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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 889 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190604-184234_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14005637 No.14005637 [Reply] [Original]

Apple is unironically trying to destroy themselves.
Why are they doing this.

>> No.14005644

That has to be a joke

>> No.14005656


>> No.14005666


>> No.14005668

Tired of winning probably

>> No.14005669

up 3.66% after the news. looks like there is some interest. up another 0.76% after hours.

>> No.14005671


1.5 TB of RAM, and the storage/amd graphics options aren't cheap. This would do well in video editing suites and save a shitton of money on cabling/broadcast engineers for render farms

>> No.14005682

>poorfags can’t afford a $35k computer.

>> No.14005701

What an overpriced bs, cant think of ever buying anything from them, never did, never will.

>> No.14005707


Like the rest of silicon valley, they have circle jerked themselves to the point that original thought is impossible.

Slap some faggot rainbows on the side of it and launch a multimillion dollar ad campaign featuring niggers larping as white families and call it good.

>> No.14005715

That’s a good point. Can’t see why else they would announce such a thing

>> No.14005724

Because the computer is for companies that can buy these like bags of chips. It's not for "normal" people. Everyone freaks out when they call something "pro" but it's for normal people then they freak out when they make a Mac Pro for actual Pro clients. Can't win. Now. 1k for the stand that seems a bit crazy.

>> No.14005780

this is not sustainable and new companies with same capabilities will take their market

>> No.14005781

>a fucking cheese grater

>> No.14005793

looks like a cheese grater

>> No.14005816


Amd is already in literally every major manufacturer's pocket right now, I'm not sure what you mean but it's literally a professional product, people have been killing for something other than the fucking bin for a while, colourists love this shit trust me

>> No.14005823

The OSX tax is real, you’d have to pay me extra to use Windows 8 hours a day for what I do (graphic design).

>> No.14005837


Try Windows audio mate, it's fucking disgusting and shit, asio drivers crapping out all the time, core audio is the only reliable one out there, and then you have to deal with avid's shit on top of that

>> No.14005845

>save a shitton of money on cabling/broadcast engineers for render farms
render farms are cheap commodity hardware thrown in bulk at a task that would take too long on an individual machine otherwise. It would still take too long an individual Mac Pro and on a bang for the buck calculation, there is fucking ZERO justification for throwing Mac Pros at this task

>> No.14005952

Already pre ordered 2 stay poor losers

>> No.14005973

huh? you used to be able to make like a 12k macbook back in like 2005

>> No.14006047


Shit mate, I guess all my broadcast engineer friends are retarded and don't know how to do their jobs, there are people who do not want to be sent shit tier clips and sending to render farms and just want to do everything native

>> No.14006098

arent renderfarms the definately the one thing blockchain could solve.

>> No.14006122

Real talk. I work in the VFX industry. The majority of the time we are running machines with either Windows or Linux. I have seen Macs used very rarely, and now that Apple has severed ties with Nvidia, I expect them to be ejected from those small boutiques that use them.

>> No.14006126

How has no one mentioned the new monitor comes without a stand. The stand costs $999. Not even joking lol.

>> No.14006155
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>no headphone jack


>> No.14006168
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My 32 core 2990WX, quad Titan V, 128GB RAM with 2TB M.2 NVMe storage workstation costs only $17k. Let that sink in.

>> No.14006239

this is my fucking point brah
apple is about to get raped

>> No.14006471

Never underestimate the black rimmed, beanie topped, skinny jean wearing, douche nozzle working on his “novel” at Starbucks. They have to have the best laptop to look important and get people to approach them and ask what they’re working on.

>> No.14006480

serious question: what do you need this for?

>> No.14006495

The “I need feminism because I enjoy my girlfriend’s strap-on” guy is a text-book example.

>> No.14006515
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>1.5TB of RAM

>> No.14006533

Anon it's not doing anything, all the processors at 0%
Do you ever use it close to peak?

>> No.14006549

Unless your using it for business purposes what a waste.

>> No.14006584

I'm a machine learning researcher.
Yes, but 2990WX is a gimped chip with limited memory bandwidth and my algorithm is memory bound. It can show all cores 100% with more than half of the cores not doing anything. Also the 128GB memory is not really enough for what I'm doing (the data I'm working on has billions of rows and hundreds of columns), but I can't justify the cost of a server CPU/mobo yet.

>> No.14006596

kek branding as I suspected, thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.14006611

That was a different time. Nowadays computers are a commodity item. Barely anyone uses pre-built desktops anymore, which this is. If you own a desktop it's because you built it yourself to meet your requirements.

>> No.14006619
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>> No.14006642
File: 951 KB, 562x1406, Fuck iWhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14007134
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>> No.14007161
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>> No.14007166

for a few years i was a professional musician and after using windows for a while i switched to mac and it's so much better for making/editing music. i'd used windows my whole life and didn't want to switch but apple does it better for everything having to do with design and arts in my opinion

>> No.14008225
File: 62 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1559328670248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to year 2004.

>> No.14008287

They just haven't made a usable Pro machine for the last ten years or so ? So now, phones having flatlined, they decided 'Applel love Pros' again ? Yeah, nah, got get fucked, go sell csome colored watch straps to the Arabs. cunts

>> No.14008297

The meme "MACS are the best for video and audio" stopped being true 10 years ago

>> No.14008618

>I'm a machine learning researcher.
mee toooooooo i just bought a new pc last month and i feel so much smarter.
ever come across anything good? xD

>> No.14008647
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awh shit

>> No.14008666

Didn't they learn their lesson from their trash can Mac?

>> No.14008692

I bought the PC with the money I made as a ML researcher.

>> No.14008714

>before you count the GPUs
wait what the fuck are they paying for then? $35,000 isn't unreasonable for a professional editing machine like that, but without the GPUs, what the fuck?

>> No.14008729

The faggot trendies will still buy it.

>> No.14008747

It was never true at all. Linux/Windows was always superior.

>> No.14008751

The 1.5TB RAMs are almost $20k. By the way they're just summing up the cost of the parts. If they're anything like Nvidia (probably worse) they'll sell for double the total cost of the parts and force you to buy $10k a year "support packages" minimum one year when selling to businesses.

>> No.14008753

Why would you buy apple products when alternative are cheaper for the same performance ?
That said, i like that apple exist, just like tattoos and piercings and such, it gives you shortcuts to judge the value of a person.

>> No.14008762

This. Imagine living in Silicon Valley and thinking you have an inkling of understanding about what the rest of the Country thinks.

Silicon Valley will be a cringeworthy afterthought in the coming decades. It's already a joke, but it's slowly eating itself alive.

>> No.14008848

Its 16feet tall, for 40foot screens? $999 seems pretty reasonable and that hinge thing would need serious engineering for a 40foot screen.

>> No.14008923

Golem will make this obsolete

>> No.14008926
File: 261 KB, 597x450, 1559696736627[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>borrowed from /g/, so you can see the The Stand in scale, in all its true glory
They (Applel) getting butthurt about everyone laughing at this now, deleting uTube videos and so on. This wouldn't have happened under Steve Jobs

>> No.14009069

Wrong, checkout the scale in >>14007134 pic

>> No.14009120
File: 140 KB, 156x428, Screenshot from 2019-06-04 22-45-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14009184

These libtards have lost their minds.

>> No.14009228
File: 16 KB, 550x375, 1422112564013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck will the monitor not tip over with such a small base on that stand??

>> No.14009253
File: 38 KB, 702x447, thinking_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the permanent apple strategy
Pretty much every few months they release a device with some erroneous thing about it (buggy, easy to break, missing a heaphone jack, expensive), it makes it on the news everywhere and for a brief period of time, apple appears relevant again.
>apple shills still exist

>> No.14009295

engineering. you wouldn't understand
>I wouldn't stand under one either, the monitors are (supposedly) 'detachable'. I'm sure Apple wouldn't mess THAT up tho, not with $5k monitors and $1k stands and all. No, Sir

>> No.14009473

>muh frendz
fuck off norman

>> No.14009599

We're only back to price ranges adjusted for inflation of the original Lisa, no worries

>> No.14009958

EPYC would be cheaper and have up to 2TB DRAM. If either sys dram, fp64 and video memory isn't a huge bottleneck one could even consider Radeon 7s or threadripper depending on which of these don't matter that much. I reckon fp64 and video memory probably matters quite a bit, but Threadripper's 4channel 128GB max DRAM should be fine for enterprise grade video editing.

The only thing that is anywhere close to "cheap" or semireasonable here is the monitor. It has a weird resolution, however. Should be 8K. Sure the colors are great, but 6K doesn't fit with seeing how its going to look on real TVs and monitors in the most accurate way.

>> No.14009973

>$35k workstation
>gpus not included
>monitor not included
>if you buy the monitor, the stand is not included
>even then $35k is just the sum of market price for parts
>apple tax will easily make this $50K+
>looks like a cheese grater with cheap ass furniture legs and rails from handicap toilets slapped on

were definitely living in a fucking clown world.

>> No.14010011

I dont have a problem with superfans of most things but applefags are really something else. How can you defend such jewery like a thousand dollar stand or taking away jacks so yoi have to only use their overpriced hardware

>> No.14010105

They are tired of winning
Literally cashing out on all their years of branding investment and broad marketshare

>> No.14010166

I have a tattoo, its of a gnostic symbol that binds me to the will to destroy normies where ever I can. You probably would never see it, but knowing you despise me without understanding symbology would indicate your a normie to me and I must do my part in culling you.

>> No.14010172

Like high end fashion, it's more about social proof than function.

>> No.14010192

0.025 BSV isn't really that much, stop being poor

>> No.14010202

The whole market was up

>> No.14010237
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>> No.14010293
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Its ok faggot, you can admit a chad with a strong belief system that talks about it openly scares your weak virgin sensibilitys.

>> No.14010425

is THIS why people are posting pro-mac vs pc memes in other boards? damage control for a 35-fucking-k piece of appleware with 10K in hardware being throttled through a retard-proofed OS?? wait, what is that? a cheap plastic computer stand that's usually attached to the monitor itself for free? 9.99$? no, w-wait, wait, HOW much is it!? OH NO NO NO NO NOPFFTHAHAHAHAHAH


>> No.14010468
File: 1.70 MB, 680x285, witness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the poor bastard who had to go and sell this garbage to an audience, literally being thrown to the wolves..

*witness meeeee*

>> No.14010471

>why buy apple
User experience--I want everything technical to be hidden or stupidly easy to toggle. The trade-off for simplicity is lack of customization/detail engagement.
It's like driving a car with an automatic transmission vs a car with a manual and no power steering.
One tool is simple/ intuitive to use, the other requires more engagement/cognition--it comes down to what aspect you value in using the machine

>> No.14010494

Picture sums up apple users pretty well.

Standard apple approach now,:

>build a thing, its incomplete
>it cant communicate with anything else in the world
>need to buy other extortionate crap just to be able to stick a usb drive into it.
>ends up costing the user over 9000 times what anything android/PC would cost.
>software based on linux which is open source!

>> No.14010593

Have you ever used both PC and Macs before? I've tried both and don't notice any difference in ease of use.

>> No.14010996

it could be weighted at the base

>> No.14011084
File: 39 KB, 700x483, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a tattoo
>thinks he's not a normie

Neck yourself fag

>> No.14011090

>I’m a machine learning researcher.

Lmfao ok faggot

>> No.14011142

It might come as a surprise to you but not everyone is filthy NEET on /biz/.

>> No.14011200

Literally rumours.
Not even the children on /v/ is this stupid enough to assume some assumptive "rumour" from a clickbait site has any credibility.
Yet people who play with their money happily does unquestioningly.
Literally the dumbest board on the internet and the laughing stock of 4chan. What is wrong with you retards? This is why you will never, ever make any substantial wealth.

>> No.14011257

What the fuck did you just say to me faggot?

>> No.14011260

Symbology is a connection between perception and syntax that can convey meaning. Putting a small essence of the higher reality we know not of and defileing the flesh of the blind god Samuel is killing two birds with one stone really. It is ok if you cannot percive the prana of heavenly hosts that awaits you, but do not be deceived that their is honor in serving this ignorant creator with ideals crafted around assuming perfection that cannot exist within his ignorance.

>> No.14011302

Woah, definitive proof here! Gotta click ALL the articles using guess words since it's now a fact!

>> No.14011415

Well they fucking bought Apple products in the first place so they might be

>> No.14011957

le schizo has arrived

>> No.14011965

Crash stock, insiders buy up shares, then they revive Jobs from the cryo chamber and never fucking sell to us plebs again.

>> No.14012010

take your fucking meds jfc