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File: 150 KB, 750x945, 9A32792B-401D-4105-9B64-D1B3CC7548E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14003309 No.14003309 [Reply] [Original]

Heres some hopium for you in the middle of the onslaught of fake FUD.
>pic related

>> No.14003312
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>> No.14003326
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>> No.14003337
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>> No.14003355
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>> No.14003370
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>> No.14003385
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>> No.14003402
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>> No.14003422
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>> No.14003423 [DELETED] 

Just post the fucking pdf:


>> No.14003441
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>> No.14003458
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>> No.14003466
File: 58 KB, 640x560, 1396389487625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stoploss: butter chicken

>> No.14003487
File: 194 KB, 750x960, E0EFF33F-6F0C-4252-9261-517E832FE579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14003522

Keep in mind, Teeka may be a dirty pajeet, but his advice is up significantly over the market. Strong hands marines, we are going to make it. Just need a little patience.

>> No.14003535

Fine, I removed my link to the PDF

>> No.14003547

bump because fuck discord trannies.

>> No.14003560

How long did it take you to photoshop these documents? Probably not as long as creating those banal link memes. Try again

>> No.14003606

Fuck you tranny.
Post the link again pls.

>> No.14003609

he's like freddy krueger pre-shower

>> No.14003641
File: 342 KB, 2165x1440, IMG_20190604_215536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muhh 30$ FUD

fuck teeka, 1000$ eoy
check em

>> No.14003668
File: 75 KB, 1024x759, C96C0F01-9CDB-4E4C-821B-B9FAB99B02A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he looks like this nigga from office space.

>> No.14003685

white russel peters?

>> No.14003686

>teeka "STOP LOSS: NONE" tiwari
the only hopium i need is psd2 september

>> No.14003700

>Post the link again pls.

google some of the text from a page with quotes around it and it will come up....or you can use warosu

>> No.14003737

You have to understand, even if he did think LINK was going to $1000 he has to be extremely conservative because
1) An extraordinary claim like that would damage his credibility in the short term, even if it was true
2) Underestimating the top is beneficial to the people who read his reports. If he said “LINK 1k EOY!” and LINK topped out at $900, his subscribers would be pissed. If he says its going to $32 and it goes way further he can say “well, it did better than I expected but I did tell you this would give you insane returns” and nobody would fault him.
I think even Teeka knows this is a gross underestimate, but he is doing his job well by being cautious and conservative on his predictions.

>> No.14003761
File: 110 KB, 866x356, chainlink-oracle-blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another SHOT of HOPIUM.

For ChainLink $10 EOY is VERY possible indeed.

Not probable, but highly possible.

Service: Software applications consulting
Revenue Increase: US$39.83 billion (2018)

Operating income
Increase US$13.67 billion (2018)

Net income
Decrease US$3.82 billion (2018)
Total assets: Increase US$137.26 billion (2018)
Total equity: Decrease US$45.72 billion (2018)

Number of employees
137,000 (2018)

>> No.14003775

Here you go fren

>> No.14003788

Made some delicious butter lamb the other day

>> No.14003991

thank you anon
you are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.14004038
File: 695 KB, 599x641, Screenshot 2019-05-31 at 02.54.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14004050

fuck chainlink so obvious shilling you all get rekt bro buy COTI , CHROMIA, RSR thats the good shit

>> No.14004091

Yes Mr. Pajeet grammar, we convinced Teeka Tiwari of Palm Beach Research, whos job it is to provide his subscribers with solid financial advice, to act against his own best interests and shill our shitcoin. How did you figure it out?

>> No.14004115

imagine buying COTI in 2019... lol I worked for them in 2017 and it was so obvious they were a scam. They did offer me 30 ETH to shill for them tho

>> No.14004116

guess what
i bet this pajeeta masala has been pumping it all this time for this very moment, he'll fill the sell book with his bags after this elaborate shill gets "leaked"
he's a master pnd group

>> No.14004148


Imagine thinking this is bullish, lmao

>stop loss: none

you got played hard top kek, without the teeka pump you are going to 40 cent again

>> No.14004162

Yes, a single man is buying up all the LINK so he can sell at a loss and fuck over the people who give him the views that sign his paycheck. Come on anon, I know you have a stack of LINK just by how desperate that FUD was. Quit grasping at nothing to FUD your own investment, thats retard behavior. Its time to stop posting...

>> No.14004216

>implying Teeka’s predictions arent beating the market(BTC) by a large margin

>> No.14004237

>the teeka pump
The price barely moved when he released that article.
Post nose.

>> No.14004249

>onslaught of fake FUD
Didn't notice

>> No.14004250


>> No.14004275
File: 209 KB, 500x357, nolinkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop loss: none
>Implying this isn't what most of us have been doing anyway

>> No.14004313

Don't pajeetsplain to me, Kevin.

>> No.14004364

My sides!

>> No.14004443

Keep this thread bumped. The LINK FUDposters are losing their mind over this KEK.

>> No.14004484

You sound new as fuck. Everyone knows one of the first rules of crypto is you don’t put a stop loss on anything but small amounts of shit you’re actively trading. Look up the GDAX flash crash if you really don’t know why.

>> No.14004592

This. In crypto I only put stop losses on shit if I am day trading, or if I suspect my shitcoin could hit zero. Anything that you know is sticking around for a while(for me thats BTC, ETH, and LINK almost exclusively) you don’t necessarily want a stop loss on. Shit can, and has, dropped 30% before pumping 200% very quickly.

>> No.14004600

he ain't obviously alone, he and his m8s buy first, then his subscribers, then the shill gets leaked so the latecomers pump their bags
they know the game by now, it was happening all through 2017 McAfee was doing it as well
and no i don't own link, not anymore, not since i found out nchain has patented it...

>> No.14004641

this is old fucking news
why would this matter anymore

>> No.14004664

Not to mention
>leaving all your shit on chinaman exchanges

>> No.14004712

Jesus Christ anon... Are you actually mentally handicapped, or are you just pretending? This fud is so desperate lmao.

>> No.14004762

What if the pump already happened?

>> No.14004801

>May 16 2019
It didnt. You want to try another avenue of fud?

>> No.14004847

what would you call last week then

>> No.14004853

Not 3200%?

>> No.14004870

you are certainly retarded. get out of crypto asap.

>> No.14004920

dude you're literally using teeka, the ultimate pump and dump pajeet, to prove that your coin is going anywhere. you're honestly too retarded to be in crypto or youre really bad at shilling projects

>> No.14004930

Why do you keep changing your IP samefag? Trying to seem like multiple people? Thats not very honset of you... What else are you trying to deceive us about?

>> No.14004946

>obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.14004967

honestly cant tell if youre trying to deceit newfags or youre actually dumb as fuck, but if you expected 3200% returns you dont know much about teeka. he basically runs a pump and dump group where he tells his followers that x coin is going to 10x or some ridiculous shit and tells them to no put a stop loss. he obviously cashes out much before the target is met. if you cant see that youre definitely dumb

>> No.14004997

no i can just see the forest for the trees, this gigantic shill he's written stinks, he must have huge bags, pretty similar to how he always (used to?) shill salt
>buy salt up to $20 no stoploss
in every monthly report

>> No.14005027

I think it more goes to show that even if this retarded, shit eating piece of trash came to the scene trying to shill the potential of this 2 years late - he still apparently seems to be more intelligent than unironic nolinkers.
Kind of amazing desu.

>> No.14005118

dude, its really obvious
you got caught, luckily you are anonymous
slink off and stop digging yourself a deeper hole, its really cringe

>> No.14005232

>no capital letters
>tries to avoid periods
>similar incorrect use of commas
>posts all around, but not less than, 1 minute apart
>once IDs change the previous ID never responds
Talk about being bad at shilling, holy fuck. These are clearly all the same person. Hows the weather in Mumbai?

>> No.14005302
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 1549620268552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someones fudding my precious link!
>it's a conspirashy

>> No.14005305

Impressive amount of autism, but obviously not a real teeka work.

One, he hasn't done one of these in over a year.
Two, if he wanted to shill link he would have done it a long long time ago instead of picking Dash 10 times in a row.
Three, he has a business style shill. Teeka doesn't delve into technicals much at all, but these pages are obviously written with a lot of technical depth.

I rate it an F for failure.
The author made no effort to mimic Teeka's style and even dumb anons are not baited by this.

>> No.14005308

take your meds. i can guarantee that im not the other people but if it makes you happy to keep saying it go for it

>> No.14005349

im not the other guy
you guys are some paranoid faggots

>> No.14005373

Relax, sport. And indian jokes are outdated. Besides, the living conditions in Mumbai are horrific. You should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.14005383


Holy fuck are you autistic? Literally nobody uses stop losses, it's just about the advice to hold or sell during dumps, the none stop loss means he wanted to dump on you meanwhile you hold grabbing your neet dick, actually that's what whalekiller did to you some days ago and you didn't noticed lmfao

>> No.14005394
File: 36 KB, 485x536, jeeted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so obvious shilling

>> No.14005425

he doesnt give 2 fucks about link. for him, link is like the 1000s of other shitcoins out there, just another pump and dump for quick profit. youre the one who is fucking retarded and actually believed the stupid fucking breadcrumbs, and the funny part is that YOY STILL BELIEVE IN IT. EVE AFTER MAINNET LAUNCHED AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED.
>muh hundreds of teams waitting for mainnet
>muh its taking long cause it has to be flawless
2 years and all you got is a centralized oracle network composed of 3 nodes that can fetch the price of ethereum. THIS IS THE TRUTH. ALL ELSE IS PURE SPECULATION.

>> No.14005427

What did I do?

>> No.14005504

Take a hike pal

>> No.14005540

sup bro. you're yelling pretty loud. sounds like you're really into link. thanks for the tip.

>> No.14005551

>reeeing like that.
>calling me autistic.

>I have none

>> No.14005562

This is one of those pajeets who can't mask his jeetery with decent English. Truly hilarious. Get off my board. Go stand outside and wait for a UNICEF package or something. How do you even have internet access?

>> No.14005575

whalekiller whats up? do you think it will be easier to break $1 again when we do? or is it going to resist like when you were supposedly fighting the whales

>> No.14005580

>the missing piece to blockchain
>link is like the 1000s of other shitcoins out there
dude lol

>> No.14005667


>missing piece to blockchain
>3 dev oracles until eoy
>kyc through sergey to get validated as oracle

kyc yourself

>> No.14005687

he's trying to shill the project, what did you expect him to say? thats what chainlink is known for, just like XRP is known for having ties with banks (even though in reality they have no actual ties to banks). you are obviously too gullible to be in crypto and i would recommend you to leave before losing all your money

>> No.14005717
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, bestending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sparked up some DMT and spoke to the Clockwork Elves about you. I hope you've been bleaching your anus. Expect Company.

>> No.14005721

trying? lmfao of course hes shilling it ITS HIS FUCKING JOB LMFFFAOOO go stick your XRPs up your ass

>> No.14005762 [DELETED] 

Still the same guy... lol.

>> No.14005783

?. so you understand that hes obviously going to exaggerate, since hes shilling? also i didnt defent XRP at all with my comment.
jesus christ, link holder have reading comprehension abilities of 8 year olds

>> No.14005799

Damn. This guy knows his shit.

>> No.14006113

lol. Buy salt upto $20, AION upto $10, dragon upto $5, stop loss:none.
Link is going to 10 cents again

>> No.14006419

Do any of you ever zoom out or do you live on 5 minute candles?

>> No.14006434

found the swingie

>> No.14006466
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> his only fud is based on 4chan larps instead of anything the project actually does - like launch with coordinated phases exactly as the team said they would with a clear direction for the future
All I can do is laugh at you.
Where the fuck do these low iq pigs get the idea that any of this drivel would make anyone sell?