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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 1920x1280, 20180525-make-a-passive-income-1920x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13979684 No.13979684 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know any ways to earn money on the side?
Or generate passive income?

>inb4 the most obvious ways like real estate etc.

>> No.13979687


>> No.13979740

Writing a book, even a shitty one and put it on Amazon. It won't be a fortune, but it's not bad. I wrote 10 straight up garbage ebooks that I put up on general finance stuff (from shit I saw rehashed from Dave Ramsey and Fox Business) a few years ago... and I still get checks for $50, $100, $200 for that occasionally.

>> No.13979747

not a bad fuckin idea
can you list it under a pseudonym on Amazon?

>> No.13979782

good idea. thats actually a very good idea. thanks for that.

>> No.13979803


I wrote 19 erotic fetish ebooks, making $900 passive income per month niw

>> No.13979820
File: 150 KB, 499x500, merchant 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I'm doing this weekend

>> No.13979851

Remember it's a numbers game, book world is HIGHLY competitive, and almost nobody wants a refund on them (unless it's 200 pages of you banging your cock on the keyboard) so it's better to just pump out numbers than work on your masterpiece.

>> No.13979876

how many hours does it take you to write one garbage porn book?
what do you sell it for?
what is the typical page count?
what topics do women pay for the most?

>> No.13979887

How can I take an advantage of free time at work? Niche blog? Said book?

>> No.13979940

get an FFL and clean people's guns for money
you don't even need the tools to fix them just get good at disassembling and reassembling guns and know how to clean them properly. I promise you there is a market to make money off lazy people

>> No.13980154

yes, making money off lazy or stupid people is easier. i just dont think im allowed bring guns to the office.

>> No.13980167

What fetish? Where sold?

>> No.13980259

I didn't write the erotic books, that was the other guy, I wrote about finance.

In my opinion, all your efforts should go towards designing a cover, a professional looking cover fools people into thinking they're getting a legit book... not advice like:

"To save money at the grocery store, make a budget and don't go in hungry" <== now I stretch that for over 10 pages.

>> No.13980365

Donate plasma
I just browse biz for like 2hrs after work twice a week and get $400/month
Who the hell buys ebooks

>> No.13980394

>who the hell buys a very popular product on the biggest distribution platform on earth?

If you can't understand how potential clients can think differently to you, your thinking is too rigid for this line of work. You'd be better off being a wageslave.

>> No.13980415
File: 43 KB, 656x524, 1559194607972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont they know about libgen and bibliotik

>> No.13980426

Funding on bitfinex

>> No.13980493

do you have any negative side effects of donating plasma

>> No.13980533
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>> No.13980558

What's up with this Pepe?

>> No.13980566
File: 210 KB, 750x1130, D042410D-B950-4774-968B-939F13FB0CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redbubble store is slowly getting more powerful. Will clear $100 this month

>> No.13980573

never had a negative side effect although it's really a waste of time
the only reason to do it is if you're starving or a 16 year old without a job

>> No.13980580

what do you sell on there?
should I pay some high school art student to draw me a porno book cover?

>> No.13980612

Mostly stickers and a few T-shirts every once in a while. I take normie memes (esp pop culture based) and make them larger and into a .png file so they make good stickers or shirt designs. I get roughly a dollar per sticker and 5 or 6 dollars per shirt. Only really have one successful design right now but I’m flinging shit at the wall to get another

>> No.13980721

explain to me your process. these seems easier than pumping out porno books, while not necessarily as successful.

>> No.13980735

I basically did what this guy said

>> No.13980778

Nah you get all your blood back so you don't feel light headed or anything

>> No.13980805

what are they gonna do, stop you?

>> No.13980874

Nifty, never heard about redbubble before

>> No.13981343

bumping because this is the only unique thread on /biz/ right now

>> No.13981386

This is the kind of thread I like. I'm full on crypto but it gets tiresome sometimes.

>> No.13981484

Based and redbubblepilled. Thanks for the tip, anon. I might actually check it out.

>> No.13981573

Sure, sounds great desu. The name of the game is to have as many machines passively working at the same time. That's why wageslaves are retarded, you only have so many hours in a day to work to make money. Except you're giving them your fucking life energy in exchange for money.

>> No.13981593
File: 139 KB, 1920x986, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pop ads and push ads

>> No.13981669

just eat/uber eats

>> No.13981778

How much does this even pay? I can't imagine it pays more than $10 an hour after gas and maintenance to your vehicle.

>> No.13981788

I got one. First thing you gotta do is post a few back page adds in some fag mag for a new amazing dildo. call it something like the ass tickler 5000....something that gives the best orgasms in the world. You give an address and have them make checks payable to an ordinary sounding company name. Burt's Bits or something for example.
After you've cashed the check, you tell them there's an issue with the manufacturer and the product is no longer available. Send them a check for the refund, only this time from an company name like "Ass tickler's R us" or something equally lewd. Guaranteed, 9 times out of 10 they will not cash that check, cause they don't want their bank manager knowing they like tickling asses.

>> No.13981847

fucking kek

>> No.13981897
File: 62 KB, 640x253, B07F1F38-4BBF-4D04-B963-43050547864F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. Here’s last nights pay. Take away gas and insurance I made around £20 Sterling an hour. But some days it can be pretty crap.

>> No.13981938

so how much do you get paid per hour usually

>> No.13981942

I've heard of this exact scam before
the idea is they pay to a discreet normal sounding company name but pay the refunds from a very obvious and gay name and the hope is the closeted gays will be too embarrassed to cash the check

>> No.13981980

lock stock and two smoking barrels.
pretty funny. probably the sort of scam that could have made a lot of money in the 80's, when fags were closeted and everyone still used checks.

>> No.13981985

It's paid per delivery, but the average is probably around £15p/h. The work is easy tho.

>> No.13982300


If you guys do decide to use RB (and there are other sites out there with potentially better margins for you, I’ve probably sold over $1000 worth of stuff but have made $250 in total) MAKE AURE YOU ADJUST YOUR MARGINS. Passive owl has a video on it. The first month that I made $19, my sales volume was half of what I sold this month, but I made 20% of what I made this month. I was getting like 30 cents per sticker then, but since I’ve increased margins I make roughly a dollar per sticker. I could have made 3x what I did the first month if I’d changed them early. And of course $100 a month really isn’t that much, but it’s all from a single successful design. If I had 3 designs of similar caliber...or 6...were talking real passive income money equivalent to a small rental unit. But this requires literally no effort or monetary input on my part. I just paid like $50 for a cheap Wacom tablet for drawing, and I am not a good digital artist

>> No.13982309

Btw I am Same redbubble anon from before using a different IP

>> No.13982404

Are the designs your own or do you essentially take a meme and trace it with no added stylization? Isn't copyright an issue with pop culture stuff? Because it's obviously illegal (no different than chinese bootlegs) so isn't there a possibility Red Bubble could shut your store down and not pay out? I was interested in RB previously but felt like I needed 100% original designs of high caliber to make any money.

>> No.13982406

No Mobile/ATM Deposit...?

>> No.13982417

can we lock up and get drunk now please?

>> No.13982475

High IQ and very Jewish, thanks.

>> No.13982708

boomers have kindled and buy ebooks all the time

>> No.13982844

Buy a two family house and live in one apt and rent the other.

>> No.13982897

Well first you need to have enough money for two houses.

>> No.13982944

I don't know if it counts as passive income, but I sell stuff on eBay its pretty easy and not much work just posting and shipping. Once the item is posted it stays online til it sells.
I just hit up garage sales and thrift stores and find random used goods. You can basically sell anything on eBay and someone will buy it.
This is how I supplement my NEETDOM.
I work less then a minimum wagie but make more.

>> No.13982966

your book is only 10 pages long? wtf?

>> No.13982983

What sells best?

>> No.13983001

I need more info on what is happening here. Is this ad fraud or are you doing legit advertising?

>> No.13983010


>> No.13983014

>literally nobody has seen Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels

>> No.13983019

There's no way to make passive income. Thread is full of LARPers trying to shill sites

>> No.13983058

For me , vintage and antique items,
One time I sold a rare Japanese sony walkman for 600$ I bought it for a few bucks

>> No.13983061

Its almost as if people are able to make money in ways that aren't scamming or crypto!

>> No.13983186

I watched all his videos and what I don't understand is how to make great designs with Ms paint and free graphic websites
I wouldn't pay ten bucks for a tee shirt that took 5 minutes of doodling
how do you make a quality product for free?

>> No.13983356

You can't.
Doesn't anyone understand that ANY market worth occupying has been occupied by wagecucks who have been in that field for at least 10 years? You're up against "artistic" adults who have been drawing for upwards of their entire lives. No /biz/raeli with MSpaint is going to be able to compete

This shit has always been a meme. Hurr durr gonna open MSpaint and doodle some squares meanwhile Van Gough has a $3000 wacom and is shilling $10 t-shirts while his master-piece is hanging in the Louvre. Starving Artist is not a meme. People way more talented than you are working much harder for way less

>> No.13983362
File: 140 KB, 1850x684, 1558216575151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got a small deformed fren growing out of his head
He's never lonely

>> No.13983405
File: 493 KB, 750x1334, 87FF7D02-8A9E-4D2B-A6F6-C03D7BD671B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get good haters. Pic related is one of the top selling tshirt designs and is making Buku bucks.

>> No.13983418

I have a dozen referrals on prime-xbt.io and I earn about $40 in bitcoin every day from it.

It’s a leverage trading platform with an insanely high paying referral commission

>> No.13983427

This is spot fucking on. So many of my friends think everyone thinks like them, so they miss huge opportunities.

Nope and they don’t care.

>> No.13983442

How do you get that shit traffic to convert and what verticals you in?

>> No.13983472

Such a shitty fucking t-shirt, normies are so cringe

>> No.13983489

Normies are most people. Capitalize on them

>> No.13983493

>Its almost as if people are able to make money in ways that aren't scamming or crypto!
Yeah most people are just lazy and just want a boss to tell them what to do.

>> No.13983530

Lol, no. That's just an example of how you can pad out a book by regurgitating obvious shit.

>> No.13983562

Literally just cafepress for zoomers

>> No.13983655

>here we can observe the learned helplessness of a wageslave in its natural environment

Yeah, whatever... work and consume until you die, wageslave scum. I hope your boss does everything in his power to make your lives miserable. Maybe after 45 years of slavery, if you put in enough money in your 401k (65% don't) you'll be able to enjoy life as old men (assuming you don't live toooo long that you can't afford it).

>> No.13983798
File: 104 KB, 1460x652, primexbtrefs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic.

been doing this for a little over a month and already made almost 1/4 of a bitcoin.

>> No.13983820

What do you have against real estate? Getting a triplex is a pretty good idea.

>> No.13983832

Meme /thead

>> No.13983869

looks good but i dont want to shill it here like a pajeet

nothing, real estate is the best way for passive income imo. but for that you have to have money in the first place.

>> No.13983896

Guarantee you'll spend time making some shitty meme design and rake in a cool $10 for your effort

>> No.13983904

yeah thats the hard part. sadly I have to spam youtube comments on bitmex videos. at least I get to hide behind a keyboard though. beats flipping burgers.

>> No.13984011

yeah thats for sure

>> No.13984040

my thoughts as well

>> No.13984303

I feel like the biggest hurdle people here will have is that they're not normalfags and so they don't want to appeal to normalfag tastes

>> No.13984339

>tips fedora and intellectually decides against making $ off normies

>> No.13984341

Lol, I haven't wageslaved in 18 months. I already have passive income to pay for my (admittingly frugal) lifestyle for the rest of my life. I live on my investments and "work" a few hours a month overseeing everything. Being poor is a choice, too bad your learned helplessness (and your ego) doesn't let you see it. Why are you wasting your precious 5 minute break arguing about this, remember, Mr. Nosestein said you had to pull a double-shift tonight!

Chop chop, taxes to give away to niggers don't pay themselves!!!

>> No.13984400

I'm actually NEET, but I just live off my parents

>> No.13984505

Nice dub dubs, neets are okay. Passive income is definitely possible, but it may not be worth it for you if you've accustomed yourself to dat neet life. People were shocked when I semi-retired at 33, since I live so frugally. Lol, I'm still driving the car I bought (in cash) that's from 2004 because it continues to run fine.

>> No.13984708
File: 247 KB, 722x646, E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this how I do it anons? Just put a Gigantic E on the shirt and sell it for 15$ each? and make money off Gucci/Supreme retarded kids?

>> No.13984802

thanks anon. will try out.
good advice anon. my first instinct was modified memes and perhaps a few OC but that would only jew other anons out of their money for worthless shit that will mark them irl, especially as even to us they will become cringe eventually.

Got to find what normies like and deliver, like anon always does.

>> No.13984843

Too big anon imho.
The folds make it look funky, and it looks way to heavy on the right side.
Make the top and low bars thicker and the vertical bar slimmer, that would be my choice.
but that is just me.

>> No.13984847

Describe frugality in more detail with green text examples pls

>> No.13984859

hows this

>> No.13984880
File: 247 KB, 695x584, edbgntvhy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.13984902

Yeah rich dad poor dad contains enough content to fit a pamphlet stretched across several books. It's brilliant and evil all at once!

>> No.13985035

Top kek

>> No.13985043

I mean, I don't recycle toilet paper or anything I just:

>moved to the country (any girls I date are country girls that are really low maintenance)
>I have several acres to live, fish, grow food
>bought a used car, cash. Learned to fix it and buy replacement parts online
>before: almost never ate out, "pre gamed" the few times I ever went to a bar or clurb
>worked out in the park
>If I didn't food prep my "punishment" was eating from a $5 footlong or Little Skeezers pizza
>Kodi/torrents are my entertainment
>all my money went to my businesses and investments (including crypto)
>always doing whatever for sidegigs as a hobby
>didn't waste $100,000 on the college-meme

>> No.13985103

I could see a normie wearing that
we need generals to discuss these sorts of things

>> No.13985116

We should have a general for this, I'm all excited!

>> No.13985139

>/sng/ scamming normies general

>> No.13985164

lets do it

>> No.13985266


>> No.13985288

Anyone here into municipal bonds?
I heard that you can get up to 6% APR tax free

>> No.13985339


The gap between top and middle is just a bit to narrow. fuck with the size a bit and it should be fine. you want it to hint at the 3d ilusion but not come across as way to fucked up.

also if you want the 3d ilusion the red and yellow parts should not be straigt like the blue parts but have a slight incline towatds the inside, except of course for the inside part of the middle and bottom bar.

here i am sidebench commenting instead of making one too like a apathetic fuckhead now that i have 1 week of neetdom - left our noble ranks for the periodic half a year to not mooch

>> No.13985494

Passive income is just Active income but you work from home. You still work just as much as a wagie.

Everyone I talk to mirrors what I think. Occasionally you get somebody saying "Oh man I just sold 100 t-shirts on tshirtsz.com! just sign up with my link and make money now!" But they're obvious advertisers.

>> No.13985538

As long as I get to work from home I don't care

>> No.13985555

Go all in Safex Token (SFT) and live like a king off passive income in 1 year.

>> No.13985557
File: 23 KB, 1175x636, sales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made $738.70 total on redbubble. It's extremely passive because redbubble takes care of all the work.

>> No.13985715

why just not use amazon instead of redbubble to print your shirts?

>> No.13985778

I make about 90k as an engineer

And would trade that for $40 a day working from home in a blink

>> No.13985942

nice dude. What kind of products/designs were your top sellers?

>> No.13986044

They're "self employed" and/or "doing a side gig" (but put all their eggs in one basket), you need to put a system in place. But if you make a thousand tshirt designs with the shotgun approach and just move on to other projects and just let whatever sells, sell... you're good. The money making machine has many cogs, but if you're actively chasing one source, and that's it... then it's just a second job. And then you're just a double-wageslave.

>> No.13986164

Stop wishing and start doing.

>> No.13986205

Interesting. What does prime-xbt offer better than their competitors like Bitmex?

>> No.13986290
File: 188 KB, 801x794, laindesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of my top 10, 6 of them are Stein's Gate stuff.

>> No.13986343

What the hell do you mean "very Jewish"? I hope that is a compliment and not a backhanded insult...

>> No.13986416

I do the same. Made me 1k a year for 2 years in a row now. Very nice. Took 1 year to get to that though. It is relatively easy money but ine has to be smart or very talented.

>> No.13986469


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.13986548

Not passive and not safe, but work for a video game company with a very popular game or a game with a wealthy community that's used to dumping money to win.
Get into a position where you can get sandbox accounts which aren't trapped in a sandbox server.

You might even be the programmer who gives himself money or more creatively creates a very personalized glitch in the spaghetti code which can be accessed only by a faggot that knows what to do.

>> No.13986564

Next level IQ.

>> No.13986786

There was a similar thread like this and a dude replied and said that he makes 34 k on Patreon by drawing furry shit like wtf??? Even posted pic. I should just start doing that furries will buy that shit anyway

>> No.13986823

desu that's what it is all about.
"Scamming" normies
They will spend their money for shit either way.
Better I get it than some other punk.

lol keep us updated if it sells.

>> No.13986843

>learn to code
>get exp
>get to work at the big game company of your choice
>get to a high position in development

Fucking nigger thats called getting a job

this is a passive income neet thread you mongoloide

>> No.13986869

and this one is so important.
So often I think "xy is a stupid idea why should anyone want to spend money on this?
>leaving the house
>seeing how stupid the average person is and on what shit they spend their money on

I can't get it over me to rip off retards.
I can't get it in my head that so many stupid shit makes so much money.

>> No.13986872

Quality Assurance Analysis doesn't require experience.

>> No.13986897

analyst ANALyst

Getting exp and into a higher position is simply if you want to scam like a pro, like a politician. So low scam hustling is still doable and related to the thread's subject.

>> No.13986927

I get most of my passive income from dividend growth stocks from my dividend portfolio and capital gains from my mutual funds.

I want other streams. thought about writing a dividend investing blog, ebooks and starting a youtube channel. I make about $21K in passive income but that required a bunch of capital and time.

Looking for other things that I can get passive or semi-passive income

>> No.13987517

Looks like we have the uTorrent of merch here

step1: make a website that translates memes to chink labor

step2: take yourself out of any copyright issues by only acting as a middleman for the "artist" (pirate) and the chink (protected by Chinese law)

Have users submit all manner of copyrighted images and chinks shit it out, all so basedboy bugmen can display their latest fetish on their clothes and $1200 iPhone

sounds /biz/ to me...

>> No.13987645 [DELETED] 

Lol, you right. 100% of my shit is "pirated".

>> No.13987685

Lol, you right. 100% of my shit is "pirated". Although, I do photoshop things a bit. For example, with that lain shirt, I had to put it on a transparent background and do some minor editing to make sure it's not completely fucked looking/pixelated.