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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14021382 No.14021382 [Reply] [Original]

Why is blockstream so desperate that they hire an army of shills to counter-shitpost on this shitty corner of the internet? What possible reason could they have for targeting 4chan for this propaganda campaign?

>> No.14021464

How much tether for a camel toe like her?

>> No.14021484

In belarus you can fuck skinny blonde girls for ~80 euro

>> No.14021488
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It's obvious too.

Corecucks aren't smart enough to make it less obvious.

>> No.14021508

Is it legal there?

>> No.14021561

15 rupees have been deposited into your account

>> No.14021583

>implying blockstream even has a marketing budget
BSV is shilled here so much it's not even funny. I wouldn't be surprised if craig paid people to shill here, I see so many god damn posts about that piece of shit coin.

Also I don't work for blockstream. I'm just technologically literate and understand software development. Shoving everything into a singular monolithic layer is retarded. Craig is a big gay faggot retard.

>> No.14022119

That pussy looks so tight omg!

>> No.14022139

BSVschizos are indeed shitposting, agreed

>> No.14022190
File: 160 KB, 1003x578, blockstream_shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure greg, whatever you say

>> No.14022207

this is literally what you are doing with BSV. Any anti bsv posts are from people who want biz back you dirty rats ass

>> No.14022221

>persecutory delusions
Just another typical BSVschizo

>> No.14022236

>anything i don't like to hear is just paid shills

>> No.14022267

LOL what a virgin thing to say

>> No.14022291

I prefer this to the other alternative, that there are people so robot-like that they don't see a problem with posting mindless, repetitive threads over and over.

>> No.14023061

>reality is delusion
Just another paid assblasted blockstream kike

>> No.14023108

Does it matter?

>> No.14023840
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Its true, and it unironically lines up with Indian timezones, about half a day ago there was ~30 bsv threads up, but now there are only ~5, I bet that is going to change once pajeets get to work in the next hour or so.

>> No.14023860

Because 4chan is the one place where anyone can post and the truth comes out on top. They're trying to change the narrative here like so many others and like the others will fail miserably.

>> No.14023879
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Fucking checked.

>> No.14023892

Lightning is antithetical to blockchain. If you're taking things off the blockchain then theres literally no reason to use it in the first place.

>> No.14023902

>want biz back
The only people in these camps are Corecucks and shitcoin p&ders. This entire board is just spam without BSV threads. There are exceptions. LINK is a complete shitcoin, but it's a meme so it works.

>> No.14023910

Half a day ago BSV was mooning, you absolute retard. Theres less excitement today.

>> No.14024405

FYI her name is Yana Supranovich

>> No.14024471
File: 333 KB, 732x763, 5FD8D06B-4BB7-44AE-A960-A8BCC672C2DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
