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14004531 No.14004531 [Reply] [Original]

Kek imagine holding this absolute shitcoin

>> No.14004557

Dumped my bags at 34 sats a long time ago fren

>> No.14004575

bought 12 mil at 7 sats. ive already made it, no worries here

>> No.14004578
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bought at ICO and the ATL on IDEX
come at me

>> No.14004609

>soon to be $10k
>made it
I guess that's a lot of money in India

>> No.14004723
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Bought at 26 sats cause of a meme.

>> No.14004748

which meme, bro?

>> No.14004763
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everyone with a brain bought HOT a year ago and is hugely in profit right now. if you are in the red on HOT you are a fucking brainlet / newfag. not selling a single HOT before we hit 5-10 cents. have fun fudding a 300m mcap project though, i am sure your FUD has a ton of impact kek

>> No.14004810

Half this board is newfags and pajeets that are getting rekt by holo and I love it. Keep dumping on them until they leave.

>> No.14004891

we should go stealth mode again, don't even care to argue with the imbeciles anymore. you should have seen that fucking boomer yesterday kek, too lazy to even read the whitepaper or the websites but still constantly shittalking the project.

>> No.14004988
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>> No.14005029

only HoloChads will make it.

>> No.14005055

Holo fags choose to ignore Art's missteps blog from a few weeks back. Holochain is clearly failing after all their big arrogant claims. This shit will go to zero fast.

>> No.14005078
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don't know if it was the same guy, but I saw a faggot today or yesterday (can't remember exactly) who was asking questions and talking shit. Some guy literally spoonfed him with that Holo guide for newfags pic. He didn't even bother clicking on that and 5 minutes later went back to asking retarded questions.
Sometimes I think /biz/ has the highest spread on the internet when it comes to IQ. You have the 130 and up to to genius level bracket and then there's a huge gap and it jumps straight to 87.
This is the only place where a very smart person could talk to a literal retard and both of them would think they are equals in intellect for a while.

>> No.14005132


>> No.14005150

Well you aren't alone bruv

>> No.14005202

any coin with no consensus is a scam. it's like buying a pizza business before they even have a recipe, just a picture of a slice they want it it to look like

>> No.14005215

I told some guy yesterday that alts bleed sats when btc dumps but he didn't believe me, not that I'm saying he should sell or whatever but that shit happens.

>> No.14005235

Is this shitcoin still conceptual or do they have something to show for?

>> No.14005263


>> No.14005270
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>> No.14005284

It's vaporware

>> No.14005295

read the paper again, the last paragraph was bullish af. We have WASM already and now also GraphQL support, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Every fucking database dev will be able to easily integrate Holochain as the data layer now. Every other project needs blockchain devs / solidity autists. Huge step towards mainstream adoption, bonobo-tier FUD.

yeah sounds like the guy i was talking about. i think your observation is quite accurate given how high the noise to information ratio is. just lurking is probably the best thing you can do to stay sane.

there is consensus, just no forced global consensus. ngmi

>> No.14005327

They are already building the infrastructure for their project. Its going to take time though since "the community" needs to adopt it first.

They mentioned that they already sounds around 5000 Holoports.

It may gain traction, it may not.
YOLO I'm not selling.

>> No.14005347

obviously global consensus is the only thing that matters, and local consensus is just a retarded term made up by your cult. If no one agrees on how many tokens anyone the double spending problem is there.

I shouldn't have to explain something this basic about crypto, yet here we are with HOLOtards pretending that this isn't important.

>> No.14005348
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just seen that they release the alpha in a few *weeks*. pajeets eternally BTFO

>> No.14005370

Have they sent out their patented holoboxes yet?

>> No.14005415
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>the retards are back
DYOR. i don't care if you miss the moon mission.

>> No.14005609

your explanations aren't needed faggot just like global consensus

>> No.14005628

the feet obviously

>> No.14005661

Just have KYC bro

>> No.14005683

they have weekly alpha releases, the rust refactor is going slower than expected but it's picked up a lot of steam.
If you're not a room temperature brainlet look up a holochain meetup near you, it's the exact same combination of turbo autists and idealist weirdos that I saw getting hyped about blockchain in 2010, even if the project fails it's going to pump hard on the backs of those zealots.

>> No.14005797

Yeah i know fren, but i am not even mad that it's talking a bit longer. Better to a good job than rush things imo and I am turbocomfy with how things have turned out so far, 300mcap in a year, strong community, extremely active github, lots of dev interest, media loving Holo, etc. I wish they'd have a second hackathon in Amsterdam.

>> No.14006760

>have they sent out the hardware that is at this point a year late?
>DURR URR uhhhh UH have you sent OUT YOUR HARWARE Huh (rekt btfo omglol)