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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14030 No.14030 [Reply] [Original]


What was your regular board, before /biz/?

Who got you motivated in finance? Are they well off/rich/own a yacht?

Should Moot change the name /biz/ to something more professional? I fucking it already. Something like /tx/, for Team Apex, the greatest team in the history of The Apprentice.

>> No.14109

I was on /g/ from 2008 to 2010. Got burned out between going to college full time and working overtime for work.
Cryptocurrencies got me interested in finance. I bought 30 Bitcoin for $12 each, gave my parents a $1,000 loan they were to pay back within a month. They took four months to get back to me on it, making me miss out on acquiring ~100 BTC. I've held most in cold storage and don't try to hedge them. Came back to /g/ fall of 2013.

Fast forward to December, I mined Dogecoin the day it launched and have been since this day. I have several million Dogecoin in my possession, and I now go to /biz/ for the Dogecoin/pandacoin nonsense and /g/ for the linux/consumer electronics. All in all, cryptocurrencies have made me more money in a year than working for 3 has done. Certainly not enough to retire on, but pretty damn amazing imho.

>> No.14133

/biz/ is fine.
Regular boards: /fit/, /sp/ when a big event is on, /g/ (for alt-coins, won't go back now there's biz)

Formerly: /pol/ until I realised that some people really are that stupid and aren't trolling.

Who got me motivated in finance? Myself. Years of working unsociable hours for decent pay. I've already traveled the world and it's time to make some cash, get some property by the beach and work a little less.

>> No.14145

Adding to this. I noticed bitcoin a few years back and wanted to invest, but was saving to do an MA, so couldn't. Used it to buy gear every now and then. A month ago I found some bitcoin in an old wallet and reinvested it in dogecoin. That's what's got me interested in finance now.

>> No.14217

Regular board before /biz/ was /k/. What can I say, the relationship between guns and money is well-documented.

Who motivated me? Family and friends I suppose, I've mixed with both rich and poorfags and people have impressed upon me the value of money. I'm no professional financier but eventually I'll have to manage a good-sized inheritance and I refuse to be a dumbshit with money my forebears worked hard for. Hopefully make some of my own to add to that of course.

No point changing the board name, it's fine as is. /bus/ would have suggested short/bus/, /fin/ sounds more like marine biology, /$$$/ or other currency symbols would be even dumber.

>> No.14261
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Anwyay, /sci/

>> No.14281

>What was your regular board, before /biz/?
>Who got you motivated in finance? Are they well off/rich/own a yacht?
I motivated myself. Also dogecoin.

>> No.14290

/b/ when im home alone
/v/ usually
/fit/ to laugh at the fat people that think they know all about fitness
/g/ HAha these Linux fanboys are so funny
/sp/ during sport events

now /biz/ because someday i;ll have my own company and I want to learn from moot the best bizkid in town

>> No.14292
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>What was your regular board, before /biz/?
tie between /r9k/ and /pol/
>Who got you motivated in finance? Are they well off/rich/own a yacht?
Well, myself mostly I guess. I've been living in extreme poverty my entire life and want to know how to gitgud.
>Should Moot change the name /biz/ to something more professional? I fucking it already. Something like /tx/, for Team Apex, the greatest team in the history of The Apprentice.

>> No.14298


>> No.14305

Usually just /sp/ and /o/.

I'm glad this board has been added though as i'm a property investor who is about to graduate from uni. I'm right at tipping point, time to fly or die.