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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1017 B, 200x200, fuck this shit4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14022004 No.14022004 [Reply] [Original]

This coin has brought me nothing but loss and despair , will we ever get back over 0.004 again?

>> No.14022018

Uhhh, no? Pro tip: hop in FET right now >>14022004

>> No.14022028

wow how long did you wait now.. two weeks? Truly awful..

>> No.14022034
File: 181 KB, 1013x797, reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding 200 million RSR

Feels good being a reserve chad

>> No.14022058

rsr might get some decent action from harmony's AMA tomorrow. the momentum is coming, just accumulate and chill

>> No.14022235


>> No.14022275

Nigga wtf even is this? I'm here every day and i've never seen this pajeet shitcoin shilled

>> No.14022281
File: 258 KB, 574x499, 1534307820459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding a VC pnd shitcoin that has no news for the next 12 months, no product, no US exchanges due to SEC regulations, that was unpumpable in a 7 day trading competition right befire BTC dumps

>> No.14022282
File: 22 KB, 467x385, carlos rsrconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d..did someone say...

>> No.14022292

>Nigga wtf even is this?
A harbinger of empty wallets and despair. Truly a shitcoin to behold.

>> No.14022293

Nvm, seen RSR as one of the latest street shitter flavor of the week. You guys are fucking retards chasing these pump and dumps though

>> No.14022332
File: 312 KB, 734x506, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want my money back

>> No.14022382

welp, you ain't getting them any time shortly, and if ever.
I'd pull after AMA if I were you.
Took a small loss on this shitcoin and I won't be looking at it again in the next 8 months

>> No.14022446
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 40DC4142BC3A4C1CBDC985AB22A9744F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI, one bizfag was "confident" and bragged about investing 8 BTC near the top. RIP.

>> No.14023117

I was pretty confident in it, just because the chinks at Huobi wanted to look good, and would to flex a little to show they can pull off an ieo as well as binance can. Apparently they don't care to attract more projects. Need a couple sats more to break even then time to move on. Feels bad for the guys who bought higher though.

>> No.14023138

"I also think Coinbase just recognizes that the opportunity size is huge for
decentralized stablecoins. We are stablecoin maximalists at Reserve. If you
believe, like we do, that one day a small number of decentralized stablecoins
are going to cover huge global markets, then it's hard not to get excited
about the potential value those networks may accrue."

>> No.14023231

This is bigger than a stablecoin you plebs. Reserve is trying to solve hyperinflation in third world countries. This isnt just another tether/true usd/usdc/maker etc. Do your homework

>> No.14023621

Calm down, it’s just a whitepaper

>> No.14023644

Muh all white team

>> No.14024001
File: 221 KB, 495x547, yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR being above or below $1 defeats the purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you would understand this. Are you seriously not going to fucking buy this thing at a quarter of a cent? Use your brains

>> No.14025061

Just wait, you'll see. You wont make shit jumping from coin to coin constantly.

>> No.14025510

>>14022004 (OP) what price did you get in at, did you consider the IEO price of 0.0012 approx , it still is atleast 2x above that.. maybe you should be more patient, its barely been a month

>> No.14025528

This project is actually got a very good potential to succeed, awesome backers too

>> No.14025589

Maybe you are pissed because you bought the top but even then I think the project has a massive upside potential. Just my opinion based on the plans to do token burns (RSR) we can expect 2-5% of the value o RSV/RSDof tokens being burnt, imagine what that could mean in 10 years+adoption.. if you're really looking at long term investing.. and not just day trading

>> No.14026098

I think all if you from the 2017 bull run just expect a 10x out of the gate. You would no doubt flip and move on anyway.
I always scratch my head how much negativity there is for projects trying to actually do something for humanity. Reserve is a legit project with long term goals. If you can't wait 6 months to a year, you should cut your losses and move onto a more simple project that suits your IQ a little better

>> No.14026862

You mean do something for protohumans who can't make functional economies and would sooner rape you than thank you for the crypto help?

>> No.14026901

Honestly,why are you still in this..
Cant you see its bleeding?
Alts are mooning left and right and you stay in this piece of shit vaporwave token...

>> No.14027154

brought at 26 sats.. comfy AF waiting for this rocket.