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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1403623 No.1403623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where we share our methods of earning money doing little to no work.

My current favorite that I've seen posted:

These guys got some 100.000+ view video promos, and they are shit at explaining why you earn money with them.
How it works
>They recycle trash for profit
>Borderline infinite amount of trash available
>They have less capital than their optimal profit
>They "crowdfund" their money by letting you pay as little or as much as you want, and get a % of their profits from your investment
>You make an account
>Buy some trash over their site (You won't get it mailed, they keep it)
>Wait 3-5 weeks
>Monee boiii

Best part; You get €20 for free right now, so it is completly risk free. All you do is register and click a few times, then wait 3-5 weeks, and you get ~14% in profits

They are legitimate, I know some NEETS fueling their games and skinnies with this shit

Seriously tho do it ASAP or you might get fucked and have to actually put money in to get the ball rolling.

>> No.1403634
File: 9 KB, 194x243, POG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man. Usury and Investing is how i usually get my POGs

>> No.1403638

No passive income alone will be viable imo, since they often either pay little, or will some day not be there.
It is about diversification of your passive income, have as many systems in place as possible, it is passive so you don't have to do anything to maintain them.

>> No.1403644

plz don't shill ponzi schemes on our board.

>> No.1403656

How to game a ponzi scheme:
Reinvest 50% of all profits.

Once you got your initial money back at 50% of the normal profit, it is literally free money just being thrown into your account.

Even then, just use the free 20 euro they give you, risk free my man.

>> No.1403661

>They recycle trash for profit

>Borderline infinite amount of trash available
>They have less capital than their optimal profit


>>They "crowdfund" their money by letting you pay as little or as much as you want, and get a % of their profits from your investment


>Buy some trash over their site (You won't get it mailed, they keep it)
>Wait 3-5 weeks
>Monee boiii

sounds legit

>> No.1403662

why would they give you 20 euro for the pleasure of giving you more money?

I thought they didn't have enough money for their stupid recycling "business"

>> No.1403667

Fuck what they're saying, seems legitish, I'd throw a hundred at it.
Looked over there website and terms and conditions and nothing Jewy in there. I could do this even if in US?

>> No.1403669

Yeah, it is all electronic

>> No.1403676

i dont think you get the 20$ free euro untill you actually "invest" with them.. ie: losing your money

>> No.1403680

they should name the company into TrashOcean

>> No.1403953


>> No.1404002

If this is legit then why doesn't everyone dump a some legit cash in this and simply kek when they get paid the sweet returns? Seems a bit sketchy. Wouldn't be opposed to throw some money in the pot if other /biz/nessman are willing to go in too.

>> No.1404009

Did some digging, overall wouldn't trust this type of scheme. Invest only what you're willing to lose.

>> No.1404216

It's a scam. Google the address and it's a hotel. They don't answer questions about location. The other address is a parking lot surrounded by other warehouses that all have logos or names. There is a minimum payout of 20.00 before you can pull any money out. They have two sections. Account balance and withdrawal balance. You can't even send withdrawal balance to account balance unless it's 20.00

>> No.1404231

Using the free 20 you get 1.20 every 2 weeks. That's 2.40 a month. That's like 8 months just to get enough to withdraw

>> No.1404312

kek it's just like hashocean except you buy trash not ""hashpower"".

>> No.1404348
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underrated post

>> No.1404841
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>> No.1404875

>come in here hoping for interesting discussion of passive income
>get some veiled pyramid scheme bullshit

Real passive income can take effort to set up. It's not free income. It's just figuring out how to make a business, that after the initial (huge amount of) effort, will more or less run itself.

>> No.1404894

Anyone doing real estate?

I have been looking at various options. One person says to do foreclosures, but it seems like tons of competition leading to higher sale prices. Another person says probate, but from what I've read that takes a shit load of effort to do including legal stuff.

Looked at buying lots to build on and found a couple areas that look like they might give decent return but there's always shit you didn't plan for when building especially if you end up in a city with a lot of regulations. I wish I knew a trustworthy contractor that knew the areas well.

Also looked in to rental properties.