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File: 192 KB, 1920x1504, bitcoinhalving5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14018382 No.14018382 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take this stress anymore.

I'll just hodl my bitcoins and drop all alts from now on.

>> No.14018410

youre finally learning anon

dont forget to hold eth

>> No.14018826

and litecoin

>> No.14018878

Thinking the halving is going to increase the price of btc is the most reddit tier dumb fuck mindset ive ever seen.
>reward for mining a block cut in half
>this will increase price, because it did every time before
Theres literally 0 logic involved, you just heard other people peddle this idea and dont really understand why but everyone says it will increase the price. Fucking idiots. Fuck.

>> No.14018888

i hope your holding the real bitcoin

>> No.14018903

That means you are retarded
Altseason just get started and you will miss insane gains in the coming month

>> No.14018918

but it did increase the price after the other halvings. so it will happen again

>> No.14018983

No, theres no evidence of that.

And Google is your friend, halving is a meme.

>> No.14018985

>i made money with bitconnect the first 5 months
>ill make money with bitconnect this month too
You deserve to be poor

>> No.14019010

It's because supply decreases. Miners sell their cones as soon as they mine them, but now the cones are halved, so there is only half the selling pressure and therefore price shoots up. I'd say it's very straightforward, even suspiciously so.

>> No.14019039

all in segwit coin? You have big balls

>> No.14019060

>so there is only half the selling pressure and therefore price shoots up
>the only people selling btc are miners
>btc transaction fees never hold up the network and increase tx fees
>less incentive to mine blocks is good for a network with scaling problems
Fucking. Idiots.

>> No.14019143

BTC will become so valuable, transaction fees will be the major incentive. The number of coins mined per block is irrelevant, their value at the time is the incentive

>> No.14019209

So if btc was 20k (again), and the network was too congested to do anything useful (again), miners being rewarded half the btc this time around will do what? Make the network more effecient? If youre buying btc youre unironically retarded

>> No.14019296

Miners are the only ones selling btc, in the sense that they are the producers. Everyone else is balancing each other up. Everything else in your post is not relevant in the short term and we will worry about it when it comes due. I also know how that should play out, but I'm not gonna waste my time spoonfeeding you.

>> No.14019326

Holy shit you are retarded. I don't know if you're shitposting or you actually don't have the faintest idea how btc works. Fuck off of my board you absolute brainlet and let the adults discuss.

>> No.14019374

>yes goy, i know why it works, its just too complicated for me to explain
BTC is unironically rat poison squared. Its for retards who dont understand anything about crypto and just want to make money. Reddit tier, retard logic. The halving is a meme to convince retards to buy btc.

>> No.14019376

dude you are retarded. sorry
halving cuts selling pressure in half.
there is no point for a whale to sell btc, it will just decrease their wealth... this is because interest for btc is growing, they just need to hold it and use it to pump and dump altcoins.

>> No.14019412

Ok I can tell you are pretty smart. Could you give me a price prediction for BTC within the next 2 years? And what about ETH?

>> No.14019447

>halving cuts selling pressure in half
If you can wrap your head around how this makes sense, buy btc. If you have a brain and realize this is a retarded blatantly false statement, do some fucking research.

>> No.14019468

>Ok I can tell you are pretty smart. Could you give me a price prediction for BTC within the next 2 years? And what about ETH?

>> No.14019498

Dude you are shitposting... nobody can be that dump. You cant even correlate big corporations coming into crypto and BTC price? Guess what, the more the better. You logic is totally inverted. It's like you were born with a peanut-sized brain.

>> No.14019604
File: 361 KB, 1759x787, Screenshot_20190417-141413_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah id just rather some anons on biz make money. At least theyre here and have probably encountered the JQ and race realism.

Im just gonna start posting links to prove how retarded you guys are.

>BTC will become so valuable, transaction fees will be the major incentive. The number of coins mined per block is irrelevant, their value at the time is the incentive
Now read this
Understand what the difference is between proof of stake and proof of work. Proof of stake makes your eth have an intrinsic value, proof of work doesnt.

>> No.14019667

I agree with you. Don’t listen to the brainlets on here.
Halving doesn’t decrease the supply it decreases the rate of supply.
Also using the argument that the price boomed twice because of it is a bad correlation and isn’t enough data to infer it will happen again

>> No.14019716

big corporations have been buying btc for a long time.... they're the ones who dumped on you in 2017

>> No.14019771

growing stream of new users into the market vs reduced stream of supply into the market. Ergo higher price.
Deniers are retards

>> No.14019792


>> No.14019825

>growing stream of new users into the market vs reduced stream of supply into the market.

>A debate has been brewing among the bitcoin community surrounding transaction times and fees. Right now it takes an average time of 78 minutes to confirm a bitcoin transaction, according to Blockchain.com. But on Sunday the average time was as high as 1,188 minutes.
>Slow transaction speeds and fees has led to a number of splits in the original blockchain. In August, the blockchain was forced to split in two — a phenomenon known as “hard fork.” This led to the creation of a bitcoin spinoff called bitcoin cash. Another fork occurred in October, spawning yet another digital asset called bitcoin gold

>> No.14020041
File: 56 KB, 498x343, new world tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here anon, listen to what craig says:
"instead of the selfish miner earning a benefit, the honest miner does"
BTC is unironically rat poison squared, and CSW is in on it. BTC will destroy retards who were just worried about making money and didnt bother to understand the fundamentals.

>> No.14020098

All forks are weak and fees are not a problem

>> No.14020133
File: 51 KB, 500x378, 1548899327468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fees are not a problem
kek, good argument

>> No.14020527
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nobody can explain why reducing miner incentive increases the value of btc? im shocked

>> No.14021175

you're just too stupid to understand you dumb faggot

>> No.14021204


Miners have sunk cost into infrastructure, so they're not gonna walk away. They will just well BTC for higher amount.

>> No.14021213
File: 119 KB, 425x282, faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently bad idea
Buy on march 19/20 2020

>> No.14021262

WEW how does it feel lads
Knowing we are almost in the last innings before the halving meme comes true yet AGAIN while naysayers will say "hurr durr it's a non-event"

You fellas do realize that in all of BTC's entire price history, it has never failed to NOT start it's uptrend 12 months out before the halving and CONTINUE that uptrend until the point of the halving, only to SKYROCKET 1-2 years AFTER the halving.
It's like you literally are against making FREE money

>> No.14021303

>BTC's entire price history
Which isn't that long...only 2 cycles so far.

>> No.14021312

>blockbuster has sunk money into infrastructure, theyre not just gonna walk away
its outdated tech. the flaws of PoW have been exposed. the only people shilling btc are the people still holding the dead weight

>> No.14021322

and the entire USD price history is only 70 years or so since it went off the gold standard I guess we don't have enough data
use what ya got kiddo

>> No.14021335

just like the goyim are just too stupid to understand the fed, but all the experts say its necessary

>> No.14021340

Bullish on BTC protocol, but you are right.

>> No.14021343

did your parents tell you they dropped you on your head as a baby yet or are you so retarded you forgot they told you for the 50000th time again

>> No.14021342

So going by your logic, the golden bullrun should start in 2021 then right?

>> No.14021371

no, you literally don't understand this stuff it's embarrassing
millions of people do get it but you don't
you are a stupid goyim though

>> No.14021377

the bull run has already started my frend. The parabolic rise will start near EOY 2020, and the top should be in around 2021 or so, maybe summer 2022, give or take maybe 3-6 months.

100k BTC price target EOY 2021
screenshot this
put it on your ceiling
fap to it at night
let it become the only thing you think about before you wake up and go to bed
let it become you
make your choices based on it
live your life based around it
and become rich

>> No.14021378

This. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scam.

>> No.14021393

the costs in this analysis are so fucking retarded.
You can run a ethereum node on a 7W arm board.
That's like $0.5 in electricity per month, these geniuses assumed $133 as a monthly cost.

>> No.14021418
File: 72 KB, 1131x574, 1551941804548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone explain why reducing miner incentive will cause an increase in btc price/adoptability yet or are you just gonna say im stupid and have that be the end of your contribution?


>> No.14021439
File: 66 KB, 500x533, 1555962086327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had friend who capitulated big alt portfolio into btc (eth,xlm,ada) (100k$+ big) mid/late 2017 because he "couldnt take anymore of btc destroying his alts during all 2017.

1m later eth did 5x, xlm did 8x and ada did 16x in all in time of 2m. Btc stayed around 10-12k.
We dont talk anymore kek.

>You cant time anything in this market dumb fuck there is huge chance you selling low buying hi.
Justi pick shit you like and go away from this incel board


>> No.14021445

I mean 2021 is when things will go batshit insane like in 2017...right now its more of a steady uptrend.

>> No.14021471
File: 2 KB, 126x97, 1542662242872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every argument u made is fine desu but can you fucking explain how 20bg block size solves anythin in long run lol

>> No.14021477

this thread isnt about ethereum go away with your pre-mined pedocoin

>> No.14021500
File: 404 KB, 1884x978, gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another retarded ETH kid big surprise

>> No.14021506

iirc it took about 1.5 years from halving to top of market bubble.

June I think 2016 was halving (not sure about exact month), then 1 year is may 2017, another 6 months is market top.

So halving being May 2020, 1.5 years is EOY 2021.

Which is why I said could be EOY 2021, could be summer of 2022, who knows. But my target is 100k BTC 2021.

Your best bet is to position trade on the weekly time frame and put your liquidation price one support level below the obvious higher low. Just snowball that shit up.

>> No.14021539

>can you fucking explain how 20bg block size solves anythin in long run lol
BTC is valuable because people think its valuable
ETH is valuable because holding it will allow you to validate transactions on the network and collect dividends proportional to the amount of ETH you stake

>> No.14021579

this thread is about BTC and im explaining why BTC is useless and a trap for retards who cant grasp how impractical it is as a product and/or medium of exchange

>> No.14021596

i am

>> No.14021619

imagine thinking people on here actually give two shitst about the tech.

>> No.14021626


>> No.14021635

>imagine thinking people on here actually give two shitst about the tech.
imagine not reading the thread
>BTC will destroy retards who were just worried about making money and didnt bother to understand the fundamentals.

>> No.14021642

Ah sry was sure you shilling bsv hahhaha carry on

But remember bizz will miss eth AGAIN anyway so whats the point

>> No.14021660

people care about a secure decentralized system
when a communist pedophile controls 72,000,000 ethereum in a premine and moves to PoS it's ridiculous
when ethereum gave gas limit control to miners blowing out validating node operators it's ridiculous
these kids have no fucking idea what they're doing
that's why eth is a mess

>> No.14021694


And btc is what exacly?
Money? nah
Store of value?
Isnt it ment to be p2p money?
Which fed cant controll so we stick it to the man?
Its in fucking whitepaper

But if promising projext x starts as one thing, create army of early og-s and top buying bagholders, fails miserably one thing it's supposed to do as btc did as digital cash, than that same army of og's and bagholders create narrative how its "store of value" now and defend it as religious zealots to keep it going up pricewise:

how the fuck is it asset class and not failed project turned into multy level marketing?

Fuck eth is mess but you are sub 80 iq retard if you miss fact its best chance we have

>> No.14021740
File: 443 KB, 640x792, 1549588616392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when ethereum gave gas limit control to miners blowing out validating node operators it's ridiculous
stop believing literal fake news written by a r/bitcoin moderator (stopanddecrypt, I know that's where you got that).
You can run a full ethereum node on a 7W arm

>> No.14021758


>> No.14021785

it's a secure decentralized system
no other blockchain comes close to it in security, distribution, users, recognition
it makes no sense you cherry pick some early adopters or top buyers as the community
bitcoin has had it's distribution set since its first block and anyone could have mined bought sold at any time

some centralized shitshow that facilitated the biggest ICO scam marketplace in history is our best chance?
get the fuck out of here

>> No.14021790
File: 10 KB, 605x83, 1556488142355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the full node size is smaller than in bitcoin

>> No.14021798

no you can faggot those aren't real nodes, you don't understand what a node it
wow a bloat chain attracted more spam congrats

>> No.14021807

define full node first

>> No.14021809

lol on my christ you kids are full blown

>> No.14021817

"halving" is such a weird term for this

>> No.14021824

>wow a bloat chain attracted more spam congrats
wow bloat chain processes more tx/s faster and cheaper

>> No.14021827

you're not propagating or validating transactions
you don't have a full record of the transactions
you're either pruning it or validating headers or some halfway bullshit that's less secure
no way you're a real network that's communicating node to node propagating
there's too much data so you lie and half ass it and trick retards into believing your lies

>> No.14021837

I've literally just hodl for like two years
should have tethered forever.

>> No.14021903

>security, distribution, users, recognition
jews are women

>> No.14021919
File: 14 KB, 441x368, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also see >>14021500
ethereum is the biggest group of white hating jews in all of crypto

>> No.14021948

>you're not propagating or validating transactions
>you don't have a full record of the transactions
Wrong, there's every historical transaction
>you're either pruning it or validating headers or some halfway bullshit that's less secure
Wrong, every block is fully executed.
Light client - a much better version of SPV in bitcoin - takes only 600MB.
>there's too much data so you lie and half ass it and trick retards into believing your lies
There's a csv with all data.
The average block size is only 9.7kB last I checked.
You can calculate that by yourself.
There are 7.9M blocks.
That gives 77GB for the entire blockchain.
This is all easily verifiable data.

Lies like big ethereum blockchain is the reason r/Bitcoin is so censored. Too easy to disprove otherwise.

>> No.14021962

you're a liar ethereum will fail

>> No.14022014

>t. beta cuck used to 'discussing' on r/bitcoin where mods delete everything dangerous

>> No.14022016
File: 579 KB, 903x554, ford2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a lot of jews involved in eth, but some jews can be honest and not subversive, believe it or not. i dont hate jews, i hate liars, 99% of jews are lying parasites. the other 1% is based.

listen to vitalik or brian armstrong talk. decide if you think theyre subversive.

>> No.14022089
File: 300 KB, 1305x638, 81FE798D-1EB4-4C94-A271-3BF3389D2BB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1% are based

>> No.14022120
File: 15 KB, 220x258, otto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, 1% are based. ben shapiro isnt in that 1%.

>> No.14022131

>vitalik or brian armstrong
lol your bags have ruined your brain

>> No.14022145

you don't know shit you're not telling the truth
not one person in crypto believes what you said give it up

>> No.14022169
File: 3.56 MB, 1242x2208, 1544494069508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your exclusivity complex has ruined yours

>> No.14022172

It’s impossible for a Jew to be based to long as they identify as a Jew. The only way they can be based is to renounce their Jewry and help us fight against their tribes evil. Thus they are not a Jew anymore.

This is why the saying “the only good Jew is a dead Jew” holds true.

>> No.14022185

you're sucking off the biggest jews in crypto and say they're they good ones because they're your daddy

>> No.14022196
File: 115 KB, 454x685, 1533766996710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not one person in crypto believes what you said
see, youre a fucking woman lol. men dont care what other people think. they care what they think. youre nothing without your tribe.

>> No.14022211

you're the most retarded goyim I've ever encountered on this website

>> No.14022213

Please drop back to 3k, I have been waiting for the dip

>> No.14022367
File: 900 KB, 903x1875, Screenshot_20190605-200735_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s impossible for a Jew to be based to long as they identify as a Jew. The only way they can be based is to renounce their Jewry and help us fight against their tribes evil. Thus they are not a Jew anymore.
Agreed. Pic related is written by an ethnic jew.

>> No.14022442
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>> No.14022508
File: 92 KB, 850x400, 1552372287685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only way they can be based is to renounce their Jewry and help us fight against their tribes evil.
Can ETH be used to combat subversive usury?