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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1398416 No.1398416 [Reply] [Original]

Or /rgt/ if you're a coin autist from /g/

AMD caramel man pulled through edition!

Old Thread

Official /biz/ chat

Some calander:

--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com
If you're not into robinhood - http://www.stockbrokers.com/offers
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta ( https://robinhood.com/au/).).
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?

> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. http://www.memuplay.com/

>> No.1398422

POO IN LOO edition

>> No.1398427

I have $8 in buying power. What get?

>> No.1398439
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>> No.1398447


>> No.1398449
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>tfw went on /rhg/ threads everyday since wednesday and made very little profit and then I stopped and began using fairly easy methods to make $100/d in 5 minutes.

Feels good senpai.

>> No.1398453

I need your methods. Teach me, bro.

>> No.1398464

My nigga you gotta hear me out on this.

Everyday there is always an extremely volatile stock (recently OPTT, KONE, OPGN, etc) , either a P&D or running on high volume from other day traders. You gotta view that volatile stock and make sure its constantly making gains. At about 12-1 you gotta make your move. As it goes up a shit ton, which it will, wait for it to dip. Find the right time and get your ass in there with around 400-500 shares. Within 5 seconds after the dip it will usually go up around 50 cents, which is common for volatile stocks after a dip, and you get out. Easiest money made.

2 things, yes it also has potential to fuck you in the ass, but if you buy the dip then it will most likely go up again briefly.

Idk how robinhoods day trade rules work, I think its 3 for every 5 business days. If so do 3 and wait a week. I dont have to worry about that luckily.

Cant believe I used to wait months holding long for stocks to go up 5 cents. Lmao literally $100+ for the past 3 days ive been doing it (1 trade a day). My mood has changed dramatically. I feel rich senpai.

>> No.1398467


Yes my dude that is called scalping. I usually make one good trade a day for anywhere to 100-500 dollars and it's all in 5-10 minute time period typically.

Can happen a lot right at market open, and power hour.

Today for example got in GBR at 2.25 and it hit 4.00 shortly after and sold for almost 100% profit all in less than 30 minutes. My only trade today

>> No.1398472

Yeah senpai I got in GBR today too at $5.60 and sold at $6 right before it crashed. Yesterday I missed out on $1000 just if I held KONE 10 minutes longer :(

>I usually make one good trade a day for anywhere to 100-500 dollars and it's all in 5-10 minute time period
Same bro. Works so good. Knock on wood it keeps going.

>> No.1398501

How much money do you use?

>> No.1398504

Considering the avg volatile penny stock is around $5 and up and you'll want 200-300 shares for at least $100 youll want at least $2000.

I swear to god this method works if you are careful. literally within seconds these volatile stocks shoot up a dollar and rarely decline unless the market is about to close

>> No.1398505

Thank you, anon. I love you, anon.

>> No.1398750

Been thinking of switching to ustocktrade for that reason. I've been stockblocked by RH too many times with its day trading restrictions.

>> No.1399015
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When is MGT going to hit $4 again?

>> No.1399024

How did you find out about GBR. Are you using a scanner or a chat room?

>> No.1399033

shilling $FBP for new memestock

>> No.1399063

Where will amd go from here?

>> No.1399078

SMIT to the moon next week

>> No.1399110

Reason being?

>> No.1399113

thanks senpai
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.1399415

Stocktwits. Also it's a live chat room so it helps.

Whatever you do, the biggest mistake anyone can make when doing this method, is the stock goes up a shit ton so they panic and try to jump in too late when it already peaked. BUY THE DIP.

Also put a stop limit about 30 cents less than you buy in for in case it crashes, which has never happened to me.

No problem. Good luck my nigga.

>> No.1399416


>> No.1399439

Nigga I did this with KONE, bought at 8.50, set a stop loss at 8... sold within 2 minutes of purchase. It went up to 12 or something later that day.

>> No.1399448
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CERU CRLX101 tumor shrinkage btw.

>> No.1399527


Holy shit I should have held

>> No.1399538

Everyone has pictures to make it look good! Even....HTBX.

>> No.1399681

Meme magic

>> No.1399732
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My brain is changing. I am becoming obsessed.

Every night I go to bed thinking about it. I wake up at 9:30 every day and I can't stop thinking about it. Stocks. Options. Futures. Precious metals. Bitcoin. I want to live and breathe the financial markets. I want to be like Neo and see the code behind how the whole world works. I want to have a team of disciples who will pool together our brain power to produce a windfall of profits.

/biz/ what is your trading style? What sorts of things do you stick to? What's your time frame on investments?

>> No.1399787

people are still buying MGT?


>> No.1399883

meme stock

>> No.1399912
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this weeks gonna be the week senpai,
0.84 here we go

>> No.1399947

but why what makes you think this will happen

>> No.1400115

The PR you dip. They're either getting bought out at $1.20 a share, or they're buying world foundries, boosting their shares to around 90¢

>> No.1400141

Sorry, didnt htbx sky rocket, whats your argument?

>> No.1400198

Previous RHG i introduced you guys to SPU when it was a $12 something. See:


It ended at $14.68 a few hours later which meansit gained over 33% that day. Every other day of the week it has made at least 10%.

If you want to make money bros, get in on monday.

There is still plenty of room on this rocket.

It will probably double before the end next week.

>> No.1400295


I wake up pretty late on weekends and super early on weekdays, at least I'm productive and always get to work on time.

I follow some long-term holds and stocks, looking to start putting my savings in some ETF's and good dividend-providers while keeping 40% of my port available for short-term holds, swing trading, and very promising growth stocks. I try my hardest to find winners here like AMD (which I did amazing on) and not chase memes like shit chinese pump and dumps (which hampered my AMD gains).

>> No.1400402

God those amd gains were staedy and true...even if you didn't play all the dips and rebounds you still would've made good money just holding them...

>> No.1400433

So this week I bought into $COSI, $TLOG, $MSTX for my gamble plays.

Bought into $SAN for my long term hold.

>> No.1400437

I'm buying twitter for the quarterly report gain.

>> No.1400440

I refuse to buy twitter. I still feel like it's a ticking timebomb. It's become more and more spam.

>> No.1400445

I think the presidential campaign in the USA led to good performance for Twitter as well as their new streaming app Periscope.

>> No.1400446
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>> No.1400579

Everyone's going to ignore this because it's not a meme but Yahoo is getting bought by Verizon tomorrow soooo jump on Yahoo

>> No.1400586

I love squack on the street so much. I try and always watch it going into the opening bell. Always gets me pumped up and ready to trade, even if the info they give isn't particularly useful for me.

>> No.1400592

It's too late at this point.

You need up know this will happen before it does to profit.

>> No.1400598

Is anyone even reading my post??

Its like you dont want to make mad money.

$SPU is going through the roof on monday like it had been doing every day of last week.

Mark my words, I will be back here tomorrow to laugh at you as I make my way to the bank.

>> No.1400601

Be careful this rocket could give out. May not double.

>> No.1400608

Already pumped it will dump hard this week I'm jumping back on the xcom money train

>> No.1400615

I don't trust the shifty Chinese.

>> No.1400638

How much money do you think one needs to be a full time stock trader? 100k.

>> No.1400641

SPU still had a PE ratio of just 8. Which means it had a long way to go before its considered overbought.

No prob though. Guess ill be the only one ITT making over 1k a day. :)

>> No.1400646

Tfw nxtd has made actually want to buy a wocket.
Who nxtd here?
Also is anyone still into cprx?

>> No.1400649

made me*

>> No.1400859

MSTX p3 data should come out sometime between Monday and Friday of this week. If the results of their study are good the stock is going to go from .44 to $1.20 overnight.

Worst case scenario park $100 into MSTX tomorrow morning. If it tanks you lose $50 if it sky rockets you make a couple hundred.

>> No.1400877


It will go beyond 4$ come august when his bitcoin mining operation starts. Dvasive has also released a product aswell.

He has an upcoming conference in China and Defcon aswell.

His D10 conference had 10 000 chinks streaming live aswell.

He will be a hit in CHina since bitcoin mining is huge there aswell.

>> No.1401123

No it's not. I just found my Monday day trade idea. Just gotta get in and out quick and not get greedy.

>> No.1401128

Yeah that would be a comfy amount and would easily tripple if you hit the right meme stocks

>> No.1401171
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Yeah. At 100k you can make an afk living(2% of 100k is 2000 fucking dollars), or be more aggressive and break through to the 1%. The later requires a lot of luck though.

>> No.1401198


There's no magic number honestly. Depends on how smart and how lucky you get in the stock game. You could start with 1k and multiply it by x10 in a week or you could potentially lose it all in a day.

>> No.1401264

Anyone have any picks for monday? Where are you frogposter

>> No.1401279


>> No.1401305


> I dont have to worry about that luckily.

Who do you trade with, where you can make all these rapid trades and not have to wait?

>> No.1401315


All the frogposters do is spot pump and dumps early and then hop on for the ride. You can't
"predict" a pump and dump the night before

>> No.1401330


I have stuff on my watchlist. Mostly low float stuff. But honestly not gonna know until the last second. Usually when you see a good post on here it's already too late.

>> No.1401331

What do you nig nogs think of HTM?

>> No.1401360

I have watchlist things, but its alot easier if people would combine things they are reading about. If I knew of anything good coming up Id post it here.

>> No.1401373

>not buying the mgt dip

Do you even want a Porsche Panamera

>> No.1401434


The stock seems dead though....

They are making no money, and no good news has been released in 3 weeks.

It could be 6 months before MGT does anything worthwhile that brings revenue.

What makes you think a rise is coming?

>> No.1401456
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>not investing all your money in meme magic

>> No.1401469

AUG 1st is bitcoin mining operation beginning.
been a bagholder since 4.19 so kill me now senpai

but i think it is quite undervalued desu

>> No.1401481


Can you give a single link to that

>> No.1401483

I'm there with you but averaged down to 3.76 at 1k shares

>> No.1401486

MSTX muh niggas either moon bound this week or taking a 50% shave off the stock price when p3 data is released.

>> No.1401546

2000 stocks of nxtd. Moon next week, mars by the end of it.

>> No.1401585

If you got like 200k you can keep daytrading BRK.A every 5 minutes for like $200+ each time you do it

>> No.1401588

Look at yahoo finance's top gainers and do what >>1398464 this guy said

>> No.1401624
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Thank you myserious frogman

>> No.1401735

Going to work rn. Watch for ceru consolidation. When it breaks 3.37 expect outbreak.

>> No.1401765

Here i am.

To laugh at you.

$SPU is up 33% premarket.


Im up over $1500 and the market still has to open.

Why didnt you listen senpai?

>> No.1401769

Sorry, im up now $2000 bucks.

Its insane. Ive never made this much money this easy.

>> No.1401777


Holy shit

>> No.1401778

Is MSTX still a meme stock, there is a lot of buzz on it over at stocktwits.

>> No.1401787

Never mind it was a slipt

>> No.1401829

Rip oil

Tfw sgy

>> No.1401832

I want to buy BP if it keeps falling.

>> No.1401836

Nice job senpai

>> No.1401837

So pumped about MNKD . If you guys want to make serious money you should invest while it us still low. It is going to sky rocket soon, but when it starts it will be hard and fast. So get in on it while you can

>> No.1401838


Cool, I'll check it out.

>> No.1401841


>> No.1401843


I was so hopeful about those earnings reports. hopefully the price spikes from people trying to buy in while the cost is low. or is it just a pipe dream at this point?

>> No.1401846

hey, i have problem doing my assignment here, can i ask you guys a few questions?

1) What are the objectives of cost classification in costing system?

2) What are the principles of cost classification in costing system?

Your help is kindly appreciated. Thanks

>> No.1401850

Sprint is up ~4% after earnings report. Sell at open or hold?

>> No.1401856


Let me guess, you've been bagholding since May?

>> No.1401861

Hoping to dump yahoo and NXTD today. Probably will dump both.

>> No.1401869
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Well, shower time
While I'm naked, any chance I should sell something to meme anew this week?

>> No.1401871

What are some oil short etfs?

>> No.1401873

Why is yahoo going down pre-market? The verizon sell is now official. I thought that was why the price was creeping up.

>> No.1401880

Because this isn't exactly your typical acquisition. Everyone knows yahoo is just spare parts at this point.

>> No.1401883

God damnit David Faber don't you know how to enjoy a vacation?

Fucking workaholics.

>> No.1401887

>DGLY up 3.5%

Told you goys
Buy on Fri; profit on Monday

>> No.1401890

$OCUL btfo

>> No.1401893

Got my 3k buying power I want to make a day trade today and make 200 bucks. Any suggestions?

>> No.1401898
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>> No.1401901


And hold for how long? Quick glance seems it is tracking up.

>> No.1401912

3rd or 4th quarter

>> No.1401915
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$GBR and $SMIT will moon today

>> No.1401924

What happened? PTX was up like 8% in pre market at 60 cents a share, so I set a stop loss for .595 a share.. Asked opened and the price opened at like 56 cents a share and my stop loss triggered. The fuck?

>> No.1401925

Thought he bought low.
Went even lower :(

>> No.1401926

You put a stop loss for .005 cents lower in a volatile stock, it would have triggered no matter what you did.

>> No.1401931

AMD launching from the moon to Pluto. Hold on!

>> No.1401932

What's the word on $SMIT?

>> No.1401935

word is buy into the pump and dumb chump

>> No.1401936

Sold amd for 5.53 lask week.
Fucking end me please

>> No.1401937

Ok, moved my yahoo into growth. Going long on ONVO, still got 150 to meme with. Looking hard at CERU. I just got a hunch it will bump on earning report. I might be completely wrong though.

The fuck on NXTD? Shit just dropped.

>> No.1401938

Was about to sell this morning but I've decided to hold until early next year. Or after the election maybe.

>> No.1401944

Fuck spu

>> No.1401945

What if we all banded together to find a low volume penny stock and pumped the shit out of it ourselves?

>> No.1401947

>sgy dip

Oils gonna go back up its still summer. Gonna ride this back to 19 ayy.

>> No.1401950

Did the markets just fucking pause?
What happened to cccl?

>> No.1401951

Kek oils staying low my man get with the times and invest in meme magic

>> No.1401952

FUCK FUCK FUCK. KONE dropped and I put in a limit order for 9.22 and right as it executes it goes down to 9.05 fucking SHIT.

>> No.1401953

okay dude lead the way I pledge my $5 in buying power

>> No.1401955

Thinking about taking my AMD profits but thing has done nothing but made me money for the past month. Someone convince me to go long on this bitch.

>> No.1401956

It's hilarious how quickly Cramer can say "mycharitabletrustownsthis"

>> No.1401957
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If u wanna make a quick buck, go to CLDCW

>> No.1401959

Take your profits and move on faggot I bet you're still holding mgt also

>> No.1401960

Ah nice it's going back up. Now I need t figure out my exit price.

>> No.1401963

This shit is volatile as fuck. Just went from 112 bucks profit to 13. God dammit. Next time I see 100 buck profit on this I'm selling.

>> No.1401964

$2000 is not "a living"
Unless you're implying 2% daily returns, which is absurd.

>> No.1401966


>> No.1401967

I'd only sell to look to buy on a dip. I'm personally holding long.

>> No.1401969

Aaaand now I'm down 100. Never buying this stock again. You got me 4chan shillers.

>> No.1401971

In at 9.30 fml

>> No.1401972

Why would you buy a pump and dump AFTER the dump

That shit skyrocketed on like Thursday that's when you should have been in and out

>> No.1401974

And of course GBSN which I was watching before and lost 60 bucks on hits 23% in a day. I wish I could go back in time.

>> No.1401980

Just get in on the SPU train.

Buy in the 16 or low 17 range and hold till EOD.

Tomorrow or day after i think it will hit 20+.

>> No.1401981
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AMD finally brought me back from my losses on GEVO I'm so happy.

>> No.1401982

Off course this is just my take on it, use your own discretion.

>> No.1401984
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what a nice morning

>> No.1401986

May want to buy in on $SPHS, just dipped right now.

>> No.1401987

Gears is fucking shorting GBR while I'm long.

Oh well at least I'm on the AMD train choo choo bitches.

>> No.1401991

Got in to $SPHS at 5.10 for 800ish shares. Ive made money before on this stock. Meme magic me up lads.

>> No.1401995
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Just kill me

>> No.1401998

I'm down 5% fempais

we're gonna make it

>> No.1401999
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Yall niggas ain't got shit

>> No.1402000

I'll make it back in a few days though. I always do.

>> No.1402001
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CYTR, less than a month ago, saw it's lowest share prices in 5 years. The reason is there was a bad experiment or faulty information concerning the use of a drug for soft tissue sarcomas. People there is a real opportunity here to make a 300% profit since investors and the company are still fully dedicated to the reduction and cancer impatience

>> No.1402003
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Forgot pic

>> No.1402005

Good shit, CLDCW is a solid place to be if you think you have fast fingers

>> No.1402009

>SPU is on bull run hope on the rocket ship

>> No.1402011 [DELETED] 


AKAO seems to be dipping. Might be good to keep an eye on.

>> No.1402014
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CCCL today be like

>> No.1402019

Lost 50 bucks overall over the last month

How do I recover?

>> No.1402020


>> No.1402026

>tfw only invested in

I don't actually know this feel. Blue chips only

>> No.1402030

If BP falls after earnings I'm taking my 5k of meme stock money and putting it all there to hold. I'll have to ease up on the meme trading until I get more paychecks coming in.

>> No.1402031

In @ 4.20 out at 4.3
In @ 5.14 out at 5.33

>> No.1402033

Recently cashed out of BP, mad a solid 12% profit on $1k+ invested. Was nice

>> No.1402034

I thought AMD was done and got out EOD Friday...


>> No.1402035

Volume coming ez money

>> No.1402042

So the dnc starts they conference today. What positions should we get?

>> No.1402043

I know senpai
Got in at 4.92 out at 5.10
Not a lot at all, but I wanted to play it safe

>> No.1402045
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Watch for $8moon landing

>> No.1402046

Some people here made money but a lot more people took hard Chinese cock.

NEVER trust the Chinese

>> No.1402049

Thanks, DNC and mass shootings.

>> No.1402050

volume's drying up

>> No.1402052

2k/month from doing nothing is 2% return/month, that's totally possible.

>> No.1402053

Buy vix. I bought this morning but I think you have a guaranteed win over this week. The fear greed index is at one of the highest points possible and I think at the very least it will have to dip down a bit.

>> No.1402054

I already make 2k a month from one of my jobs though.

I have a retainer clause.

>> No.1402055



>> No.1402057

That's $24k annually. That's shit money.

>> No.1402060


>> No.1402061

You're actually correct.

I'm doing this now.

>> No.1402062

I find that if you're looking at the top movers list as soon as the bell hits in the morning, the Chinese and the Greeks can be very good to you.

>> No.1402063
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>> No.1402064

Are Smith and Wesson and Ruger pretty much the go to stocks to make some blood/gun fear money? Anything a bit more risky or volatile to dip in, someone needs to make a right wing fear etf

>> No.1402066

Just sold AMD for a nice 20% profit. Even bought it before the dip.

lmao at that guy who sold before quarter reports

>> No.1402067
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>> No.1402068

thanks to the anon for the spu volume tip

>> No.1402069

Just brought 500 VXX thanks for the scoop here.

You're right options are too low across the board all things considered.

I used my day trades to move into this too.

>> No.1402070


Today is the first day I have a loss in it. I might dump when it becomes profitable again.

>> No.1402072

that's for a passive trading pattern with 100k invested

I'm cool with making an extra 24k/year if I'm already working.

>> No.1402073

Friendly reminder gearsm makes his money by buying a stock then alerting you all so he can dump it once we pump it

>> No.1402074

I know it'll probably spike the second I decide to dump it, but oh well.

>> No.1402075
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Eat my loss or hope for some lunchtime recovery?

>> No.1402078

Sell, sell, sell

>> No.1402079

But you can't live on it. You should reinvest it instead and take advantage of compounding.

>> No.1402080

Bought $CCCL at the dip of 5.29, its up to 5.50. Also fuck spu, why are people buying a juice stock

>> No.1402083

I bought early on open when vix was trading negative with s&p down a few points which made no sense.
At least it corrected and now vix sitting positive. With earning season this week, I think it will be back to back disappointment. Nothing but share buy backs being announced.

>> No.1402084

I think the idea is that you're working already making enough money to fund a portfolio that can even make 24k annually. If your job told you you'd get a 24k bonus for doing practically nothing would you say it was shit money? Definitely reinvest it but it's not shit money for the effort needed.

>> No.1402085

I'm so unhappy, though this shit was being pumped but it keeps rising god damn it

>> No.1402086

Kone is going back up r-right

>> No.1402087

Oh certainly reinvest - I'm not planning on buying a fucking rav 4 or some shit with it lol

>> No.1402089

>portfolio value 2652.49
>down $201.78
>orderd $2848.98 of KONE
why put all of your eggs in one basket?

>> No.1402090
File: 150 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well time to get out of bed lads. Made my trade for the day. Aiming for atleast 200$ a day. Time to eat my cheerios.

>> No.1402091

>what is YOLO

>> No.1402094

You're an idiot if you think people are putting all their net worth in lol robbinhood.

It's perfectly fine to put all your play money in one basket.

>> No.1402098

Hey anons could you please use your meme magic to crash oil prices? I would be eternally grateful.

>> No.1402099

Sell cldcw

>> No.1402101

I want oil prices to crash and for BP to miss earnings badly so I can buy them.

>> No.1402102

I want to make real profits by making lucky technical plays. Not watch the market go up and down and maybe make 20 bucks.

>> No.1402103


I think that's happening with out meme magic. Until the Saudis get off their rag and quit over producing, oil prices are going to remain down and probably keep slumping.

Hmmm, maybe an oil ETF would be a very lucrative long hold.

>> No.1402107

Anon called it a living. I'm just saying that it's shit money to live on and you should reinvest most or all of it instead of quitting whatever job helped you save $100k so you can live with financial independence at the income level of a bottom-tier wagecuck

>> No.1402113

Ugh. I knew that GEVO opening so low at .49 it would go up. Was about to buy but didn't trust myself. It's up to almost .54. Was going to buy 600 shares, could have made an easy $30 if I trusted my instincts.

>> No.1402115

$MEET up from Friday once again I'm correct on this stock. I also brought you GSS but it blew up and now it's tanking, sorry if you are still holding. I made a quick buck of tvix also but now I'm lost on what to buy today, don't shill me the Bs on this thread give me a hook-up like I've been hooking you up.

>> No.1402116

Always trust your instincts.

My instincts say: stay away from the Chinese, tread extremely cautiously this week.

Hence I am long VXX, good caution play for the short term.

>> No.1402117

KONE plz stahp

>> No.1402120

Bruh who tf would even buy kone that shit is worse than SPU

>> No.1402126

I'm trying anon. Blessed me with $GSS and $MEET I'll do my best to drop a .2 in here

>> No.1402131

Sometimes I do my own thing with stocks and I miss out on awesome stuff on these threads. Sometimes I listen to people on these threads and lose a shitton of money. Should've eaten my loss. Never buying this stock again.

>> No.1402132

Twitter reports earnings tomorrow, buy and you won't be disappointed...

>> No.1402136

I haven't researched this stock ever because hasent it always reported a loss every single time?

>> No.1402137

Twitter is MySpace tier done my man

>> No.1402138

What the fuck? Trying to get out of KONE but my previous limit sell order at 8.80 is stuck at pending and it won't let me cancel. Now I'm stuck in this fucking stock. Help me God.

>> No.1402140

TWTR going to the moon. Anons hate TWTR here but its here to stay and they'll integrate a more profitable system once these NFL and NBA deals take action.

>> No.1402142

Just hold faggot

>> No.1402143

How does Twitter generate revenue? Just advertising? What makes you think their earnings will be impressive?

>> No.1402146

I would bet against it. It is literally already trading up 20+% this month. There is no way its earnings are so amazing to warrent those gains.

>> No.1402147

>down over 50% since ipo
>haven't found good ways to monetize their user base
>actively blocking free speech and losing users because of it
I don't know senpai. Seems like a bad idea. Do they just traditionally go up at earnings then fall after?

>> No.1402150

This is bullshit though. How long is it going to keep me from selling? I can't sell with this uncancellable order in.

>> No.1402152

Nigs still love it.

>> No.1402156

Does anyone know what dictates robinhoods limit sell? I put in a order to sell at 5.60 and it sold at 5.64. What's the limit of the "or better" policy?

>> No.1402158

Thoughts on Apple's earnings tomorrow?

>> No.1402159

anyone else buy into frogposter's cadc pump and dump?
i want off this ride

>> No.1402164

it's simple: you buy before the pump

>> No.1402165

If there's a better buy order when you submit a sell, it gives you that.
Otherwise you'll sell at your limit.
Limit buys work the same way.

>> No.1402168

Probably negative as iphones will show poor numbers. The plus side is they might adjust earning because of pokemon go. Remember they take a cut of every sale in app store.

>> No.1402172

Been holding MGT since I got it at 3.70 and everyone on stock twits essays hold....But I am starting to think it may not rise....please someone tell me it is going to be all right ...I sold all of my SKLN to buy it and now feel dumb.

>> No.1402177

Everyone on Stocktwits also said to hold IMNP.
You got memed, son.

>> No.1402178

If you have more money, try and wait for MGT to hit into the 2s then start averaging down. You're going to have to baghold until mid-August when McAfee does PR in China. That's your ticket to still profit honestly.

Lol I can't believe I'm helping /biz/ retards out though

>> No.1402179

You don't think there is any chance based McAfee can fix this? I just feel like the moment I sell it is going to sky rocket

>> No.1402180

Gotcha, makes sense.

>> No.1402181

Thanks man. I appreciate it, Sincerely.

>> No.1402182

You're not helping if you're telling anyone to buy MGT

>> No.1402184
File: 741 KB, 752x969, 1465727451531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next moon mission CLF. Earnings come out the morning of the 28th. Get in now.

>> No.1402188
File: 126 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-25-12-01-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shitty bug. I'm about to double my losses because I can't cancel this order. I wish I just used a real brokerage account instead of this robinhood bullshit.

>> No.1402189

Who got dividends today?! Easy money, I don't know why you guys don't get in on it.

>> No.1402190

No problem, and when people speculate and pump the shit out of it sell it all off when it happens. I wouldn't dare try and hold it afterwards.

>> No.1402192


Should have held $SKLN ... it's a gamble but several hedge funds have a reasonable stake in it and their VP of Sales is from Boston Scientific so you never know

>> No.1402193


>> No.1402194

>speculative trading
>thinking you will make money

>> No.1402200

All right who's going to help me find the next China moon stock for tomorrow?

>> No.1402202

Bought 28 of SKX. See you guys on the moon

>> No.1402207

If it doesn't go up then, what do?

>> No.1402210


I set filters by another anon's suggestion in the previous thread. You can see the biggest movers are on this page. Should be valuable.

>> No.1402212

Whoops, that was meant for >>1402200

>> No.1402213


>> No.1402214

lucky dog. congrats.

>> No.1402216

Yeah thats right boy. I don't fuck with stocks every day, just bought some meme recommendations a while back. Thanks to the anon who recommended AMD.

>> No.1402221
File: 89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160725-122354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devilish gains with no sign of slowing.

Praise kek

>> No.1402226

kill me now....

>> No.1402229


Got damn they've been bleeding out hard. They might just go bankrupt bro. ain't nobody got time for that

>> No.1402231

Sell or regret

>> No.1402233
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 16ydk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From one of the autists that brought you AMD I now present you with CLF, check out the details for yourselves, Earnings Thursday morning.

>> No.1402240

What makes you think it's gonna go up?

>> No.1402243
File: 116 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160725-123450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it to the moooooon lads. Praise amd cocks.

>> No.1402245

$MEET anyone holding?

>> No.1402246

I will only sell when its at least in the mid to late 20s.

This train had some steam left.

Todays profit: $3000.

>> No.1402248

Congratulations, buddy.

>> No.1402249

Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. is expected* to report earnings on 07/28/2016 before market open.

>> No.1402253

>CLDCW jumping between very specific 4-decimal values
Are the Chinese going to pump this and make me rich?

>> No.1402263

Just sold 35 AMD at 6.76. Didn't want to get greedy. Hoping for an incoming dip. The target was $6.75 anyway.

>> No.1402264

I don't know, but I'm about to start day trading the fuck out of this thing.

>> No.1402265

Looking to buy a ton of AMD or CYTR. What's the safe bet? Also I've made a killing of VUZI. Why is no one talking about it?

>> No.1402268

Yeah, it was actually me who said that.
But still, it gives you an idea of what to look for, but it's still hard to narrow it down. This still leaves us with about 30 stocks that could be pumped, I just don't know what else there is that indicates they'll pump something next.

Though I suppose it's possible that there are no indicators. Maybe the best thing is to get alerts for these 30 specific stocks and in the morning when the volume starts doubling and the price starts going up, hop on it as soon as you can.

>> No.1402272
File: 188 KB, 1080x1920, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the cheapest way to kill myself?

>> No.1402273

Changes in that shit are so rare that it's not worth it. You could put in a sell order and not have it go through until it's an hour later. Would not recommend.

>> No.1402274

Fuck mgt is about to go below $3. what have I done.

>> No.1402277


>> No.1402281

lol, what a coincidence. Thanks for the suggestion, I think you dropped a real gem with that one.
My game plan is to check finviz (I have that exact filtered page bookmarked) in the morning and jump on anything that's over 10% gain.

>> No.1402283

Nxtd is tanking should we an hero ?

>> No.1402286

>tfw sold MGT at $4.50

Feels good f am

>> No.1402292
File: 298 KB, 3000x1694, garlic_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint no dips on this moon train ma nigga, back to ceru you go kek.

>> No.1402294

I'm not talking about daytrading it. I'm just hoping it will be pumped soon, and the very artificial-looking prices suggest an agenda to me.

>> No.1402309

yeah, either way, it's now listed as low volatility, if it "dips" it'll be so slow you won't lose much money.

>> No.1402311

I see that and bought back in with three times the equity. Up 2% already.

>> No.1402316

Here we go KONE come back up to 8.80 and get me off this train

>> No.1402320

I personally made some quick trades on this stock netting aboit a dollar each.

>> No.1402321
File: 3.39 MB, 5119x3200, 1469460018515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XGTI is coming back. Stock dropped from 99$ down to around 50 cents. Buy now and hold on for the climb boys,

>> No.1402322

I dont plan on loosing money on AMD since my average price is $5.69 ;^)

>> No.1402329
File: 206 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-07-25 13.10.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too

>> No.1402330

What's your proof of this other than wanting to off load your baggage?

>> No.1402331


I'm seconding this, how does a company initially listed at 600+ fall so hard though?

>> No.1402335

I bought 40 shares at 5.16 a couple weeks ago, sold at 5.80 when I incorrectly assumed it was done. Bought back in at 6.50, riding it out and setting new stop losses every time I'm up 10 cents a share.

>> No.1402340
File: 11 KB, 468x47, amd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel for you guys. I'm just sad I could have bought 10x as many shares and decided not to, but that's life. Now I just can't figure out when the fuck to sell this.

>> No.1402344

Fuck, I want CERU below 2.30 and NETE below 1.90. Any chance either will happen today?

>> No.1402346

>tfw all my money was tied up in memes so I only got two shares of AMD.
wew lads up a dollar

>> No.1402349

Well the thing with finviz is it doesn't update till like 9:45, I mean, you can still use it and get in, but you won't get in as early as you want. Which is why I said use alerts or something. Probably thinkorswim maybe.

>> No.1402356

Same, senpai.
Got a return of like 3 and a half dollars though.

>> No.1402361

Right now. Reversal is in progress. The shorts are winning. SELL SELL SELL

>> No.1402362

now you can get the dollar menu with booger and cum at your local mcdonald.

>> No.1402366
File: 180 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160725-132315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.1402372


Definitely going to listen to an anonymous poster on a Slovenian stamp collecting forum.

>> No.1402374

looked like a reversal pattern for a bit but i think it's going back up

>> No.1402397

UVXY reverse split

this shit is literally going to zero

>> No.1402408

I see. I hadn't noticed that before about finviz. Good call.

>> No.1402412

Dint touch cytr. Bad results

>> No.1402414
File: 287 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-25-12-38-12-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the appropriate action for AMD?

>> No.1402417

wew can't wait for oil to come back up

>> No.1402420

Which stock? Devon?

>> No.1402421


>> No.1402422

Eprs dipped hard and and is recovering

>> No.1402424

Same bruh

>> No.1402429


>> No.1402432

Judges just ruled bitcoin isn't money in a money laundering case.

Good time to invest in iy as the black market will adopt it more now that they can get away with it in courts?

>> No.1402438

Based AMD

>bought at 4.40
>sold at 5.39
>bought at 5.22 right before earnings
>sold at 6.64

I think im going to give it time to correct then get on the boat again before zen

>> No.1402441

Do people really invest in companies that just filed for bankruptcy?

>> No.1402444

Now is the time to buy mgt right?

>> No.1402454

MSTX plz take me to the promise land

>> No.1402456

Who's on the Kone rape train

>> No.1402461


>> No.1402465

Ayyy i still got htbx too. Whats your plans for it Monica?

>> No.1402478
File: 21 KB, 412x351, 1451465297450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amd isn't going to dip
Lost half my gains listening to this nigger. Never listen to advice from this place. Ever.

Still like 3% up but fuck man...

>> No.1402491




>> No.1402492

Thoughts on TXN earnings?

>> No.1402493

Hope it goes up to a dollar one day.

>> No.1402518

I didn't buy any but I believe it will go up. TXN seems also like a very good long hold

>> No.1402527

Yes or buy the dip

>> No.1402572

First it's the only stock on /biz/ with a positive EPS. Second the punitive tariffs placed on the Chinese so they can't dump their ore on our market. Third they lack any real competition in the midwest because transportation cost makes CLF's ore significantly cheaper

>> No.1402573

you dont know how leveraged ETFs work do you

>> No.1402586





>> No.1402587

Alright, I'm gonna scoop 4 shares probably tomorrow . This better not fuck me.

>> No.1402600

See you at 10

>> No.1402614

I am bagholding so much shit but managing to stay green thanks to SPHS. Thinking of cutting my losses and dumping it all in there.

>> No.1402621

I'm still on it and I can't cancel my fucking order so I can't even exit the trade.

>> No.1402625

Wait you still didn't call their support? lmao

>tfw not Ameripoor and have enough money to use a real broker

>> No.1402629

Markets are so fucked today.

>> No.1402633

$ANY will go back up to .90 like it always does. Scoop some up now.

>> No.1402649

I've been on hold forever

>> No.1402678
File: 307 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-25-14-05-25-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sears Holdings is supposed to have a good year

>> No.1402684


>wants nee...

>> No.1402687

They finally got me out of it. Sell KONE?

>> No.1402703
File: 127 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160725-151550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1402707

I will never understand why derps like you chase a rising rocket but on behalf of all the people who make money off your kind, thank you sincerely.

>> No.1402708

I sold KONE for 8.81 minimizing my losses at least but of course now it shoots to 9.12 where I could have almost broke even. I was even contemplating holding off on selling for an end of the day spike and now I'm pretty sure it's coming. Whatever. I'm at least glad I didn't lose 300 bucks today.

>> No.1402713

My chart is the inverse
did you not see what I said about SPHS nigga

>> No.1402731

Alright after that hectic day im feeling risky. What can I buy right now to sell at open tomorrow?

>> No.1402732
File: 129 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-25-12-28-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower lows every fucking day

>> No.1402740



>> No.1402742

I was doing well until I got memed on by this thread. Lesson learned.

>> No.1402751

TXN maybe? Quarterly reports at after hours

>> No.1402754

Buy into $XNY right before close, its not a moon mission but it will rise at open tomorrow just set your limit sell lads. Going in 2,000 shares. Wish me luck

>> No.1402756

I feel your pain brah. I'm holding a lot of meme bags at the moment as I mentioned. Live and learn I guess. I'm still new, but I learned my lesson not to chase moon rockets. Although sometimes it's a mistake not to, as with KONE last week, as well as SPU.

>> No.1402765

Wow, you just might beat my record.
What's your total loss so far?

>> No.1402767

LOL hell no

Just doesn't seem like itll be too profitable but its probably safe

That chart looks incredibly shitty

SMIT and GBR are memes I saw today and they are pretty down. What do people think of these?

>> No.1402768

Buy the dip on $TBRA, price target even with the bad news is 19 bucks. Can definitely see 6 bucks tomorrow.


>> No.1402771

buy at 1.7 and sell at 1.8? pattern looks too easy. looks scary, bruh. hope it works out for you.

>> No.1402772
File: 136 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-25-12-40-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost had $3k from starting at $2,350. And i have no day trades left so it's harder to dip from a stock. Talk about Power-less hour

>> No.1402773

Ah no
You've still got a long way to go before you join the ranks of true losers.

>> No.1402778

Yeah it should be okay, ill be up at 6 am anyways so any penny I can squeeze out of it is dine with me. Have my limit buy set at 1.69 till 1.

>> No.1402779

Now this is tempting. That's quite a drop. The question is will this make a nice little recovery tomorrow or crash and burn?

>> No.1402780


>> No.1402781

i have an order for 20 shares at 1.7 open till eod. interesting enough to play with but not with a lot of money.

>> No.1402782

having a fantastic time rn

After i dump this shit mid august im done buying anything biz recommends from now on

good god i havent even opened ThinkorSwim in like 2 weeks because i dont want to know how bad it is

>> No.1402783

I forgot what stock was dropping hard but i used my last day trade to get out and now i regret it. 90 days till i can do it again lol

>> No.1402785
File: 114 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to lire anyone but it looks to be easy money. Ill post results tomorrow.

>> No.1402788
File: 319 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-25-14-52-41-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1402789

i did this with AVGR. still holding this thing as it keeps dipping. i think i'll pass on this one.

>> No.1402791

good luck with that i wish all the best for you and your massive 30 pound nuts

>> No.1402793


>> No.1402795

90 days before you can trade that particular stock or before U can date in and in general or before you can do 5 day trades in the

>> No.1402797

3 minutes someone throw me a meme or I'm just going all in on VNR

>> No.1402800

If you want to own a Ferrari than buy AMD now

>> No.1402802

buy VIX or some shit
i think theres a fed meeting this week and everyone is doing their OH SHIT FED MEETING sell off everything meme fiasco again

>> No.1402803

Alright lads got in at 1.71 for 23xx shares. Posting limit sell at 1.80

>> No.1402804

VNR???? why?

you missed the boat on that one.

>> No.1402805

Do it

>> No.1402807

Jk I somehow ended up doing a spur of the moment buy of 555 shares of ZIOP. I'm such a shitty investor but hey, ZIOP to the moon tomorrow everyone get on the train!

>> No.1402835

Before i can buy/sell any stock in the same day. I think you can only do 3 within the 5 days before you get labeled as a day trader

>> No.1402891

So did any anon besides me get that sweet SPU dosh today?

Cant wait to see it break $20 tomorrow.

>> No.1402908

I just don't think SkyPeople is a good name for a fruit juice.

>> No.1402923


You know why they rose today, right?


They're the pachinko company that is together along with Sega. It's a pretty big deal.

>> No.1402953

Why they Rose today? This is a long one month gain train for AMD, what are you talking about private?

>> No.1402962


I'm saying it's one of the biggest reasons why the momentum of going to the moon outweighted people cashing in and plummeting the share price.

>> No.1402965

fuck i know as soon as i buy into amd itll drop. ugh the tension

>> No.1402970


You are chasing the dragon

Just wait for the dip before christmas and develop a kobra klutch

>> No.1402972

What? AMD appears to be a long hold or a quick trade gain maker. There's no risk.

>> No.1402994
File: 63 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time ever trying to play the stock market. Am I going to make it?

>> No.1403058
File: 39 KB, 568x544, rh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it.

>> No.1403247

new thread

>> No.1403404



