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13968898 No.13968898 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a real estate developer?

>> No.13969325
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Be a jew

>> No.13969332

by buying into the biggest bubble of human history

>> No.13969419

Not a bubble. Just too many people and not enough places to put them.

That can also be read as "too many shitskins and not enough places to escape from them", which is the real story.

Increasing number of shitskins + time required to develop areas that exclude them = expensive real estate. This is why real estate will never truly crash in the era of multi-culti mix-em-up welcome the invaders.

The wealthy move away from the shitskin hordes they invite in, to get away from the rape, disease, crime, and poverty they bring with. They buy property and develop land into enclaves completely shielded from the non-human menace. Their old domiciles then get passed off to up and coming middle class who strive for security and stability.

In actual fact, mass migration is what sustains the real estate bubble, as government is also forced to update and build housing for them, lest they destroy the nation, meaning subsidized development on a massive scale.

The only time that real estate bubble pops is if human population stabilizes and niggers and other undesirable stop flooding into western nations and breeding and consuming like locusts.

>> No.13969453
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> implying the population growth isn't slowing down to 0

>> No.13969466
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> implying people won't be moving to Mars colony within 50 years

>> No.13969468

learn to code in real estate

>> No.13969494

be part of old money

>> No.13969525

>implying social scientists have been right about anything
>implying we are ever going to make it to mars, and even if we do the second ship that lands isn't going to be full of trannies and niggers to make things "equal" in the new colony

humanity is not an end game species
we might create something that will survive the great filter, through genetic engineer or cybernetics...but as we are, nope
don't count on us making it
it takes 5 minutes listening to some babbling low IQ coons on a subway to realize this simple fact
my mind will change if the chinese nut up and nuke africa/india as a preemptive measure to save the planet (for their colonial purposes), because it means that somewhere, some humans are brutal enough to do what needs to be done to save the species

>> No.13969557

just fuck yourself poltard
not everyone is going to be a loser like you

>> No.13969591

Only answer really. The only alternative is to sell your soul to the devil and become a shabbos goy like Trump.

>> No.13969592

Shut the fuck up nigger enabler. The second the rule of law fails is the second I feed you to my hogs. Pray that the state keeps bumbling along, because if it disappears there will be no mercy for individuals like you.

>> No.13969618
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Based but it’s not Africa that needs nuking.

>> No.13969626
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>Pray that the state keeps bumbling along, because if it disappears there will be no mercy for individuals like you.

Gigacringe. You're a fag.

>> No.13969660


Think what you want. I smile every time I visit the range, because I know little shitheels like you will fall like wheat before a scythe when the shit hits the fan. Murdered, more than likely, by the niggers you idolize and enable.

So keep on keeping on, little goyim. Suck down your sugar water and caffeine, and keep jerking off to cartoons. You have already made yourself less than human, so nobody will really mourn your passing when you disappear from the face of the planet.

>> No.13969669


>> No.13969984

Develop some real estate

>> No.13970045

Umm have you tried having sex?

>> No.13970063
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1261, 921F48F2-37EB-421E-A39A-79C568BECEC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be born a Rothchild.

>> No.13970072

I don't like niggers, you're just a funny autist. Keep saying more stuff go.

>> No.13970263


>Change your last name to Rothchild

That's the way you do it. Money for nothing and chicks for free.

>> No.13970839


>> No.13971582

ask your old man for a few million dollars and use it to develop real estate. then hire someone to write a book about it.

>> No.13971601

You have to go back.

>> No.13971891
