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14002893 No.14002893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Virgins are useless. If you can't meet the basic requirements to have a sexual interaction with another human being in 2019, a year when you have access to millions of other human beings in the palm of your hands, some of which will allow you to perform sexual acts on them in exchange for currency, you have truly failed as a lifeform. No other creature has to put such little effort into finding another willing to have sex with it than you right now at this point in human history, yet you still continue to fail.

>> No.14002911
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found the THOT. heh.

>> No.14002913

are you talking to yourself?

>> No.14002918

this post wreaks of guilt
Op must be some sort of degenerate that has to justify his great "investment" in sex and since nobody cares at all he seek the approval of his sodomy from a cartoon internets boards

>> No.14002924

You're not necessarily wrong, but the idea that sex is the critical thing that validates you in the eyes of society is modern western mass mental illness

>> No.14002941

it does not validate shit
in the real world the only things that matters is money
maybe that is why OP is here with the money Pepes to explain to them how sex is important

>> No.14002951

have sex

>> No.14002960

that will be 2 BTC

>> No.14002998


ITT: >everyone should be a chad because i say so

>> No.14003000

>the idea that sex is the critical thing that validates you in the eyes of society
That's the thing, it isn't important. It's the fact that so many people are completely incapable of doing something so simple, and it drives them absolutely insane. They cannot stop talking about how they aren't having sex and reminding us all how utterly incompetent they are. If you can't meet such a basic biological need that is so easy to satisfy, what good are you to yourself or anyone else.
Coping will get you nowhere in life.

>> No.14003022
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virgins are fucking retards, or christians waiting for marriage aka retards.

>> No.14003054

Ok but at least on /biz/ there are easily 5x more posts and threads like this one complaining about or mocking incels than incelposters themselves, and frankly you're all a bigger cancer than the incels ever were. One of the worst recent 4chan trends

>> No.14003074

Why should I feel bad about shitting into a sewer full of rats?

>> No.14003075

Getting laid as a male in 2019 is extremly hard
It was piss easy until 2005 or so

>> No.14003100

Because even though 4chan was always shit, it was still more fun before you faggots got here. I'm not telling you to feel bad though, soon enough there'll be some new trend and you lemmings will switch to that. Or hopefully just get bored and leave forever

>> No.14003104

Nobody is really an incel. We're all volcels to varying degrees.

OP is obviously a fag who has no standards and is probably even willing to dehumanise himself via dating apps.

P.S. dating was invented by homosexuals.

P.S.S. Tinder was created after Grindr.

>> No.14003206

>before you faggots got here
I've been here since 2005.
Getting laid is easy. Getting into a meaningful relationship with a woman who isn't trash is what's hard. I agree with all the blackpills about that, but if lack of sex is the problem there are very simple ways to deal with it.
>We're all volcels
Please stop coping.

>> No.14003220

OP, I have an 8 pack with 15 years of lifting experience, I’m decently handsome, have a stem degree and made 86K in medfag sales $$$ in 2018 (fuck you, /biz/, it’s a lot for me) and I’m a level 33 archmage that hasn’t had intimate, female contact for 15 or gone on a single date.

Do you know what it’s like to live to live with untreated dysthymia, severe ADHD and experiencing only fleeting moments of feeling the neurotypical experience of being content, but never really being happy? I can’t get out of my own head long enough to form lasting friendships or put myself in situations that would lead to dating or sex of any sort. I’ve pushed away or squandered opportunities to reciprocate with dozen or so women that have made their interest blatantly obvious because I don’t believe I deserve to be with them or have good things happen to me. So fuck you and this “have sex” meme and fuck you BSV shills ruining crypto.

>> No.14003230


Getting laid is easy if you're attractive, that's really all there is to it.

>> No.14003242

>failed as a lifeform
If you want to go there, the goal is to reproduce, not just to have sex.

>> No.14003244

Don't understand how someone can be a virgin at 24+. Do you have no drive at all? It's just bugmanesque to the core that you want something and you've wanted it for minimum 10 years but you still don't have it, and the funniest thing is that the thing you want so desperately is to easy to acquire that literal 15 year olds are making it happen. It's low ambition

You have an entire plane of emotion and perspective still unexplored because you're a virgin and have never been in love. You aren't even a man, in my honest opinion. You are disabled from this, unironically. Not only that but the type of 'man' you have to be to not have achieved a goal as simple as sex or a relationship (while wanting to) is... well, it doesn't look good for you. You are peak bugman. Where is your drive?

>> No.14003253

>I've been here since 2005.
Yeah and I've been here since 1980. Still, maybe I'm just exaggerating the cancerousness of this trend due to the "have sex" posters turning the board into a middle school cafeteria. Either way though, you're still all fucking cancer.

>> No.14003268

You have to be completely empty as a person to be an adult virgin. You hae to basically have no drive at all, you are basically dead inside if you've managed to go like 30 years without getting something that you want when it's something as simple as sex

Have you ever stopped for a second and considered that you, a 35 year old virgin, just do not have the answers on this? Clearly you don't have it figured out but you act like you do. You've never experienced love, you are essentially a cripple. You're in desperate need of a wake up call or something but you won't get one from just reading text on the internet. Just like how you'll never understand love from reading PUA advice, or reading r9k posts, or reading books, or watching movies, or anything. None of those are your own personal experience, you're reading second or third hand accounts of someone else's experience.

Even if you fucked a whore and lost your virginity you still won't experience love from that. I'm not claiming love has to be mutual either but you have never been in love, you don't have the perspective of someone that has loved or does love.. you're a bugman because you possess the traits of someone that desperately wants to have sex (just sex, not even love) and still hasn't managed it in 35 years.
To want something for 35 years that is as easy to acquire as a sexual relationship with another person and still not manage to get it means that you are the very pinnacle of bugman. You shouldn't even be posting on here, you should be out somewhere in a bar trying to charm or trick some fucking idiot into sleeping with you. The big ambition in your life is "I want to have sex with a girl teehee" like a fucking 14 year old schoolboy. Think about your ambitions and then compare that to other men, if you're not larping you are truly pathetic

>> No.14003277

fuck off to /r9k/ holy shit

>> No.14003278

>guy can never win
>hates bsv
Like pottery

>> No.14003288


Ok mate just thoght you should know i'm pulling my pubes as i type this and yes im a virgin adult man ive never had sex in my 20 something years of living i havent managed to pull just 1 bird ever im a total freak man im a loser i was bullied for playing pokeman cartoon in school and wasnt cool in school like school like popular kids or anything ive never felt a fanny its a sickening trick that the devil himself has played on me and i feel i mus trepenttt before i remain a virgin like in the mooovies on the tv the 40 year old virgin haha thats me im such a virgin i am scared of women and when they speak to me i get scared of touchy with my penis i dont have the urge to fuck or fight i just get sad and think about my cartoons and my games in my safe space childhood bedroom where mumy put my sock into drwater for me and put me bed and tuckme inn fuuandr and soon i am post ryan gosling image from movie with japanese woman who i like very much she is video game character with pink and bluelight and it make me feel comfylike furutirstic hologram virgin put vr goggles on hed and wank my willy to japanese man smoking heavily's in dim room his drawing of girl really turn me on

i a virgin man :( my life so sad that my big ambition is to lose virginity to sweet woman who lt me touch her vagina but it scare me vagina bleed i have anime twitter lots of friends on ther but they not le me touch their vagina i dont know why anyway i have to go level up my elf persona on game i made its such cool game

>> No.14003295

>you're still all fucking cancer.
Incels should stop falling for the bait and sperging out every time someone tells them to have sex if they want the shit posting to stop. 4chan "culture" has turned into posting garbage to make other people mad, and that's all the "have sex" posters are trying to do. It's funny to see spergs meltdown. You all act like it's some kind of tumblr roastie brigade but it's just a bunch of shit posters having a laugh at your expense.

>> No.14003300

Me? My big struggle in life is that I'm a virgin at 24. it's actually just that I can't fuck a girl


>> No.14003332

It's because women have been elevated to godhood in the eyes of society, it also has a political component.

>> No.14003340

I'm a 31 year old guy who's had plenty of sex. The "have sex" posters piss me off not because I think they're roasties, they piss me off because I think they're braindead teenagers. At its best, 4chan is a place for smart people to act stupid and talk about dysfunctional things about themselves that they don't want to talk about without anonymity. At its absolute worst, it's a place for stupid people to act stupid and post "have sex".

>> No.14003344

You’re right, it’s stupid /bot thread data mining bullshit anyways. I’m glad someone cares enough to archive my difficulties with humanity with a working profile to show why I can’t get my dick wet and how I’ll die a virgin.

>> No.14003351

The problem you guys is you are too low status. You can overcome ugliness if you have public success. No that doesn’t mean flipping a billion HOT into a bunch of cash. You have to have a public facing goal and succeed with it. How do you measure public success? Followers on instagram. Yes reee normie.

Also exercise and shower of course.

>> No.14003377

you might have ptsd, go to therapy

>> No.14003489

What if I've never had sex and dont care to? I've turned women down who were hanging off my arm.

>> No.14003505

I’ve never really had any major trauma, fren. But I started to get really depressed when I was 13 and never really pursued treatment. They say the brain loses much of its plasticity by my age and that it’s already made permanent changes having gone so long without therapy. I have an decent job and a nice body yo show for my efforts, but my case show that you can have the rest of your life dialed in, yet damaged enough to where you can’t approach women or maintain a social circle outside of family what’s required to hold down your job. Seeing couples and hearing about people with their spouses or significant others is like one giant meme that everyone else is in on but me. Some basic thing that I’ll never understand: “anon, you’re 33 and haven’t tried food yet?” That type of shit is killing me inside.

>> No.14003516

>they piss me off because I think they're braindead teenagers
I agree with you. The have sex posters are annoying. The incel posters are annoying. They're all stupid kids trying to piss each other off, but the /r9k/ incels have been ruining other boards for far longer and the have sex posts are such low effort that they stopped bothering me. Especially since there's some truth to them. I gave up on 4chan a long time ago and no longer believe it's a place where smart people pretend to be retarded. It's a hellhole where the true retards have made themselves at home and they all rot together in a stew of self-loathing that cripples them and keeps them from getting what the need from life.

>> No.14003558

If you want a meme to die the worst thing you can do is complain about it lol.

>> No.14003563

I think those are two separate things. In some sense it's true that by creating social standards in which a man's worth is determined by whether women will sleep with him or not is something that unilaterally benefits women. But let's face it, the real cause is the gradual decline of social traditions in which a man has a role outside of having sex in which he can achieve things that earn legitimate respect and not just a sardonic postmodern sneer. You cannot serve God and Mammon, and these days Mammon isn't just money but a whole elaborate construction of bizarre expectations to do things that don't benefit either you or society or anyone else.

>> No.14003577

That is different, assuming your lack of interest is not the result of underlying issues. This thread is intended to provoke the losers that can't stop obsessing over their own virginity.

>> No.14003701

4chan has always been a great place for a particular kind of people who have a hard time functioning normally in society in some way or other and so are drawn to anonymity. If I were a roastie myself, or black or something, maybe the /r9k/ culture would piss me off more, but it's never bothered me in the slightest. I'm literally here precisely because I know everyone here is fucked up and I don't have to be a posturing faggot here like I have to do IRL. I do hate the "have sex" posters in particular because it's the kind of insult where you're trying to pretend you're better than the other guy, according to the standards I describe here >>14002924 and here >>14003563
I disagree, it's often easy enough to post an opinion around here and get others to start copying it, so if you persistently complain in enough different ways eventually the tides can easily shift

>> No.14003804

>I gave up on 4chan a long time ago and no longer believe it's a place where smart people pretend to be retarded. It's a hellhole where the true retards have made themselves at home and they all rot together in a stew of self-loathing that cripples them and keeps them from getting what the need from life

Before this thread is deleted, I'd like to point out that there are quite significant Societal changes the West is undergoing, in a quite a short period of time. I believe that there's been an increased move towards transferring Masculine aspects to Women to empower them (that's the basic outline of views). As roles change, and as people relate to each other differently, that is going to have Social consequences.

If Women are not given things to desire in Men, they will only select increasing extremes. Not all men can be STEM qualified, with a decent salary, and of decent height (not necessarily what women always go for, I'm just giving an example). And when Men are not given clear aspirations by Society, I believe they lose direction (head of household/provider etc).

It's hard to know what's right because Women justified grievances with how they have treated, as a group, in the past. And if things become too rigid, we might miss out on the next Lucy Wills, the next Marie Curie and hundreds of other Women we all owe a debt to.

Many Young Men are struggling, but perhaps that cost is justified.

>> No.14003879

Honestly I think Nietzche was absolutely right with his death of God thing. All anyone can do anymore is LARP values and standards and ethics, because the real thing just doesn't exist anymore now that religion as we used to know it (I'm talking before Nietzche's time, not like in the 1950s) has been undermined. Eventually, people will find something new, but the only way out is through.

>> No.14003880
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Recreational sex is for double digit iq subhuman retard cattle; I'm not falling for this 1984 libido dominandi modern dating scene shit and I'm not wasting my FUCKING time going out of my way to fuck some humorless, basic fatty blowjob machine as if settling for a one night stand with a disgusting whore is somehow more desirable than jizzing in the single toilet unisex public bathroom at my place of employment while I'm on the clock.

>> No.14003943

You have already failed. You view life through the lens of materialism and carnal pursuit.
t. 35 y/o virgin actively looking for a wife to start a family with. I do not want to fuck whores, I want something meaningful. Having to attract womens affections with wealth is no different from attracting a dog with a piece of steak.

>> No.14004022

This feels like cope to me, but if it's truly how you feel then I think you have the right idea. The main issue with virgins is that they allow pussy and women to control them. They obsess over it and can't stop talking about how they cannot obtain it. It gives women far more power than they deserve. Feminism was the first step towards western decay, and now beta males and incels are delivering the killing blow.

>> No.14004119

I had sex all through my twenties and now that I'm in my 30s I have enough life experience to know that it isn't as important as other people seem to think it is and can put those feelings aside to focus on more important things. I have experienced women and understand how they are. You are approaching your late thirties and still have this idea in your head that a perfect woman exists that will happily provide you with unconditional love and a family. You have some very difficult lessons to learn ahead of you that many people half your age are already learning.

>> No.14004289
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Don't fall for the have sex meme, this is a warfare psyop!
They know if you have sex for others purpose than reproduction it makes a hole in your heart.
Keep your energy full and beware of nocturnal succubus!

>> No.14004303


>> No.14004369

Level 33 wizard checking in again; yes, you’re correct about the tough lesson, learning things the hard way, part. I was sold that bill of goods from mom and about finding “the one” some day and that it would all play out organically, when the reality is that you’re lucky enough to find someone you can stand being around for more than 5 minutes at any given time. She also never told me what to do when I feel into life-altering depression and fully gave up on the idea that I was worthy or sex or dating and how it became a self fulfilling prophecy that’s kept me isolated and naive in my 30’s. Now my folks want grand children to play with and even suggested keeping myself open to the idea of finding a nice single mom because “you never know, son..”

Apparently hating yourself too much to even try with women isn’t a good enough excuse to be this late in life without dating or sex and some family members brink I’m gay because who hasn’t pounded vag at 33, amirite?

>> No.14004373

Have sex

>> No.14004391

Based and truth pilled

>> No.14004396

Just fucking kill yourself already.

>> No.14004401

>parents encouraging you to be open to finding a single mom
Holy shit ur a failure kek

>> No.14004506

I appreciate the lessons you learned in life, thank you for sharing.
>You are approaching your late thirties and still have this idea in your head that a perfect woman exists that will happily provide you with unconditional love and a family.
I do not have anything close to that level of delusional thinking. I have some intimacy issues I am just now confronting from being molested as a kid. I was also raised in a deeply religious jehovahs witness house in a broken family. Not looking for sympathy or anything, but have definitely been fighting an uphill battle in many ways. You are right about me having to catch up on some dating and relationship skills, but I am not a weak man and will find a way to make it work.

>> No.14004528

No, they just thought they’d have grandkids by now and cat understand I don’t put any effort into finding a partner. I’m more focused on making money, eating really clean and dieting the last few ounces of body fat off my lower abs for a full 8 pack (almost there).

My childhood friend is the same age, divorces, living with his folks and trying desperately to make child support payments for his kids after being fired from his massage therapy job. In between eating fried chicken, being treated for chlymidia (just that one time) and having his lips glued to a bong, he’s fucked like 40 women and had a day with where he hit 3 different girls he met off tinder. I would if an hero’d in his situation long ago, but he’s out laying pipe on a regular basis. I wonder what he and other guys have that I don’t? Probably the willingness to take whatever they can get and make an effort with tinder/online dating.

>> No.14004560

Seek god.

>> No.14004587


Bet on this. Literally everyone looks as having sex is a right of passage. Humans are fucking weird. Wonder if bacteria do the same.

>> No.14004607
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I like you, anon.

>> No.14004618

If you look at things from the biological “you’re here to reproduce and die” perspective, then yes, it’s kind of a rite of passage.

>> No.14004619

>I had sex all through my twenties and now that I'm in my 30s I have enough life experience to know that it isn't as important as other people seem to think.

Very, very easy for someone who's had plenty of sex to say that. I've had seven partners and now I am basically a married incel (wife doesn't put out). I still would like sex, but being 36 and with a kid who's six years old I have shifted my thinking to yours as well. It's not the end of the world anymore.
But for a 20 year old? Or me at age 20? With hormones raging still? No way, sex is the be all and end all. I was masturbating seven times a day when I was around that age and still wasn't satisfied. It's too easy for older guys to lean back and say heh sex, not that important but it's not entirely true.
All these young guys who say it's "degenerate" are coping as well, if some "stacy" offered them sex on the spot right now they'd lap it up. They want something for nothing basically. I'm 100% sure they'd take easy sex without putting in any sort of work to improve themselves, if they were offered it.

>> No.14004621

There always were rights of passage for men. In modern society, it is conning a woman into sex. In the past, it could be something completely non-sexual - like hunting an animal.

>> No.14004630
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It's true that I feel that way but you're right that it's cope, at least insofar as I resent that it's come down this-to my finding most women physically repugnant (and they are) and just a chore to interact with besides (we men taken as a whole are very nearly as fucked up and the statistics prove as much; most of my friends are fat or obese virgins themselves) but I've come to accept that there's little to be done on my part-at least for now.

I'm working out every day and studying to become a certified personal trainer-I will be opening a gym with what I feel is a compelling gimmick within the next three years; this will be my small contribution towards attempting to right the major wrongs of both myself and with those around me.

>> No.14004653

Considering I don't want my future wife to have miles worth of cock through her, I'll return the favor till I find her. And no, I'm not marrying a western whore

>> No.14004658

I think it's 50% feels good and 50% social value that it gives. Otherwise all guys would just be satisfied with going to cheap whores and ditching the social value part of it.

>> No.14004688

Anon, the 7/10, curvaceous, wavy, blond haired, CrossFit chick working the front desk at my gym asked me out on a date 8 months ago and I kind of acted aloof and walked away, pretending not to hear. Few know what that’s like, but there are exceptions to every rule.

I did get a favor by not reaching out or getting involved.

>> No.14004717

I did her a favor**

Even if she was curious and/or butthurt that I didn’t want to take her out to eat.

>> No.14004755

This must be some weird portion of Stormfronts propoganda arm or some other nutso shilling group. Nobody believes you dude! This whole post is so hyperbolic it's comical. Yea we all think sex is kinda important and stuff, like we all really enjoy and stuff, true. But you're taking it to a point where it's comical and unbelievable. Real it back in a bit if your'e trying to make a real impact, whatever the fuck that even is in your social engineering agenda you fucking retard. Only useless people obsess this much over their sexual prowess. Theres so many other reasons/ways to enjoy this life. Just fuck off already fuck

>> No.14004795

Like seriously this must be some effort to further divide the younger generation through their sheer sexual energy. Thanks to FOMO it's easy to feel cucked these days but it's purely an illusion. Why are THEY pushing it on us though? To divide us further and keep us chasing carrots hanging from sticks, wasting our time fuming about VERONICA etc instead of realizing there are much more important things, and that you can actually get laid if you change your toxic attitude about this shit. But THEY won't allow that... They want you to stay upset, energized, anguished, tormented, by your own illogical ideas, planted by THEM (OP)

>> No.14004816
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Thank you anon. Anonymous compliments are always the most meaningful

>> No.14004890

Fair enough. Nice digits.

>> No.14004919

4/10 psyop. Op is a faggot

>> No.14005024
File: 61 KB, 552x678, 5F4D797A-879B-4206-A166-12ECA6878029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or get the






>> No.14005098

>No other creature has to put such little effort into finding another willing to have sex with it than you right now at this point in human history, yet you still continue to fail.

Are you kidding? It's the hardest it's ever been. Contrary to popular belief, technology has not facilitated this process for the average man, merely complicated it exponentially. The man in the /4 upper percentile however, gets more than he can even handle. There is no recompense in our system.

>> No.14005187
File: 878 KB, 3000x2210, E11CAE0F-3F5B-493C-B2EE-A38048406874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the internet allowing women to order a Chad in the exact same manner that one would order a Pizza or Chinese and do so literally whenever the hell they feel like it the only answer would be to become Chads ourselves or opt out of the game entirely.

>> No.14005233

This post is the perfect example of the type of person I'm talking about. Severely mentally ill and incapable of basic social functions.
If you think it's difficult it's because you are socially crippled. Even an ugly, hopeless low IQ normie is capable of getting his dick wet.

>> No.14005310

Biz, sincere thanks for commiserating with me this afternoon reminding, albeit harshly ,the most important lesson; even if you’ve never had vagina, nothing makes you a bigger cuck than seeking sympathy on 4chan and feeling feeling sorry for yourself.

See you, space cowboy.