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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14034544 No.14034544 [Reply] [Original]

Is 100 QNT enough to make it?

>> No.14034950


>> No.14035296

If you hold for 5 years, maybe.
I recommend getting at least 1000.

>> No.14035350

Wait till it drops to $1 then you can buy more

>> No.14035441

Except this isn't dropping to 1$, retard.
Institutional money next week.

>> No.14035621

Atleast 1k QNTs anon

>> No.14035640

Yea "wait". What the fuck did you this entire 3 months of QNT bear period dipshit faggot.
See you at $15 next week.

>> No.14035714

Qnt is exploring things, meeting people. But still nothing actually created. A lot of nothing and buzz words.

They got scammed of $100k by bitmax fraud

All their partnerships are paid for.

>> No.14036140

Weak fud. Log off and KYS

>> No.14036307


lol paid for. Difference between Quant and these other shitcoins is Gilbert can meet with high level connected people, CEOs, governments etc and make good connections. Can you imagine some of the CEOs of these other projects even being in the same room as these people? No ones gonna take these fat nerds seriously.
I know people dont grasp it but that Quant-SIA deal is the biggest partnership any team has ever made in crypto

>> No.14036424

>I know people dont grasp it but that Quant-SIA deal is the biggest partnership any team has ever made in crypto

This. It is literally the first (?) real, REAL working-with-us partnership we've seen. The word has become so diluted in crypto, sadly, that it barely means anything any more, so people don' understand its true magnitude.

I have always believed in QNT but now I see that a valuation in the 10s of billions is an inevitability.

>> No.14036449


all you had to do was buy link.

>Institutional money next week.

quantards delusional as ever.

>> No.14037447


Guy Dietrich (Managing Director at Rockefeller Capital Management) is part of the Quant's board of directors.

Rockefeller is also investing $3 billion in blockchains

What the fuck do you think that Guy Dietrich is doing at Quant ?

You stupid motherfuckers had all the signs, but you fell for your own FUD

Quant is unstoppable with the ISO TC307, Sia.eu partnership, the team that has worked for the Government and a fuck ton of other characteristics that will push this thing to billions in marketcap.

>> No.14037471
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you'll be making it alright, making your way right to the centrelink line

>> No.14037534


>> No.14037738

I know a guy who works for Blockcapital.
This was the confirmation they needed and they're going balls deep as soon as we get BitMax.
Don't get left behind, anon.