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File: 36 KB, 500x495, femanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13965662 No.13965662 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>good mood all day
>went grocery shopping with roastie
>walking from car to store she says, "Gimme kiss"
>I said "In a minute just need to get a trolley"
>she walks back to the car and says she is not coming until I give her a kiss
>I just go and do a full weekly shop on my own
>come back to car and she is still standing there like a retard
>load car and drive home without saying a word
>now she is mad at me

What the fuck is wrong with women, are they mentally the age of 4 or something? I am fucking raging now.

>> No.13965675

Women are immature. Learn it.

>> No.13965689

> You've changed since you're holding link Fred
> And why all those photos of a naked russian fat guy in your phone?

>> No.13965690 [DELETED] 

women are little children, you can try for yourself, give a 10 year old 500€ and a woman 500€.
both are gone the next day.

>> No.13965701

you dont seem to grasp the basics of interacting with other people.

she wants something and doesnt get it. :( mad
she wants something and gets it. :) happy

i mean thats basicly what markets do too
they teach this shit even in classes for autists

>> No.13965718

>says she is not coming until I give her a kiss
>I just go and do a full weekly shop on my own
She was being petty but you escalated desu

>> No.13965733

Yup, often times they are. You want to look for one that's not too entitled and basically parent her into a decent human.

The reason this happens is because of pussy pass. Women just get away with shit they shouldnt - mental illness, crime, shitty weird and immature behavior. When a woman is angry she's cute and "she couldnt hurt a fly" but a man needs anger management / cops called and so on... Growing up like this gives you little opportunity for growth.

>> No.13965820

you're supposed to bait her with it, make her work for it, not just flat deny it. have you ever played with a kitten? if you let them get the string, they lose interest. if you take the string away, they lose interest. but if you keep it just out of reach, letting them get a small taste once in a while, they'll always keep playing.

>> No.13965932

Shes trying classic subtle mental domination over you, like insecure women have done for millenia.
Dont give in, but dont make an issue about it.
You are the man in the relationship. Her feeble attemps will not change that and wont be noticed

>> No.13965971

Omg stop that fags, you're becoming a little paranoid

>> No.13965998

Give your women a fucking kiss

>> No.13966015

Sadly he's all in Link, he can't

>> No.13966016


>> No.13966028

shes raging cause all she wanted was a kiss anon. but now you are both raging like retard autists

>> No.13966034

fuck them seriously
> gives kiss - be a obedient beta
> don't give a kiss - stubborn asshole who doesn't love her - drama for the rest of the day
second option is better but why they have to come up with this stupid shit all the time. Just fucking shop for groceries without all the bs.
It really is that simple

>> No.13966085

>What the fuck is wrong with women, are they mentally the age of 4 or something?


>> No.13966251

That's how you do it, m8. Nearly everything they do is a fucking test, they try to train you like a dog, soon as they have you trained, they move on.

Best way is to just do your own thing and leave them to it, treat them like children because mentally, they literally are.

They'll sulk for a while, but again ignore it and ultimately they'll be back to normal, then ready for the next shit test..

Some do this more than others, especially the neurotic, non-confident ones.

>> No.13966261

Nice work passing her shit test though.

>> No.13966264

>gf playfully tells me to kiss her
>too stubborn and autistic to do so

>> No.13966290

Sit next to her and tell her you won’t apologize unless she kisses you

>> No.13966303


>What the fuck is wrong with women, are they mentally the age of 4 or something?


>> No.13966318


>> No.13966332

This is why hitting women often is effective

>> No.13966334

Not gonna make it anon

>> No.13966349

she is making herself vulnerable by asking to get kissed and you rejected her to do something so mundane as getting a trolley, then she got desperate and basically made an idiot out of herself but you rejected her again

im glad i never ever get lonely and i will never ever compromise my free will just to get my dick wet once a week, you should feel really bad by having a high level autist like myself explain a social situation to you

>> No.13966369

There are 3 options for a successful relationship.
1 you submit to her. This is difficult to pull off because women generally want a man that takes charge so she's more likely to cheat/leave
2 she submits to you. When a woman accepts you as an alpha male, she'll almost always stay in line and things like this won't happen.
3 she's a chill bro with a vagina and everything is pretty much drama free.

You clearly have none of the 3.

>> No.13966388

I'm not paranoid. What I said can be proven. It's a known fact that female crime and mental illness is under reported and often left untreated.

>> No.13966396

1 never works
2 is the only one that works. You might not be "alpha" but she thinks you are until she thinks you're not
3 is a meme, she thinks you're 2 and wants to be your girlfriend but isn't. If you were 1 then 3 is impossible.

It's either 2, or fuck you. Also, women don't care how you got to being at 2, or how you were before you were 2 (if you weren't 2), they only care that RIGHT NOW you are at 2 - simple as

>> No.13966415

>pre marital kissing in public
Yikes! Drop that ho!

>> No.13966423

>walking from car to store she says, "Gimme kiss"

Autism or LARP. Just kiss her deeply like you want to fuck her there and then. Then fuck her when you get home.

>> No.13966432


>> No.13966464
File: 638 KB, 1280x853, sergeyfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS MAN is trying as HARD as he CAN to MAKE YOU RICH.

>> No.13966481

Based and redpilled

>> No.13966568

living organism are always bad investment, since they always die off and all your investment goes to 0.

>> No.13966584

>women are kids
>just like with kids you must know
>what battles to fight
>and how to coax her/change her mind while having her still think of you as a demigod

the difference between you and Chad isn't just looks. His looks allow him to say something and the woman just listen and trust. If you aren't naturally good looking, I'm sorry about that. However, with a bit of effort you can still use rhetoric (not necessarily reason) to softly banter with the woman. She will respect you more when she listens to you and good things happen. Similarly, if she wants to do something dumb with minor consequences you can say "I don't think that's the best because X will probably happen because Y, but you can still try". When they see your predictive power they are more likely to listen to you in the future.

In op's scenario
>woman wants a sign of affection
>man wants to avoid proving that he's totally whipped
>he succeeded at this, but now he shows that he lacks tact and charm
the way to ideally solve this is show her affection without being whipped
>run and jump into my arms and I'll give you one

You can even escalate the intimacy and what you do for her, so long as you have her doing it on your terms. They actually prefer it and seem to be signaling it. They want you to do their thing, but they present it poorly so that you have the opportunity to do it better

>> No.13966605

Enlightened, desu. I bet you have a solid portfolio too. 'imple as

>> No.13966618




>> No.13966626

Women are mentally children. Deal with them as such

>> No.13966639

He was being alpha as fuck nigga

>> No.13966644

>You can even escalate the intimacy and what you do for her, so long as you have her doing it on your terms. They actually prefer it and seem to be signaling it.

what do you think of my suggestion >>13966423

>> No.13966662

meant to quote >>13966584

>> No.13966709
File: 2.46 MB, 800x800, 1559275978009.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm passive aggressive w/ my 22 yr old gf but OP is autistic leaving her out there kissless. If I was there and witnessed that shit, I would have fucked his girl and she'd happily eat my skeet, then kiss him afterwards. Cuck

>> No.13966786

I would be careful of ever doing it on her terms UNLESS she doesn't ask for much. You have to adjust it for each girl.

You may have a girl who rarely, if ever, asks for that type of validation. If she rarely does, then you can probably do it on her terms without being whipped. This is pretty rare because the type of guy seeing this advice probably isn't in a relationship where she's sending genuine signals for endearment instead of shit tests

>> No.13966800

Hahahahahahahahhaha you don’t have a roastie you have a 12 year old. Did you want children at this age? If not, get rid of her. Teenagers are NOT fun

>> No.13966824

Works in the early days of a relationship. After years, she'll just feel she has you wrapped around her little finger.

That stuff works, but it has to be on YOUR terms, not hers.

The answers about playfully making her want to "earn" it are the best. But if that fails or she's just in a cunty / childish mood (this happens often with some), doing like the OP did is best, act like she's not there / doesn't matter.

Could you EVER see a block from the 1950s/60s bothering himself with such childish bullshit? Why should you.

The only thing OPs doing wrong is sitting raging about it. Don't give her the drama! or have her feel she's affected you in any way. Go back to your normal, happy self and act like it didn't even happen (even if it pisses you off internally). That way they'll see you're stoic, unmovable, reliable. Many women say they want a man "who will put up with my bullshit", what they actually want is one that DOESN'T.

Rock in the storm sort of bullshit, that's what they really want. They don't even understand their own fucking emotions, so don't let yourself be affected by them either.

>> No.13966831

have sex incel

>> No.13966852 [DELETED] 

If you give in and give her what she wants, you fail the shit test and lose alpha status. You are now a beta in her eyes and she will continuously escalate her bullying and demands on you.

If you try to be alpha and ignore her like you did, you get shit for the rest of the day/week/however long she wants to keep this up.

The right move was to not give in, but satisfy her anyway. By saying "I'm not gonna kiss you bitch. You want a kiss, come here and give me a kiss."

And maybe be more alpha by adding "but not until after you get me a trolley".

Seriously, if you want a relationship,you are going to have to deal with mind gams like this ALL THE TIME.

Relationships are a meme.
Stay single, fuck hookers.
Can't afford to do it anytime you want?
Then get rich.
You're on biz, that's a start.

>> No.13966853

>not just driving straight back without going grocery shopping

>> No.13966862

OP here.

I ate some food and ignored her, now she is fine again. Seriously though I am 29 and she is 24, hopefully she grows out of this shit if she expects me to put babies into her.

>> No.13966871

If you give in and give her what she wants, you fail the shit test and lose alpha status. You are now a beta in her eyes and she will continuously escalate her bullying and demands on you.

If you try to be alpha and ignore her like you did, you get shit for the rest of the day/week/however long she wants to keep this up.

The right move was to not give in, but satisfy her anyway. By saying "I'm not gonna kiss you bitch. You want a kiss, come here and give me a kiss."
And maybe be more alpha by adding "but not until after you get me a trolley".

Seriously, if you want a relationship,you are going to have to deal with mind gams like this ALL THE TIME.

Relationships are a meme.
Stay single, fuck hookers.
Can't afford to do it anytime you want?
Then get rich.
You're on biz, that's a start.

>> No.13966899

>Look at her knowingly
>Lean in for kiss
>Pull away once she leans in
>Let her pout
>"I'll give you a kiss once you come in with me"

Problem solved, you're the caring bf and still making the rules.

>> No.13966970

Unfortunately not. Some are less childish / neurotic than others, but they are ALL like this at their core.

If you know programming, women ALL inherit from the same base class. Their properties might be different, but otherwise their core code is exactly the same.

The way of handling them should be the same also, do you see how you didn't put up with her bullshit (but otherwise didn't react stupidly either), went on with your day and everything is back to normal? This is what they actually want, (though they say otherwise).

She will see you as a reliable man and calm the bullshit a little, but unfortunately it will never stop, they will keep testing, forever. Unfortunately it is in their nature.

Learn how to handle it, sometimes outright say you're not dealing with their bullshit, and go about your business. When they calm down and be a good girl again, THEN reward them with intimacy, but not too much or every time.

It's very fine line you have to tread, but welcome to relationships, heh.

>> No.13966980

>Look at her knowingly
>Lean in for kiss
>Pull away once she leans in
>Let her pout
>"I'll give you a kiss once you eat these eggs"

>> No.13966991

That's reacting to her bullshit and countering childishness with childishness, she's LOVE it if you put yourself out too. Her stupid actions would then have had an effect on you.

They'll ramp it up even more next time. Women LOVE drama and having some kind of "impact", why the fuck do you think they love being on social media all the time? They love to be the star of their own show, which is why they act out so much, they feel too "small" in this big, big world, and their only impact is by throwing tantrums.

Best way is to do what OP did and class it / them as totally irrelevant.

>> No.13967001

>hopefully she grows out of this shit if she expects me to put babies into her
I've never met a woman who didn't pull shit tests.
The state of constant mind games is fucking draining.

Women are a bag of crazy hormones.
The most sane women I've met were already past menopause.

Relationships are a meme.

>> No.13967037

This is the correct method, but it is very hard to straddle that fine line. What happens if she then just plonks her feet and says "No, not doing it", then again, she's the one with the upper hand, even if you do it yourself.

Have to guage the mood and see whether she's just being playfully silly, or stupid and cunty. If it's the latter, doing what OP did is the safest way, less headache for you then too.

If you CAN do the former, then do so. Make things fun and she'll be cunty a lil less, and it actually means you both have a playful / good time, but it all depends on what sort of mood she's in.

But yes, you are correct, the mind games never stop, and it is very, very draining.

Don't agree with the hooker method purely though, have kids at least, otherwise stupid cunty women are having the biggest impact ever, making you end your own line.

Once you've had and raised strong kids though, do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.13967042

you actually did the right thing. don't reward her child-like behavior and don't cave in to her nonsense. She's essentially acting like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum because she didn't get what she wanted.

Just continue to ignore her and go about your regular business. Do what you'd normally do. Eventually she'll either calm down or leave, either one is fine.

>> No.13967066


She already did, heh: >>13966862
Like fucking clockwork.

You can tell the difference between the virgin incels and the blokes who have actually been in relationships on here.

>> No.13967119

I am so glad I found this topic because my gf is constantly testing me and I thought I was doing something wrong

>> No.13967213

Option 3 , if your GF is a tranny.

>> No.13967280

They are full of shit. For instance my GF was bitching how she never gets invited to my work events, dinners and events (blah blah blah your company is so mean to the wives they never do enough for them). Next day I win an award for the company, where they are going to pay to fly both of us to be flown and wine and dined for an award ceremony. She bitches and says she doesn’t want to Goto it as these events are too stuffy.

>> No.13967329
File: 18 KB, 243x207, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon can't read human emotions, just goes off and does something else
That's peak autism

>> No.13967345
File: 131 KB, 960x1280, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex incel
>Pic related, it's you

>> No.13967348

Heh, exactly like a child isn't it. Throwing a tantrum because wants what doesn't have, then when gets it, doesn't want it.

Just wants the attention / drama, that is all.

Just go by yourself and enjoy yourself, don't answer your phone till the next day etc. She'll have a shit fit wondering what's going on without her.

>> No.13967362

Easy to spot the virgin who's never had to deal with an actual woman.

Being some thott's beta orbiter is NOT the same as being in a relationship.

>> No.13967367
File: 69 KB, 866x475, incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13967400
File: 28 KB, 400x363, fortheautismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better make some flash-cards and memorize this stuff before the AI interviewer checks for your bias™ and you can't recognize that the black man is neutral, not angry

>> No.13967408

congrats, you passed her shit test

you're gonna make it

>> No.13967455

lol, look at this faggot.

Are you craving for attention too? You call people autists / incels then furiously spew out a load of spergy internet bullshit that only a 24/7 bedroom fapper would know.

Get married, beta.
(It will certainly open your eyes).

>> No.13967461

Why are you reddit spacing

>> No.13967493
File: 154 KB, 1300x1300, 1547068024748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't reddit spacing you turbo brainlet.

>> No.13967500

So... you are shocked because a girl you have a relationship with expects signs of affection?

>> No.13967519
File: 166 KB, 680x566, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13967528

Yes, the mature alphas clearly complain about it on /biz/

>> No.13967552

You are such a faggot it’s unbelieveable. I bet you barely shower and expect her to “look great” for you

>> No.13967556

stop being autistic. you can be happy she was still at the car and not getting railed by jamal.

>> No.13967559

it's women's way of slowly breaking down your spirit anon, as they cannot stand seeing a man happy. be prepared for your soul to be eroded in the same way water carved out the grand canyon

>> No.13967561

Don't judge these kinds of people too hard. They are literally autists

>> No.13967566
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1547068100345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is reddit spacing

Do you see now?


>> No.13967575

>This is reddit spacing
No, that isn't reddit spacing
This is what happens when you press enter once

This is what happens when you press enter twice

This is what happens if you press enter three times

>> No.13967584

You can't expect a "special" need who got kicked out of school at 8, to actually know what paragraphs are, or be able to write a formal document.

Fact he actually knows what's reddit and what's not, tells you more than enough, heh.

That's not affection, m8. Making demands, stomping your feet and then sulking like a 5 year old because didn't IMMEDIATELY get what wanted isn't being nice. When you've been in a relationship long enough you'll understand genuine affection actually doesn't mean all that much to women, it's simply a tool to get what they want.

The trick is to know WHEN to give it, and as other anon said, it must be on your terms. You cannot let them train you like a dog, otherwise you become just another beta orbiter.

>> No.13967612

I just see them as children who are holding an object of value, pussy, and must be treated as such. If you had taken the whole 10 seconds to walk over and kiss her you would have had roastie arm candy to make grocery qts jealous, and likely gotten pussy later in the day. Instead, you got your pride, your hand, and to deal with a pissy bitch all day; Bravo champ.

>> No.13967616

I'd like to imagine you're maybe thirteen years old, new to the chan, fresh off the boat from /r/thedonald (you probably found it from Fortnite). You've got a nice half TB kingston drive plugged into your chromebook that your grandma bought for your last Christmas gift, and you've loaded up the thing with pickup artist .pdfs you ripped from some P2P site. You religiously read these things and fantasize about your life as a Don Juan while getting substandard grades and not really paying attention to anything outside of your fantasy world. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have autism and you will need to learn how to interact with others in order to survive. I'm out of time and need to go now.

>> No.13967649

The amount of ass whooping with a bull leather belt I'd give you millennial introverts would put me in jail for child abuse.

I'd genuinely kill indifferent introverts as well as dumbasses who allow their cold behaviour. They bring nothing good to society and only breed more sociopathic fucknuggets to waste resources, like the germans and japanese, nothing but robots.

If I was your father I wouldn't even leave you an orphan, I'd leave you homeless so you learn some fucking empathy. Please give me your name and address so I can leave you infertile, your offspring will only ruin this planet more.

>> No.13967708

lol. t. 13 year old boomer.

Sure m8, what do you propose then? Go on, give us your best disney movie / romance novel cliché resolution to the situation.

For the record, no-one here is suggesting a policy of no intimacy at all. I'm a massive sloppy bastard with my GF when at home. But I certainly don't just give it her when she specifically DEMANDS it, especially not in public where she could try and make a scene.

It's called a shit-test. No this isn't PUA bullshit, it's just what females do all the time. Constantly fucking testing the boundaries to ensure they're still there, and you're still reliable for when they have their headfuck moments.

>> No.13967727
File: 261 KB, 1187x677, Starship_trooper_on_women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congradulations, you passed your first shit test.
She's wet af right now.

>> No.13967749

Epic roasted

>> No.13967785

Nah not really chads promote infancy in their waifus. Completely dependable and subservient.

>> No.13967805

Society has enabled women to get away with being willfully ignorant while at the same time being "adults".

>> No.13967869


>> No.13967882

I understand this, but it gets tiring after a while, especially when you just need to get something done. Like grocery shopping. You did the right thing, OP.

>> No.13967921

Only works if shes a dumb hoe who likes your 20 inch dick

Any smart hoe is calling the cops

>> No.13967933

Just kiss her you fag. Pick your battles.

>> No.13967944


Dont get her pregnant

>> No.13968770
File: 97 KB, 640x896, GwTU0qPNtEsgb0sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe 3d teenagers are...

>> No.13968790

Avoid her at all costs.

>> No.13968793


>> No.13969166

The moment you give in, is the moment she gets pregnant by someone else.

The shit tests in a relationship are CONSTANT. You must never relent, even once.

They will remember stuff from 5+ years ago, shit you'd have forgot the day after.

>> No.13969379

I would say achieving professional success is the most important thing to strive for, certainly one of them. Women are rarely conducive to that and generally outright distractions and time drains from your goals because they are attention hogs. By definition anything you feel is worth your time, a woman will be jealous of and seek to sabotage. They are self-interest with no limits incarnate. They are percentage devoureers. Make $100 they want $110. Make $1,000,000 they want $1,000,001. The only thing that keeps them in line is you and they're only worth as much as your capacity or belief in your capacity to control them.

>> No.13970120

You could have just kissed her and went shopping but no you had to turn it into a thing. Was it worth it?

>> No.13970137


>> No.13970309

Pretty much this. I could write a book on how to keep women in line, but the chapter on how to prevent it from becoming a complete mental drain would be blank. I can pass ALL of their tests deftly, but I can't ever stop them from testing. You get so good at passing the tests that you just accept them as part of the whole deal, but that comes at the cost of being fully aware that the test you just passed is merely one of many more to come and they never end. This made me really resentful because growing up I was taught relationships and dating would be one way and then it turns out they're like this weird fucking game where some dickhead (the chick) is constantly testing you to see if they can find an excuse to start hating you.

You have to act in this really weirdly primal way that's not really congruent with success in any other aspect of your life, but it sure makes women satisfied. It's like if you're playing a sport at an elite level for a while, you hit a point where you're just like "why the fuck am I even putting myself through this, this is stupid." The game you loved becomes like an easily solvable, yet tedious math problem to you. Life is going to test you enough as is, it's going to make you feel like a prick sometimes because that's what's required to get shit done. Throwing some chick into the mix who in theory is supposed to be in your corner, but instead is constantly trying to find her opportunity to stab at you and force you to be an asshole that you don't want to be just isn't worth it. Every woman you will ever date will at several points dare you to punch them in the face.

I'm pretty sure this is their biological function. The alpha in the tribe must be strong, so everyday the women try to stab him. When the women can finally stab him and bring him down, he is no longer worthy of being the head of the tribe. They're basically biologically geared to suicide bomb their own team.

>> No.13970356

>What the fuck is wrong with women, are they mentally the age of 4 or something? I am fucking raging now.

You should of gave her a good fucking when you two got home, or at least gave her a good spanking for acting like a brat.

>> No.13970387

They don’t, find a bitch that doesn’t play stupid ass games.
>B-But they all play games!
Only if you let them. OP did the right thing by just leaving her there, but he’s an idiot for stressing over it. If the bitch is mad tell her you don’t have time for kid games and that she can fuck off somewhere else. It’s that simple.

>> No.13971005

Why would you do something as inane as not giving her a kiss when she asked for it and wants to bond with you and instead do your entire shopping run?

>> No.13971040

4000 sats or worse by next month. The project is possibly dead in the water after this knowledge.

Sybil attacks are possible since sybil resistance requires KYC or "trustworthy" node operators. Most people won't KYC because it's antithetical to the idea of crypto itself being decentralized and "anonymous". Therefore, since most operators won't want to KYC, LINK will not be sybil resistant.

Now why does RLC make LINK obsolete in this regard? It's simple. The PoCo algorithm is so well designed that iExec's dOracles can rely on it instead of KYC for sybil resistance.

Boom. I sold all of my LINK at 1.40 because I knew after RLC v3 dumped, that even LINK would dump.

I will not be buying back after learning this. I am all in RLC at the price of 0.43$, about 0.7x ICO price.

Sorry gentlemen, I thought LINK was going to save me just like all of us did, but this is the nail in the coffin.

>> No.13971273

I always do the reddit spacing even though I don't even have an account there

>> No.13971842

please have some fucking sex

>> No.13972008

get a load of this beta. man up faggit

>> No.13972109

>please have some fucking sex

Why are you so obsessed with the sex lives of other people, Moshe?

>> No.13972213

incel; have sex and everything will become clear to you

>> No.13972395

I've been watching ask reddit videos on YouTube because some of the topics are interesting but I cant handle the way they type out their posts/comments and their tryhard jokes that are almost always bombarded with upvotes. It's really cringy. Anybody else appaled by the overall sense of humor on reddit? It comes across as forced and beta-y

>> No.13972431

I only do so on /pol/

>> No.13972570

you're both petty and deserve each other end of story