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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 1600x900, boomervsscammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13989369 No.13989369 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute madman actually did it.

>> No.13989613

filename says scammer. umm whos side r u actually on?

>> No.13989867

What do you call someone who takes 4.6 million dollars of investor capital and spends it on a literal free lunch for himself?

>> No.13989890

This probably caused today’s sell off... nothing like a literally retarded crypto teenager bragging about buying Warren Buffett lunch to really bring us into the age of adoption lol

>> No.13990299

a genius. are you aware of the amount of free coverage he got for his business? every fucking newsoutlet reported that shit. He would have to spend a whole lot more than 4,6 mill to get that amount of publicity

>> No.13990561

agree with >>13989890 and 4.5mil is a lot of fucking facebook ads, could even do tv commercials with that. this is 15 seconds of fame

>> No.13990608

yeah sure commercials, but commercials with warren buffet? hell fucking no. Now he has the most renowned investor of all times in the spotlight with his trx and btt

>> No.13990691

Warren Buffet hates crypto. He's going to walk out of that lunch hating it even more. If anything this is going to bring attention to how much of a scammer Justin is.

>> No.13990820

he got what he wanted. he might even get warren onboard with something if he donates to his charities as well. justin already won. people see warren buffet accompanied with crypto billionaire. i wonder which crypto they'll buy

>> No.13992160
File: 12 KB, 200x300, 17E3EF01-02F4-425C-9F9A-1A7A10E44C8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffet's the richest man in the world next to Bill Gates. He can't be bought. Let's say Justin's the perfect orater. Buffet still won't understand what he's talking about, if he has tech advisors, they'll be biased in translation and most importantly, boomers dismiss what they don't understand and hate change. He said himself he doesn't understand tech so he doesn't invest in it (weird he's so critical of crypto of all tech)

>> No.13992519

Why pay for an ad on one channel when you could have every news outlet mention your name? I don’t even like the Justin but clearly he’s smarter than you because you think spending 4.5 million on a 15 second commercial would’ve been more beneficial

>> No.13992539
File: 79 KB, 373x256, ohhkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13992540

they have to crash dadcoin enough for warren to buy in first. see you guys at 4k

>> No.13992693

Where I can short Warren Buffet?

>> No.13993692

4.5mil buys way more ads on way more channels/site for way longer than this news which will die out tomorrow until the lunch which, if fails, will be anti promo

>> No.13993811

4d chess from justin.
Buffet was always a contrarian signal. The moment he gets into crypto is time to sell

>> No.13993878

Has Buffet ever talked shit about people who paid him for that kind of charity dinner?

>> No.13993895

Justin sun reminds me of jack ma
Which is to say based

>> No.13994211

He'll just keep "okaying" him until the dinner is over. He won't even remember his name the next day.