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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14024566 No.14024566 [Reply] [Original]

On day 7. Feeling more aggressive. Having to lift weights every day to keep my mind calm. Talking to girls. Going to work on my business more tomorrow.
I think this is the time I do it for real anons.
Anyone use NoFap to grow a business?

>> No.14024639
File: 2.52 MB, 4912x7360, 956Taisia_Shanti__23_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I don't fap for 2 or more days I get very aggressive and am extremely easy to anger. It's bad because I can lash out at friends, family or people I need to help me over the slightest shit. I guess my test is just too high for nofap.

I think it's a bullshit scam overall and for low test faggots. Nofap faggots need to leave /biz/ and not expect the board to cater to them. Here's a thot to make your day harder.

>> No.14024690

I've had similar experiences, kind of like randomly being over aggressive for no reason and realize its been days since i´ve cum

>> No.14024693


>> No.14024795
File: 269 KB, 1000x1500, 1261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah same. Generally I try to go no longer than 2 days or the rage/over aggressiveness can really start to flare up over nothing. It's worse when I am busy and need to take multiple long flights and I end up going like 3 days without a cum. Nearly hit someone over a disembarking delay once, so I always try to get in a jerk off when I can, just to stay calm and clear of mind.

Sorry I haven't had my daily sex/wank yet so I am feeling a bit aggressive already. You're just gonna have to deal with it or go back to your /pol/ safe space.

/biz/ is a thotposting board.

>> No.14024829

Dude, are you me? I'm on day 7 and I almost had to fold after I saw an ig post of a thot shaking her ass

>> No.14024839

Insta is basically porn at this point. Delete that shit

>> No.14024849
File: 1.39 MB, 3024x4032, 053VNXhQBm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I could post multiple images in one post. It would end threads like this immediately.

Business and Finance. Fuck off with your low test self help generals.

>> No.14024859

Have sex.

>> No.14024862

It usually doesn't effect me but go on torylanez ig to see what i'm talking about

>> No.14024866

it's placebo but i only fap once a week because the rest of the days aside from the first day after i feel uncontrollably bullish

>> No.14024874
File: 112 KB, 600x450, 51D9HFQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14024885

Chick is a 2/10 nice try soi boy.

>> No.14024897


>> No.14024916
File: 212 KB, 1336x2000, 0501542290199888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought my image was higher res, but oh well even his res wont fix your shit taste if you don't think that girl is hot.

>> No.14024925

just started nofap
will be starting it again in a few hours.

>> No.14024937

sexual transmutation is real

celery, horny goat weed
close 4chan

>> No.14024958
File: 145 KB, 690x1035, 63901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I've got her whole set from that gallery before but thanks for sharing with the thread anyways anon. She's got a great ass, I just wish she showed her face.



>> No.14024960

It’s how I know you’ve never seen a pair of tits in real life. Sorry you settle so low. Probably hard to get anything in buttfuck Tennessee or whichever slummy city you reside in. Have sex.

>> No.14024988

Nah i gotta get this nut off.

>> No.14024992
File: 113 KB, 720x960, 1721520701468122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Complete delusion and I'm not American. Did you think you'd go anywhere with your "pointy elbows wouldn't bang" tier comments?

>> No.14025010
File: 242 KB, 800x388, 1558547009090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal Copium. You can't face the reality that you have zero self control.

>> No.14025043
File: 90 KB, 677x1000, 4911512846303051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't stroked once during this thread yet (not hard when I can only post blue board tier tease images anyways), and wont wank afterwards. Gonna wait till tonight instead, I've got stuff to do soon. I just enjoy ruining your nofap efforts and get pleasure out of it.

>> No.14025283
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, ConfusedJacksonvilleJaguarsfaninstands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can go 2 weeks without any real issues. Anger comes from addiction. Don't try to justify being a weak minded wanker

>> No.14025293



>> No.14025320

Do you guys really have to commit to not fapping for a week? Like, you don't just happen to not fap for 7 or more days? It's a daily habit for you?


>> No.14025332

retard pilled

>> No.14025484

God damn I want to eat that

>> No.14025770

Libido depends on the mood, hormone levels, age, health, etc., but 7+ days of abstinence without massive boners and precum leakage is abnormal

>> No.14026004

i think i might be extra sensitive to test

after 3 days no fap im already getting into everyones face and want to rape every ass i see

>> No.14026348
File: 1.45 MB, 2050x2500, 1559641830733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 40 here anon.
The hardest part are:
- day 2-3
- day 7-14

The second week is the one where you will be the most stressed and likely relapse, after that the urge are lower.
Just don't look at porn to test yourself or some shit because the rush will hit you like a truck.

You just have repressed issues and everytime you stop numbing your mind with porn it comes at the surface, stay on soma faggot.

>> No.14026458
File: 143 KB, 683x1024, 040301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No this is just normal high test behavior. No fap is for people with low low test counts they have to try and cheat at life just to reach the level of normal. I imagine these faggots balls shrivel up like prunes if they ever cum.




Normal people have sex or at least wank fairly often anon. Keeping it all up inside you is not healthy and can lead to cancer.


Nice assumption that it's porn and that I also don't get laid regularly you mega faggot. What even is the purpose of all this pain you put yourself through? So you can do like OP did and "talk to girls" AHAHAHA. Holy shit, do you really need to not wank for a week just so you can build up the courage to say hi to a female? I do some marathon multi cum wank session where I go at it 5 times in a day and still talk to women afterwards no problem. Admit it, you are all beta freaks with low test weak bodies and you need to do this pathetic shit just to reach normal.

>> No.14026497

>I get very aggressive and am extremely easy to anger
>What is an addiction?

>> No.14026509

bout to start a 90 day no fap on the 7th wish me luck. also gonna quit caffeine and start dieting. i hope i dont break my dick from not using it for so long

>> No.14026523
File: 583 KB, 1000x1425, 6611514678378955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you'd get mad if someone blocked up your oxygen hole too. Anon you need to break your addition to breathing. You can do it!

>> No.14026546

What business you have breh?
Day 37 here and want to start one.

>> No.14026575

>Nofap thread
>Maniac spams it with thot pics

>> No.14026590

porn cope

>> No.14026592

He want to drag people down to him

>> No.14026595
File: 322 KB, 1365x2048, japanhdv_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Business and Finance
>Maniac makes a nofap thread

Reminder to all that thotposting is based, redpilled and it makes incels trying to spread their anti porn religion seethe. Have sex.

>> No.14026608


I unironically do it to help with lift gains. Not sure if it's psychological or not, but I feel I can lift heavier, run longer, and feel more motivated when nofapping.


I don't recommend quitting caffeine. End one addiction at a time, you might need the caffeine to cope with the nofapping. Also, I'd recommend avoiding the chans. Every time I broke a nofap it was because of visiting 4Chan and seeing pictures of sexy girls.

>> No.14026611
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 1558985767842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a pic of a girl with a man face
>says he's high test

>> No.14026614
File: 315 KB, 1133x1700, tyhhtyyht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will not let fucking incels infest this board any further. Have sex and fuck off back to /r9k/ or /pol/ you fucking low test cretin.

>> No.14026622

what's wrong with her belly button? is she a clone?

>> No.14026633
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, 8011477718609424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's trying the "pointy elbows would not bang" tactic again

Everyone knows you'd cum in your pants just being near her in real life.

>> No.14026662

>Nice assumption that it's porn and that I also don't get laid regularly you mega faggot.
Sure, your porn folder posting and your pathetic LARPing attempt don't sound like a miserable incel trying to justify his porn addiction.

>What even is the purpose of all this pain you put yourself through?
Projecting, who said am I in pain, there are few moments of discomfot but I feel way better most of the time now, that's why I choose to do it, I have clearer mind, more energy, more drive and more time.

But hey keep numbing yourself, keep wasting your time being a cuck watching women getting fucked in the ass by other men, keep fucking your reward circuit, keep messing with your attention span by browsing among hundreds of images or videos to just nut.

Just don't really give a fuck, stop trying to pass your lack of will or degeneracy as some superiority though, you're just a weak person with an addiction problem, hell why you just recognized you can't spend 2 days without a fix.

>> No.14026673
File: 120 KB, 853x1280, 0619orig_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time I broke a nofap it was because of visiting 4Chan and seeing pictures of sexy girls.

Thanks, glad to know this strategy is effective and working. I will continue to build this blue board porn folder I have so I can quickly and easily thotpost whenever I see a nofap thread or an anti porn thread outside of /pol/ or /r9k/.

Fuck off. Have Sex.

>> No.14026674

That's my feeling too

No, it's not based when you've got shit taste and try hard this much, faggot

>> No.14026701

Good lord, who is she??

>> No.14026717

>claims to be high test
>posts some avarage flat roastie

>> No.14026800
File: 716 KB, 1022x1220, 9761516465640315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your porn folder posting

Not my porn folder. This is a blue board folder made so I can ruin threads like this without having to take ages to find a PG-13 tier image with no actual nudity.

>I have clearer mind, more energy, more drive and more time.

See this is why I don't like you guys. Those effects you describe there are a baseline for most people. That is normal. You are trying to reach normal. In order for me to have a clear mind, I need to fap/have sex, in order for me to focus my energy on productive things and not women's body, I need to get the excess cum out. In order for me to feel motivated to improve myself, I need to rid myself of the distraction of women, and cumming does that fucking excellently. So you guys are spreading a literal harmful idealogy that would debilitate a normal guy, and posting all this "addiction" crap. You are at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from a normal healthy male like myself, you are a weak, no test faggot who needs to cheat to reach normal. So no, I don't want you to succeed via this method. Take life as nature intended and be a doormat for women and alpha men you incel loser. Oh and lifting wont help you if you are beta at heart.

>keep wasting your time being a cuck watching women getting fucked in the ass by other men

Pathetic that is what your mind goes too when you think of porn. You want to see women given a good time by a real man. You are a true cuck. When I do resort to porn to get off, what I watch is basically what I posted in this thread, only with more nudity. Softcore is the god tier, the patrician tier.


My taste in women is much better than yours. You stare at her face, but fail to realize she's bottomless, which is the most patrician fetish for alpha males.

>I can't criticize him so I will critique the girl

No amount of nofap will save your ego here manlet. I bet you'd avoid these women IRL so you would't have to stand next to them and be judged.

>> No.14026817

You’ll want to stay off 4chan if you’re actually wanting to do this correctly. You’ll sabotage your efforts with the material that’s regularly posted here.

>> No.14026850
File: 129 KB, 1600x900, 1449433929759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. I will sabotage the efforts of every incel nofapper on this fucking website. You hear me. You will not nofap on this board. I will thotpost until you cannot contain your boner any longer.

Fuck off back to your hugbox and have sex. The real purpose of these threads is to virtue signal and spread the word and gain new followers of your nofap religion anyways. HAVE SEX INCELS.

>> No.14026881

Imagine trying trying to convince people you are an "alpha male" on a Congolese wool making forum while admitting you spend your time being mad at people not masturbating and posting porn pics on r9k and pol.

Cringiest post of the month, please stop posting OP, everyone hate you.

>> No.14026883

Lmao do u sit there all day and save pics of underage girls?? Seriously - have sex.

>> No.14026888

People can develop a severe addiction to internet pornography the sustained, artificial levels of stimuli have led some of the neurologically vulnerable to spend hours upon hours of their day looking for the perfect video or gallery to nut to while their dopamine is sky high. People can get caught up an any habit. I wouldn’t dangle a fifth in front of you if you were trying to stop drinking, so maybe try being supportive.

>> No.14026892

>'Incel' tries to better his life and chances with women going on NoFap
>Sabotage them just because
>"Go have sex!"

"Incel, go have sex" is literally what feminists and their orbiters shout when insecure. I think we found the real wimp. Your behaviour is that of a frustrated person.

>> No.14026914
File: 88 KB, 486x728, 55937698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely seething. Fuck off back to your hugbox boards already. You will not spread your nofap religion to /biz/.


Video fucking related, skip to 3 mins, this is who you share this board with nofap incels.


Fuck off. Have Sex.

>> No.14026919

"Stop fapping to porn" sounds like something a feminist would say too.

>> No.14026931

There is a strange dynamic where any nofap or noporn thread on any board ends up flooded with pornography at provocative, non-nude photos at the very least. I wonder why the go to the trouble instead of just not responding. It’s almost like certain (((anons))) have a vested interest in making sure you drain your nuts in front of a screen as much as possible.

>> No.14026944

Okay, hook nose, keep posting pics like that and prove I’m right.

>> No.14026954

Absolutely. "I'll try to fight my addiction and become a more natural man" does not though. I guess nofappers don't do it for others or to virtue signal.

>> No.14026980

You know what might make you feel better and little less angry over there Mr Big Guy?? Have sex. With a real person and not your hand.

>> No.14026992
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x1920, 1446088892653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would I fucking care? And even then, if you want to do this cringe shit, go fuck off to a board like /pol/ or /r9k/ if you want to talk about it. Do not come to a board like /biz/ and try to spread your garbage here you fucking loser.


>le jew

Yeah just fuck off back to /pol/.


Because 4chan is very protective of it's culture and we don't want puritanical anti sex, anti porn, nofapping retards from reddit invading our website. The same thing happens in porn generals on other boards, or whorefucking generals. Some freak comes in and tells us porn is bad and shills his fucking nofap crap. Fuck off. This website literally hosts pornography and has multiple porn boards and has a culture and reputation of being provocative, adult and shocking. You need to fuck off to another place if you want to do nofap. I don't care if you stay in your subreddit, I do care if you try to push this shit here.

>> No.14027002

>"Incel, go have sex" is literally what feminists and their orbiters shout when insecure
you must be far too young then to remember the 'old' internet virgins being told to go get laid

>> No.14027014

It's almost like this is 4chan and people want to argue and shit post over anything?

>> No.14027061
File: 97 KB, 1334x1334, bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn is provocative these days

>> No.14027063

But fren, how do you post fish coins out of the fountain at your Israeli mall at the same time. Share some more smut and keep proving me right, kike.

>> No.14027069

praise vishnu look at that toilet

>> No.14027093
File: 220 KB, 933x1400, 0614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolute fucking delusion. This is only true if you literally live on twitter. Your mind is so warped by propaganda you don't even know what is real anymore. Please go live in reality for a while you fucking freak.

>> No.14027148

This is actually mildly convincing rhetoric. I might try not fucking or fapping for a few weeks.

>> No.14027167

You basically need to shut the fuck up and stop projecting your retarded views on others

>> No.14027182
File: 168 KB, 1120x1680, 04291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fundamentally need to fuck off to reddit or /r9k/ if you feel the need to tell people how often you don't jack off on a business and finance board.

>> No.14027199

In a civilized thread maybe people could have discussed the implications on trading performance or analysis or conduct a proper discussion if wealth can be linked to testosterone levels (which I personally believe). But someone steered discussions in another direction..

>> No.14027222
File: 80 KB, 1320x876, 4181464653910209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread never had potential to be civilized. OP just wanted to virtue signal and spread the word. He even made the threads title "nofap".

>> No.14027297

There was some potential, but then you continued posting

>> No.14027303
File: 339 KB, 633x950, 69312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glad I destroyed any potential for your fags to spread your incel message.

>> No.14027305

Beautiful flooring

>> No.14027317
File: 35 KB, 527x498, bradchain token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want lauren phillips to buy all my bradchain and beat me with it while she steps on my dick

>> No.14027329

Are there actual scientific studies linking nofap with raised testosterone levels?
All I've seen is the one showing an increase in testosterone after seven days and then it drops back again.
Plus there are studies showing an increase in testosterone from watching erotic movies:

>> No.14027341

You must be such a clown irl

>> No.14027367


Pick one, faggot.

>> No.14027381

she needs to be BLACKED

>> No.14027384

last time i did a no fap for 8 days i got so angry i strangled my cat until its eye popped out. i got so disgusted at myself that i masturbated immediately after so i wouldnt do mode despicable things. i do not recommend it

>> No.14027385

I tried to Nofap a month once....
After 5 days i rubbed my dick until it literally bleeded.

Totally worth it.

>> No.14027387
File: 236 KB, 865x1296, 2631458544164358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No there are not. It's true you will get a temporary test boost from not spilling your seed, but after 7 days you are basically full, and you level out and start having nightly emissions. Going further than 7 days is fucking brainlet tier even if you really do need the test boost because you are so beta and low test.

And yeah, obviously viewing a hot woman gives you a test boost too, and will have the same effect as nofap. But these faggots in here have no self control and would no doubt touch their willies and jack off before they got enough boost. Meanwhile I've watched entire erotica films with my gf and didn't touch myself once because wanted to save myself to fuck her afterwards (I didn't want to fuck her midfilm because the film was an enjoyable Tinto Brass masterpeice and I didn't want to miss it either).

Interesting note, in 2017 someone posted here saying that test boost can lead to less rational/logical, and more typically masculine meathead thinking and is proven to lead to bad decisions, and that's why in 2017 this board was fucking full of thotposting and specifically asian girl posting, much more than it is now. To up the test levels of /biz/ anons and get them to buy buy buy into anything with less chance of them thinking rationally about it first.

>> No.14027408
File: 181 KB, 640x1187, 8221484321169512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to be fucking lynched. I'd post a great webm I have of a white guy fucking a black girl while the black husband watches, but the janny faggot would surely give me a vacation over it. So here, have this image of a girl that NEEDS TO BE BLEACHED.

>> No.14027447

You're the only freak here faggot. You're a fucking psycho I can tell it from your posting pattern, defects like you should be in asylums angry incel.

>> No.14027481
File: 285 KB, 1024x1537, tgthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delusion and projection. Pathetic.

Anyways I can't wait for this LINK conference to start with Accord, IBM, Docusign and ISDA. I'm home and have had my dinner now and have been thotposting in this thread all afternoon telling people to masturbate yet ironically haven't stroked myself once today. I want to wank while watching Link fucking rocket up after the conference, like a sigil. Gonna look at some nice brappers, and the big green dildo's on Link's charts.

Guess I'll just thotpost here until Sergey starts speaking.

>> No.14027598

>some low test high estrogen incel spent 6+ hours spamming his cooe and porn addiction

>> No.14027654

I wish there was more of her.

>> No.14027698
File: 172 KB, 768x960, 8141508429399170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah she's beautiful. Nice freckles, nice innocence. gardening in the nude. Real cute face. I can't find any more of her either. Though I've got other images of cute girls gardening in the nude, they are all showing lewd bits so the janny will freak out if I post those ones.

>> No.14027722

>I've got other images of cute girls gardening in the nude
Sounds like my new fetish, can you post on imgur?

>> No.14027787
File: 437 KB, 1065x1600, 1357841011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No there really isn't enough for a full gallery. It's not really a thing, it's niche as fuck, just a few images of girls I managed to find gardening in the nude, or wearing/using gardening equipment while nude. Some of them are MILF's too.

Honestly when Chainlink takes off, I am gonna use part of my funds to create weird porn like naked gardening and other weird stuff. I've posted about it before here in other threads, but I want to bring the Japanese style of crazy, weird and out there sorta porn into the west, with no censorship and in HD. I've got a large property with multiple gardens, so something as simple as nude gardening I could do really early and easily too. My only worry is there wont be a market for strange sorta stuff like this. I want to make a pornhub channel and fill if with odd/strange/JAV inspired stuff and hopefully at least break even so my hobby can continue forever.

Another niche I want to dominate the market in is bottomless porn. Most bottomless stuff you find today is actually just pics from other galleries where the girl just happened to take her pants/skirt off before her shirt. I want to do photo galleries and video's focusing on exclusively bottomless content.

>> No.14027821
File: 286 KB, 640x478, integrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottomless porn
I wish you all the best and will become your first subscriber.

>> No.14027839

Day 4 NoFap here. Let's go boys.

>> No.14027841

my downward spiral skank senses are tingling

>> No.14027851

NoFap + noPorn + prostitutes here since start of year. Highly recommend.

>> No.14027878
File: 122 KB, 768x1024, 0020_sunsof01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based and thank you. I knew there were others with patrician taste on /biz/.

What do you think about bottomless with big tits? I think it's ironically the best because her tits are so big and you want to see them but you can't. So you are forced to use your imagination, which is good because the mind is the strongest erogenous zone, so it makes the image/video even hotter. So all in all, it's a very big tease, but at the same time, it's not a tease with no reward, because she's bottomless and you can still see her pussy and brapper still.

If I can actually make a profit from a pornhub account doing bottomless exclusives, and another doing weird JAV inspired stuff, I will be very happy.

>> No.14027973


Day 58. It's no joke. Didn't really feel any effects until lately though (bc I recently cut out all edging). No social anxiety. Comfortable in my own skin. Just acting like a fun loving goofball like I used to when I was a little kid. Starting to work on my own projects too and be passionate about the future.

>> No.14027997

Hope you all become alpha males. Pursue your purpose gentlemen before bitches.

>> No.14028152
File: 82 KB, 500x684, 1347923493506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tits are top tier and make everything better. Also what I find most erotic about bottomless photos is when you can clearly see that the girl is just candidly standing there or is occupied with something else, but just happens to be bottomless. It has a hint of voyeurism, and gives you this feeling that she should be clothed, but you are able to see her privates, and that's hot as fuck. And hard to find.

>> No.14028271
File: 84 KB, 533x800, 410702603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god. We should become business partners kek. That's some of the exact stuff I want to make. I love it too. Voyeuristic, sorta innocent, in the midst of an activity usually done clothed, but bottomless just for her comfort, and maybe slightly embarrassed/startled at being caught in the situation she's in, or maybe proud of her body and chance to show off.

I think bottomless in situations where she should be clothed, with both embarrassment and indifference/pride in the situation is really hot too. Bottomless where it makes no sense. And not something for photo's, but for video, but a late revelation of a girl being bottomless is also hot as fuck, like a shot of her clothed top half, but due to the movement of the camera or girl, the audience has a surprise discovery that she's bottomless when she moves, a prop is moved or the camera makes a movement. I was in a thread on /tv/ a few months ago detailing this fetish and listing moments it has happened in films. Unfortunately the fucking janny deleted most of the images in the thread, but the archive is still up and there are lots of good recs for great erotic or just films with god tier nude scenes in it.



Unfortunately I don't have much stuff like that I can post here without censoring it, and I've been banned for posting censored before. But here have this milf. That pic of yours is a classic too.