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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.97 MB, 570x2427, 1559217424867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13993188 No.13993188 [Reply] [Original]


Chainlink 1keoy$

>> No.13993202

zero results

>> No.13993205

delete this

>> No.13993208
File: 255 KB, 1024x577, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, this pic is unironically bullish for LINK

>> No.13993259
File: 517 KB, 332x1560, 1559590993499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Nice image but I'm waiting for the official word. Although I enjoy the crumbs I'm starting to get sick of them

>> No.13993270

If I have to read one more breadcrumb I’m going to scream. LINK has been a breadcrumb book club for two years. When do the price action fireworks begin?

>> No.13993313
File: 42 KB, 645x729, 1551239233452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blockCHAIN article has a chain in it

>> No.13993405

nothing in there about oracles

>> No.13993426


>> No.13993430

Linkies are the /biz/ equivalent of Q posters
You've literally gone retarded with delusion

>> No.13993440

nolinkers are like people who deny Q

stupid sheep

>> No.13993490
File: 269 KB, 479x494, 1559456047353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sept 14th
>Announcement time
>Finally after waiting months when sergey announced he would disclose some hidden partnerships in september
>serger walks up to the mic, mayo stain barely visible on his blue plaid shirt
>fundamentally i would like to announce that we will be working very closely with microsoft, swift, and various banking institutions to provide secure data for smart contract oracles on our new project we've been working on under NDAs exclusively on the private network for our latest project which will be unveiled next year
>applause as chainlink price goes to $0 EOY and the shadowfork is released Feb 2020 at an entry price of $1k

>> No.13993556

Microsoft will not be using link, you need to let it go

>> No.13993575

ding dong retards


>> No.13993583

Hellraiser is a kino movie tbqh

>> No.13993601
File: 30 KB, 400x502, 2lwlhnd819t11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make it eeeeeven easier for you retards:


>> No.13993633

control f "chainlink" absolutely nothing, fuck this shit

>> No.13993741
File: 44 KB, 480x394, 1554180479121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you idiots deserve to stay poor

>> No.13993746

as a dev, I can assure you the chainlink code is subpar and has 0 chance of getting used by MS

>> No.13993769

tl;dr microsoft is trying to a. automate testing for smart contract logic and b. develop libraries of secure boilerplate contract code so that it is cheaper and easier to dev secure smart contracts. nothing in here specifically related to link, although ethereum on azure is poa, and chainlink has been on Rinkeby for a while now. if there's one thing to take from this article, it's that smart contracts are happening bigtime, you fill in the rest. also, Sergey Nazarov. Satya Nadella. heh

>> No.13993795

yeah on centralised nodes, CL was a fund raising scam for sergeys company by the time CL is "established as a network" (something they constantly jack off over) the entire network will be made redundant by blockchain scaling and ZKPs which allows all data to be stored on-chain for eternity, not even FUDDING this is CL most glaring and apparent flaw

>> No.13993851

So.. we won't make it?

>> No.13993859

Literally dumping because these news

>> No.13993870

ctrl+f = results = zero results chainlink

>> No.13993880

pretty much chainlink is like the upgrade from VHS to Bluray before HD digital was around except this time the pace of technology is happening much, much faster

>> No.13993882

A literal chain fucking link

>> No.13993924

There are things that have convinced me there is a collaboration between Microsoft and Link but this is not one of them. Just because that collaboration may exist does mean everything that comes out from Microsoft is related to link.

>> No.13993927
File: 33 KB, 680x544, 1556403578655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13993963
File: 558 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_20190515-230808_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic very fucking related

>> No.13994045

look at how smug

>> No.13994065

What will make us rich then?

>> No.13994190

>centralised nodes
The nodes are decentralized, actually.
They're totally independent of each other.

Or do you mean that the nodes themselves aren't individually decentralized?
In which case: you're an absolute retard.

>> No.13994202


Stop the delusion and wait for actual confirmation.

>> No.13994300

If it wasn't for the delusion/digging for crumbs, i probably wouldn't be all in

>> No.13994384

it's good to be apprised of smart contracts in general

>> No.13994401

>mayo stain barely visible on his blue plaid shirt

>> No.13994496

What the fuck

>> No.13994569

Something’s happening.

>> No.13994632

newfags everywhere

>> No.13994648

This is old news. Some marine bet him 100 link to get a pic with Sergey. The guy turned out to just be a creep. You should be more interested in Marley Gray other than anyone else.

>> No.13994656

That was nearly a month ago.

>> No.13994667

> Ranch stain barely visible