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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.43 MB, 1208x1164, AA85980A-4961-4AFF-9A75-2287D62937EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13976787 No.13976787 [Reply] [Original]

I have a theory that either link and holo are going to absorb each other...

If link dumps hard from here, Holochain is going to sky rocket. Holochads are ready to recruit any moment. They need each other on a fundamental level and none of you knuckle stuffers understand it. Have fun with you 50% haircut from ATH, you’re going to 20¢ whether you like it or not, Oricucks.

Sell some of your Link and transfer it to holo. You will bridge this gap and create exponential growth on both eth platforms.

>> No.13976807
File: 80 KB, 259x194, vin13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? it's x-cash

>> No.13976809

linkies are not worthy desu

>> No.13976813
File: 429 KB, 625x625, mud_man_and_friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mudman will bless all holochads who post in this thread.

>> No.13976819

>implying i don't have both
>implying i'm ever selling

>> No.13976820 [DELETED] 

Nick. Jarret. Sam. Go to bed.

>> No.13976826
File: 104 KB, 288x175, riddickgoggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're hot shit?

>> No.13976830

please let me in on this meme. i have held HOT since the ICO and somehow missed this idiot. what happened???

>> No.13976852

You’re not part of the whale discord sorry white boy

>> No.13976856

holding both hot & link
however i do think hot has better chance of hitting top 5-10

>> No.13976870
File: 2.43 MB, 1836x2415, 1558033924860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC will absorb both and you wont even see it coming.

>> No.13976886
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 1556938922567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They need each other on a fundamental level

>> No.13976895

>adding a transparent PNG to an image

>> No.13976912

Why are you Worried about it

>> No.13976938

Shut up

>> No.13976983

have sex

>> No.13977024
File: 140 KB, 1200x675, hotbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding 1m since 60 gwei and IM NOT FUCKING SELLING

>> No.13977318

holo makes link obsolete, any holo agent can function as an oracle by default, no need for chainlinks clunky middleware

>> No.13977346

kek i bought the ICO and have *certainly* more HOT than you. i have been trolling sammy and the telegram trannies since day one, even before rgrpark arrived.

>> No.13977642

how many holo for the whale discord is 10k balls deep enough

>> No.13977722
File: 1.04 MB, 1337x1069, 1536200717283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this whale discord just pump holo to 1 fucking cent stop fucking around god damn it

>> No.13977748

dude that fag was larping

>> No.13977801

It's really sad whenever people try to pitch their shitcoin as having some kind of relationship with link.


all the garbage wants to be associated with link, and it doesnt even matter if theyre supposedly a partner or a challenger, they just want to be associated. it's really pathetic

>> No.13977810

i said linkies are not worthy anon, keep coping. link to 20 pennies soon

>> No.13977932


>> No.13978083

It's been there and back every year. At first I thought link was a meme as well - but it seems to be holding on at $1+ now; despite the hellstorm going on all around it.

>> No.13978111

i honestly can't comprehend how people still hold it. like wft a ETH price API? who needs this? i need a USD price API or whatever else price API not fucking ETH. how is that gonna see real world use-cases....

>> No.13978149


>> No.13978306

I’m definitely getting the feeling that, like Link, there are much bigger things at play with HOLO than we know about yet. (Not just the rumoured Mozilla partenrship. Something much bigger) I’ve seen a few posts on here hinting at such. Any anons in the know or who have connected the dots want to drop some more hints?

>> No.13978322

please hint at the hints. i may be able to help out

>> No.13978412

I can’t really remember specific posts but I have definitely seen a few cryptic replies on holo threads in the last week alluding to HOT being far bigger than people yet imagine. My tiny mind can’t quite comprehend the scale of what they are about to pull off, but I can tell it’s a massive fucking deal and if I can tell that then it makes sense that people and big players in the crypto sphere far more intelligent than me will know that too and will have been making the ‘necessary adjustments’.

>> No.13978439

well yeah. all i can say that all the big boys have taken notice. this is some next level shit and we are really in for what could be ETH at $0.60

>> No.13978459

obviously you don't understand the holo project AT ALL. it is a completely DIFFERENT INTERNET. if holochain does the race, chainlink will be fucking obsolete

>> No.13978493
File: 217 KB, 1030x1040, 76117D93-9D7F-46D5-BEAC-A7E3BEA5F6F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold LINK and HOLO, I can’t lose.

>> No.13978495

how do you recognize a shitcoin?
re-edits chainlinks memes, and keeps getting associated with it.

rlc, holo, mobius, witnet, req,confido, ftm, matic

have sex incels

>> No.13979275

how much to make it? I just flipped x2 bnb and aquired 30k holo

>> No.13979366
File: 176 KB, 1000x666, holochainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while this is technically true, it's a bit disingenuous
You still need some bells and whistles on top to have a proper oracle network. Ideally a combination between what link has achieved so far, but re-implemented with an agent centric approach in mind on Holochain. I honestly don't know why Sergey is not on top of this, or why some /biz/ autists haven't started working on it.
Link is held down by the shitty Ethereum network and basically this fat fuck is leaving money on table and begging to get BTFO just because he doesn't understand the sunk cost fallacy.
>inb4 muh blockchain agnostic