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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14031627 No.14031627 [Reply] [Original]

>15yo second hand car
>5yo phone
>6yo computer
>I don't buy games, movies, nor music
>I don't use subscription services
>No girlfriend
>No travelling nor going outside on weekends
>Basic clothes
>Shared house (I also help my parents)
>Cheap food, and I usually dine 2 simple sandwiches

I am saving as much as I can in order to be able to invest in crypto (I tried with 150€ last year, now I have 700), but still the accumulated sum is less than €3k.

I am going to make it, right? G-guys?

>> No.14031637

Just don't fucking buy Link.

>> No.14031641
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neck yourself larper

>> No.14031647

>neck yourself larper
imagine thinking being frugal is larping. I went nine years inbetween buying new pairs of shoes.

>> No.14031686

Buy Quant it's going to $50 plus

>> No.14031722

You'll fuck your back and knees up doing that.

>> No.14031740

You are not earning enough. I admire your dedication because it's at least good for the environment, but you need to get more money in. And not spending on things which make life worth it like hiking is not a efficient plan for the long run.

>> No.14031759

which car homeboy
2004 is sorta new but could still be cool

>> No.14031773

>use mother's car (she's sick and can't drive)
>3 yo phone
>8yo computer
>don't buy games or movies
>house paid off
>hacked the parking RFID so free central parking
>no travelling
>cheap ass clothes
>no girlfriend
>60€ on food / week.

i'm not sure i'm happy boys

>> No.14031796

>20yo car
>10yo gf
>biggest dick on biz
>biggest link stack on biz

>> No.14031870
File: 148 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20190525_163449_851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I started with this last job (working as a bartender right now. I also provide IT services to small businesses during evenings and my free time) I used to do some running. It was quite peaceful, you know, enjoying nature... getting in shape. These are wise words, anon.

No. That's what a coward would do.

A Renault Scenic, my anon. The cheapest and most reliable I could afford. Also consumes very little fuel.

>> No.14031896


>> No.14031963

kys my dude

>> No.14032011


>> No.14032014


>> No.14032147

>top of the line computer
>buy games on a whim and don't play them
>subscribed to all kinds of shit I never use
>don't like planes
>don't like people
>apartment is way too big could rent it out for $3k
>almost exclusively eat fast food
>$1k a month on weed
>don't work
I am going to make it, right? G-guys?

>> No.14032211

being frugal is stupid as fuck if you aren't doubly focused on increasing your income. OP you obviously aren't making shit for money.

>> No.14032215

Where's your beautiful and completely unnecessary Aston Martin?

Jokes aside, how's human interaction going? It must be lonely without a girlfriend, family, dear ones...

>> No.14032262

>lives with parents still
>no job or education
>jerks off to tranny porn on a guatemalan chinchilla grooming enthusiasts imageboard all day
>'invests' his birthday money from grandma
>thinks hes gonna make it
never gonna make it

>> No.14032514

>human interaction
I nod my head to the neighbors when I pass them.

>> No.14032772

Projecting so hard...

Quite reasonable for a 4chan user.

>> No.14032829

semen demon

>> No.14032857

How many Bittorrents for her?

>> No.14032916


Get a job nigger, I'm impressed you saved 3k on welfare

>> No.14032969
File: 180 KB, 841x960, LBobGQBSWLw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many would you offer for her (same girl)?

>> No.14032995

stop consuming lead n jump on this dick porch monkey you'll be fine

>> No.14033019

Yeah I'm very similar OP. I have no life experiences because too expensive and i'm a jew haha

>> No.14033031

Hmmm... About three fiddy venice wailin bolivars and some used crayons

>> No.14033140

>mediocre pc that can run dota2 in low settings
>good girlfriend
>homegrown 420

Feels like I've already made it

>> No.14033145
File: 792 KB, 1024x1544, DcdyaWqNwqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that all? Are you sure?

>and i'm a jew
I am sorry, anon. Life is unfair.

>> No.14033353

We're gonna make it bro! My car is rusty all over and I have been investing 400+ every month for the past two years. I have a Bitcoin now

>> No.14033435

Thank you for your words, mate. I hope you do well.

>> No.14034100 [DELETED] 


>> No.14034958
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>Hacked the RFID


>> No.14035852

OP, you can go outside on week-ends for 0€...
I know a lot of people (sheep) told you that going out was all about paying restaurants/drinks to chicks & ruining your brain/wallet, but there are alternatives for a few dimes.

>> No.14035876

Lol enjoy being poor

>> No.14035950

>I'm a Jew
Yeah right you can easily in get in on it if you were even slightly red pilled

>> No.14035966

I read 15yo and saw the thread picture and clicked on it

>> No.14035971


This. All in bitcoin don’t listen to any fucking shills here. You are doing great, just try to find a female with a similar mindset and you will reach glory in this life

>> No.14036025
File: 18 KB, 380x349, images(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26yo car
>3yo smartphone
>7yo laptop
>15yo gf
>only buy games and movies at Piratebay
I think i am doing good for a Brazilian

>> No.14036043

Have sex incel

>> No.14036050

Also, gf don't cost me more than $50 a month since she's not the kind that likes to go out a lot, we just eat and have sex

>> No.14036074


>> No.14036107

Who is that trash whore on the picture?

>> No.14036134

Could be you if you had taken HRT on time...

>> No.14036149

Link the bitch, funny guy

>> No.14037183

>one 19 year old car
>two 32 year old cars
>three 48 year old cars
>one 49 year old car
>two dirtbikes
>one street bike
>iPhone 7
>lotta gunz
>eat out once or twice a week
>work a fuckton of hours, 10+ hour days, have only had 3 days off in last two months

>modest link stack as 95% of my holdings, plus a few eth for the remaining 5%

>> No.14037880

>just try to find a female with a similar mindset and you will reach glory in this life

Very bad bluepilled advice. All women have completely different brains then men and are all completely different, to find somebody similar to yourself is asking to find a man.

Women are meant to be moulded. Be a strong man and put your women in her place. She will adapt to your ideals and will become a very good lifelong partner so long as your ideals are rooted in truth and natural law. Another redpill is if you put your DNA into her that DNA latches on to hers through a process called microchimerism. It changes her brain to be inline with your own. There has been many accounts of women adapting certain tastes to their man that they didn’t have before such as a liking for seafood as an example.

This is why women that take loads of DNA from multiple men become so messed up. They have a slew of DNA in their blood, all the mixing corrupts their blood and mind and they are no longer genetically fit to produce competent aryan children or be a good house wife.

>> No.14038019

You're on the right track but that income is pathetic. If you were making six figures, I'd be impressed.

When I got my first job, I lived in NYC like a Jew for 2 years, then when my credit was established, I took out a 700K loan and used it to buy rental property. Now the property is worth 1.2M+.

I got the place so cheap, and with my standard of living I basically was retired in <5 years of working.

>> No.14038052


>> No.14038126

$5-10k is enough to make it in crypto if you play it very well. I saved $10k in a year as a software engineer then made a few mils gambling away that money over the last 3 years.

>> No.14038162

>250k income
>100k crypto
>traveled to over 30 countries
>hot asian gf
B-but the NEET life is the best life r-right guys? At least you're not a wagekek.

>> No.14038285

This guy sold at the bottom and is crying. Do not listen. Buy link now

>> No.14038575

>They have a slew of DNA in their blood
I know what you mean figuratively, but it's store in the brain stem literally.

>> No.14038786
File: 2.77 MB, 905x800, Walking trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill yourself you human trash.

>> No.14038841
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>asian women

pick one.

>> No.14038934

>a few mils

lol sure

>> No.14038946

How did you go up against giant real estate sharks with decades of experience and find the hidden gem they all missed?

>> No.14039438

Same. Only thing i spend money on is groceries