can beat the entire game without any decent gear. But you don't get the ultimate weapons unlocked. They're available only on hard mode, but you start with totally gimped stats.

And not every man techs up to the max upgrade possible. Only like 1% of the men in the world do. Whereas like 90% of the women in easy mode get "very high stats" from the get go and can make it on looks alone.

You don't need max tech upgrade to win anyway. You don't go for protoss carriers every game. Sometimes you can win right away at the start as zergling rush. Like how some women can make it very early in life on looks alone.

Men cannot do that, unless you are the 1% with chad genetics. And even those had to work in the gym for their bodies.

>> No.14041665

Completely disagree. Graduating from a mediocre college and getting a mediocre white collar job is probably the cut off for being equal. By the top 1 percent of success the difference is absolutely colossal

>> No.14041667

Women can just put make up on and gain 3+ points in attractiveness in half an hour.
There are so many girls who i thought were way out of my league and when i saw thrm without make up they look like absolute shit.
So nice try

>> No.14041675

>put make-up
>go on diet, stop eating like a pig
>you're now 8/10
>you can literally marry a millionaire now
""""nightmare mode'"""

>> No.14041686

I'm old enough to understand that being "female" isn't an uniform experience across all socio-economic classes and even geographical regions and ethnicities.

>> No.14041696

>getting a mediocre white collar job
But here alone roasties already show how they are on easy mode.

I've seen way too many under-qualified still get a higher paying position they don't deserve on looks alone.

Easy mode for women is powerful enough that they can completely bypass the "white collar job" step.

>> No.14041698

Perhaps one thing that is almost always in place is that you are obliged to bond with another human that is, and always will be, physically stronger than you and will use that as leverage, even if unwittingly.

>> No.14041701

Also women have no idea how hard it is to be successful. Most males are losers. Few make it.
It takes incredible amounts of genetical (just like with looks) luck due to IQ and ridiculous amount of discipline required.

Women think every man can be a fucking fortune 500 CEO which is laughable. They are like 0.00001%. They only see the successes without the failures. Most men work dead end jobs or are at most middle class. Most suicides are men. Men do worse in school, education, universities. Most men work super hard jobs like miners with high risk of death. Cancer kills men more often. Men live less. etc.

Being a male is hard. Very hard. But those stupid sluts don't see it, they only see the good sides that FEW men have.

>> No.14041705

>don't need an education, prestigious career or wealth
>don't even need to work out much to be physically attractive
>socially acceptable to put harvested baby foreskins on your face to appear younger
>no one expects you to be successful
>willingly dress half naked even though you're apparently worried about getting raped
>don't have to maintain infrastructure or do fucking anything that sustains civilization at fucking all except breed
I know I got baited, but still.

>> No.14041725

>4channer speaks about life of a man being hard because of physical labor
the chutzpah of that statement just radiates from the screen.

>> No.14041752

I wasn't talking about just physical labor. I only mentioned miners and that males occupy like 99.9% of positions in those hard physical labor jobs (obviously). That's not what the post was about, it was just a small mention.

Why did you make your entire post about that and directed it at me? What are you trying to prove, that you can't form an argument and instead resort to personal attacks? Are you a woman?

>> No.14041783

>willingly dress half naked even though you're apparently worried about getting raped
dressing provocatively actually DECREASES the risk of rape, look it up

>> No.14041818

doubt it nevertheless counter intuitive and not common knowledge

>> No.14041820


No, you are a retard, but you just don't know it, enjoy buying your wife at the top fomoing and bagholding her for the rest of your life

>> No.14041844

In what dream world is a college education not attractive?

I'm fairly sure lots of older femoids will have that as a hard filter.

>> No.14041860

>I've been found out!

>> No.14041900


It's attractive in the sense you are a better target to be a betabuck provider

But it's not sexy in the slightest, unless you use money to make yourself look powerful and influential

I don't know if you understand, maybe ur a boomer, but nobody here is actually looking to be desirable as in the sense of getting validated in a societal fashion, like a woman giving you the thumbs up saying you pass the "filter" and clapping, no, they want to be desirable in the sense of making women go crazy about you and desire you

being stable at life and with good prospects has nothing to do with desire, the days i got most laid i was a fucking drunk nihilistic piece of shit who felt sorry for himself and also said the most hurtful things to everyone without caring about anything

>> No.14041915

This. Being a woman is living life on easy mode.

>> No.14041919


actually i remember a woman that specifically wanted to get pregnant with me, she was studying to be a doctor and i was dropping out of college, she wanted it because she always insisted on going bareback because she was "on the pill" and was totally nuts

>> No.14041994
File: 1.43 MB, 1092x846, 1558227007169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone out there wants to buy 4.4Million BTC..

before people spread bullshit fud, just know this currency is going to be purchased OTC by the Billionaires of the world to pass down to their children.

vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTMFbL48Ge8

>> No.14042034

The only difficulties women experience these days are the ones they submit themselves to because of (((feminism))).

You struggle with finding a man earning more than you and founding a family while chasing a career?

Well it's all your choosing, men couldn't give a flying fuck about how much you earn, your social status or your level of education. It's not like any of these things will fill the void of your unsatisfied instincts

The only thing men want is a healthy fertile woman able to be supportive and nurturing both to him and potential kids.
That's it, no need for ivy League diploma, 6 figures salary, prestigious job, ripped body, leadership position or whatever.
You just have to not be old, fat, mentally unstable and passive aggressive then almost every male will dedicate his life to you.

>> No.14042060


>> No.14042069


>> No.14042082

deze nutz

>> No.14042112

They have control of the pussy. There's no excuse.

>> No.14042144

>dunning-kruger, the post
women are crippled with insecurity and can never, ever truly feel right without the approval of a man
what you're doing is judging zergs by protoss standards. so you see 6 zerglings popping out of 3 eggs and you think, "SIX zealots at once from one gateway?!"
women and men aren't even playing the same match. the win condition for men is to spread their seed, and once it results in offspring, raise them. the win condition for women is to find the best male. opening their legs to anything and everything is a losing proposition. their sole leverage resides in being picky
it takes absurdly low standards of "making it" (materialism and having sex) for women to be advantaged

>> No.14042145
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It's intelligence that is attractive. I couldn't give two fucks if someone has a useless degree on interpretive dance.

>> No.14042148

Latin women according to this are more attractive. KEK

>> No.14042275


Of course it is and a degree is by far the best way of filtering brainlets, how many people in the top 10 percent of your HS class didn't go? Now what about the bottom 10 percent?

>> No.14042298

don't be the town bike if you want a quality guy you seriously.
If you're ok with being a beta male do what ever you want.

other than that just don't be fat if you're single

>> No.14042393

Not sure if bait.

Antecedents of sexual victimization: factors discriminating victims from nonvictims.
Synovitz LB, Byrne TJ., J Am Coll Health. Jan;46(4):151-8. (1998)

Partial abstract: The variables found to be related to women's being sexually victimized were (a) number of different lifetime sexual partners, (b) provocative dress, and (c) alcohol use.

An Examination of Date Rape, Victim Dress, and Perceiver Variables Within the Context of Attribution Theory
Workman JE, Freeburg EW., Sex Roles, Volume 41, Numbers 3-4, 261-277 (1995)

This study found in part that the way a woman choose to dress is sometimes taken as a statement about her character including vulnerability, desire and/or willingness to have sex and provocation of males which consequently affects the likelihood of rape, including date rape.

The effects of clothing and dyad sex composition on perceptions of sexual intent: Do women and men evaluate these cues differently.
Abbey, A., Cozzarelli, C., McLaughlin, K., & Harnish, R. J. (1987) Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17, 108–126.

Partial abstract: A laboratory study was conducted in which subjects viewed a photograph of two students in a classroom. As predicted, male subjects rated female targets as more sexy and seductive than did female subjects. Also as predicted, female targets who wore revealing clothing were rated as more sexy and seductive than those wearing nonrevealing clothing. Female targets were rated higher on sexual traits regardless of the gender of their partner.
The study went on to infer that provocative dress can lead to an increased chance of date or spousal rape in some situations (primarily spousal and/or date rape).


>> No.14042405

Piss off roastie

>> No.14042416

>typical "discussion" with a man

>> No.14042440

Correct. There's a reason women are only concerned with 'female equality' in high paid roles they perceive as safe and prestigious. When was the last time a woman or their orbiters complained about almost all garbage collectors, construction workers etc are men? Low status/low paid men are invisible to them.

>> No.14042481

Men don't discuss things with women. They inform them or order them.
Any male that jas discussions with women is a beta male and is essentially a woman himself.

>> No.14042484

Yep, agreed. All men are retards indeed.

>> No.14042505


>Females can't gain attractiveness through education

That is some bullshit, I would take a 8/10 looks educated over a 10/10 looks retard.

>> No.14042513

Retards invented basically everything the need to live and enjoy your modern life and not dying from polio etc, you moron.

Since men who invented and built everything that you need and enjoy, what does that make you?

>> No.14042522

> Care about having a family

How can someone force themselves to care about this in 2019?

Just seems like MASSIVE effort and investment for no reward.

>> No.14042531

Your taskmaster tardo. Get back to work

>> No.14042541

Ya if you're OK with a dude pulling in around $50k a year lol

>> No.14042564
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>men thinking they have agency

>> No.14042566

Hehe you're literally too stupid for the comprehension of how stupid you are.
You are literally useless. I don't think you're even a women. You're probably a tranny. Kek.

>> No.14042613

women are born men are made

I've seen this before on /biz/ and it's stuck with me

>> No.14042643
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>he believes he said anything coherent
Typical man

>> No.14042667

Which coin is this and is it traded on Huobi or not?

>> No.14042686

>literally invent and build everything
>literally create all literature and culture
It's incoherent because you have a nigger tier iq

>> No.14042697

Just digging yourself deeper. As expected.

>> No.14042712


>> No.14042754

Holy shit you literally didn't make a single argument of any substance in this thread, you're just getting owned left and right by men. All you are being is just a passive-aggressive cunt and doing """smug""" replies which are just pathetic. You act like a typical, most stereotypical woman ever. What a clown. I feel sorry for you.
...anyway get a job you lazy cunt or I am gonna spam crystalcafe and lolcow all over again. Back to the safespace you go, shoo, shoo

>> No.14042780

the jealousy folks have for females really shows how low they wanna shoot in their lives

>> No.14042791

>can't read or willfully ignorant
Everything rolling out as expected.

>> No.14043170

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14043262

Are any of you guys fucking serious when you say you envy women because they could earn work/life goals by being sexual?

Do you really imagine yourself as someone who has to suck a dick to get a job?

I'll give you a one hell of an advice: you can still do it as a man because even men have a mouth. Knee pads and you are good to go

>> No.14043375

We didn't talk about prostitution you fucking brainlet. All you have to do to find a decent husband is literally not get fat (WOW SO HARD) and want a family to rise. Most men are perfectly happy to be a provider, it's a matter of pride to them, even. Family, nice wife and children is literally what like 90% of male population wants. If divorce happens (that is mostly up to you - >75% divorces are initiated by women), you have whole government behind you. It's almost a certainty you will get custody, get hefty allimony and financially ruin your husband. Pure statistics.
.. and if you do the bare minimum of staying fit, cleaning and keeping the house you're literally 90% more useful than women these days and no husband would dare to leave you.
Apparently doing housework is degrading these days though. Holy shit imagine having such as easy privileged life. Housework + children. It's so satisfying too. And the man has to spend all his time and energy on work, every often hard skilled work. Imagine your life being so easy what you complain about is expectation of your husband for you to do dishes after he comes from work. Wow women are fucking oppressed.

This is what we're talking about. Not prostitution, although you might as well call it that. In case of the man however, he's pretty much a slave in that situation. Who has the better end of the deal? Of course feminism eventually abolished this culture because they just couldn't accept a fact that they have to cater to the needs of a man that isn't a 10/10 chad like from the movies. Female paradigm is all about being picky and seeking the best male. That's why women hate this family lifestyle where everyone benefits, they just couldn't care less. They just want the archetypical chad and they'd rather spend a lifetime chasing him, than settle for an average person on their own level.
Truly, I've never met a woman that is not shallow and judgmental to the core.

>> No.14043436

education != intelligence

some highly intelligent bomb high school and move up the ladder in different ways

>> No.14043443

>stop btfoing my retarded ass

>> No.14043455

>All you have to do to find a decent husband is literally not get fat
Getting husband is not the same as getting laid.

>> No.14043456

There's trillions of studies showing level of education and grades are strongly linked. This is the most pathetic cope there is, I can admit people with better grades than me are smarter with absolutely zero issues

>> No.14043457
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>no reward

Would keeping your name/bloodline alive not count as a reward? What about having a part in raising the future generation?

Sounds like you don't value the future anon.

>> No.14043460

you don't need to fuck strangers, you just need to flirt with a provider, big difference

men can't just flex their muscles and get a paycheck

>> No.14043462

You still talking to yourself?

>> No.14043473

Physical acuity transfers into bargaining confidence

>> No.14043475

Meant strongly linked to intelligence

>> No.14043498

smarter in what way? rote memorization? because that is all academics requires.. which women are good at - regurgitating shit you'll never implement in your life

lots of "loser" men see the bullshit in school and just try to get their diploma so they can move up in other ways that they are akin to

and then there are a lot of intelligent women who get useless degrees memorize some stupid shit and then work an HR job for minimum wage and pay off their student loans, wow so smart and educated

>> No.14043511

>that is all academics requires

>> No.14043537

it is, when I was in honors class everyone there is just a prissy faggot with a superiority complex who looked down on everyone else yet were very closed minded when I had discussions outside academics, most didn't even know what they wanted to major in or what career they wanted to start but they were learning advanced chemistry memorizing a bunch of useless strings of symbols, what a waste of time and money

>> No.14043541

>because that is all academics requires.
No it isn't at all, you've got to pick things up quickly, make connections, critical thinking or you'll just drop out lol

This is such pathetic cope why not just accept the truth everyone knows. I got rejected from Oxbridge and can easily admit I'm not as intelligent as the people who got in cause I'm not an insecure retard

>> No.14043553

This is the real truth. Women get thousands of matches on tinder. Sex is easy. Just be skinny and you will get more men than you even know what to do with. If you want a family and you are skinny you are set. Meanwhile 5% of men are taking all of the pussy because they are white, tall, have broad shoulders, look athletic, and have a nice face. All other men are forced to be beta providers. Work hard and then maybe snag a woman once she lost her looks after taking every chad in her pussy through her 20s

>> No.14043563

They were probably defensive because your style of conversation is confrontational and your scope of thought narrow and self-serving, as you display in your post.
>everyone there is just a prissy faggot with a superiority complex
nice projection faggot

>> No.14043579 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14043584

>confusing on-point sexual attraction for long term relationship suitability

>> No.14043595

Get fucked roastie

>> No.14043603

>man manifesting his retardation
so typical

>> No.14043609


>> No.14043613

most people get into those colleges because of connections or money, didn't donald trump get into some prestigious university, the guy is dumb as a bag of rocks which is fine if he wasn't such a narcissistic maniac

they are definitely good career sheep who memorize, obey, and overachieve, doesn't make them better than me or people who decided to do other things and their prissiness reveals their arrogance in it all

>> No.14043621

Imagine the smell.

>> No.14043624

bend over

>> No.14043642

The only disadvantage women have (being weak and vulnerable) can be nullified with 12 gauge rifled slugs and a compact pistol. Yet most women are anti-gun because the rape culture narrative is all they have to play the eternal victim. Seriously women are treasured by society and men are meant to work and die early. Especially if a ship is sinking or a war is to be fought. Fuck outta here with that shit even if it is bait.

>> No.14043654

>doesn't make them better than me
why did you steer the conversation into "better or worse" than you? Did you feel personally attacked by a discussion about intelligence?
>Trump is a retard
Confirmed for braindead. I understand your defensiveness now.

>> No.14043675

>12 gauge rifled slugs and a compact pistol
nope, far from it.

>> No.14043678

Women are doing that while they are in their 20s and early 30s yes. I'd rather have a wife who knows how to cook and clean and child rear rather than someone always at work so our baby sitter can molest our low iq child while we are at work

>> No.14043680

you have a really bad attitude toward men and the people you have conversations with, you're probably ugly and no man wanted to touch you, you have to treat men like humans like yourself, we're not just utilities for you to condescend and extract

>> No.14043693

Yes typical of a femcel

>> No.14043694

This thread started to reek of slavshit "men". that brand of completely oblivious, defensive retardation can't be counterfeited

>> No.14043707

Cool projection bro

>> No.14043718

>projecting inceldom

>> No.14043731

You are literally showing male hate in this thread.

>> No.14043740

Just like link-holders never fud their investment

>> No.14043758

you're like the bottom of the barrel that gets filtered out before it goes into my gas tank

>> No.14043795

Being male is the high risk, high reward gender. Most males no one gives a fuck about and will lead mundane lives where their wife pretends to love them. About 10% of them will attain the attractiveness you speak about. There's also many ways to lose the genetic lotto including height. A guy who is short bunks all of your notions and no matter how rich he gets he will never be attractive in the ways you describe.

Practice your societal right to hypergamy if you feel things are unfair.

>> No.14043800

t. 10x shortbear

>> No.14043801

Yeah i realized recently.

I'm 24 and i thought about if i was a woman at this age.
It's pretty scary because i would be heading pretty close to the wall and I'd ideally have to be married with kids now.
I've got plenty of time on the other hand.

>> No.14043820

Maybe you got childish priorities but I've always heard children are a out the most rewarding thing you can have

>> No.14043830

Glad I'll be filtered out by you

>> No.14043867

>sitting at home today with no caree
Literally the goal of everyone on this board.

>> No.14043886

The goal is to be able to afford it with no strings attached.

>> No.14043912

>ITT Natasha is butthurt

>> No.14043917

Everyone, regardless of gender is expected to at least have a job and own their own things. Sure you can coast through life on your looks if you're super attractive, but no one wants to really do that for too long because it's mentally draining.

>> No.14043930

dont worry a loving man will find you and provide for you,, he might not be the guy from 50 shades of grey though

>> No.14043944


What if she gets with a complete piece of shit that beats her up or knocks her up and ditches? Women have to be picky for a reason.

>> No.14043946

>is attractive to males no matter what
>society revolves around protecting you from attacks

>has to work for everything including attractiveness even if born gifted
>will be attacked physically many times but nobody will care about any of those incidents

>> No.14043947

>ITT "Natasha" responding to men who are butthurt that someone actually points out their ungodly retardation

>> No.14043949

Having a family is not a "string attached".

>> No.14043967

Depending on a man is definitely "strings attached". It makes it much more like regular wagecucking that you can barely escape more than anything.

>> No.14043970

she does sound like one of those prissy girls that were in my classes with a daddy issue and wants some guy to humiliate her and rape her

>> No.14044006

A study run on soiboys who are terrified of desiring a woman?

>> No.14044027

>No rewards
That's where you're absolutely wrong, you get to live the most fulfilling lifestyle possible.

>> No.14044053

these cunts still don't understand how decades of feminism has robbed them of their once easy carefree lives. it tricked them into the workforce and turned them into psuedo-males. it's made them trade precious reproductive years of youth for careers and money. both of wich would have been taken care of by the husband if they had only stayed home in the 60s instead of marching in the streets fighting for the right to work.

and now fast forward to present day. they all hate their careers and long for the good old days when they could just stay at home and care for children and run arrands occasionally or enjoy the afternoon tea party with other wives of the neighborhood. they had it made but they threw it all away for myths of gender inequality.

>> No.14044158
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^this is what happens when women are allowed to talk without reprocussions. Thanks for destroying the greatest society of all-time. I hope sitting at a desk all day accomplishing nothing for 35k/year while your eggs dry up was worth it you retarded cunts.

>> No.14044180

What the fuck? If anything, you are the jew here.

>> No.14044191

It really is crazy they cry about 15% difference in pay and shit. They miss the fact that they’re crying about like 2-3k a year. The real shit is that they’re repressed as fuck in wages. Stupid fucking bitches wasting time with a useless argument. Tried to tell this to my girlfriend and she can’t getting it through her thick skull

>> No.14044212

It's life on SUPER easy mode from 13-27 yo. Even if you're a 3/10. From 27 yo onwards you're right.

>> No.14044215

>Be female
>Work out 2-3 times a week to build up a slight booty and a decent body
>Post nudes on patreon 2 times a week
>Make more than one of the highest paid engineers that works 40 hours a week and went to college for 3-4 years
And she's white on-top of all this, the most attractive race for a female according to a vast majority. Truly playing life on hard-mode.

>> No.14044225

>Showing how retarded you are = destroying society
>Narcissistic personality in a nutshell

>> No.14044250

>can't convince someone
>"they just don't understand my obvious truth"
Typical unique snowflake in a nutshell

>> No.14044265

>Would keeping your name/bloodline alive not count as a reward?
Unless you are a kike worshipper who believes in afterlife, no. I will be dead, why the fuck should I care?
>What about having a part in raising the future generation?
Oh yeah I'm so excited to create the next generation of turbo stacies.

>> No.14044267
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Who was talking about jews?

>> No.14044290

You're obviously ignoring the MOMMYYYY and the "ungh milf so hot xD" retards who will fuck a 35yo woman just because she has big tits for being fat. No, women also have it easy after that age, they only have to go for the 4chan losers and they will be set.

>> No.14044293

I would legitimately rather die than be a woman

>> No.14044310


so as a man, the harder i work and the more i achieve, the more i look like a meal ticket to middle aged roasties with no sex appeal? wonderful

reminder that there are way more silver diggers in the world than there are gold diggers

reminder that all women are whores

>> No.14044323

>How can someone force themselves to care about this in 2019?
A whole lot of people are going to get rekt when social security runs out. I know i can't wait to watch.

>> No.14044329

Why are you taking little excerpts from my post taken out of context and pretending like that's what I said? Should I call you Lady Strawman? Who are you even arguing with?

>> No.14044335

While you barely even human men and women argue about who has it worse, the men of highest ability and will to power keep you locked up in your mental prisons like cattle. Though I guess cattle isn't the best analogy since you don't rely on dividing cattle against each other in order to keep them under control. Fuck all that shit, I'm gonna grow powerful enough to really oppress all you guys the way women imagine they're being oppressed, or die trying.

>> No.14044343

>all women have big tits
You are exactly like the roasties who only look at Chad and assume all men are like him

>> No.14044355

>A woman shouldn't want to secure the financial future for her children
All men are retards

>> No.14044369
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vaginal jews always making trouble

>> No.14044387

have sex

>> No.14044402

>Just seems like MASSIVE effort and investment for no reward.

I'm investing in Crypto for my pops and when I make it, he's gets a nice retirement fund as well as a guaranteed wealth to last generations. Pretty good investment if I say so myself.

>> No.14044404


*should want to secure the existence of her people and a future for white children

>> No.14044417

You were with the "I've been found out!" quote from goebbels as well as describing a post as being full of chutzpah.

>> No.14044418

a tranny larping and responding to every post just called me narcissistic.

>> No.14044432
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>a tranny larping

unironically likely

>> No.14044435

Truth hurts, eh

>> No.14044441
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I know that girl. She's Polish. This cuntiness cannot be possibly mistaken for any other race out there.
I knew only one girl who'd rant about "slavshit men" (btw. they are great friends) and it was a polish cunt. There's a reason why they're known as the biggest coalburners and whores in the world.

>> No.14044456

chutzpah has a definite meaning which is not tied to the jewish etymology of the word. A similar analogy would be a modern black man demanding reparations/special treatement because his ancestral relative was lynched/was a slave.

>> No.14044465
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>> No.14044476
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>> No.14044492

They finally get to taste a man that isn't absolutely shit tier and they go nuts, so it is understood.
Remember, Russian women are in demand all over the world - Russian men marry only russian women. One has to assume this is similar to all Slavic countries. Just facts.

>> No.14044495
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stop being entitled to sex men!

>> No.14044506

>powerless manchild overwhelmed fall back to posting pre-canned arguments in the form of memes because he lacks the mental faculties to think for himself and form arguments
All men are retards

>> No.14044523

It's natural for women to betray their tribes, don't be surprised.That is the case for american women as well. You think you're special in dreaming after your french chad? literally every girl of every nationality wants one, snowflake. That polish girl went on rants about the exact same shit. Either you are fucking clones or your name is claudia.You also forgot a fact that british (or american), or any other really, aren't coalburners. Why do polish girls lust after black cock so much? it's trashy as fuck, tell me what makes you horny about black dick

>> No.14044530

Russian women are only good because they're shrewish in a non-ideological healthy way, as opposed to the passive-aggressive attitude of Asian women and the psychotic malignant narcissism of western women. That advantage is lost if they become culturally exposed to western psychosis.
t. slav

>> No.14044540
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I think you're having a mental breakdown. You're literally spamming this this entire thread with the same phrase all over again. Are you alright?

>> No.14044553

you seem butthurt. Can you rephrase so it can actually be replied to?

>> No.14044557

So many pathetic perma virgins in here, its really sad

>> No.14044569

You're correct and smarter than most of these coping/delusional mongoloids.

>> No.14044576

i am just posting from my phone
why do you project butthurt at me now? It isn't me spamming men are retards like 10 times in the entire thread
btw. no decent man wants a polish girl. you have an international infamy for being whores and aggressiveness

>> No.14044602

Why is there literally no mods on /biz/? Even dead boards have mods that give a shit, or at least check in regularly. But not /biz/.

>> No.14044630

This so much. I don't care if I have to pay for everything and struggle with living costs of 3-4 mouths in 2019 as long as she puts out. That is the negro way.

>> No.14044671

White women age so terribly especially blondes. It's literally ogre for them by 27. This is why you only pump and dump white women and only go long on asian or Latina.
>t 33yo boomer

>> No.14044685

>Men cannot do that, unless you are the 1% with chad genetics
what? the whole point is that you dont need chad genetics like girls need stacy genetics.

You can become chad yourself through self improvement and shit wheras girls cannot become stacy. They are just born that way.

Sure you may neve look like brad pitt. But you can get everything else brad pitt has; money, success, fame, confidence etc. and that alone already makes you 80% as attractive as him.

>> No.14044688

This, how are women even allowed on a finance board? I bet she shills BSV too. Also don't you find it ironic that a man-hater goes to a 99% man board, calls them all retarded and yet takes their financial advice and hangs around them all day?

Polish women are some crazy bitches. I bet my ass on the line that she's fat and bitter.

>> No.14044703

>Truth hurts, eh
Canadian. Very surprise.

>> No.14044709

Babby needs his safe space

>> No.14044717

Don't talk to me like I'm your friend buddy. You're nothing to me but another mark to buy my bags.

>> No.14044736

Fuck, would love if some educated feminists actually flooded this board so that one could argue FOR men for once.
This is just dull

>> No.14044737


>> No.14044755
File: 34 KB, 640x400, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha guys women are so intelligent I totally didn't just get owned into oblivion
>omg this is soooo boooring
I'll grant you one thing. You're fucking hilarious.

>> No.14044760

Or what, huh?!? You wanna throw down, bitch? Bet you aren't hardcore enough to buy matic!

>> No.14044768

Is the cognitive dissonance that lets you be convinced of your superiority while posting on 4chan of all places something that comes from being a woman, or is it just you in particular?

>> No.14044769

I will but only if you dump your bags on me

>> No.14044770

That word is ingrained in Jewish culture. And you didnt address your goebbels quote.

>> No.14044779
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Everyone knows its easy mode

>> No.14044780

I got a bag right on me right now I'm about to dump into your dirty mouth pal

>> No.14044794

You seem nervous. Are you guilty of something?

>> No.14044812

Oh shit, she's jewish. It makes sense, think about it.
>Israeli are known as completely vapid cunts (just like polish women, I guess close enough!)
>They are known as extreme feminists (which she is)
... and she's on a fucking business board. Do I need to add anything more?

>> No.14044821

Remember, men have the last laugh in the game of life. Thats all that matters in the end.

>> No.14044831

Based and sex pilled.

>> No.14044839

>emotional roastie-spelling
Go sit in the corner sweety. Cool-off time

>> No.14044840
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>> No.14044851
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>omg urr soooo mean u gotta cool-off there unkind man! like ur so mean!

>> No.14044871

>cares about arguments on 4chan
You seem self-concious

>> No.14044898

>projecting his butthurt

>> No.14044905

>Jewish study

>> No.14044913

A lot of people here who comment on the emotional state of the anon they're arguing with can actually be quite observant sometimes. You need to practice careful reading and creativity, you can't just imitate the style of that kind of trolling without the technique or you only end up looking stupid

>> No.14044949

>This is just dull
Aww sweetie are (You) bored?
Pls don't go , your projection, gaslighting and delusion is so amusing to read.

>> No.14045098

You havent made made an argument in this entire thread. You've only resorted to name calling and deflection. Embellish a bit on why you believe it's easy for women to get laid, but more difficult to find a man that wants to commit to a relationship, that was the closest thing you have had to an argument in this entire thread.

>> No.14045150
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what's wrong with having a mommy gf?

>> No.14045178

All fat women have big tits, yes. And all humans past 35 tend to be fat as fuck, so there's that.

>> No.14045370

When the most privileged people on the planet (western women) want a pity party. Top kek. Not gonna go fully MGTOW, but I'm done with liberal women. Well, to be honest I was done with them a couple years ago. Trad con waifu is the only way to go. Enjoy cat ownership, feminists.

>> No.14045452

White men are being genocided.

>> No.14045478
File: 120 KB, 1285x263, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 12.00.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It WAS before they fucked themselves over in the 1960's. However, there are still some smart ones out there that are hot MILF housewives that married wealthy, successful men.

>> No.14045515

Behold, the IYI

>> No.14045589

This is most modern women in a nutshell. Topkek.

>> No.14045592

it's not about being bored with childcare or finding it boring. they want to work so they can be financially independent, don't have to marry, and can seek a top 10% or so male to fuck them. it's about being able to engage in hedonism and disgust for their average-looking husband (when they're average too, lel, and average is fat nowadays in clapistan)

>> No.14045606

>or finding it difficult

>> No.14045633

>top 10% or so male to fuck them
Witch is ironic given that she being a corporate drone is irrelevant to men in general

>> No.14045682

the job is to pay for hedonism, not impressing a mate. wine, birth control, STD checks/meds, plane tickets etc. aren't going to pay for themselves

>> No.14045770

Noneof thats true except the aging and rape parts

>> No.14045806

Yup, was musing about the post wall who believes that being a career woman is worth something in securing the beta bux , what you just said is in the center of the why they do it though

>> No.14045839

Honestly if the roles were reversed and I was in a woman's position going through life I'd probably do the same thing they do.
Of course I'd want to fuck staceys for as long as possible.
Of course I wouldn't want to settle for a girl I wasn't attracted to just because she'd probably provide for me.
As I approached the age where I would want to settle, of course I'd want it to be with a stacey.
If I couldn't get her, I'd settle and probably resent a woman I'm not attracted to, maybe learn to love her for awhile if we had kids.. but if society rewards me with childcare and alimony, fuck yeah I'll take as much money as I can.

Shit just makes more sense when i think about being in that position. One thing I'll never understand is why they get bored and start drama for fun instead of finding fun in other things, I think that's where the biological differences come in

>> No.14045840
File: 59 KB, 1006x813, 1556792482097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of these women at my retailcuck job every day and NONE of them are happy. You can just tell. There's this dried up roastie in her 60's that I always see and you can tell she was really hot back in the day but fell for the independence meme. Now she's all alone, childless, and a big time alcoholic. I think we've reached a point where a lot of women are beginning to see that this was a mistake but they won't admit it. It's going to be interesting to see how the tide turns over the next decade.

>> No.14045850

The job is for not being fully dependent on the betabux shiteater. Betas never really were in a position of power over anyone, so they tend to abuse it horribly - that's why a woman can't really, fully trust one.

>> No.14045851

fpbp but also women can absolutely
>improve physical attractiveness massively by working out

I'll bet all my stinkies a fat seething roastie made that pic

>> No.14045860

or there's a large shortage of non-shit quality men - pornography being largely to blame.

>> No.14045876

Or maybe women have unrealistic standards these days. You aren't entitled to some 10/10 muscle Chad, and the sooner that you accept that, the sooner you will stop trying to prove something that nobody cares about.

>> No.14045891

Probably a confluence of reasons. Just blaming one side is stupid nevertheless.

>> No.14045947

Okay here is the redpill on men. MEN DO NOT CARE. AT ALL. PERIOD. Western women keep running around kicking and screaming acting like men are supposed to bend to their will and give in to ridiculous demands. Guess what? We don't. We DO NOT CARE. If you're going to act like an asshole, we will just seek out other means of companionship. We will fuck Asian women, we will fuck traps, we will get a sex doll. YOU ARE REPLACEABLE.

>> No.14045982

So women don't care about subpar men, or men? You're not making sense retard.

>> No.14045987

Objectively speaking women have much, much higher standards then men do. This isn't even arguable at this point.

>> No.14045996

>men don't care
>I'll make an erratically emotional post about it

>> No.14046033

Standards for sex. Not true for standards for long-term committed relationship.
The usual problem in long-term relationships is that the man doesn't want to commit, not the opposite.

>> No.14046043

Women who secretly want to get pregnant when they outwardly act nonchalant about it are the hottest, I've had chicks literally tell me they want it bareback & try to get me to cum inside then. You can tease them with "but it's not safe, what if you get pregnant", it drives them wild

>> No.14046064

look what you've done /biz/
this fat roastie is SEETHING

>> No.14046083
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>> No.14046097

>I'm just pretending to be retarded to ruse you
Yes, you are a brainless monkey, agreed.

>> No.14046114

>muh army I'll never even see or would be able to participate in due to being morbidly obese

>> No.14046146

>fat roastie can't stop SEETHING

>> No.14046151

start family, roastie

>> No.14046195

>getting emotional about a "fat roastie"
You seem starved

>> No.14046197
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>> No.14046208

Do you want me to impregnate your asshole? Don't think it works that way faggo

>> No.14046228

>fat roastie just can't stop SEETHposting

>> No.14046231

Kek the thread resident retard comes again, what you said doesn't change how the post wall trainwreck believes that men ought apreciate her "degree" on forming a long term relationship.

"never really were in a position of power over anyone, so they tend to abuse it horribly"

No wonder women themselves prefer men as a boss.

Oh yeah and the beta provider is more than just money sweetie, something more that you will ignore in you sperg rants

>Just blaming one side is stupid nevertheless
wew the projection

> there's a large shortage of non-shit
supply and demand, just because a chick could fuck a guy beyond her league doesn't mean she is interesting enough for a ltr, if she deludes herself about her worth, well deal with it.

women have agency, stop beliving that the miserable hag has anyone but herself to blame

>> No.14046240

Are you chocking with cum? You seem to repeat yourself.

>> No.14046271
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>57 posts in a 222 post thread.
How do you have this much free time on a Friday afternoon anyways? Oh wait, you're a woman, you work a low-effort starbucks job twice a week. Must be nice, I'm unironically jealous of how easy life is for women.

>> No.14046272

wait, what are we doing?

>> No.14046280

Cool reddit spacing fag
>men ought appreciate her "degree"
>he things everything women do are for making themselves look better in front of men
Nice projection attention starved incel

>> No.14046286

Crypto NEET training arguing with feminists by looking what non-arguments monkey-tier retards can come up with

>> No.14046306

>fat roastie

>> No.14046313

>doctor, his autism is running out of control

>> No.14046339

See, this has potential for an argument! Expound on this rather than making 55 shitposts.

>> No.14046341

>61 posts by this ID

>> No.14046349


Being a White female with an IQ over 100 is literal easy mode.

> Be White female
> Work out
> Figure out how to apply make-up
> Film self playing video games averagely.
> Betas throw money at you.
> Do anything averagely on the internet
> Beta throw money at you.
> Popular guys in industry want to bang you
> Always have option of cheap, artificial insemination.
> Even brown dudes from India will send you thousand dollars for wearing bikini.
> Government will protect you no matter what.

There is literally no downside to being a White female in the west with the exception that dumber girls will be envious of you, and non-Whites will legit try to rape you.

Being a man is much harder because no one gives a fuck about you unless you're good looking, rich, or somewhere in between. Even then, there's a chance your gf will fuck around.

>> No.14046370

>I understood this post, therefore it is an argument
Nah, you're just a tard. Nevertheless, I'm flattered that you've studied my post history so diligently.

>> No.14046387

the conclusion of the thread is clear, all men are indeed retards

>> No.14046418

>I can count!
Good Boy!

>> No.14046445

Here have a (you), you're so desperate for.

>> No.14046448

>work out
>play video-games
>experiment with makeup until it's perfect
upper-middle class shiteater detected

>> No.14046454

>he things everything women do are for making themselves look better in front of men
Talking about a disconect in expectations WHEN she wants a ltr, spergs again

le reddit space, gottem
Let me spoonfed you, mangina kun:
"women have agency, stop beliving that the miserable hag has anyone but herself to blame"
>the man doesn't want to commit
wrong, again wanting someone beyond your league doesn't change that the average blue pill beta wants to.
Also make arguments if you truly have something to say, white knight, there are no maidens to apreciate your sperg rage

>> No.14046480

Have one in return, no need to return it back.

>> No.14046561


Women don't see the non- 0.00001% of men. They don't really exist. There really is only 3 categories of men and only 2 are really visible:

> Chads
> Drug Dealers, Criminals (Bad Boys!!!)
> Person who gives me money.

That's why when they look at men they think "wow, they got it easy!" because all other types of males and their struggles are invisible to them.

>> No.14046566

>there are no maidens to apreciate your sperg rage
You are correct, it is indeed pointless here. Are you projecting your typical mode of operation in front of women?

>only women are to blame
>pornography wasn't a major factor in the last couple of decades as far as marriage is concerned
>T. porn-addict

>> No.14046583
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>Imagine if this took place on a board without ID's
>27% (65/239) of all posts by the same user
So this is how these threads go on other boards without ID's, one single roastie toastie arguing with 4chan NEETS.

>> No.14046589

Solipsism, gaslight and projection.
All of the average female traits, amusing and pathetic

>> No.14046603

Getting a real 'homosexual man larping as a woman vibe' from this shitpost storm.

>> No.14046620

lol, you're admitting women are nothing but holes for sex if you think pornography is the main problem. No wonder women get mad at the idea of sex bots and anime, their only value (hole) decreases.

>> No.14046634

Then don't marry and engage in hedonism yourself.

>> No.14046637

>... projection ...
plenty ironic my man

>> No.14046650

There has always been a shortage of quality people. You have to look harder, no matter what your gender is.

>> No.14046653

You are able to deduce that from just posts? Pretty sure it's just you looking for friends faggo

>> No.14046677

You just showed, with surgical precision, why pornography is the main problem.
thank you for doing my work for me.

>> No.14046694

>I can count posts!
Where do those retards come from?

>> No.14046731

In the past, the societal mechanisms for men and women to bond together where a quite a bit less destabilized and mature. Now, with the influx of so many disrupting factors in this regard makes something that wasn't that hard of a choice very hard.
Hell, you didn't even need high quality to pairbond, now it seems mandatory and everybody is looking exactly for that.

>> No.14046742

>>only women are to blame
>>pornography wasn't a major factor in the last couple of decades as far as marriage is concerned
>>T. porn-addict
wrong, I am the only one, save for a few, who is interested in my success, so it's retarded to blame others for they are concerned with their stuff
Porn addction fucks you up, societal fabric in shambles and State fucking it up are the crux of instability though
>Are you projecting your typical mode of operation
I am pretty chill, relax sperg.
Btw it takes two to tango, again, women have agency in their misery.
> it is indeed pointless here
Are you a feminist? C'mon anon do you believe women have it harder? that they are opressed?
Want to make a change? Clean your room, pick a burden etc...Sperging doesn't work, meaning does
I know babe

>> No.14046762

After 60+ shitposts yes, I can start to get a feeling for who you are. If you actually have a vagina I feel sorry for your inevitable loneliness, and I do believe life is hardmode for you personally.

>> No.14046798
File: 21 KB, 255x288, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally all they fucking need to do is have a decent amount of chubbiness and make dinner and look after the home


>> No.14046799

This is biz, anyone who has worked with lots of women knows the truth, they make working hell incarnate and they get away with it, fuck off

>> No.14046803

Holy shit, it can speak beyond shitposts

>> No.14046821


Also if you are gf/bf lonely likely you just don't have friends in the first place, or your friends don't have other friends than you

>> No.14046844

>Hell, you didn't even need high quality to pairbond
You still don't, you can still bond with an average.
>everybody is looking exactly for that
Well how about you find someone who doesn't do that. This might surprise you but not all people have the same belief systems.

>> No.14046880

On of the best things about being a chef was almost never having to work with women. And the woman that actually stick with professional cooking tend to learn pretty quick when to can the bullshit. The environment is too inherently meritocratic for their typical workplace games.

>> No.14046886

> BOOM get raped by boss at work
> BOOM bleed from vag once a month for a week
No fucking thanks, if i were a woman I'd kill myself right now

>> No.14046900


Where's the lie in what I said? I'm not being resentful, it's just the truth. Men and dark skinned women have it way harder. White women just have to play COD in their pajamas and say "Thank you Darkscythe99!!!! Wow 500 dollars!" on twitch

>> No.14046944

this is cope.
Just because a few people in the US managed it doesnt mean every retard in HS is going to.

>> No.14047082

This thread was moved to >>>/b/801628551