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14001448 No.14001448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please help me sober up
I'm a lightweight when it comes to pot. I live in CA where its legal and I bought a vape pen last weekend. Smoked it hard on Friday
I've been high af ever since
Yesterday as such a daze at work
Today I'm still fucking high
Pls help. Will I get fired?

>> No.14001455

fucking degen

>> No.14001456

That's unpossible

>> No.14001463

Call out sick, btw everyone knows

>> No.14001465

Pop some Valium or any benzo, it will calm you down and ease your nerves

Don't take too much unless you want to be high and barred out

>> No.14001467

Tell everybody how high you are

>> No.14001473

Snort a bump of coke

>> No.14001482

You're not still high, it's all in your mind

Drink some chamomile tea

>> No.14001483


>> No.14001490

>everyone knows
Pls no. I'm being extra serious today

>> No.14001491

Bro just tell your boss that you got a little too high and need to go home and sleep it off. Since it's California he will understand.

>> No.14001496



>> No.14001497

I hope you get fired you high little degenerate

>> No.14001506

Then just stop doing pot retard

>> No.14001518

I just talked to your boss, he said he knows your high and is waiting until 5 to fire your ass

>> No.14001523

>"Anon has been in the office kitchen washing the same fork for 3 and a half hours now, what's going on?"
>"hELo gyyus iam employwe whd yu gbpfshpyagsnnsh"

>> No.14001531

You're either new to smoking, you live somewhere in the midwest or you're a boomer. Wanna know how I know? Nobody calls cannabis in California "pot" buddy

>> No.14001537

just say your tired

>> No.14001542


>> No.14001546

Coffee, cream, sugar and some candy should do the trick. Drink coffee OP

>> No.14001553

Maybe he is so high that he forgot what state he is in

>> No.14001562

yes I'm a boomer yes I'm from the midwest but I live here now and I need this fucking job so bad I'm broke. Help me kind sirs

I will NEVER do this again

>> No.14001566

You likely aren't high, but are just really tired. You didn't get proper REM sleep, so your brain is confused. Gotta get proper sleep for a while. Also, exercise (cardio) can help you feel less fatigued.

>> No.14001567

Become a NEET and you might not feel the need to ever get high again or you can get high as much as you want and no one will care.

>> No.14001574

There's no way you're high four days later, what strain and how many hits did you take?

>> No.14001576

go on a juice fast, drink only unpasteurized juice for a couple of days and it should clear up fully. garbage boxed juices from the store dont work. where you live there should be plenty of juice bars so you dont even have to press it yourself

>> No.14001583

>vape pen
Sir, I suggest you seek the Lord's guidance to deal with your homosexuality.

>> No.14001690
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granddaddy purple I think it was an oil cartridge I attached it to a vaporizer I bought. I'll never do this again. My boss wont understand this I fucked up pls I've been in this job for only 5 months I need them to hire me so I can finally get my health insurance paid for I was unemployed for a year why did I do this

>> No.14001718

Literally you just need fresh air bro and some milk. Dont do so much next time

>> No.14001723

no matter how many hits it's impossible for him to still be high unless he's constantly hitting it

>> No.14001748

does an antidepressant make it last longer? I've never been fucking high this long

>> No.14001759

its possible. THC circulates in the blood for about 3-6 months after consumption. If you're unexperienced and have a lot of physical activity that pumps and flows your blood then its definitely possible to get high.

>> No.14001770

is this the californian mindset? who gives a fuck

>> No.14001772
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>> No.14001785

How are you still High? it been days. All of it is in your head, sounds like some weird anxiety. Smoke more too see how close to sober smoking is

>> No.14001787

I'm high at work too bro. Just relax.

>> No.14001796
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Man, chill out. Go take a break and walk around and get some fresh air. Deep breaths. You're being paranoid, nobody at your office knows or even cares if you're high.
>t. stoned at work everyday

>> No.14001808

You feel high because you broke your prefrontal cortex with unnaturally potent weed. Good job. You're mentally ill for life now.

>> No.14001823

antidepressants might have an effect, when i was on antidepressants i would blackout from drinking at half the drinks it normally took. but the way your body processes thc the high should never last longer than 4 hours. even if antidepressants had an effect there's no way it would make it like 24 times longer

>> No.14001825

Don't feel bad, I slammed 3 beers and smoked a fat bong bowl in my car before I started scanning the whole stores invintory. So long as you're cool and comfortable, no one will know.

>> No.14001833

You triggered some kinda anxiety attack. Can take days to weeks to clear up. Look up derealisation

>> No.14001841
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pls no

>> No.14001903

Yeah theres no way you're still high. It's most definitely anxiety or residual paranoia like that other anon mentioned. Go to the bathroom and take deep slow breaths. Focus on your breathing and try your best to ignore any intruding thoughts. Acknowledge that you're no longer high and that's it just your mind playing tricks on you. Man you must've smoked some stupid dank. California dont mess around man

>> No.14001922

This is all based on personal experience not facts so be wary
First time I smoked weed I was in a daze for a week. Even 1 month later I still didn’t feel 100% better. You have opened a can of worms. I havent smoked in 5 years and my brain activity is back to what feels normal, but it may be degraded from my original capabilities. “Dude your not high fuck off” shills please go die. You didn’t have much brain activity before so you don’t miss it now

>> No.14001923
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Ok I've seen this in dsm4 . Maybe with enough caffeine I'll wake up

>> No.14001928

Checked this seems like the most likely scenario

>> No.14001939

Caffeine will only elevate his anxiety

>> No.14001956

every private conversation that you see is people talking about how you're high

>> No.14001973

That’s nothing anon I sent 14 text messages and made a 13 minute phone call last night that I don’t remember doing it all ...kek feels bad man

>> No.14001986

I doubt this is due to smoking weed once, much more likely lack of exercise/shit diet/natural effects of aging

>> No.14001987

Get eye drops no one pays any attention to you senpai
I used to get high all the tive at work and no one knew because I never went overboard

>> No.14001988

take a valium

>> No.14001995

he need some milk

>> No.14002009

bullshit youre not high 2 days after smoking kid

>> No.14002019

Wait are you still high from smoking on friday? That's impossible

>> No.14002023

take 2 ambien

>> No.14002031

Make that 4 days. Larp is obvious.

>> No.14002036

Take ambien with a lot alcohol

>> No.14002059

Bright neon lights kill the melatonin

weed triggers melatonin

turn on a bunch of fake lights or sit infront of a TV and drink water

fucking absolute beginner and novice.

>> No.14002120

>sleep deprivation
This. Also you're possibly still dehydrated/etc., so drink a lot of water right now.

>> No.14002224

you sound like my gf. she told me I wasnt high on Sunday. I think she lost all respect for me for having low tolerance. Fuck you cunts if I dont smoke a lot I dont like this feeling especially not now.. shes prob fucking blacks now

>> No.14002328

mate you're not high, you're probably having an anxiety attack, but you're probably not high. Also your gf has probably fucked alot of darkies if you're a boomer who's not married.

>> No.14002355
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>high after 2 days
nice for you kiddo

>> No.14002374

Splash your face and arms with cold water. It’s a mammalian response to reduce oxygen use when entering cold water. Decreases blood pressure, anxiety, and raises alertness and calm.

>> No.14002390

or he's a cop

>> No.14002405

This is why I don't smoke weed. Every time I get about a week of intense anxiety and paranoia.

>> No.14002428

i smoked for 10 years straight, every day. I now have an anxiety disorder. I wish this was a joke.

>> No.14002432

You’re a fucking retard. It’s scientifically impossible for you to still be high this long after smoking

>> No.14002445

fine I'm a cop but we need you to report in for questioning. Do it today or you won't like what happens

>> No.14002630

this bread and the other autist here >>14000852 are the funniest shit i read on biz all week

>> No.14002656

kys degenerate

>> No.14002672
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>> No.14002691

Benzos are god's gift for long boring shifts

>> No.14002698

a fucking lame ass oil cart?
god damn i go through one of those a day and feel nothing

>> No.14002721

eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water.

>> No.14002734
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>mfw people often ask me if I'm high at work.
People have asked me if I do weed or MDMA at work.
I never do, don't even do drugs.

>> No.14002746

also get a juice. you need a sweet refreshing drink. some kind of juice.

>> No.14002765
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>tfw visible brain damage

>> No.14002780

No I'm always just calm af.
They keep calling this job stressfull lmao.

>> No.14002782

CHOCOLATE depotentiates cannabinoids

>> No.14002807

it's ok!
i've been doing weed at work in vape
then ive been also high on acid there
also sum edibles
why not
it tech support here

>> No.14002869

you're not high, you just fucked up your brain... good luck with that btw

>> No.14002901
File: 955 KB, 360x360, 13E0F667-F0B7-4B29-BE80-DF4BA7FD6B63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re probably gonna die from an overdose bro

>psst guys I sold him some pencil shavings and he smoked them.

>> No.14002910

my trick is to always be high so no one knows the difference

>> No.14002933

On a real note, I vape at work all day, do my job just fine and know one knows because no odor and good performance.

Shit is pretty cash actually FÀM

>> No.14002945


>> No.14003069

no you don’t.

>> No.14003139

I literally took a bath in office kitchen thinking I was smelling sweaty after I played some basketball high as fuck during my lunch break. I came out with semi wet clothes sit in a waiting area and acted like it's perfectly normal what i just did. hey everyone should take shower in kitchen sink after playing some sports.

>> No.14003142

I was high for three days after I smoked bong for the first time. Of course the high wasn't really a "high" per say, I was just fucked up and acting weird. Weed isn't the same shit that you boomers smoked back in the day. I've tripped hard on lsd and mushrooms and I would still say that my first time with weed was one of my hardest trips.

>> No.14003162

maybe he is pajeet, and not even i usa right now.

>> No.14003229

this. ask your boss to give you some valium.

>> No.14003260

its really not that hard. nice ID cumfag

>> No.14003275

>I wish this was a joke.
nah dude. I'm in the same boat. wish i never tasted that shit

>> No.14003304

this. order pizza and coke for everybody in the office. act like it's normal thing to do

>> No.14003330

you're gross

>> No.14003502

Pump 2 red bulls, the caffeine hit should cancel out ur relaxation

>> No.14003517

if you work for another man, you are a beta male

>> No.14004444

enjoy your additive-laden plastic cart

>> No.14005303

> weed
> "trips"

Lmao. And as for the anxiety, can confirm, but it goes back to normal after a couple months. Bundle sticks.