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File: 86 KB, 944x944, 1559547347335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14011202 No.14011202 [Reply] [Original]

If he isn't Satoshi why does he have limitless funds?

If he isn't Satoshi why is he spending so much money to scale Bitcoin when nobody else is?

If he isn't Satoshi why is he so devoted to the whitepaper and restoring the original protocol?

If he isn't Satoshi why does he know things about Bitcoin nobody else does?

If he isn't Satoshi why is he being (falsely) sued in court by Ira Kleiman for 1m Bitcoin?

If he isn't Satoshi why is he taking Peter Mccormack and others to court for saying he isn't to prove he is?

If he isn't Satoshi why is he so ambitious with the future of Bitcoin (1 terabyte blocks / millions of transactions per second) while everyone else is thinking small (1mb/32mb)?

>> No.14011212
File: 34 KB, 511x424, 2008-02-wright-arsl01_wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he isn't Satoshi why did he receive a private jet from the NSA for the whitepaper?

>> No.14011214

Go back to discord tranny

>> No.14011218
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>> No.14011234
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1543877426408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's that great guy O1G. You deserve a bullet for being relentlessly annoying and low IQ

>> No.14011245
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 1531138853337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically even if:
>Craig was Satoshi (fucking lol)
>BSV could scale (fucking lol)
>BSV could even function normally without suffering from reorgs (fucking lol)
>BSV script was Turing Complete (fucking lol)
>BSV wasn't a scam shilled by pajeets (lol)
>Calvin could get his team to actually produce ASICs that are not 99% less efficient than Jihan's (LMFAO)
>Calvin and Sanjay got to 90% of all SHA256 hashing power
BSV would still fail because Roger and Jihan saw through the provocations and didn't dump their BSV at low prices. Both combined hold more than 10% of the circulating supply and whenever Calvin and Sanjay decide to act and fake pump their shitcoin to #1, they would just dump and get rich at Calvin's expense

>> No.14011251
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> pic related

>> No.14011276
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>please buy our fag bags

>> No.14011329
File: 25 KB, 547x652, 1558444448972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craig was Satoshi (fucking lol)
He is

>BSV could scale (fucking lol)
It does and Bitcoin was always designed to scale, "It never really hits a scale ceiling."- Satoshi Nakamoto

>BSV could even function normally without suffering from reorgs (fucking lol)
Reorgs are a miner problem, users are not affected, it's an economic incentive to upgrade the network nodes, they have to compete

>BSV script was Turing Complete (fucking lol)
Explain why it isn't?

>Calvin could get his team to actually produce ASICs that are not 99% less efficient than Jihan's (LMFAO)
Last I heard Squire Mining has 7% of BTC hash while Bitmain's hash has plummeted

>Calvin and Sanjay got to 90% of all SHA256 hashing power
Miners hate BTC, blockstream openly want to stiff miners with Lightning, when BSV soars and BTC crashes due to the halvening all the miners will defect

>BSV would still fail because Roger and Jihan saw through the provocations and didn't dump their BSV at low prices. Both combined hold more than 10% of the circulating supply and whenever Calvin and Sanjay decide to act and fake pump their shitcoin to #1, they would just dump and get rich at Calvin's expense
I'd love another opportunity to buy the real Bitcoin on the cheap, please dump all you have

>> No.14011350

do you seriously belive any of that brainlet?

>> No.14011368

miners dont get stiffed by lightning where the fuck do you get this bullshit?

>> No.14011388 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one who finds it funny how CSW is desperate to quote Satoshi's forum posts? He even place a quote on his website, kek

>> No.14011397

Am I the only one who finds it funny how CSW is desperate to quote Satoshi's forum posts? He even placed a quote on his website, kek

>> No.14011412

None of it makes any sense. Why would it be hard to prove that your the creator of bitcoin? Post your Dropbox (that no one uses anymore) full of notes and drafts. Easy.

He won’t, he can’t. He’s just a smart (dumb) man who has found an angle to get rich and convince neckbeards into making him richer.

>> No.14011439

It's totally normal to study and quote the forum posts you made 10 years ago isn't it?

>> No.14011458

Go back to discord tranny^2

>> No.14011467

When he quoted Satoshi by using the word "stiff", he proved that he is unfamiliar with stiff being an american slang term and that Satoshi used it the american way.

>> No.14011478

protip to all brainlets and newfags. this thread is full of greg maxwell sockpuppets and blockstream employees, as well as fraudsters and bagholders all trying to convince you not to buy. and I mean they are DESPERATE for you not to buy BSV. think about that one

>> No.14011515
File: 65 KB, 833x500, 32n4cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here gives a fuck about boomer btc or it's shitforks, tranny shill

>> No.14011617

He was an employee of the real Satoshi, Le Roux. He has a private key attributed to the first block, but it is not the key that unlocks satoshi's coins.

This explains all of Craig and Ayre's behavior.

>> No.14011649

Paul is not Satoshi, he is connected but NOT Satoshi

>> No.14011721

Then who is? Or at least, who isn't?
What if it was Gavin all along?

>> No.14011723
File: 133 KB, 878x593, bit coin bisexual version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this complete bullshittery (pic related). BSV is a joke. If these charts somehow look appealing to you, you deserve to lose all of your money.

> muh next Bit Coin

>> No.14011750


Remember this?

> “I am about to demonstrate a signing of a message with the public key that is associated with the first transaction ever done on bitcoin”

I don’t understand why is he saying recently “I will sign after proving in court” lol. lol. Wasn't that bbc fake stunt supposed to be real? hahaha

> “I don’t want money! I don’t want fame! I don’t wan adoration”

> “I will never do an interview ever again!”


seems legit right goys?

Here the guy from bbc with his impressions, he was face to face with that clown: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zxMU4C6bGKw

> there will be no split
bch splits

> i will destroy bch
bch not destroyed

> btc will be $0 eoy 2018
btc $4000 eoy 2018

> i am satoshi
can’t sign a simple fucking message

> says I will sign after proving in court
but... wasn't the bbc stunt supposed to be a real signature? LOL

> submits a list of addresses of some fake tulip trust bullshit to court...
one of the addresses he claimed was signed by the real owner with a message saying the address is not belonging to this craig clown

> unlawfully registers a copyright on btc white paper and code in a stunt to cause a dump on btc
btc doesnt flintch

> next day copyright office confirms they didnt confirm this clown is satoshit and reaffirms that anyone can register anything with them
ultra fail

> some brainlets compare this piece of trash with trump, but trump is a winner
this clown is a loser

Guys this fakethosi clown is a fucking scam a pure and simple trash bag for everyone to see.

> He keeps putting a large biz budget for his trash biz shill army in an attempt to change public opinion
he fails miserably, anyone with one inch of brain sees this guy is a fucking trashbag scam

Fuck you and all you brainlets who support this fucking faketoshi loser piece of shit

>> No.14011752

Calvin is in there buying bsv from himself. lol

>> No.14011856
File: 80 KB, 739x415, 1559133731302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t understand why is he saying recently “I will sign after proving in court” lol. lol. Wasn't that bbc fake stunt supposed to be real? hahaha

He signed privately for the BBC journalist just like he has signed privately for others, he will sign publically after proving in court

>there will be no split
>bch splits

BCH supporters were so scared of Craig and Calvin they burned all their cash renting hash to try to get a temporary win and added centralised checkpoints and avalanche to their protocol showing to the world that their protocol isn't stable in the slightest and subject to developer whims

>i will destroy bch
>bch not destroyed

You're thinking short term, BCH will be destroyed along with BTC in time

>btc will be $0 eoy 2018
>btc $4000 eoy 2018

He never said that

>i am satoshi
>can’t sign a simple fucking message

See above

>says I will sign after proving in court
>but... wasn't the bbc stunt supposed to be a real signature? LOL

See above, you're grasping at straws

>Guys this fakethosi clown is a fucking scam a pure and simple trash bag for everyone to see.


>He keeps putting a large biz budget for his trash biz shill army in an attempt to change public opinion
>he fails miserably, anyone with one inch of brain sees this guy is a fucking trashbag scam


>Fuck you and all you brainlets who support this fucking faketoshi loser piece of shit

Why do you care so much? It's because you're bagholding and BSV terrifies you

>> No.14011862
File: 29 KB, 689x445, D71250B6-EAF1-46F1-A071-F35B85AA7EA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real Satoshi

>> No.14011864

How much do you get paid to shill

>> No.14011867
File: 129 KB, 900x729, 1512514639694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He signed privately for the BBC journalist

>> No.14011886

The hurry up and wait strategy doesn't work for that long. calvin is fucked. Nobody believes there asshats and now it's gonna cost them

>> No.14011937

He doesn't have to. You should take his word he's Satoshi, because he's the only person in the entire world saying he's Satoshi.

>> No.14011967

Hal Finney was certainly a genius programmer and helped Craig & David with coding after the original release, the original Bitcoin is provabley a mess (Craig admits he can't code well). If Hal Finney was SN their original mining rig wouldn't have crashed for a week after the genesis block (this can be easily verified)

I'm purely here spreading to truth as an act of selfless mercy, I don't want people to miss out on the real Bitcoin and regret it forever

>The hurry up and wait strategy doesn't work for that long. calvin is fucked. Nobody believes there asshats and now it's gonna cost them

Craig and Calvin are billionaires, they can keep up their work and development for years
Soon BSV will have 2gb blocks and in Feb 2020 unlimited, the intensity of scaling in unparalleled

>> No.14011983

Shut up faggot, they are billionaires in networth when bsv goes to 0 they will have nothing

>> No.14011995
File: 228 KB, 1000x563, 1501512610252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14011996

And Craig is a billionaire because...?

>> No.14012007

>He signed privately for the BBC journalist just like he has signed privately for others, he will sign publically after proving in court
The entire point of crypto is we don't have to third party authorities. Lol. Anyone trusting some random journo is a cuck who doesn't understand the point of crypto.

>> No.14012009

Chainlink scaled blockchains, it's over.