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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13979070 No.13979070 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking BSV shills have literally ruined this board. I thought link shills were bad. Bsv faggots are 5x worse. I would kill each and everyone of you if I could. I don’t even hold btc either. You faggots are just fucking insufferable. So with that being said, kys you faggot praising pieces of dogshit.

>> No.13979076
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Aww you sound stiff is everything ok?

>> No.13979081


We won, you lost, get over it

>> No.13979095

>we won
>you lost
Literal who? Fuck off

>> No.13979097

This is a BSV board now. Don’t like it? STIFF. Think you’re tough? Come to NYC and fight me.

>> No.13979099

>t. stinky linky basedboi

>> No.13979105
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>> No.13979116
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Awwww sweetie, do you need daddy's biddy.

>> No.13979117

It's funny to call them pajeets who are being coordinated on a discord server and watch them go in full damage control mode

>> No.13979121
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>> No.13979126

It’s literally insane how much they are spamming the board. And most of the time they just bash btc. Craig followers is as toxic as him

>> No.13979132

>That bloodshot eye from hours of shilling
Sanjay's Vision won't make you rich. Sorry b

>> No.13979148


I'm having the time of my life right now in LA because I bought a plane ticket the day we hit $195. You're just some loser who can't make sense of what's happening. Stop lashing out, do your due dilligence, get on the right side of history. We're having fun because you were all wrong.

>> No.13979153

I’ve never seen it as bad as this. The board is ruined for now. Once Craig is fully exposed, they’ll be offing themselves one by one. Will be glorious

>> No.13979156

How much was the ticket from Bangladesh to LA?

>> No.13979160

>I would kill each and everyone of you if I could
Why are core cucks so fucking emotionally unstable agressive?

>> No.13979161


>Trump will be impeached any day now!

Shut up, loser.

>> No.13979163

>bought a plane ticket
Lol does it get any cooler than this? How does it feel to flush a toilet?
>all wrong
Craig hasn’t proved anything yet lol, COPE

>> No.13979171

He will cause mass suicide

>> No.13979174

bsv has gains though, what does link have?

>> No.13979176

Did you not read my post you dumbfuck. I don’t hold btc. You fucking faggots are ruining this board and craig hasn’t even proved shit yet kek

>> No.13979196
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so angry anon, join the light, have a laff, better on this side. creg first trillionaire.

>> No.13979215

They should all just fuck off to pol already where they belong.

>> No.13979223


By the time he does sign, it will be too late for you. Screencap this, zoomer. We're winning.

>> No.13979224
File: 275 KB, 429x354, 4AF62502-36AF-4364-B106-D19270E96B6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on this, seriously HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.investinblockchain.com/new-evidence-suggests-satoshi-nakamoto-is-paul-solotshi-the-creator-of-encryption-software-e4m-and-truecrypt/amp/ 11 hours old. GET REKT FAGGOTS

>> No.13979352

are you ok lad? you sound a bit desperate, it's never too late, bsv is going all the way to the top absorbing all market caps of all shitcoins

>> No.13979356

Where you faggots at now? Lunch time in New Delhi?

>> No.13979396

probably here


>> No.13979568
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yes yes, investinblockchain much trusty sauce sir, who needs bloomberg.

>> No.13979601

That's a new one. Thanks

>> No.13979693

BallSuckingVaggots follow a deluded megalomaniac psychopath and a degenerate pedo lawyer.

The biggest cancer of an already cancerous space. Everyone involved with this shit deserves the rope and will get ‘STIFFED’ when they get exit scammed

>> No.13979717

I hope Craig goes on a long enough drinking spree that he gives himself brain damage. Such would be the most fitting end for him.

>> No.13979726


>> No.13979882

I think Kreg hired the same Indians who shilled Chainlink. The memes are just as ugly, the tryhard narrative is just as dumb, but most of all - the shills themselves. They always come off as someone stuck in special ed.

>> No.13980099

Woahhh, wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that

>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves

You need to have sex incel

>> No.13980175

who the fuck even are these bitcoin core people? that dude with the orange beard is the only one I have ever even heard of and he looks like a fucking smelly neet weirdo

>> No.13980196
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fuck off stinky
/biz/ is now /bsv/

>> No.13980208
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Cucked and bluepilled

>> No.13980386

Is there a new place like biz used to be where retards haven't flooded yet?

>> No.13980405

You couldn’t even beat BCASH

>> No.13980408

Reddit you and op will fit in great over there

>> No.13980413

have sex incels

>> No.13980417

He doesn’t know
> covers face with hand. laughs and points

>> No.13980430

link shills are 10x worse u dumbfuck. in either case have you heard of filters? of course you have but you choose not to filter because you want to read up on the latest developments on BSV. KILL YOURSELF

>> No.13980431
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wtf is this shit?
sanjay vision is listed on obscure exchanges
easy to manipulate the price
his sodomite friend is running a "mining farm" when in actuality he is trying to crack the encryption on the wallets craig stole from kleiman
fucks sake, Craig was an informant for the US government
who is paying for this shit to be spammed here?
dead board

>> No.13980435
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father of 2

>> No.13980468


>> No.13980484

Yeah that's right, CUCΚ, all capitals.
Newfaggots and BSVfaggots can't CUCΚforce

>> No.13980489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13980511

I co-sign this. I don't hold any of the bitcoins and I would love to give the rope to all BSV shills and affiliates. Fuck you all from the bottom of my heart. Get aids.

>> No.13980513
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get fukt
bitcoin since 2011 /bsv/ (formerly known as /biz/) since 2016

>> No.13980515
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we did it boys. /biz/ is now a BitCoin board

>> No.13980518

god I can't wait for back to dump so I can make these retards eat their own shit


>> No.13980523

bsv,not back

I fucking hate phones I just want my desktop back

>> No.13980532
File: 76 KB, 446x687, 1559094902372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more fun riding the pump than sitting there hoping for the impossible faggot. get on board

>> No.13980541

this. hes missing so many gains lmfao and i have equal hedge in btc

>> No.13980546
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Protip: start accumulating screencaps with Tulip larpers. Their humiliation will be remembered for years.

>> No.13980551

Oh, is that a site full of people who actually have brains? Is that why you aren't allowed there?
I know you are a paid shill or completely retarded

remember everyone
>I remember reading in a white paper... be... because I wrote it

>> No.13980818

Another protip: start accumulating IP's so this mega faggot cuck creg can sue us LMAO

>> No.13980854

>I know you are a paid shill or completely retarded
>remember everyone
>>I remember reading in a white paper... be... because I wrote it
You lack the faculties to process a simple joke. Sad. Many such cases

>> No.13981261

>I thought link shills were bad. Bsv faggots are 5x worse.
what makes you think these are different people?
the same type of brainlet hat believes in a russian philosophy major that made a json parser with kyc for $32M finds Craig Wright a genius

>> No.13981275

>I don’t even hold btc either.
Shut up newfag

>> No.13981341

get 4chan x and filter it

>> No.13981371

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill
there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.13981721
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ty for the QRD on the crypto brownpill
may vishnu grant you many blessed needful trades my friend

>> No.13982122

Enjoy the swamps retard

>> No.13982136

based and fraudtoshipilled
fuck that LITERAL faggot

>> No.13982142

i don't own btc either but you're a stupid faggot and gonna get stiffed

never getting that btc patent approved

>> No.13982145
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>I would kill each and everyone of you if I could

>> No.13982162

The pajeet finally left his village for once XD

>> No.13982180

Did you peed your pants a bit?

>> No.13982224



creg scammer wright BTFO

>> No.13982237

>buying a plane ticket to Los Angeles as the first thing you do when you make it
no amount of money you make will change your class, which is obviously very low if your first instinct was to buy a plane ticket to LA.

>> No.13982257

Just bump for people need to hear about fucking BSV useless shit shills

>> No.13982469
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BSV is Bit Coin

>> No.13982596

if only you knew