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14004656 No.14004656 [Reply] [Original]

>Africa, India and South America get BTFO and billions of shitskins starve in their deserts
>America and Europe become tropical paradises
>arctic resources/sea trade becomes viable ushering in an economic boom for the northern hemisphere
How is global warming not a good thing?

>> No.14004665

fuck yeah, praise kek

>> No.14004675

>shitskins flock to America and Europe
Yeah, good thing

>> No.14004684

They are already doing that

>> No.14004685

Oh thank god. This ride will finally end

>> No.14004689


Millions of nigs will migrate north for gibs and puss

>> No.14004701

>How is global warming not a good thing?
Really? Do you want me to link the articles of leftist european and american leaders talking about how we need to take in "climate refugees" if the time ever comes? I think it's better to just spread the word that it's all fake as shit, just a ploy to increase taxes on normal people.

>> No.14004703

the jews would survive

>> No.14004706

And imagine how that process would be accelerated with global warming.

>> No.14004727

because you die?

>> No.14004792

So basically all we have to do is close our borders and we'll have paradise.
How would the average Westerner suffer? Even if you live on the coast it's a gradual process so it's not like you'd be tsunami'd.
"No!" If anything America/Europe would become more fertile as the climate shifts from temperate to tropical.

>> No.14004839

Easier said than done.

>> No.14004893

There are a lot of animals especially insects that are virtual to our ecosystem. If they are gone we are pretty much fucked.

>> No.14004905

We had a semi good run. Let's give other animals a whirl at it.

>> No.14004906


>> No.14004968

>muh right to trash the environment without conseqence
>muh shekels
climate deniers are niggerkikes

the collapse will occur in most of our lifetimes.
i hope you're all prepared.

>> No.14004984

Stop being a retard. Just because the globe is warming doesn't mean biomes disappear. Everything will just shift further away from the equator. So insects that can only live in Mississippi will lose their environment in Mississippi, but gain an environment in Michigan for example.

>> No.14005015
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>it's cool bro everything will just move away from the equator don't even worry about it

>> No.14005036

>i hope you're all prepared.
I have my suicide figured out as well. The instrument is in a box labeled, 'climate changer'. It's the best simplest and cheapest way to prep.

>> No.14005038

This stupid planet needs a fucking hard reset anyway. Fuck it all.

>> No.14005062


Inbred stupid climate tax scam for lemmings!
even the stupid crypto thinks it's a big deal..

>> No.14005065

Dig a hole in the ground, fill it with foods, and ta la. YOu have a way to survive

>> No.14005113

AsSpain and Shitaly become uninhabitable deserts. Based climate change.

>> No.14005124

Camp of the Saints.
We won't have the courage to close the borders and defend them with lethal force.

>> No.14005203

>Since 2012, Tesla has made more than $1.7 billion selling regulatory credits to other automakers.
its always been a scam

>> No.14005265

> massive corporations take advantage of loopholes
> therefore climate scientists must be making it up

get a brain moran

>> No.14005285

cockroaches always do

>> No.14005309
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>> No.14005336

pretty advanced website for 1989

>> No.14005343


same tricks

>> No.14005401

the true climate change redpill is that this article is correct.
there is currently enough carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere to warm the planet by 5 degrees celcius over the next couple of centuries, rendering it essentially uninhabitable except to sustain a small number of people (millions at best) at select places near the poles.
changing our energy system won't really help any more. we're too late for that.
the only way to reverse it is by an absolutely massive global reforestation effort, and even that isn't a sure thing.
there's a meme that climate scientists overstate the effects of climate change to secure funding etc. the reality is literally the opposite. climate scientists are implicitly directed to downplay the magnitude of catastrophe their models imply in order not to "scare the public into inaction".

>> No.14005410

It's very naive to think westerners won't suffer.

>If anything America/Europe would become more fertile

No. They will come less fertile

>> No.14005431
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>> No.14005464
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Anyone remember in the 70s and early 80s when everyone was afraid of a new ice age? I ‘member

>> No.14005502


It literally fucking wont. The kikes are the ones driving the climate change frenzy. 20 years ago they KNEW the planet would be a fucking ice ball by now. Now they KNOW the planet is going to boil. Their only fucking solution to any of this is "Give niggers a pile of money, take a bunch of them in, accept islam and pedophiles."

And I am ready, I will clip dump you and your fucking niggerboon onions family when you show up asking for supplies because you dont have any evil evil guns.

Fuck you.

>> No.14005529
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>> No.14005578

>5 degrees celcius over the next couple of centuries, rendering it essentially uninhabitable
Do you even hear yourself? Europe/North America become tropical, not uninhabitable. Literally only shitskins lose.

>> No.14005596

I work in climate science. I got into it because the modelling I was doing for my physics master's was directly applicable, not because I wanted a way to justify reparations to nogs or whatever bizarre scenario you envisage.

I'm a white gun-owning family man who doesn't support the welfare state, islam or pedos (lmao). I have pretty much gone full prepper since getting a decent understanding of climate change, because I have come to realise we may well be screwed by climate related famine and war within the next couple of decades as opposed to centuries.

I'm sorry you are so low iq that you need to fit everyone who disagrees with you into the little boxes that your /pol/ programming prescribes.

>> No.14005600

How will America/Europe become less fertile when we shift from a temperate zone to a tropical zone? You guys keep making these baseless claims: 5C warming = uninhabitable, Euroep
Europe will become less fertile if it becomes 5 degrees warmer

>> No.14005643
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http://www.coolwx.com/ptype/ [GFS]


>> No.14005655


Wow. Climate science. Weren't able to get into the sociology program?

Absolute garbage science on par with numerology.

It comforts me to know you sit around clutching pearls and have sleepless nights due to a fear of less polar bears.

>> No.14005657

>we may well be screwed by climate related famine and war
Do you admit that the only "danger" posed by climate change is the billions of shitskin refugees/locusts? All we have to do is close our borders and we'll be fine.
>b-but we need south american fruit!
We're net food exporters + Siberia becoming arable instead of tundra.

>> No.14005675

Not sure if you're trolling but I'll take the bait anyway.
5 degrees C renders much of Europe and North America uninhabitable. The northern parts become climatically similar to how the tropics are now (humid, disease-ridden, storm-ravaged etc).
It's cute that you picture yourself lying on a beach sipping pina colada or whatever, but the reality is you will be surrounded by starving angry hoards with not enough food to go around. You may be able to avoid death from violence or disease for long enough to starve but I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.14005686

Fear mongering.
Climate change isn't real it's just a trick to steal your monies.

>> No.14005708

People fall for it the same way they fall for any religious doomsday belief. We are wired in to think doomsday is near as an avoidance mechanism to not think about our own mortality.

Politicians know this and exploit it like they do all human weakness.

>> No.14005727

It would spark the long overdue war and they would get wiped out.

>> No.14005733

It's literally just physics. Climate science is made up of 90% physicists, 10% mathematicians.
I don't give much of a shit about polar bears, I do worry about keeping my family safe and fed in a world that has had economic, cultural and societal collapse.

Not too sure what's wrong with you desu.

>> No.14005740

>This stupid planet
The planet was pretty good at looking after itself for the few years period prior to us tbf

>> No.14006260

>Climate science is made up of 90% physicists, 10% mathematicians.
Dont delude yourself. Physics dont waste their careers on climate science. They get into particle physics. Most climate scientists come from bio or ecology backgrounds but now climate science degrees in general are just useless idiots.

>> No.14006435 [DELETED] 

>Don't delude yourself
I didn't pull those numbers out of my ass. All actual climate change research (not climatology or otherwise geographical) being conducted at the Uni I work at is done from the physics department by people who have PhDs in mathematics or physics. You need to be proficient in thermodynamics, non-linear dynamics, mathematical modelling and solving stochastic PDEs to even begin understanding climate models. Almost nobody with a bio or ecology degree has those skills.
>They get into particle physics
lmao at you correcting me with your pop-sci understanding physics research.

>> No.14006451

>Don't delude yourself
I didn't pull those numbers out of my ass. All actual climate change research (not climatology or otherwise geographical) being conducted at the Uni I work at is done from the physics department by people who have PhDs in mathematics or physics. You need to be proficient in thermodynamics, non-linear dynamics, mathematical modelling and solving stochastic PDEs to even begin understanding climate models. Almost nobody with a bio or ecology degree has those skills.
>They get into particle physics
lmao at you correcting me with your pop-sci understanding of physics research.

>> No.14006453

Dont try Logic pls, this is biz

>> No.14006513
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so Pic Related should just move to Michigan and adapt, you be sayin ?

>> No.14006516

The flood myth never goes away.

>> No.14006543

Dont try it Anon... People are dumb, incredible fucking dumb.
>Muh climate Change hoax
>Steal all our Money
>Who cares insects or animals, need more Bacon

I Love our Planet but we Humans are a real strange egocentric greed driven force. The more ignorance I meet the more I think we deserve extinction.

>> No.14006581


>> No.14006684

5 degrees will render Europe uninhabitable rather than tropical
Do you have a single fact to back that up? It's honestly amazing. I called you out for making a vold assertion without support "5C = uninhabitable" and in response you merely repeat your claim. I'm thunderstruck. You can't be serious

>> No.14006719


>> No.14006720

No they should go extinct if they can't adapt, same with shitskins. You're literally arguing that we should deindustrialize to benefit the alpha predator of another, extremely unproductive, biome which is unfit for human habitation. That's almost as chucked as having a daughter.

>> No.14006909

What the fuck is with these idiot zoomer memes? do you have some kind of victim complex? or are you just retarded?
The US was a beacon on the hill for centuries, right up until the boomers decided to go down with the ship. Everything our Grandfathers and their grandfather's did, other nations echoed, for centuries. "Developing" Nations finally are growing their own legs and want to evolve their economies bring cockroach status but they're stuck using 150 year old power generation tech.

You want someone to victimize, kill your parents, chicken shit dummy

>> No.14006925

>extremely unproductive unfit for human habitation
I think you might find, it currently keeps Florida (among others) above the waterline, but, you're obviously too retarded to have this conversation with

>> No.14006973

Right there with you bud.

Maybe intelligent life is doomed to destroy itself and that's why we don't see any ayys

>> No.14007202

I said "much of Europe" i.e. anywhere near sea-level and anywhere with near-desert climate i.e Spain. Nice reading comprehension.
>Do you have a single fact to back that up?
not spoonfeeding you sorry little buddy dyor
>It's honestly amazing
>I'm thunderstruck
>You can't be serious
>I literally can't even!
based retard

>> No.14007216



congrats, you are studying euro-cuck-jewed science. Thanks for the insight Muhammad.

>> No.14007241

have sex

>> No.14007256

I live in Arizona and he's right. Why the fuck would additional heat make this place tropical? It will only make it more arid. Also you didn't even address his claim regarding the absolute geopolitical clusterfuck in the form of climate refugees.

>> No.14007314

And if all that ice melted arctic land would open up
>b-but muh boomer condo
Get a beachfront condo in Pennsylvania for all I care. Notice how we've gone from "the world will end in 2050" to "muh beachfront property".

>> No.14007319

>Implying you can kill off the worlds oldest and fastest evolving complex organisms by changing the thermostat 2 degrees

>> No.14007360

a fungus on the sea floor can go extinct, causing the air on earth to become toxic to the point of eradicating all life on earth. this is how Global Warming isn't a good thing. It doesn't matter if you live on the coast line or middle america, all life is in danger, not just human.

>> No.14007393

Retarded-ass argument. We already know of thousands of species that we've made extinct since the industrial revolution and that's with (according to you) a 0 degree change.

>> No.14007427

Whatever you say, AOC

>> No.14007459

>a fungus on the sea floor can go extinct
Which fungus? Why is it going extinct? Can we grow it in vats and make use of it that way? Is there anything we can do aside from giving billions of dollars to Africa, India and Latin America?
This is why no one takes you retards seriously. You come in, make a ridiculously bold statement "5C will cause Spain to become a desert" "muh deep sea fungus" with no support and expect to be believed.

>> No.14007473

>climate refugees
Why not provide them with aircons so they stay in their countries

>> No.14007486

>Africa, India and South America get BTFO and billions of shitskins starve in their deserts

But when will human civilization crumble like they said?

>> No.14007514

I got some fungus in me buttcracc

>> No.14007674

How can somebody be this retarded. A 5c increase would be a mass extinction event, sulfur and methane would be released from the ocean. Almost nothing would survive.

>> No.14007738

when the ones that didn't starve start arriving by the millions and there isn't enough food to go around due to crop failures etc and fires and floods and storms and disease and pestilences keep occurring with such frequency that we can never fully recover from the barrage and accordingly our economies completely collapse

>> No.14007807
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I'll worry about muh climate change when Al Gore takes it seriously and sells his beachfront mansion and builds one on top of K2

>> No.14007830
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>> No.14007835

Anon we glitched the system, our posts uploaded at the same time and your image replaced mine lmao


>> No.14007840
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>> No.14007858

>Matrix Al Gore wishes to Communicate

>> No.14007908

Yeah but back then we didn't know how dangerous the pollution was so yeah we do have a right to tell these countries now that they shouldn't do it.

>> No.14007913
File: 382 KB, 599x573, wtfIsThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the actual fuck?!

>> No.14007939


>> No.14007960

Are you some kind of newfag? 4chan's been doing this since 2008. It was especially hilarious when it happened between say /b/ and /a/ or /pol/ and /hc/.

>> No.14007987

That looks around 2m above sea level. Al Gore is 71. The fact that Al Gore purchased a house that will get engulfed by the ocean decades after he's dead doesn't nullify decades of independent climate modelling.

Fuck you cunts are stupid.

>> No.14008095

He said the ice would be melted by 2 years ago.

>independent climate models
They don't contain complete solar irrandience data. They introduced it recently and they all complained about muh data models don't match my hypothesis, so it was separated out of the dataset.

fuck, I can't be bothered today. Just keep shilling it, I'm going to do something else.

>> No.14008181

Yes we fucking do include solar irradiance in our models and always have you utter cretin.

>> No.14008208

An average increase in temperature doesn't mean every day is hotter than previous years, it's a more energetic chaotic atmosphere. The biggest short-term problem is unpredictable weather; freezes and droughts that destroy agriculture, and eventually more dangerous or more frequent storms. We can already see these effects in some part

>> No.14008267

>A 5c increase would be a mass extinction event
Jesus Christ lmao. You LITERALLY can't stop doing it. Just an extremely bold claim with no support. Holy FUCK am I being trolled?

>> No.14008305

Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.14008349

you're being obstinate and trying to pretend everyone else is.
research methane clathrate deposits and prehistoric climate change events.
alternatively, kys.

>> No.14008359

c o p e

>> No.14008508

I'm unconvinced that there is going to be a climate related doomsday thing any time soon. Anyway, in 50 years we're have terraforming tech to manipulate the climate and the ability to build climate controlled arcologies in space.

>> No.14008558

Good. Please go faster.

>> No.14008608

>they're stuck using 150 year old power generation tech.
It's the same tech they just have lass laws or there's lots of corruption and bribes going around

>> No.14008652

>kill the people responsible for developing the cleanest environmental standards and technology
>praise the people polluting the environment because they're too fucking stupid to even copy paste a solution westerners created
millenials were a mistake

>> No.14008706

Whites and Asians could move to Antarctica while the negros etc. are eaten by neo-Carboniferous mega-insects.

>> No.14008720

then how come none of your gloom and doom predictions have come to pass? in 1980 they were saying it was 10 years until a catastrophe.
in any case, CO2 levels were 5 times higher when birds first evolved, and later humans. it could have naturally gone up to those levels with no human interaction, so we need to adapt to survive it in any case.

spewing gloom and doom when we're only 20% of what it used to be is complete retardation

>> No.14009119

It's impossible to take the climate hoax seriously because all the people that peddle it propose the most retarded solutions possible, akin to the people trying to solve ocean plastic by banning straws (in the west only of course). >>14005431

I won't take these moralising power trippers seriously until they start advocating for more nuclear and some kind of policing/genociding of incompetent 3rd world polluters.

>> No.14009125

more than enough bullets to go around

>> No.14009154

Huh... what're the odds of that?

>> No.14009612

>all we have to do is close our borders
good luck. worked out so well for the US didn't it. "hey the border is closed, pedro"
"oh, okay, I won't try to come there and succeed at it then"

>> No.14009685

If it goes up very slowly over hundreds or thousands of years animals have time to adapt. This time it is so rapid that no animal can evolve fast enough.

Just because you don't agree with the proposed solution doesn't mean it's a hoax .

>> No.14009741

The UN is not a scientific institution. Anybody with half a brain listens to them.

>> No.14009971
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>greenhouse effect is real?
>greenhouse effect is as bad as? predicted
>greenhouse effect is even a bad thing?

Climate change is a scam bro. Researchers hype it for funding. Government hypes it for control. Companies hype it for handouts. No one cares about real solutions so even if it was a real problem, supporting the climate change apparatus is totally cucked since it's more concerned with killing the white race than actually helping.

>> No.14010086

How do I make Greta my gf? She's so cute.

>> No.14010095

These predictions are getting more pathetic.

>> No.14010100

>So basically all we have to do is close our borders
Wake up anon

>> No.14010101

Just shoot them.

>> No.14010103

I would miss chinks too tbqh

>> No.14010113

Gonna be hard to walk thousands of miles starving.

>> No.14010144

Imagine being this cucked

>> No.14010184

Jews will be buying up cruise ships and ship them in by the boat load.

>> No.14010260

It is a good thing, but not for (((them)))

They,ll use it as an excuse to import africa though

>> No.14010294

What it all boils down to
It ain't about climate change, it's about fucking over white people like always. Temperatures are gonna rise regardless because China and India won't ever commit to reductions.

>> No.14010313

in 50 years pure aryan people will be the true leading class, there won't be a single pure aryan that's not leading.

Mutts will become the wagecuck class, maybe with some degree of higher education

shitskins and niggers will be the slaves.

>> No.14011153

cl8mate change is absolutely real the climate changes all the fucking time but no time in earths geological history it happend so fast. and this is especially concerning as we dont undertlstand the control mechanisms what keeps earth liveable between the desert state and the whiteout as both processes should be runaway self strenghtening.

>> No.14011160

>Implying that stops the hordes nowadays

>> No.14011217

MIGA fellow anon.

>> No.14011301
File: 57 KB, 800x600, population-2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By 2050 we will have some geo engineering thing (in Europe and US did not fall in civil war because of the influx of brown people).

The real core problem is rampant overpopulation in Africa and not only our leaders are doing jackshit against it but they let a fraction of them enter our countries slowly destroying the place in the process.

At this rythm earth will enter in an era violence and mas genocide on a scale that has never been seen.

>> No.14011505

The Africans have always made use of the harshness of mother nature to keep their population in harmony with their environment. When we step in and interfere with this natural process, we prevent mother nature from doing her job and put the entire ecosystem out of balance.

>> No.14011575

why do incels always deny science? just have sex

>> No.14011758

>The Africans have always made use of the harshness of mother nature to keep their population in harmony with their environment.
Are you implying it's a conscious practice?

>> No.14012061

I guess it did sound like that but no, I'm not sure that's even possible.

>> No.14012193

Lol this if by that time Muslim “immigrants” won’t pollute the politics and population of north European nations..

>> No.14012198

Jews will be the second antlantis.

>> No.14012202

Gonna be hard for leftists to institute open borders policy when a bunch of crops are destroyed and people revert to tribalism to divide scarce resources

>> No.14012206


>> No.14012208


>> No.14012234

This thread makes it so easy to understand why everyone on this board loses money

Pls everyone an hero our economy and planet will be better for it

>> No.14012250

I too like solving all problems by believing some scientist will randomly develop future tech to solve it.

>> No.14012276

Zoom out a bit on the chart, Europe is far more overpopulated, just started 100 years earlier. Europe can't even sustain itself without Asian and American food

>> No.14012291

First the Europeans will have to kill about half of themselves, cause that's how many people they can support without third world production

>> No.14012294

>their deserts

>> No.14012322

mate, they don't have the initiative to move even now. the refugee ships come "rescue" refugees a few yards from the coast of libya, and drops them in europe. sweden is sending literal planes to pick up somalians in somalia and bring them to sweden
migration is artificial and jewish, so global warming will only accelerate it

>> No.14012342

noble savage stuff is retarded. africans never had to evolve because food grows everywhere in africa, therefore survival and reproduction (our only imperative, fixed at cellular level) are fulfilled easily. that's it

>> No.14012641


>Half of all white women in the West have had their uterus ripped out in solidarity and used in satanic feminist blood sacrifices
>The remaining half mostly suffer from being perpetually single, bitter and wageslaving for a career, Jewed into hating kids, lesbian
>oh and race mixing
>half of white guys become girls or homos
>the other half are blackpilled, bitter and mentally ill.
>if you somehow survive the former, you'll get hyper REKT by hypergamy

The west dies in 2050

>> No.14012643

How about we will all of the niggers?

>> No.14013475
File: 67 KB, 604x358, A2C69542-D7E9-4673-9E81-E9ACD38913E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it again mom

>> No.14013523

America is a shithole

>> No.14013653

>the world will end in 2050
>we will die via lack of oxygen and all pass out into a permanent slumber
Sounds comfy, let's do it tomorrow.

>> No.14013786

Sounds more like we will transition into the next system exponentially faster than we did early 19th cen.
Or die literally from the pure stupidity.
But the more heat the more the Phoenix rises

>> No.14013985

imagine not living in America, the greatest place on this planet. What a cuck

>> No.14014984


Human civilization has been said to crumble now since some 20000 years ago.

How about nope.

>> No.14015142

Ecosystems are very intricate and a 5 degree change in average temperature in any environment is going to flip ecosystems on their head.

>> No.14015198

My only regret is I won’t be in my prime in the post apocalyptic world. I’ll be old and shitty and I’ll probably die fast. And my only relief from this is knowing zoomers (who I hate all of) will suffer the exact same fate.

>> No.14015204

Multiply it by at least a hundred.

>> No.14015265

sounds perfect... just have to send the shitskins back first

>> No.14015321

>literally who links


>> No.14015359

You should go extinct if you cant adapt to a noose around your neck. Jesus you're stupid.

>> No.14015363

>How is global warming not a good thing?
Carbon Credit will ensure the rich stay rich!

Climate Change is meme the Zoomer believes in, just like most things, the Zoomers have failed to do proper research/believe fraud

>> No.14015439

I fully believe in God now

>> No.14015684

You just rephrased what he said. Africans are an r-selected people. High reproduction and high mortality rates. As opposed to the European K-selected method

>> No.14016222

there are too many people anyway