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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14039422 No.14039422 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the quantum computer meme being thrown around and how this will suposedly kill all cryptos? Can quantum computers break encryption somehow? How close are we to quantum computers?

>> No.14039452


It's just a meme dawg

>> No.14039497

Sonthe whole idea behind bitcoin is that it's far easier and more profitable to mine it than to try to crack someone's keys. With current tech it would take longer than the age of the universe to find the private keys for a wallet with a balance. With quantum computers it is allegedly far easier to find a collision, bit it's decades away from becoming a thing (if ever) so yeah it's a meme.

>> No.14039534

This is an over simplification but basically

With current computers, each transistor means one operation per unit of time (lets say second). So if you have a million transistors, you have 1 megahertz computer

With quantum computers, each quantum transistor means you one operation per unit of time squared upon itself. So if you only have 1000 quantum transistors, you have a 1 megahurtz computer.

If you have 100000 quantum transistors, you have 1000000000Gigahz computer

>> No.14039549

Why is it easier for a quantum computer?

>> No.14039560

It will never happen. Quantum superposition doesn't work at macrostates which is what you need for computers. Hype subject for academics to get funding.

>> No.14039569

Ibm said they plan to offer commercial quantum computing resources in the next 2 years... It is a lot closer than you think.

>> No.14039570

That is actually some scary stuff man. Could deffinately see all current encryption being broken although I'm sure more stronger encryption will be invented for quantum computers.

>> No.14039573

>It will never happen. Quantum superposition doesn't work at macrostates which is what you need for computers. Hype subject for academics to get funding.
>literally said about every single technology that has ever existed...lasers were considered a laughing stock of science when they were proposed, then a laughing stock as useless when created....now they are everywhere

>> No.14039576

>Ibm said
Uh huh. I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.14039588

They offer use of their quantum computers as a fucking service right now you fucking brainlet

>> No.14039589

What if I get super rich off meme coins and buy quantum computers to counter act this? Does this work like this?

>> No.14039625
File: 97 KB, 720x715, 59605865_2275223246031119_1632868298750164992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum encryption already exists.


your meme coins are open source, and thus will be updated when necessary

>> No.14039652


>> No.14039675

It's like nukes, yeah we have them and someone could fuck everything up, but it makes more sense to just profit and if it goes down then everything is kill anyway so who cares

>> No.14039871

You fagfora over explain

It's like this

>Quantum superposition says that something is everywhere and no where

>A quantum computer would have all conceivable answers to a hash and when you need a specific one you make it true

>Regular computers would have to physically Brut force each one

>> No.14039899

i can only see a bitch sucking a dick
what else can be seen

>> No.14039915

Whatever you desire most in life.

>> No.14039919

Idk, man, the order of magnitude we're talking about is several larger than the number of atoms in the universe. We're so far away from mastering quantum computers the way we've mastered traditional electromagnetism that even if it's possible for them (quantum comps) to brute force ECC (not a given by any stretch), we're still a hundred years away from that tech, at least

>> No.14039949

what else can be seen though
i cant see anything else

what do you see

>> No.14039977

Normal computing processes things as 0 or 1, quantum can do both. Our brain acts like a quantum computer, a certain combination of neurons firing in a specific way, helps us recall a memory. Quantum computing can do multiple computations at once with exponentially less processing power.

>> No.14040009

It can be literally anything. It's one of those trick images where your mind puts together random angles and makes it appear to be something that's on your mind. I see a house on a lake. It helps if you ignore the colors.

>> No.14040035

Some guys created a website that had every possible bitcoin wallet and key to prove a point. Only thing is you wouldn't have to computer power to search through a sizable amount. In the future it might be possible and then bitcoin would go to zero.

>> No.14040071

iota is building the world’s first distributed quantum computer.

you’re welcome.

>> No.14040116

bullfuckingshit you see a house
draw the house in paint
what the fuck

>> No.14040134

The whole point is that it's a mind trick. I doubt you'd be able to draw what you see. I certainly can't. I have 0 artistic ability.

>> No.14040164

in all honesty the real cryptocurrencies will emerge after quantum computing kills off most coins so in a sense it is a bubble

>> No.14040184


>> No.14040211

could this be done to monero?

>> No.14040244
File: 2.05 MB, 2560x1600, blue tulip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't quite know what /biz/ means when they talk about quantum computing. I know that to me it means computing based on what is presently considered to be theoretical physics, but I have heard from enough physicists in the know to think that the theory might be credible. Quantum computing suggests a blockchain that happens in real time. Which is tricky because time is relative.

Imagine, first that you are computing using a quantum chip. When you do anything you are doing it in real time with everyone with the same chip. Because quantum mechanics are complex. So imagine economies built around quantum computing. You're sitting somewhere of your choice on Earth. Somebody in a Venus orbiting colony is sitting somewhere with a comfortable chair. Some kid whose dad mines asteroids or something is sitting in the computer room of Space Station X.

All of you are computing on an absolute time-frame. What does that mean? Mathemeticians have a difficult time explaining this. Imagine though, that you are operating in such a way that, if you are cooperating with your network linked up by quantum computing, you have an edge in arbitrage that is effectively insurmountable by anyone who isn't consistently operating according to similar rules. You and those guys who you play online games with are basically able to link your economies in such a way that would shock and awe experts today.

So imagine crypto's various pieces and functions. Imagine that the only fraud-proof networks are quantum computers, which have the opportunity cost of arbitrage and ANYTHING ELSE along a seemingly infinite level, which are the only networks capable of mining fraud-proof blockchains.

To me, this is very, very important. To you this probably just sounds like gibberish.

>> No.14040249

> picks one example.

Let me run you through some other academic hype trains in CS.

- AI (in the 60s-80s)
- Object oriented programming
- "Code reuse"
- Formal Verification
- expert systems
- voice/hands free controls

All of these have been fruitful fields of studies, none of them close to the promises that were sold.
Apply similar results to quantum computing.

>> No.14040437

>chainlink symbol
What did it mean by this?

>> No.14040471

QRL has your back anon

>> No.14040568

I only see pajeet shit all over that thing

>> No.14040613

So why didn't you hack Bitcoin yet?

>> No.14040620

So you desire to suck dick?

>> No.14040629

Here's the crypto blackpill: there is an AI living on the blockchain (tulip is its name btw)

>> No.14040699

Based retard

>> No.14040724

If you were a better larper you could have at least pointed an arrow to the house and an arrow to the lake. 2/10

>> No.14040743

I'm curious about the thought process of simps like you.
>An unexpected event happened once
>Therefore you can't criticize my meme technology because we might get lucky again

>> No.14041286

Shor’s algorithim

>> No.14041396

It's just a meme. Read this from the man himself

>> No.14041409

haha, you are kidding right? You see someone sucking cock?

>> No.14041438

Anything with the word 'Quantum' before it is a scam

>> No.14041603
File: 39 KB, 320x320, 1554787842241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b...b..but what about LINK?

>> No.14041868


>> No.14042498

doomsday device
none of the idiots spewing shit about it have ever come close to working on quantum computing or even in a related field

also, it's worth mentioning that SHA is much older than this and the principle for cryptography can be expanded upon itself, meaning that if there are significant advances in terms of computing power, the algorithm can be modified to a SHA3 or SHA5 if you must

satoshi himself covered that question, long before we started shitposting about it

>> No.14042814

yeah idk why vitalik doesn't care about making ethereum quantum resistant yet. he's like "we can do that later its not a pressing issue" but in reality there could be secret quantum computer projects that are ahead of public projects so I think its better to be safe than sorry and go with 512 bit upgrade from 256.

>> No.14042834

I'd say we're less than 10 years away.

>> No.14042851
File: 114 KB, 640x640, smugdoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know about the Perry simplex

Quantum computing is a meme now but computers will be too fast for us in the future. The Perry simplex solves any problems that would come from that though.

>> No.14042914

Its actually Vishnu

>> No.14043206

Your body is a quantum computer. Your soul is the operator.

>> No.14043299

Lol IBM is boomer as fuck and almost everything they make these days is a scam. Watson is a complete fraud and they make most of their revenue dumping their shit proprietary software bags on Ranjesh.

>> No.14043316
File: 71 KB, 1082x695, bradchain comfy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an anon who understands
may your gains be XBOX HUEG this year and next, anon

>> No.14043644
File: 127 KB, 439x363, 1520502533710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren! Yours as well.

>> No.14044322

Difference between normal and quantum computer is that original works with bits that 2 values while a quantum bits can have three values. What this means is that one byte instead of having the original 256 values (2^8) actually has 6561 values. And this is only one byte. Imagine if you had a quantum computer made of 500 kb RAM. It would beat any computer we have today.

>> No.14044374

business idea: quantum beer
it's like beer but like, quantum

>> No.14044385


>> No.14044461

Maybe a hundred years based on the current speed of progress but keep in mind that the speed of technological advancement itself is increasing exponentially. What is 100 years of scientific progress based on current standards may end up being achieved in 10-20 years realistically.